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Ultra Wide Band (UWB) transmission has recently been the object of considerable attention in the field of next generation location aware wireless sensor networks. This is due to its fine time resolution, energy efficient and robustness to interference in harsh environments. This paper presents a thorough applied examination of prototype IEEE 802.15.4a impulse UWB transceiver technology to quantify the effect of line of sight (LOS) and non line of sight (NLOS) ranging in real indoor and outdoor environments. Results included draw on an extensive array of experiments that fully characterize the 802.15.4a UWB transceiver technology, its reliability and ranging capabilities for the first time. A new two way (TW) ranging protocol is proposed. The goal of this work is to validate the technology as a dependable wireless communications mechanism for the subset of sensor network localization applications where reliability and precision positions are key concerns.


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The performance of an RF output matching network is dependent on integrity of the ground connection. If this connection is compromised in anyway, additional parasitic elements may occur that can degrade performance and yield unreliable results. Traditionally, designers measure Constant Wave (CW) power to determine that the RF chain is performing optimally, the device is properly matched and by implication grounded. It is shown that there are situations where modulation quality can be compromised due to poor grounding that is not apparent using CW power measurements alone. The consequence of this is reduced throughput, range and reliability. Measurements are presented on a Tyndall Mote using a CC2420 RFIC todemonstrate how poor solder contact between the ground contacts and the ground layer of the PCB can lead tothe degradation of modulated performance. Detailed evaluation that required the development of a new measurement definition for 802.15.4 and analysis is presented to show how waveform quality is affected while the modulated output power remains within acceptable limits.


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In this thesis, extensive experiments are firstly conducted to characterize the performance of using the emerging IEEE 802.15.4-2011 ultra wideband (UWB) for indoor localization, and the results demonstrate the accuracy and precision of using time of arrival measurements for ranging applications. A multipath propagation controlling technique is synthesized which considers the relationship between transmit power, transmission range and signal-to-noise ratio. The methodology includes a novel bilateral transmitter output power control algorithm which is demonstrated to be able to stabilize the multipath channel, and enable sub 5cm instant ranging accuracy in line of sight conditions. A fully-coupled architecture is proposed for the localization system using a combination of IEEE 802.15.4-2011 UWB and inertial sensors. This architecture not only implements the position estimation of the object by fusing the UWB and inertial measurements, but enables the nodes in the localization network to mutually share positional and other useful information via the UWB channel. The hybrid system has been demonstrated to be capable of simultaneous local-positioning and remote-tracking of the mobile object. Three fusion algorithms for relative position estimation are proposed, including internal navigation system (INS), INS with UWB ranging correction, and orientation plus ranging. Experimental results show that the INS with UWB correction algorithm achieves an average position accuracy of 0.1883m, and gets 83% and 62% improvements on the accuracy of the INS (1.0994m) and the existing extended Kalman filter tracking algorithm (0.5m), respectively.


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BACKGROUND: Interleukin (IL)-15 is a chemotactic factor to T cells. It induces proliferation and promotes survival of activated T cells. IL-15 receptor blockade in mouse cardiac and islet allotransplant models has led to long-term engraftment and a regulatory T-cell environment. This study investigated the efficacy of IL-15 receptor blockade using Mut-IL-15/Fc in an outbred non-human primate model of renal allotransplantation. METHODS: Male cynomolgus macaque donor-recipient pairs were selected based on ABO typing, major histocompatibility complex class I typing, and carboxy-fluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-based mixed lymphocyte responses. Once animals were assigned to one of six treatment groups, they underwent renal transplantation and bilateral native nephrectomy. Serum creatinine level was monitored twice weekly and as indicated, and protocol biopsies were performed. Rejection was defined as a increase in serum creatinine to 1.5 mg/dL or higher and was confirmed histologically. Complete blood counts and flow cytometric analyses were performed periodically posttransplant; pharmacokinetic parameters of Mut-IL-15/Fc were assessed. RESULTS: Compared with control animals, Mut-IL-15/Fc-treated animals did not demonstrate increased graft survival despite adequate serum levels of Mut-IL-15/Fc. Flow cytometric analysis of white blood cell subgroups demonstrated a decrease in CD8 T-cell and natural killer cell numbers, although this did not reach statistical significance. Interestingly, two animals receiving Mut-IL-15/Fc developed infectious complications, but no infection was seen in control animals. Renal pathology varied widely. CONCLUSIONS: Peritransplant IL-15 receptor blockade does not prolong allograft survival in non-human primate renal transplantation; however, it reduces the number of CD8 T cells and natural killer cells in the peripheral blood.


