1000 resultados para 332.274
O conhecimento científico sobre a associação de Thysanoptera com plantas nativas ou cultivadas na região Neotropical é praticamente inexistente. Este trabalho objetivou identificar as espécies de tripes e as plantas por eles visitadas ou utilizadas como hospedeiras em uma unidade de conservação, o Parque Estadual de Itapuã (30°22'S 51°02'W), Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Entre junho de 1999 e maio de 2001, ramos (n=1.274), flores (n=774) e touceiras de gramíneas (n=596) foram sistematicamente amostradas em 20 pontos em quatro transectos estandardizados. O total de 72 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 26 famílias foram identificadas, 60 das quais foram registradas como hospedeiras. Do total de 9.602 espécimes de tripes, 4.900 (50%) foram registrados em flores, 3.764 (39%) em ramos e 938 (10%) nas touceiras de gramíneas. Para 6.533 dos espécimes (4.480 imaturos e 2.053 adultos), foi possível identificar a planta na qual foram coletados. De uma riqueza total de 61 espécies de tripes, 35 foram registradas em flores, 36 em ramos e 14 em touceiras de gramíneas. As espécies de tripes mais abundantes e as plantas que apresentaram a mais alta diversidade de tripes são comentadas.
Nymphs and adults of Tingis americana Drake, 1922 were found feeding on leaves of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos and Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex A. DC.) Mattos in the Botanic Garden, Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This is the first record of T. americana on these host plants and in the southern Brazil. We aimed to compare the nymphal development on both hosts and to analyze the reproductive parameters on H. heptaphyllus (25 ± 1ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; 16 h photophase). The mean nymphal period (days) was shorter in individuals reared on H. heptaphyllus (12.69 ± 0.076) than on H. chrysotrichus (19.11 ± 0.208) (P < 0.0001), however, nymph viability was similar. On H. heptaphyllus, the mean embryonic period lasted 12.32 ± 0.274 days and the egg viability was 92%. The mean total and daily fecundity were 310.0 ± 19.40 eggs/female and 7.46 ± 0.302 eggs/female/day, respectively. Paired males and females showed similar longevity (P = 0.0691), while unpaired females lived longer than unpaired males (P = 0.0460).
1. In a series of 21 normal cases we found for fatty acids per 100 cc. of plasma an average of 332 mgm., being 314 mgm. for the male sex and 350 mgm. for the female sex. 2.- For lecithin, in four normal cases we found per 100 cc. of plasma 182 mgm. estimated by the contents is phosphorus which ranged from 6.12 to 9.0 mgrs. 3.- Cholesterol in 20 normal cases showed 172 mgm. per 100 cc. of plasma. The averages were 151 mgm. for men and 194 mgm. for women. 4.- The readings of the fractions were 2.01 for the ratio fatty acids divided by lecithins 0.90 for lecithin divided by cholesterol and 1.93 for fatty acids divided by cholesterol. 5.- On comparing the results obtained by us with those reported in foreign literature an absolute conformity is noted chiefly with the values supplied by Bloor and Horiuchi for the ratios among the various lipoid fractions. The average for Cholesterol is comparable with that obtained by Myers but is slightly under that of Bloor's. The lecithin contents found by us did not reach such high values as those supplied by foreign authors.
1º - Das aus den oeffentlichen Krankenhäusern von Rio de Janeiro stammende Sektionsmaterial umfasst einen beträchtlichen Prozentzatz von Individuen schwarzer und gemischter Rasse. Es besteht durchweg aus Angehörigen der sozial und oekonomisch niedersten Bevölkerungsschichten der Stadt und ihrer Vororte, die gemessen am Standard der Gesamtbevölkerung unter den dürftigsten hygienischen Bedingungen leben. So fanden sich unter 212 Autopsien aus dem Anfall der Pathologisch-Anatomischen Abteilung des Institutes Oswaldo Cruz im Jahr 1920 bei 111 Fällen schwarze oder Mischlinsfarbe protokolliert, (52,3%). Unter 349 Sektionen der gleichen Abteilung im Jahr 1938 waren 184 (= 52,7%) von Individuen von schwarzer oder gemischter Rasse. Ein derartiges Material bietet guenstige Bedingungen fuer die Untersuchung der Bedeutung der Rassenzugehoerigkeit als aetiologischem und pathogenem Faktor fuer bestimmte Affektionen, bei welchen sie in der Literatu in diesem Sinn angeführt worden ist. 2º - Unter 1080 Sektionen von Indiduen männlichen Geschlechts jeder Altersstufe aus dem Material der gleichen Abteilung der Jahre 1918-1926 fanden sich bei 214 Faellen syphilitische Befunde protokolliert. (19,8% der Faelle.) 129 (12%) wiesen eine Aortitis oder Arteritis syphilitica auf. 3º - Das histologische Material einer Serie von 528 Autopsien von Individuen im Alter unter 40 Jahren wurde auf das Vorkommen der fuer Nephrosclerose maligna (FAHR) typisch erachteten pathologischen Veraenderungen untersucht. Es wurden 4 Faelle festgestellt, die das Bild dieser Nephropathie zeigten. Unter den 528 Individuen dieser Gruppe waren 244 Weisse, (46,2%) 274 Schwarze oder Mischlinge (51,8%) Bei 10 war die Rassenzugehoerigkeit nicht ersichtlich. 4º - Unter Heranziehung von 6 weiteren Faellen aus anderen Serien von Sektionen der letzten 4 Jahre beläuft sich die Gesamtzahl der mikroskopisch festegestellen Faelle von Nephrosclerose maligna unter dem Material der Pathologisch-Anatomischen Abteilung des Institutes auf 10. Bei einem dieser Faelle (weiblichen Geschlechts) fand sich diese Nephropathie zusammen mit einer congenitalen Missbildung (Aplaise der linken Niere, des Ovarium und der Tube dieser Seite und Hypoplasie des Uterus). 7 dieser Faelle waren maennlichen Geschlechts. 3 waren von weisser, 2 von schwarzer Rasse, 5 waren mischrassig. 5º - Unsere Beobachtungen bieten keinen Anhalt fuer die Annahme, dass der Syphilis oder der Rassenzugehoerigkeit eine besondere Bebeutung fuer die Pathogenese der Nephrose maligna zukommt.
