933 resultados para 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance


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Demyelination is a common pathological finding in human neurological diseases and frequently persists as a result of failure of endogenous repair. Transplanted oligodendrocytes and their precursor cells can (re)myelinate axons, raising the possibility of therapeutic intervention. The migratory capacity of transplanted cells is of key importance in determining the extent of (re)myelination and can, at present, be evaluated only by using invasive and irreversible procedures. We have exploited the transferrin receptor as an efficient intracellular delivery device for magnetic nanoparticles, and transplanted tagged oligodendrocyte progenitor cells into the spinal cord of myelin-deficient rats. Cell migration could be easily detected by using three-dimensional magnetic resonance microscopy, with a close correlation between the areas of contrast enhancement and the achieved extent of myelination. The present results demonstrate that magnetic resonance tracking of transplanted oligodendrocyte progenitors is feasible; this technique has the potential to be easily extended to other neurotransplantation studies involving different precursor cell types.


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Two different attentional networks have been associated with visuospatial attention and conflict resolution. In most situations either one of the two networks is active or both are increased in activity together. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a flanker task, we show conditions in which one network (anterior attention system) is increased in activity whereas the other (visuospatial attention system) is reduced, showing that attentional conflict and selection are separate aspects of attention. Further, we distinguish between neural systems involved in different forms of conflict. Specifically, we dissociate patterns of activity in the basal ganglia and insula cortex during simple violations in expectancies (i.e., sudden changes in the frequency of an event) from patterns of activity in the anterior attention system specifically correlated with response conflict as evidenced by longer response latencies and more errors. These data provide a systems-level approach in understanding integrated attentional networks.


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The metabolism of [1-13C]glucose in Pisolithus tinctorius cv Coker & Couch, in uninoculated seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus bicostata ex Maiden cv Kirkp., and in the E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhiza was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In roots of uninoculated seedlings, the 13C label was mainly incorporated into sucrose and glutamine. The ratio (13C3 + 13C2)/13C4 of glutamine was approximately 1.0 during the time-course experiment, indicating equivalent contributions of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase to the production of α-ketoglutarate used for synthesis of this amino acid. In free-living P. tinctorius, most of the 13C label was incorporated into mannitol, trehalose, glutamine, and alanine, whereas arabitol, erythritol, and glutamate were weakly labeled. Amino acid biosynthesis was an important sink of assimilated 13C (43%), and anaplerotic CO2 fixation contributed 42% of the C flux entering the Krebs cycle. In ectomycorrhizae, sucrose accumulation was decreased in the colonized roots compared with uninoculated control plants, whereas 13C incorporation into arabitol and erythritol was nearly 4-fold higher in the symbiotic mycelium than in the free-living fungus. It appears that fungal utilization of glucose in the symbiotic state is altered and oriented toward the synthesis of short-chain polyols.


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Successful cryopreservation of most multicompartmental biological systems has not been achieved. One prerequisite for success is quantitative information on cryoprotectant permeation into and amongst the compartments. This report describes direct measurements of cryoprotectant permeation into a multicompartmental system using chemical shift selective magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy and MR spectroscopy. We used the developing zebrafish embryo as a model for studying these complex systems because these embryos are composed of two membrane-limited compartments: (i) a large yolk (surrounded by the yolk syncytial layer) and (ii) differentiating blastoderm cells (each surrounded by a plasma membrane). MR images of the spatial distribution of three cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, and methanol) demonstrated that methanol permeated the entire embryo within 15 min. In contrast, the other cryoprotectants exhibited little or no permeation over 2.5 h. MR spectroscopy and microinjections of cryoprotectants into the yolk inferred that the yolk syncytial layer plays a critical role in limiting the permeation of some cryoprotectants throughout the embryo. This study demonstrates the power of MR technology combined with micromanipulation for elucidating key physiological factors in cryobiology.


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Using a 9.4 T MRI instrument, we have obtained images of the mouse brain response to photic stimulation during a period between deep anesthesia and the early stages of arousal. The large image enhancements we observe (often >30%) are consistent with literature results extrapolated to 9.4 T. However, there are also two unusual aspects to our findings. (i) The visual area of the brain responds only to changes in stimulus intensity, suggesting that we directly detect operations of the M visual system pathway. Such a channel has been observed in mice by invasive electrophysiology, and described in detail for primates. (ii) Along with the typical positive response in the area of the occipital portion of the brain containing the visual cortex, another area displays decreased signal intensity upon stimulation.


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The measurement of dipolar contributions to the splitting of 15N resonances of 1H-15N amide pairs in multidimensional high-field NMR spectra of field-oriented cyanometmyoglobin is reported. The splittings appear as small field-dependent perturbations of normal scalar couplings. Assignment of more than 90 resonances to specific sequential sites in the protein allows correlation of the dipolar contributions with predictions based on the known susceptibility and known structure of the protein. Implications as an additional source of information for protein structure determination in solution are discussed.


