513 resultados para A. Polyaniline (PANI)


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Darstellung und elektronische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von neuartigen stickstoff- und damit elektronenreichen Poly(para-phenylenen) untersucht. Der Teilbereich „Polycarbazole“ befasst sich mit der Synthese von konjugierten (Stufen)leiterpolymeren auf der Basis von Carbazol. Dazu wurde ein neuer und effizienter Syntheseweg zur Gewinnung von 2,7-Dibromcarbazol entwickelt. Durch die weitere Funktionalisierung von 2,7-Dibromcarbazol gelang es, elektronenreiche Leiterpolymere zu gewinnen, die eine grüne Emissionsfarbe aufwiesen. Mit der Verwendung von R = 2-Decyltetradecyl als löslichkeitsfördernder Seitenkette in einem Poly(2,7-carbazol) konnte erstmals ein hochmolekulares Polycarbazol gewonnen werden. Dieses gut lösliche Poly(2,7-carbazol) erwies sich als ein exzellentes Donatormaterial in Solarzellen, welches in Kombination mit dem Farbstoff PDI eine effiziente Solarzelle ergab. Eine OLED mit einem neuartigen arylierten Polycarbazol als Emittermaterial zeigte eine sehr niedrige Turn-on-Spannung und eine intensive blaue EL-Emission. Das Kapitel über imidazolhaltige Poly(para-phenylene) und Discoten stellt die Darstellung von planarisierten Bisimidazolen vor, welche in hohen Ausbeuten durch eine intramolekulare Buchwald-Reaktion zwischen den Imidazolringen und der zentralen Terphenyleinheit durchgeführte wurde. Die dreistufige Darstellung der Discoten aus einem Terephthalaldehyd-Derivat und einem Benzil erlaubt eine einfache sowie variable Einführung von löslichkeitsfördernden Alkylsubstituenten. Auf diese Weise ist der Zugang zu einer völlig neuartigen Klasse an discotischen Materialien möglich, die eine Kombination aus Discoten auf der Basis von Benzolringen (wie z.B. HBC) mit Heteroaromaten darstellen. Die gewonnenen scheibenförmigen Bisimidazole wiesen dementsprechend auf Selbstanordnung zurückzuführende kolumnare Anordnungen und hexagonale Überstrukturen auf. Im dritten Themengebiet wird der Einbau eines Phthalimidchromophors direkt in das Rückgrad von Polyanilin vorgestellt. Da jegliche Veränderung des Oxidationsgrades zu einer unterschiedlichen Donatorfähigkeit des Polyanilinhauptkette führt, variiert in Abhängigkeit davon das Absorptionsverhalten des eingebauten Farbstoffes. Durch die Einführung des Phthalimidchromophores war es zudem möglich, ein leitfähiges Polymer zu erhalten, das im Gegensatz zum nicht-fluoreszierenden Polyanilin eine intensive gelbe Fluoreszenz (lmax = 547 nm) aufweist.


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In questo elaborato sono descritti la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema tomografico con sorgente di raggi X da 300 kV per analisi nel campo dei Beni Culturali; in particolare sono stati effettuati test preliminari sia per verificare le prestazioni del tubo a raggi X e dello schermo scintillatore sia per avere indicazioni utili alla progettazione (e conseguente costruzione) del box di rivelazione. Il collaudo della sorgente di raggi X è stato eseguito con lo studio dell'andamento della dose integrale e/o del rateo di dose in funzione della tensione, della corrente e del tempo d'irraggiamento. La caratterizzazione dello schermo scintillatore di CsI(Tl) è basata sul confronto delle sue caratteristiche con uno schermo analogo di spessore differente nelle stesse condizioni sperimentali, attraverso lo studio dei parametri standard dei dispositivi per imaging, quali la curva di risposta, il rapporto segnale-rumore e la risoluzione spaziale. Inoltre, come ulteriore test, lo schermo scintillatore è stato utilizzato per l’indagine tomografica di alcuni pani di terra contenenti olle di epoca villanoviana. Per la progettazione del box rivelatore sono state invece svolte misure di tipo ottico. I vari test svolti in laboratorio hanno dato risultati positivi e hanno dimostrato la validità dei componenti scelti per il nuovo sistema tomografico, il cui assemblaggio verrà completato a breve, essendo stata ultimata proprio in queste settimane la costruzione del box di rivelazione.


