972 resultados para 1854-1860


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This article aims to undertake a preliminary comparative review of the concepts of political representation developed by the Spanish and Argentinean liberalism during the construction of the parliamentary and constitutional regimes in the nineteenth century. The idea of the representative government, as a regulatory mechanism of political participation, is considered in terms of an analysis of the right to vote, of the processes to develop citizenship, and of political modernization. Legislation on the right to vote, born as the political right par excellence during the nineteenth century, gives an excellent guide to these political processes of major scope and depth that characterize the contemporary world. The comparison between the Spanish and Argentinean cases shows that exchanges, transfers of legislative models and cultural movements took place in the birth of the concept of political representation in both countries. This enables us to identify the differences of in each case.


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During the 1860's and 1870's, Spain and Italy experienced a convergence of debates on the significance of political representation in the framework of Liberal State. Spain suffered a political and social crisis, ending with the Revolution of 1868 and the adoption of male universal suffrage in 1878. Its coeval Italy began to build its new Kingdom, anxious about state building, as well as the relevance of electoral processes in the Constitutional scheme. Although members of parliament and essayists of both countries well knew their neighbour's political reality, a dialogue on representation didn't occur. Nonetheless, we believe it is useful to analyse the survey drawn by the Italian publicist in the light of current knowledge of the opinions that prevailed in Spain. What sense did they give to the general election? How did they understand the value of the vote? Who were considered eligible voters? These questions comprise the main subjects of the essay.


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El término urban penalty fue en principio utilizado para definir la sobremortalidad urbana durante la revolución industrial. Los antropómetras lo emplearon más tarde para definir un hecho simultáneo: el descenso de la estatura urbana con respecto a la rural. En la primera parte del trabajo proponemos tres nuevas hipótesis sobre ese castigo urbano: a) incorporar las aportaciones de la Teoría Económica sobre fallos de mercado al análisis de la sobremortalidad urbana; b) explicar la urban penalty mediante el modelo que Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong han elaborado recientemente para Gran Bretaña y c) sugerir respuestas a una pregunta que debe ser avalada o desmentida por investigaciones de ámbito municipal: ¿por qué los políticos españoles de la restauración tardaron décadas en acometer la reforma sanitaria de las ciudades? En la segunda parte del trabajo ofrecemos información que demuestra que España padeció sobremortalidad urbana derivada de fallos de mercado. Los datos de estatura rural y urbana evidencian por el contrario que, salvo excepciones, el país no experimentó urban penalty. El trabajo termina tratando de explicar esta particularidad y sosteniendo que el modelo de Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong puede aplicarse a esas excepciones.


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Para la realización de este trabajo, Antonio Escudero y Salvador Salort se han beneficiado del proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR 2010-21941-C03-01.


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El siglo XIX se caracteriza por numerosos cambios tanto a nivel social como estructural de la población: se produce un acelerado desarrollo urbano sin planificación y carente de servicios que da lugar a una mala calidad de vida y numerosas epidemias. Estos cambios tienen como resultado un nuevo movimiento, el Higienismo, que pretende mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. En España, todas las reformas higiénicas se desarrollaron mediante los planes de Ensanche. Uno de los puntos clave de este pensamiento es el abastecimiento de agua potable como medio para evitar enfermedades. La ciudad de Valencia es un claro ejemplo de la importancia de este movimiento y cómo el abastecimiento de agua es un elemento clave en la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas.


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Collection primarily documents McCulloch's research on women's legal status, and her work with the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the League of Women Voters. There is also documentation of women in the legal profession, of McCulloch's friendships with the other women suffragists and lawyers, and some biographical material. The papers contain little information about her family or social life.


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This small blue-covered paper notebook contains four leaves with the handwritten records of the Geographical Society, an undergraduate organization at Harvard in the late 1790s. The records consist of ten handwritten "Laws of the Geographical Society" and a short list of fines dispensed on October 7th. A list of six student surnames is written on a scrap of paper and attached with pins to the notebook's inside front cover. The surnames likely correspond to six members of the Harvard Class of 1798: John Abbot (1777-1854), Isaac Adams (d. 1807), Francis Brigham (d. November 14, 1796), Humphrey Devereux (1779-1867), Joseph Emerson (1777-1833), and Artemas Sawyer (d. 1826). The notebook is undated but was presumably kept in 1795 or 1796 around the time of Brigham's death on November 14, 1796. While Brigham's surname appears in the list of fines, it is crossed out on the inside front cover.