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O estudo da microestrutura e dinâmica molecular de polímeros conjugados é de grande importância para o entendimento das propriedades físicas desta classe de materiais. No presente trabalho utilizou-se técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear em baixo e alto campo para elucidar os processos de dinâmica molecular e cristalização do polímero Poly(3-(2’-ethylhexyl)thiophene) - P3EHT. O P3EHT é um polímero modelo para tal estudo, pois apresenta temperatura de fusão bem inferior a sua temperatura de degradação. Esta característica permite acompanhar os processos de cristalização in situ utilizando RMN. Além disso, sua similaridade ao já popular P3HT o torna um importante candidato a camada ativa em dispositivos eletrônicos orgânicos. O completo assinalamento do espectro de 13C para o P3EHT foi realizado utilizando as técnicas de defasamento dipolar e HETCOR. Os processos de dinâmica molecular, por sua vez, foram sondados utilizando DIPSHIFT. Observou-se um gradiente de mobilidade na cadeia lateral do polímero. Além disso, os baixos valores de parametros de ordem obtidos em comparação a experimentos similares realizados no P3HT na literatura indicam um aparente aumento no volume livre entre cadeias consecutivas na fase cristalina. Isso indica que a presença do grupo etil adicional no P3EHT causa um completo rearranjo das moléculas e dificulta seu empacotamento. Constatou-se ainda pouca variação das curvas de DIPSHIFT para os carbonos da cadeia lateral como função do método de excitação utilizado, o que aponta para um polímero que apresenta cadeia lateral móvel mesmo em sua fase cristalina. Os dados de dinâmica molecular foram corroborados por medidas de T1, T1ρ e TCH. Utilizando filtros dipolares em baixo campo observou-se três temperaturas de transição para o P3EHT: 250 K, 325 K e 350 K. A cristalização desse material é um processo lento. Verificou-se que o mesmo pode se estender por até até 24h a temperatura ambiente. Mudanças no espectro de 13C utilizando CPMAS em alto campo indicam um ordenamento dos anéis tiofeno (empacotamento π – π) como o principal processo de cristalização para o P3EHT.


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Este trabalho trata da proposta para a produção carbonato de glicerila como continuação de trabalho de Mestrado. Propõe-se estabelecer uma sequência para a obtenção e a purificação do produto, que envolve remoção e o aproveitamento de amônia e a remoção de eletrólitos, bem como a utilização de novos catalisadores. De maneira geral, análises espectrofotométricas demonstraram que o produto purificado apresentou características semelhantes às da especificação constante de produto já existente no mercado cedido para comparação (JEFFSOL®, Huntsman). Além disso, foi calculado o custo de produção tanto em escala laboratorial como em escala industrial. Análises de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e Cromatografia a Gás, aliadas à Espectrofotometria no Infravermelho permitiram avaliar tanto a evolução das reações, bem como os rendimentos reacionais. Foi demonstrada a aplicabilidade das técnicas de RMN 1H e 13C para o cálculo dos rendimentos reacionais, bem como para a elucidação dos mecanismos reacionais. A partir de análises em escala laboratorial, foi possível verificar que, para as condições reacionais estudadas foram obtidas baixas conversões da glicerina e baixas seletividades para o carbonato de glicerila. E ainda, o sulfato de zinco apresentou o melhor desempenho. É importante salientar que, mesmo para baixas conversões, sua produção ainda é economicamente viável devido ao seu elevado valor de mercado. O estudo da produção em escala industrial contemplou a síntese de fluxograma de processo e posterior simulação, incluindo o dimensionamento dos principais equipamentos de processo para fins de análise econômica, via calculo de custos de capital (CAPEX) e operacionais (OPEX). Os resultados indicaram viabilidade econômica do projeto, sendo demonstrado que a implantação de uma nova unidade de produção de carbonato de glicerila pode ser bastante rentável mesmo para baixos rendimentos. O produto obtido possui diversas e interessantes aplicações cosméticas e farmacêuticas, principalmente por ser um tensoativo não iônico, de baixa toxicidade, biodegradável e produzido a partir de fontes renováveis. Assim, o carbonato de glicerila produzido é uma interessante forma de aproveitamento da glicerina proveniente da fabricação de biodiesel.