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Nell'elaborato sono analizzati diversi tipi di algoritmi di routing per reti VANET. Nel secondo capitolo verrà fornita una panoramica delle reti MANET e VANET. Nel terzo capitolo sono viste le caratteristiche delle reti VANET. Nel quarto verranno esposte le peculiarità di classificazione dei protocolli di routing routing e nel quinto capitolo saranno analizzati diversi protocolli di routing proposti fino ad ora nella letteratura.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Synthesestrategie von π-konjugierten Plasmapolymeren durch die Anwendung von vorstrukturierten aromatischen Precursoren und gepulsten Niederdruckplasmen. Es gelang erstmals die strukturtreue Synthese von π-konjugierten organischen Plasmapolymeren mit dem vollkommenen Erhalt der aromatischen Funktionalität und der selektiven para-Verknüpfung aromatischer Einheiten durch geeignete Heteroatome. Hierbei kamen 1,4-Dithiophenol zur Synthese von Plasmapoly(p-phenylensulfid) und 4-Iodanilin zur Synthese von Plasmapolyanilin zur Anwendung. Die mit hoher Präzision abgeschiedenen Filme konnten sowohl postsynthetisch als auch in situ p-dotiert werden. Die chemischen Strukturen sowie deren physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften konnten vor allem mittels Röntgenphotoelektronen-, UV-VIS-NIR-, IR-, NMR-, ESR- und Impedanz-Spektroskopie aufgeklärt werden. Die synthetisierten dotierten Plasmapolymere zeigten eindeutig ohmsche Leistungsmechanismen, teilweise mit einer Leitfähigkeitserhöhung von bis zu 8 Dekaden gegenüber dem undotierten konventionellen Polymer.


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Il rinnovato interesse da parte dei consumatori per le caratteristiche nutrizionali degli alimenti incentiva la ricerca in campo agroalimentare a sviluppare nuovi prodotti per il mercato attuale sempre più attento a salute e benessere. È in questo contesto che nasce a livello europeo il progetto Bake4Fun mirato allo sviluppo di soluzioni biotecnologiche innovative per la messa a punto di nuovi prodotti da forno funzionali. Nell’ambito di questo progetto europeo, lo scopo dello studio oggetto di questo elaborato di laurea è stato quello di valutare le proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie di diverse tipologie di pani creati ad hoc con farina di frumento o di farro e sottoposti a fermentazione convenzionale o con pasta madre (sourdough). Il farro appartiene alla famiglia dei cosiddetti “cereali antichi” e grazie al suo elevato profilo nutrizionale si presenta come un promettente candidato per la produzione di alimenti dalle proprietà benefiche. Similmente anche diverse tipologie di fermentazione sembrano in grado di possedere caratteristiche salutistiche. Pertanto, nell’ambito di B4F sono stati formulati e prodotti diversi tipi di pane e se ne sono voluti studiare i possibili effetti antiossidanti ed antiinfiammatori in vivo sul modello sperimentale del suino. Dopo 30 giorni di dieta arricchita con i diversi prodotti sperimentali miscelate in un rapporto di 1:1 con una dieta standard è stato valutato lo stato redox plasmatico mediante l’analisi di tre indicatori del danno ossidativo, quali TAC, GSH e TBARS. Il grado d’infiammazione è stato invece valutato attraverso l’analisi di otto citochine (IFNα, IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 e TNFα) utilizzando un saggio multiparametrico di tipo ELISA. Tutti gli animali impiegati godevano di buona salute ed i loro plasmi sono stati analizzati sia all’inizio (T0) sia alla fine (T30) dell’esperimento. Sebbene i risultati conseguiti in relazione allo status ossidativo ed infiammatorio nei suini impiegati non abbiano evidenziato particolari differenze tra i diversi tipi di diete sperimentali, non si esclude che eventuali variazioni delle condizioni sperimentali possano portare a conclusioni diverse o che gli effetti siano maggiormente visibili a livello di altri parametri quali, ad esempio, la variazione della microflora intestinale o l’indice glicemico dei prodotti. Questa possibilità unitamente all’importanza degli effetti salutistici dei cereali antichi e delle diverse tipologie di fermentazione, giustificate da altre ricerche in letteratura, sottolineano la necessità di ulteriori studi in questo ambito.