Os autores descrevem os adultos de uma nova espécie de flebótomo do gênero Psychodopygus, grupo squamiventris, que ocorre no sul do Estado do Pará, Brasil, baseando-se em 7 exemplares machos e 8 fêmeas, coletados com isca humana ou animal. Os machos têm genitália complexa, bem característica, distinguindo-se fàcilmente das epécies afins. As fêmeas são muito semelhantes às das demais espécies do grupo, separando-se, porém, pelo aspecto dos dutos individuais inteiramente esclerotinizados, pelo número de dentes verticais do cibário, de 12 a 20, e plo comprimento do terceiro segmento antenal: 265 a 332μ. Ratificam o parecer de Martins et al. sôbre a identidade de "L. squamiventris" do Amapá, segundo Forattini, com P. maripaensis, e mostram o que lhes parece ser o aspecto natural da genitália do macho dessa espécie. Acreditam na importância da nova espécie na transmissão de Leishmaniose tegumentar para o homem, salientando ainda os hábitos diuturnos das fêmeas.
Foi realizado um estudo seccional de campo do tipo "caso controle" sobre a morbilidade da doença de Chagas em quatro áreas endêmicas no Brasil, duas no Estado de Minas Gerais, uma no Estado do Piauí e outra no Estado da Paraíba, incluindo 716 pares de indivíduos da mesma idade e sexo, cada par constando de um indivíduo com sorologia positiva e outro com sorologia negativa para a infecção chagásica. Com esse tipo de estudo procurou-se determinar o componente exclusivamente chagásico na morbidade da doença em diferentes áreas do país. O gradiente de manifestações clínicas e alterações eletrocardiográficas entre o grupo com sorologia positiva e outro com sorologia negativa, estudado em 264 pares na área de Iguatama-Paris e 274 em Virgem da Lapa, ambas em Minas Gerais, e em 109 pares estudados nas localidades de Colônia e Oitis, em Oeiras, Piauí e em 69 nos municípios de Aguiar e Boqueirão dos Cochos na Paraíba, mostra nitidas diferenças regionais na morbilidade da doença. Nas áreas de Minas Gerais, embora a transmissão natural da infecção estivesse interrompida há 15 e 5 anos, respectivamente, o grau de morbilidade cardiológica pelo componente chagásico, considerando apenas as alterações eletrocardiográficas mais expressivas e específicas, no momento do estudo, foi de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto em Oeiras, no Piauí e em Aguiar e Boqueirão dos Cochos, na Paraíba, mesmo com transmissão ativa da infecção, a morbidade cardiológica pelo componente chagásico foi inferior a 15 e 10%, respectivamente
Empirical studies on industrial location do not typically distinguish between new and relocated establishments. This paper addresses this shortcoming using data on the frequency of these events in municipalities of the same economic-administrative region. This enables us to test not only for differences in their determinants but also for interrelations between start-ups and relocations. Estimates from count regression models for cross-section and panel data show that, although partial effects differ, common patterns arise in “institutional” and “neoclassical” explanatory factors. Also, start-ups and relocations are positive but asymmetrically related. JEL classification: C25, R30, R10. Keywords: cities, count data models, industrial location
T lymphocytes reactive with the product of the Mlsa-allele of the minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) locus use a predominant T-cell receptor beta-chain variable gene segment (V beta 6). Such V beta 6-bearing T cells are selectively eliminated in the thymus of Mlsa-bearing mice, consistent with a model in which tolerance to self antigens is achieved by clonal deletion.