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A combined chemometrics-metabolomics approach [excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS)] was used to analyse the rhizodeposition of the tritrophic system: tomato, the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne javanica and the nematode-egg parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Exudates from M. javanica roots were sampled at root penetration (early) and gall development (late). EMM indicated that late root exudates from M. javanica treatments contained more aromatic amino acid compounds than the rest (control, P. chlamydosporia or P. chlamydosporia and M. javanica). 1H NMR showed that organic acids (acetate, lactate, malate, succinate and formic acid) and one unassigned aromatic compound (peak no. 22) were the most relevant metabolites in root exudates. Robust principal component analysis (PCA) grouped early exudates for nematode (PC1) or fungus presence (PC3). PCA found (PC1, 73.31 %) increased acetate and reduced lactate and an unassigned peak no. 22 characteristic of M. javanica root exudates resulting from nematode invasion and feeding. An increase of peak no. 22 (PC3, 4.82 %) characteristic of P. chlamydosporia exudates could be a plant “primer” defence. In late ones in PC3 (8.73 %) the presence of the nematode grouped the samples. HPLC–MS determined rhizosphere fingerprints of 16 (early) and 25 (late exudates) m/z signals, respectively. Late signals were exclusive from M. javanica exudates confirming EEM and 1H NMR results. A 235 m/z signal reduced in M. javanica root exudates (early and late) could be a repressed plant defense. This metabolomic approach and other rhizosphere -omics studies could help to improve plant growth and reduce nematode damage sustainably.


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As human populations and resource consumption increase, it is increasingly important to monitor the quality of our environment. While laboratory instruments offer useful information, portable, easy to use sensors would allow environmental analysis to occur on-site, at lower cost, and with minimal operator training. We explore the synthesis, modification, and applications of modified polysiloxane in environmental sensing. Multiple methods of producing modified siloxanes were investigated. Oligomers were formed by using functionalized monomers, producing siloxane materials containing silicon hydride, methyl, and phenyl side chains. Silicon hydride-functionalized oligomers were further modified by hydrosilylation to incorporate methyl ester and naphthyl side chains. Modifications to the siloxane materials were also carried out using post-curing treatments. Methyl ester-functionalized siloxane was incorporated into the surface of a cured poly(dimethylsiloxane) film by siloxane equilibration. The materials containing methyl esters were hydrolyzed to reveal carboxylic acids, which could later be used for covalent protein immobilization. Finally, the siloxane surfaces were modified to incorporate antibodies by covalent, affinity, and adsorption-based attachment. These modifications were characterized by a variety of methods, including contact angle, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dye labels, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The modified siloxane materials were employed in a variety of sensing schemes. Volatile organic compounds were detected using methyl, phenyl, and naphthyl-functionalized materials on a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a refractometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer was found to detect the analytes upon siloxane extraction by deformation of the Bragg reflectors. The refractometer was used to determine that naphthyl-functionalized siloxanes had elevated refractive indices, rendering these materials more sensitive to some analytes. Antibody-modified siloxanes were used to detect biological analytes through a solid phase microextraction-mediated enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (SPME ELISA). The SPME ELISA was found to have higher analyte sensitivity compared to a conventional ELISA system. The detection scheme was used to detect Escherichia coli at 8500 CFU/mL. These results demonstrate the variety of methods that can be used to modify siloxanes and the wide range of applications of modified siloxanes has been demonstrated through chemical and biological sensing schemes.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to determine whether the transmural extent of scar (TES) explains discordances between dobutamine echocardiography (DbE) and thallium single-photon emission computed tomography (Tl-SPECT) in the detection of viable myocardium (VM). BACKGROUND Discrepancies between DbE and Tl-SPECT are often attributed to differences between contractile reserve and membrane integrity, but may also reflect a disproportionate influence of nontransmural scar on thickening at DbE. METHODS Sixty patients (age 62 +/- 12 years; 10 women and 50 men) with postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction underwent standard rest-late redistribution Tl-SPECT and DbE. Viable myocardium was identified when dysfunctional segments showed Tl activity >60% on the late-redistribution image or by low-dose augmentation at DbE. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI) was used to divide TES into five groups: 0%, 75% of the wall thickness replaced by scar. RESULTS As TES increased, both the mean Tl uptake and change in wall motion score decreased significantly (both p < 0.001). However, the presence of subendocardial scar was insufficient to prevent thickening; >50% of segments still showed contractile function with TES of 25% to 75%, although residual function was uncommon with TES >75%. The relationship of both tests to increasing TES was similar, but Tl-SPECT identified VM more frequently than DbE in all groups. Among segments without scar or with small amounts of scar (50% were viable by SPECT. CONCLUSIONS Both contractile reserve and perfusion are sensitive to the extent of scar. However, contractile reserve may be impaired in the face of no or minor scar, and thickening may still occur with extensive scar. (C) 2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


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Recently, a 3-dimensional phantom that can provide a comprehensive, accurate and complete measurement of the geometric distortion in MRI has been developed. In this paper, a scheme for characterizing the measured geometric distortion using the 3-D phantom is described. In the proposed scheme, a number of quantitative measures are developed and used to characterize the geometric distortion. These measures encompass the overall and spatial aspects of the geometric distortion. Two specific types of volume of interest, rectangular parallelepipeds (including cubes) and spheres are considered in the proposed scheme. As an illustration, characterization of the geometric distortion in a Siemens 1.5T Sonata MRI system using the proposed scheme is presented. As shown, the proposed scheme provides a comprehensive assessment of the geometric distortion. The scheme can be potentially used as a standard procedure for the assessment of geometric distortion in MRI. (C) 2004 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.