997 resultados para 1737
Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Noviembre 1994 18-129
Sign.: A-H8, I-K4, L-P8
Sign.: A-H8, I-K4, L-P8
The study of pointer years of numerous tree-ring chronologies of the central Iberian Peninsula (Sierra de Guadarrama) could provide complementary information about climate variability over the last 405 yr. In total, 64 pointer years have been identified: 30 negative (representing minimum growths) and 34 positive (representing maximum growths), the most significant of these being 1601, 1963 and 1996 for the negative ones, and 1734 and 1737 for the positive ones. Given that summer precipitation was found to be the most limiting factor for the growth of Pinus in the Sierra de Guadarrama in the second half of the 20th century, it is also an explanatory factor in almost 50% of the extreme growths. Furthermore, these pointer years and intervals are not evenly distributed throughout time. Both in the first half of the 17th and in the second half of 20th, they were more frequent and more extreme and these periods are the most notable for the frequency of negative pointer years in Central Spain. The interval 1600–1602 is of special significance, being one of the most unfavourable for tree growth in the centre of Spain, with 1601 representing the minimum index in the regional chronology. We infer that this special minimum annual increase was the effect of the eruption of Huaynaputina, which occurred in Peru at the beginning of 1600 AD. This is the first time that the effects of this eruption in the tree-ring records of Southern Europe have been demonstrated.
Marca tip. en port.
Plácido Veranio es seud. de G. Mayans
Sign. : [calderon]8, 2[calderon]2, A-F8, G7
Sign.: *-****4, *****2, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3C4
Texto fechado en Valencia a 17 de abril de 1734
Mención de tomo tomada de la antep.
Sign.:[]1, A-C4, D2
El traductor fue Don Roque Valero Oquendo
Según Palau (219837) José Antonio Pérez de Benitia es seud. del dominico Jacinto Segura. Ximeno (II, p. 322, núm. 5)señala que José Antonio es el nombre que tenia en el siglo y Pérez de Benitia el apellido materno y que lo publicó bajo este nombre. Señala también Ximeno, que los Diaristas, en el tomo 2, art. 14, p. 248, sabían que la autoría era de Jacinto Segura, por lo que el autor lo confesó abiertamente en su obra Apología II contra los diarios de los literatos de España en general y sobre el extracto XI del tomo XIV (Valencia: José Tomás Lucas, 1739), p. 146
Los datos de la ed. preceden a los datos de la parte