999 resultados para 1995_01191321 TM-33 4301502


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Foram estudados, com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do relevo e da rede de drenagem de solos de uma área de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP. Esta região compreende 14.625 ha, onde foram selecionadas bacias hidrográficas de 3ª ordem de ramificação e amostras circulares de 5km². As unidades de mapeamento simples ou associações de solos são: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, Podzólico, Litossolo + Podzólico, Terra Roxa Estruturada + Latossolo Roxo distrófico. Após a caracterização das feições fisiográficas, da área de ocorrência desses solos, foram realizados dois mapas morfopedológicos. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas na escala 1: 35.000 (data de 25/6/78) e no segundo imagens orbitais do sensor Thematic Mapper do LANDSAT-5, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5 na escala 1: 100.000 (data de 12/9/91). As análises qualitativas e quantitativas do relevo (índice de declividade média) e rede de drenagem (densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios, razão de textura) mostraram-se eficientes na diferenciação das unidades de solo estudadas, tanto em bacias hidrográficas como em amostras circulares. A utilização de fotografias aéreas, permitiu maior riqueza de detalhes na precisão dos limites das unidades de mapeamento e no maior número de unidades de mapeamento discriminadas em relação as imagens orbitais. A composição colorida 3/4/5 permitiu diferenciar os Latossolos argilosos dos Latossolos de textura média, assim como o Latossolo Húmico.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A mortalidade infantil em Presidente Prudente, SP (Brasil), foi estudada no período de 1990 a 1992, a partir de aplicação de métodos para obtenção de diagnóstico coletivo que orientassem a identificação e escolha de estratégias de controle de problemas locais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas declarações de óbito colhidas no cartório, cujos dados originais foram corrigidos por meio de pesquisa documental nos serviços de saúde e entrevistas domiciliares. Para estudar variáveis como idade materna e peso ao nascer foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A qualidade dos dados originais das declarações de óbitos foi inicialmente analisada pela quantidade de informações, sensibilidade, especificidade e valor de Kappa. RESULTADO: A sensibilidade global para a causa básica de óbito foi 78,84% e Kappa igual a 71,32 para o total de causas. Ocorreram 189 óbitos, sendo 66,15% no período neonatal (41,28% durante o primeiro dia de vida) e 33,85% no infantil tardio. O peso ao nascer de 58,28% dos óbitos foi menor que 2.500g. As causas básicas de óbito foram estudadas segundo a possibilidade de serem prevenidas (método desenvolvido por Erica Taucher) por grupos de causas reduzidas utilizadas no International Collaborative Effort (ICE), causas múltiplas e distribuição geográfica. Observou-se que nos óbitos ocorridos até 27 dias, 22,23% poderiam ser evitados por adequada atenção ao parto, 20,64% seriam redutíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, 13,75% por bom controle da gravidez e apenas 7,94% não evitáveis. Das mortes ocorridas no período infantil tardio, 12,17% foram classificadas como outras preveníveis e 4,23% foram consideradas não evitáveis. Segundo os grupos do ICE, 58,74% faleceram por imaturidade ou asfixias; 19,58% por infecções e, 12,17%, por anomalias congênitas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem prioridade para assistência obstétrica no trabalho de parto e atenção pediátrica por baixo peso ao nascer, entre outras. A análise por causas múltiplas mostra que 76,05% dos óbitos têm as causas básicas relacionadas a causas perinatais e confirma a relação entre as deficiências de peso e as complicações respiratórias do recém-nascido. As complicações maternas também relacionaram-se com o baixo peso. Identificaram-se grandes diferenças no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil entre as áreas da zona urbana não somente restritas aos valores, como também ao tipo de doenças responsáveis pela ocorrência do óbito. Conclui-se haver vantagem no uso associado das quatro técnicas que são complementares, tanto para estudo, como para planejamento de ações dirigidas à prevenção da mortalidade infantil.