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Previous reports indicate that the expression and/or activity of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) LAR are increased in insulin-responsive tissues of obese, insulin-resistant humans and rodents, but it is not known whether these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress human LAR, specifically in muscle, to levels comparable to those reported in insulin-resistant humans. In LAR-transgenic mice, fasting plasma insulin was increased 2.5-fold compared with wild-type controls, whereas fasting glucose was normal. Whole-body glucose disposal and glucose uptake into muscle in vivo were reduced by 39–50%. Insulin injection resulted in normal tyrosyl phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in muscle of transgenic mice. However, phosphorylation of IRS-2 was reduced by 62%, PI3′ kinase activity associated with phosphotyrosine, IRS-1, or IRS-2 was reduced by 34–57%, and association of p85α with both IRS proteins was reduced by 39–52%. Thus, overexpression of LAR in muscle causes whole-body insulin resistance, most likely due to dephosphorylation of specific regulatory phosphotyrosines on IRS proteins. Our data suggest that increased expression and/or activity of LAR or related PTPs in insulin target tissues of obese humans may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.


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We recently have shown that selective growth of transplanted normal hepatocytes can be achieved in a setting of cell cycle block of endogenous parenchymal cells. Thus, massive proliferation of donor-derived normal hepatocytes was observed in the liver of rats previously given retrorsine (RS), a naturally occurring alkaloid that blocks proliferation of resident liver cells. In the present study, the fate of nodular hepatocytes transplanted into RS-treated or normal syngeneic recipients was followed. The dipeptidyl peptidase type IV-deficient (DPPIV−) rat model for hepatocyte transplantation was used to distinguish donor-derived cells from recipient cells. Hepatocyte nodules were chemically induced in Fischer 344, DPPIV+ rats; livers were then perfused and larger (>5 mm) nodules were separated from surrounding tissue. Cells isolated from either tissue were then injected into normal or RS-treated DPPIV− recipients. One month after transplantation, grossly visible nodules (2–3 mm) were seen in RS-treated recipients transplanted with nodular cells. They grew rapidly, occupying 80–90% of the host liver at 2 months, and progressed to hepatocellular carcinoma within 4 months. By contrast, no liver nodules developed within 6 months when nodular hepatocytes were injected into the liver of recipients not exposed to RS, although small clusters of donor-derived cells were present in these animals. Taken together, these results directly point to a fundamental role played by the host environment in modulating the growth and the progression rate of altered cells during carcinogenesis. In particular, they indicate that conditions associated with growth constraint of the host tissue can drive tumor progression in vivo.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese, caracterizaão e aplicaão de sistemas poliméricos baseados em polímeros condutores em sistemas de liberaão controlada de drogas. Esta tese pode ser dividida em duas partes: na primeira se apresentam os resultados da aplicaão de filmes de polianilina e polipirrol na liberaão de drogasmodelo como a dopamina protonada e o ácido salicílico. Na liberaão de salicilato utilizou-se um filme polianilina eletrosintetizado e dopado com íons cloreto. Já para a liberaão de dopamina protonada (um cátion) a liberaão foi conduzida a partir de um sistema bicamadas, com um filme de polianilina recoberta com uma camada de Náfion. É mostrada a liberaão controlada nos dois casos, porém também se discutem limitaãoes deste tipo de sistema que levaram ao estudo de uma forma alternativa de controle eletroquímico utilizando polímeros condutores. A segunda parte do trabalho mostra então esta nova metodologia que se baseia em compósitos de poianilina eletropolimerizada no interior de hidrogéis de poliacrilamida. É mostrado que este novo material é eletroativo e mantém as características de intumescimento dos hidrogéis, tanto necessárias ao desenvolvimento destes sistemas de liberaão controlada. Mecanismos para o crescimento e distribuição da polianilina na matriz isolante e para a atuaão do compósito no controle eletroquímico da liberaão são propostos com base nos dados de microscopia de força atômica, Raman e eletrônica de varredura, além de testes de liberaão controlada com moléculas de diferentes cargas.