Aquest estudi s’insereix en un projecte de tesi. L’estudi versa sobre l’ideal egipci de monarquia durant el Regne Mitjà, a partir de l’anàlisi directa de quatre fonts literàries del període. S’ha constatat que la concepció de monarquia resultant, concebuda com a clàssica o modèlica, és la que es transmet en essència fins a l’etapa final de la història antiga egípcia, encara que readaptant-se a les noves realitats polítiques i culturals. L’anàlisi d’aquest ideal teòric de monarquia ha estat fonamental per afrontar l’objectiu essencial del projecte de tesi: l’estudi de la legitimació d’Alexandre el Gran com a faraó d’Egipte, és a dir, l’examen en profunditat del conjunt de mecanismes mitjançant els quals el macedoni va assumir el rol clàssic dels monarques egipcis i que expliciten el procés segons el qual un nou sobirà, que a més era d’origen estranger, fou inserit en la ideologia faraònica tradicional. Per tal de determinar com això es va produir, es fa necessari l’estudi del període en què Alexandre és el titular del tron del país (332-323 aC), és a dir, del moment de gènesi, formulació i desenvolupament de l’entramat ideològic que proporcionarà base teològica al nou govern i l’adequarà a la tradició. Per a l’examen d’aquest període cronològic, la documentació egípcia s’erigeix com la principal font d’informació, i per tant, durant el projecte s’ha compilat i analitzat el conjunt de la documentació de procedència egípcia disponible fins al moment que, datada o no, s’adscriu cronològicament a aquest període.
This paper surveys recent evidence on the determinants of (national and/or foreign) industrial location. We find that the basic analytical framework has remained essentially unaltered since the early contributions of the early 1980's while, in contrast, there have been significant advances in the quality of the data and, to a lesser extent, the econometric modelling. We also identify certain determinants (neoclassical and institutional factors) that tend to provide largely consistent results across the reviewed studies. In light of this evidence, we finally suggest future lines of research.
In this paper we analyse the economic impact of a new museum (the Gaudí Centre) on the local economy of Reus, a city in the province of Tarragona (southern Catalonia). We use a Keynesian income multiplier model to evaluate the effects of this new cultural venue on local income. In our calculation of the economic impact we distinguish between two phases: the construction phase and the exploitation phase. Our results show the important income impact of this cultural investment on the local economy.
This article analyses the effect of immigration flows on the growth and efficiency of manufacturing firms in Spanish cities. To date, most studies have tended to focus on the effect immigrants have on labour markets at an aggregate level. Here, however, we undertake an exhaustive analysis at the firm level and report conclusive empirical findings. Ten years ago, Spain began to register massive immigration flows, concentrated above all on its most dynamic and advanced regions. Here, therefore, rather than focusing on the impact this has had on Spain’s labour market (changes to the skill structure of the workforce, increase in labour supply, the displacement of native workers, etc.), we examine the arrival of immigrants in terms of the changes this has meant to the structure of the country’s cities and their amenities. Thus, we argue that the impact of immigration on firm performance should not only be considered in terms of the labour market, but also in terms of how a city’s amenities can affect the performance of firms. Employing a panel data methodology, we show that the increasing pressure brought to bear by immigrants has a positive effect on the evolution of labour productivity and wages and a negative effect on the job evolution of these manufacturing firms. In addition, both small and new firms are more sensitive to the pressures of such immigrant inflows, while foreign market oriented firms report higher productivity levels and a less marked impact of immigration than their counterparts. In this paper, we also present a set of instruments to correct the endogeneity bias, which confirms the effect of local immigration flows on the performance of manufacturing firms.
This paper examines the impact of urban sprawl, a phenomenon of particular interest in Spain, which is currently experiencing this process of rapid, low-density urban expansion. Many adverse consequences are attributed to urban sprawl (e.g., traffic congestion, air pollution and social segregation), though here we are concerned primarily with the rising costs of providing local public services. Our initial aim is to develop an accurate measure of urban sprawl so that we might empirically test its impact on municipal budgets. Then, we undertake an empirical analysis using a cross-sectional data set of 2,500 Spanish municipalities for the year 2003 and a piecewise linear function to account for the potentially nonlinear relationship between sprawl and local costs. The estimations derived from the expenditure equations for both aggregate and six disaggregated spending categories indicate that low-density development patterns lead to greater provision costs of local public services.
The objective of this paper is to estimate the impact of residential job accessibility on female employment probability in the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Following a “spatial mismatch” framework, we estimate a female employment probability equation where variables controlling for personal characteristics, residential segregation and employment potential on public transport network are included. Data used come from Microcensus 2001 of INE (National Institute of Statistics). The research focuses on the treatment of endogeneity problems and the measurement of accessibility variables. Our results show that low job accessibility in public transport negatively affects employment probability. The intensity of this effect tends to decrease with individual’s educational attainment. A higher degree of residential segregation also reduces job probability in a significant way..
This study analyses the impact that job accessibility in public transport has on car ownership. An ordered probit explaining the number of cars per household is estimated as a function of head of household characteristics, household characteristics and job accessibility. The data used in the analysis come from the Microcensus of year 2001 of the Spanish Institute of Statistics for the areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Our results show a significant effect of accessibility on car ownership. Additionally, we carried out simulation exercises in which the expected number of vehicles decreases as accessibility improves. For instance, in the case of households living outside the central city, an improvement of accessibility up to the average level of the central city would offset the effect of the number of working adults on the expected number of vehicles.