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CONCLUSION Radiation dose reduction, while saving image quality could be easily implemented with this approach. Furthermore, the availability of a dosimetric data archive provides immediate feedbacks, related to the implemented optimization strategies. Background JCI Standards and European Legislation (EURATOM 59/2013) require the implementation of patient radiation protection programs in diagnostic radiology. Aim of this study is to demonstrate the possibility to reduce patients radiation exposure without decreasing image quality, through a multidisciplinary team (MT), which analyzes dosimetric data of diagnostic examinations. Evaluation Data from CT examinations performed with two different scanners (Siemens DefinitionTM and GE LightSpeed UltraTM) between November and December 2013 are considered. CT scanners are configured to automatically send images to DoseWatch© software, which is able to store output parameters (e.g. kVp, mAs, pitch ) and exposure data (e.g. CTDIvol, DLP, SSDE). Data are analyzed and discussed by a MT composed by Medical Physicists and Radiologists, to identify protocols which show critical dosimetric values, then suggest possible improvement actions to be implemented. Furthermore, the large amount of data available allows to monitor diagnostic protocols currently in use and to identify different statistic populations for each of them. Discussion We identified critical values of average CTDIvol for head and facial bones examinations (respectively 61.8 mGy, 151 scans; 61.6 mGy, 72 scans), performed with the GE LightSpeed CTTM. Statistic analysis allowed us to identify the presence of two different populations for head scan, one of which was only 10% of the total number of scans and corresponded to lower exposure values. The MT adopted this protocol as standard. Moreover, the constant output parameters monitoring allowed us to identify unusual values in facial bones exams, due to changes during maintenance service, which the team promptly suggested to correct. This resulted in a substantial dose saving in CTDIvol average values of approximately 15% and 50% for head and facial bones exams, respectively. Diagnostic image quality was deemed suitable for clinical use by radiologists.


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La presente tesis tuvo como objetivos: i. Evaluar la incidencia de la solubilidad y forma química de fuentes azufradas (azufre elemental y una fuente sulfatada soluble) en las respuestas en el rendimiento de trigo y soja de primera. ii. Analizar la residualidad de la aplicación de las fuentes azufradas en el trigo en el rendimiento de la soja de segunda. Asimismo, como objetivo secundario se planteó evaluar la influencia de variables edáficas y climáticas en las respuestas observadas. Se plantearon dos hipótesis: i. La necesidad de oxidación del azufre elemental (AE) reduce la respuesta y eficiencia de uso del S (EUS) en el cultivo de trigo, comparado con el sulfato de amonio (SA). Por el contrario, ese efecto es de menor magnitud en soja de primera, debido a las condiciones termo - hídricas más favorables. ii. La residualidad de la fertilización del trigo sobre el rendimiento de la soja de segunda, es mayor con el AE micronizado que con el SA. Se realizaron ocho ensayos de campo en trigo/soja 2da y nueve en soja de 1ra, durante dos años consecutivos en sitios ubicados en la Región Pampeana. Los tratamientos fueron: i. testigo (sin agregado de S), ii. fertilización con azufre elemental (AE) micronizado (0-0- 0+95 por ciento de S) en dos niveles de dosis, iii. fertilización con sulfato de amonio granulado (SA, 21-0-0+ 24 por ciento S), también en dos niveles de dosis. Las dosis evaluadas fueron 10 y 30 kg ha-1 de S (año 1) y 15 y 30 kg ha-1 (año 2). La fertilización azufrada afectó significativamente (p menor 0,05) los rendimientos del trigo en cuatro de cinco sitios en el primer año y en todos los sitios durante el segundo año. Las respuestas se ubicaron en el rango de 231 a 857 kg ha-1 en el primer año y entre 702 y 2119 kg ha-1 en el segundo año. No se observaron diferencias en respuesta entre fuentes azufradas (i.e. similar efectividad) o en la eficiencia agronómica del S aplicado (kg de grano kg de S aplicado- 1) en la mayoría de los sitios. Para el conjunto de experimentos, ambos fertilizantes fueron adecuados para proveer SO4 2-al cultivo. Estos resultados permitieron rechazar la hipótesis planteada. Tampoco se detectó efecto significativo de dosis o interacción fuente x dosis en la mayoría de los sitios (p mayor 0,05). La dosis más baja fue suficiente para cubrir la demanda de S del cultivo. Se observó una asociación positiva entre las respuestas y el contenido de MO del suelo y las precipitaciones (macollaje y total del ciclo) e inversa con la disponibilidad de S-SO4 2- a la siembra, aunque con bajo ajuste (R2 medio=0,18). No se detectó asociación entre las respuestas y la temperatura en macollaje o en el ciclo. En los experimentos con soja de 1ra, se observó una baja frecuencia de sitios con respuesta a la fertilización azufrada. En estos sitios, las respuestas fueron de 377-982 kg ha-1 (año 1) y de 151-361 kg ha-1 (año 2) y no se evidenció correlación significativa entre las respuestas y variables climáticas o edáficas en el primer año de evaluación. En el segundo año, las respuestas se correlacionaron en forma inversa con el contenido de S-SO42- inicial (R2=0,63). La eficiencia agronómica del S aplicado fue similar entre las fuentes azufradas durante el primer año y se observó efecto significativo de dosis. La dosis más alta fue más eficiente en proveer S al cultivo. En el segundo año, dependiendo de la localidad, se observaron algunas diferencias de efectividad entre las fuentes azufradas relacionadas con la influencia de variables de sitio. Los efectos residuales en la soja de 2da se observaron en pocos sitios experimentales. Las respuestas fueron de 58-689 (año 1) y de 186-512 kg ha-1 (año 2) y se pudieron asociar en forma inversa con el contenido de S-SO4 2- estimados al inicio del cultivo (R2=0,33). En los sitios con residualidad significativa (p manor 0,05) y con la menor dosis de S aplicada en el trigo antecesor, no se observaron diferencias significativas (p mayor 0,05) en eficiencia agronómica entre fuentes. Por el contrario, con la dosis mas elevada, la eficiencia del S aplicado como AE fue mayor que con SA. Por ello, la hipótesis planteada en el tema de residualidad se acepta, pero parcialmente. Los resultados obtenidos no permitieron determinar un patrón claro de residualidad de las fuentes azufradas en los sitios experimentales.