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The interest in the systematic analysis of astronomical time series data, as well as development in astronomical instrumentation and automation over the past two decades has given rise to several questions of how to analyze and synthesize the growing amount of data. These data have led to many discoveries in the areas of modern astronomy asteroseismology, exoplanets and stellar evolution. However, treatment methods and data analysis have failed to follow the development of the instruments themselves, although much effort has been done. In present thesis, we propose new methods of data analysis and two catalogs of the variable stars that allowed the study of rotational modulation and stellar variability. Were analyzed the photometric databases fromtwo distinctmissions: CoRoT (Convection Rotation and planetary Transits) and WFCAM (Wide Field Camera). Furthermore the present work describes several methods for the analysis of photometric data besides propose and refine selection techniques of data using indices of variability. Preliminary results show that variability indices have an efficiency greater than the indices most often used in the literature. An efficient selection of variable stars is essential to improve the efficiency of all subsequent steps. Fromthese analyses were obtained two catalogs; first, fromtheWFCAMdatabase we achieve a catalog with 319 variable stars observed in the photometric bands Y ZJHK. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 2 to ∼ 560 days whose the variability signatures present RR-Lyrae, Cepheids , LPVs, cataclysmic variables, among many others. Second, from the CoRoT database we selected 4, 206 stars with typical signatures of rotationalmodulation, using a supervised process. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 33 to ∼ 92 days, amplitude variability between ∼ 0, 001 to ∼ 0, 5 mag, color index (J - H) between ∼ 0, 0 to ∼ 1, 4 mag and spectral type CoRoT FGKM. The WFCAM variable stars catalog is being used to compose a database of light curves to be used as template in an automatic classifier for variable stars observed by the project VVV (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) moreover it are a fundamental start point to study different scientific cases. For example, a set of 12 young stars who are in a star formation region and the study of RR Lyrae-whose properties are not well established in the infrared. Based on CoRoT results we were able to show, for the first time, the rotational modulation evolution for an wide homogeneous sample of field stars. The results are inagreement with those expected by the stellar evolution theory. Furthermore, we identified 4 solar-type stars ( with color indices, spectral type, luminosity class and rotation period close to the Sun) besides 400 M-giant stars that we have a special interest to forthcoming studies. From the solar-type stars we can describe the future and past of the Sun while properties of M-stars are not well known. Our results allow concluded that there is a high dependence of the color-period diagram with the reddening in which increase the uncertainties of the age-period realized by previous works using CoRoT data. This thesis provides a large data-set for different scientific works, such as; magnetic activity, cataclysmic variables, brown dwarfs, RR-Lyrae, solar analogous, giant stars, among others. For instance, these data will allow us to study the relationship of magnetic activitywith stellar evolution. Besides these aspects, this thesis presents an improved classification for a significant number of stars in the CoRoT database and introduces a new set of tools that can be used to improve the entire process of the photometric databases analysis


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The use of the SenseWear (TM) armband (SWA), an objective monitor of physical activity, is a relatively new device used by researchers to measure energy expenditure. These monitors are practical, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use. The aim of the present study was to assess the validity of SWAs for the measurement of energy expenditure (EE) in circuit resistance training (CRT) at three different intensities in moderately active, healthy subjects. The study subjects (17 females, 12 males) undertook CRT at 30, 50 and 70% of the 15 repetition maximum for each exercise component wearing an SWA as well as an Oxycon Mobile (OM) portable metabolic system (a gold standard method for measuring EE). The EE rose as exercise intensity increased, but was underestimated by the SWAs. For women, Bland-Altman plots showed a bias of 1.13 +/- A 1.48 METs and 32.1 +/- A 34.0 kcal in favour of the OM system, while for men values of 2.33 +/- A 1.82 METs and 75.8 +/- A 50.8 kcal were recorded.


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Estudos têm apontado relações entre déficits de habilidades sociais educativas de pais e problemas de comportamento de seus filhos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa visa a descrever os efeitos de um procedimento de intervenção com pais, o qual pretendeu promover suas habilidades sociais educativas. Participaram dois pais e sete mães, que elegeram o filho com o qual descreveram ter maiores dificuldades de relacionamento. Para a avaliação: 1) das dificuldades dos pais, foi utilizada uma entrevista estruturada, e 2) dos procedimentos de intervenção, foram utilizados: a) questionário de habilidades sociais educativas parentais (QHSE-P) e b) inventário de habilidades sociais (IHS-Del Prette). Os resultados das comparações pré e pós-intervenção do IHS-Del Prette mostraram aumento no escore dos grupos; as comparações do QHSE-P apontaram aquisições de diversas habilidades sociais educativas: expressar sentimentos positivos, agradecer elogios, dizer não e negociar limites. Discute-se a necessidade de procedimentos de promoção de habilidades sociais educativas para ampliar o repertório social parental.