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A simple method was used to synthesize poly(2-aminophenol), poly(2-aminophenol-co-Aniline) and polyaniline nanocomposites with sodium-montmorillonite (Na-M) using in situ intercalative oxidative polymerization. Morphology and thermal properties of the synthesized nanocomposites were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and thermogravimetric analysis. The thermal analysis shows an improved thermal stability of the nanocomposites in comparison with the pure poly(2-aminophenol). The intercalation of polymers into the clay layers was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies, TEM images and FTIR spectroscopy. In addition, the room temperature conductivity values of these nanocomposites varied between 8.21 × 10−5 and 6.76 × 10−4 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites, has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerization into Na-M produces electroactive polymers.


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A novel polymer/TiC nanocomposites “PPA/TiC, poly(PA-co-ANI)/TiC and PANI/TiC” was successfully synthesized by chemical oxidation polymerization at room temperature using p-anisidine and/or aniline monomers and titanium carbide (TiC) in the presence of hydrochloric acid as a dopant with ammonium persulfate as oxidant. These nanocomposites obtained were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). XRD indicated the presence of interactions between polymers and TiC nanoparticle and the TGA revealed that the TiC nanoparticles improve the thermal stability of the polymers. The electrical conductivity of nanocomposites is in the range of 0.079–0.91 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerisation on TiC nanoparticles produces electroactive polymers. These nanocomposite microspheres can potentially used in commercial applications as fillers for antistatic and anticorrosion coatings.


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"El costo de la publicaciʹon de este libro ha sido sufragado por el gobierno federal de la Republica, y el producto bruto de su venta sera destinado a la Universidad popular mexicana": p.[3]


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Photopyroelectric (PPE) spectroscopy, in the 350-1,075 nm wavelength range, was used to study the optical properties of electropolymerized melanin films on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. The PPE intensity signal as a function of the wavelength lambda, V (n)(lambda) and its phase F (n)(lambda) were independently measured. Using the PPE signal intensity and the thermal and optical properties of the pyroelectric detector, we were able to calculate the optical absorption coefficient beta of melanin in the solid-state. We believe this to be the first such measurement of its kind on this material. Additionally, we found an optical gap in these melanin films at 1.70 eV.


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This paper reviews the recent research and development of clay-based polymer nanocomposites. Clay minerals, due to their unique layered structure, rich intercalation chemistry and availability at low cost, are promising nanoparticle reinforcements for polymers to manufacture low-cost, lightweight and high performance nanocomposites. We introduce briefly the structure, properties and surface modification of clay minerals, followed by the processing and characterization techniques of polymer nanocomposites. The enhanced and novel properties of such nanocomposites are then discussed, including mechanical, thermal, barrier, electrical conductivity, biodegradability among others. In addition, their available commercial and potential applications in automotive, packaging, coating and pigment, electrical materials, and in particular biomedical fields are highlighted. Finally, the challenges for the future are discussed in terms of processing, characterization and the mechanisms governing the behaviour of these advanced materials.


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Formic acid oxidation has been widely studied at Pt as a model reaction to understand fundamental aspects of electrocatalytic reactions in fuel cells. Electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid takes place through two parallel pathways (direct and indirect). The indirect pathway proceeds via CO as an intermediate, which is known to be responsible for the poisoning of Pt and its consequent decrease in activity. Surface modification of Pt with ad-atoms is known to hinder this poisoning and promote the direct pathway. The incorporation of polymers (polyaniline, polycarbazole, polyindole) as supports also increases activity. Irreversibly adsorbed Sb and Bi on Pt are known to show high electrocatalytic activity for formic acid oxidation. This work presents the dependence of Sb and Bi irreversible adsorption on immersion time, metal solution concentration and pH. The activity of Sb and Bi modified Pt was correlated against immersion time and percent coverage of Pt by ad-atoms. Polyaniline support effects in combination with a Bi modified Pt catalyst showed enhancement in oxidation current compared to Pt-Bi.