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Family Health Program (FHP) presents itself as a restructured model on basic cares besides having prevention practices and promotion in health as essential parts. According to that, the purpose of this study is to perceive which prevention practices in oral health are accomplished by the dentists from the FHP of Natal-RN as well as the way they have been developed, the knowledge basis to execute the procedure and the use of evaluation instruments by the dentists and by the Oral Health Co-Ordinator. A list of dentists participating on the FHP of Natal in March, 2006 (n= 91) was obtained so it was possible to formulate a structured interview. After excluding those with less than six months attending to the program, and considering the loss, eighty dentists got to be interviewed. It had questions about individual and group preventive procedures, sources of basement to develop the activities and to verify the impact and evaluation instruments. Besides that, an interview was made with the Oral Health Co-Ordinator about the evaluating process and the existence of a protocol as well as about document analysis in the Ambulatory Informations System Unique Health System (AIS-UHS), Information of Basic Care System and Pact of Recorder. The main individual activities consist on Oral Hygiene Orientation (87,5%) and Fluoridization (95%). Group activities remain at scholar groups acts(91,25%) being fluoridization done by 91,25% and educative activities by 86,25% mainly through speeches (61,25%).Orientations about oral cancer were detached on the aged group (39,96%)and hypertensive and diabetic group (19,51%), as well as integration with the health team was respectively 21,93% and 39,02%. Speeches and talk rounds are the main activities for aged, hypertensive and diabetics, and are also expressive to pregnant women. For pregnant women and babies group predominate hygiene and diet orientation. About the evaluation instruments 73,75% of the dentists do not consider their existence, despite 73,75% consider that actions have impact specially due to a increase of hygiene and decrease of caries index on the children. The main sources of basement are clinical experience (42,5%) and preparative courses (33,75%), only 7,5% mentioned population need and local reality. The Oral Health Co-Ordinator related the Attention Pact Recorder and records from the AIS - UHS as evaluation source but also detached the lack of epidemiologic surveying. She mentioned the increase of supervised brushing as a positive result and detached the hardness of the professional to act inside the family and as a team. The AIS-UHS records showed that fluoridization is more used individually and the supervised brushing is predominant as a group action, besides that educative activities at the Health Establishment predominate due to actions at the community. Facing the results, it was verified the act in different groups, special attention given to scholars, as well as focus the activities on caries giving less emphasis to other oral problems. Despite that, there was no epidemiologic instruments or data of the local reality to guide the actions and to be part of the planning and evaluation process


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The odontogenic keratocysts are distinguished from other odontogenic cystic lesions by their potentially aggressive clinical behavior and association, in some cases, with Gorlin syndrome. Studies have suggested that syndrome keratocysts, in comparison with sporadic lesions, have higher growth and infiltration capacity and higher recurrence tendency. The aim of this study was to analyze, by means of immunohistochemistry, the expressions of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), the angiogenic index (CD34) and the presence of myofibroblasts (α-SMA) in primary and recurrent sporadic keratocysts and in keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome. The sample was composed by 30 sporadic keratocysts (22 primary and 8 recurrent) and 22 syndrome keratocysts. In the epithelium and in the fibrous capsule of the lesions, the immunoexpression of RANKL and OPG was evaluated by determination of the percentage of positive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (less than 10% of positive cells), 1 (11% - 50% of positive cells), 2 (51% - 75% of positive cells) and 3 (more than 76% of positive cells). In addition, cases were classified according to the RANKL score/ OPG score ratio, as follows: RANKL > OPG, RANKL < OPG, and RANKL = OPG. The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunoreactive to anti-CD34 antibody in 5 fields (200). The analysis of myofibroblasts was performed by counting the cells immunoreactive to anti-α-SMA antibody in 10 fields (400). The analysis of the expressions of RANKL and OPG in the epithelial lining and in the fibrous capsule did not reveal significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). Regarding the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the epithelial lining, most sporadic primary (54.5%) and syndrome lesions (59.1%) showed RANKL < OPG ratio and RANKL = OPG ratio, respectively (p > 0.05). With respect to the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the fibrous capsule, the majority of sporadic primary (81.8%) and sporadic recurrent lesions (75.0%) and most syndrome lesions (45.5%) showed RANKL = OPG ratio (p > 0.05). The mean number of microvessels was 69.2 in sporadic primary lesions, 67.6 in recurrent lesions, and 71.6 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). The mean number of myofibroblasts was 34.4 in sporadic primary lesions, 29.3 in recurrent lesions, and 33.7 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the differences in the biological behavior between sporadic keratocysts and keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome may not be related to the expressions of RANKL and OPG, the RANKL/ OPG ratio, the angiogenic index or the number of myofibroblasts in these lesions


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The adhesion molecules E-cadherin and β-catenin have been studied as possible markers to distinguish carcinomas with and without metastatic potential. The objective of this research was to study the imunohistochemistry expression of the E-cadherin and β-catenin in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), aiming to contribute for the better understanding of the biological behavior of this lesion. The sample consisted of 30 cases of OSCC, being 15 of tongue and 15 of lower lip. The profile and intensity of labeling and semi quantitative analysis of the percentage of immunopositive tumoral cells in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin had been related with the anatomical localization of the lesion, the presence or not of nodal metastasis and the histological grade of malignancy in the invasive front area of the tumor. It was registered the presence or not of cytoplasmic and nuclear labeling of the β-catenin. The results had been submitted to the statistical analysis, being used the Mann-Whitney Test, the Fisher Test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient (α=0, 05). The results showed that the expression in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin was, predominantly, the heterogeneous profile in the lower lip and tongue carcinomas, as well as in the cases with and without nodal metastasis. It was not observed significant statistical difference between expression profile and amount of immunopositive cells for E-cadherin, β-catenin and the anatomical localization of the lesion and for the presence or not of nodal metastasis. However, there was significant difference of the reduced expression of these proteins with the high score of malignancy. It was verified that the expression of the β-catenin in cytoplasm was present in 22 (73.33%) of the 30 analyzed cases, and 6 cases (20%) showed nuclear expression. The statistical analysis detected significant association between the expression of the β-catenin in the cytoplasm with the histological grade of malignancy, being this molecule more frequently present in the cytoplasm in the cases of high score of malignancy. It was concluded that the reduced immunoexpression of these proteins in membrane can be related with the lowest cellular differentiation, as well as with the pattern of invasion in nests and isolated cells, demonstrated in the cases of OSCC with high histological grade of malignancy


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As serpentes peçonhentas dos gêneros Bothrops e Crotalus têm sido mantidas em cativeiro visando à extração de venenos para a produção de imunobiológicos. O conhecimento da fisiologia desses animais e as alterações na concentração de proteínas e suas frações séricas são importantes para a identificação precoce de importantes enfermidades que cursam com estados de hipoproteinemia e hiperproteinemia. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a concentração de proteína total e o perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas de serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus (cascavel) criadas em cativeiro. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue da veia coccígea ventral de 21 serpentes adultas e sadias, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 de 12 machos com peso médio de 588,89±193,55g, e Grupo 2 de nove fêmeas com peso médio de 708,33±194,04g. A proteína total sérica foi determinada pelo método de refratometria e a eletroforese em gel de agarose. Obtiveram-se valores da proteína total sérica (g/dL) de 4,51±0,50 para machos e de 4,82±0,72 para fêmeas, e para machos e fêmeas de 4,64±0,61. Foram identificadas pela eletroforese quatro frações protéicas (g/dL): albumina, a, b, g-globulinas e calculada a relação albumina:globulina. As serpentes fêmeas apresentaram maiores valores para as variáveis, albumina e para a relação albumina/globulina (AG) diferindo significativamente (P<0,05) do grupo de machos, porém sem significado clínico.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os métodos de genotipagem do vírus da hepatite C têm sido muito discutidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as metodologias de hibridização reversa e sequenciamento direto para a genotipagem do vírus da hepatite C. MÉTODOS: Noventa e uma amostras de plasma de pacientes assistidos na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista foram utilizadas. A genotipagem por hibridização reversa foi realizada utilizando o kit comercial INNO-LiPA® v.1.0. O sequenciamento direto foi efetuado em sequenciador automático utilizando protocolos in house. RESULTADOS: A genotipagem por sequenciamento direto mostrou-se eficiente na resolução dos resultados inconclusivos pelo kit comercial. O kit mostrou resultados errôneos em relação à subtipagem viral. Além disso, a genotipagem por sequenciamento direto revelou um erro do kit com relação à determinação genotípica questionando a eficiência do método também para a identificação do genótipo viral. CONCLUSÕES: A genotipagem realizada por meio de sequenciamento direto permite uma maior acurácia na classificação viral quando comparada à hibridização reversa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Queilite actínica é a principal lesão pré-neoplásica do lábio. O carcinoma espinocelular do lábio é incluído nas estatísticas brasileiras junto com os cânceres de boca e, em conjunto, somam 40% dos cânceres de cabeça e pescoço. Há certo desconhecimento médico e odontológico em geral quanto aos fatores relacionados à carcinogênese e à progressão de tumores de boca. Genes de supressão tumoral e proteínas regulatórias de proliferação celular exercem papel na evolução da queilite actínica para carcinoma espinocelular e no comportamento biológico deste. O conhecimento de marcadores de diagnóstico e prognóstico e sua investigação têm utilidade no acompanhamento de tais pacientes.