940 resultados para 1475-1564


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Contient : 1 Mémoire pour le roi contre l'excommunication de Jeanne d'Albret, reine de Navarre ; 2 Actes du colloque de Poissy, 14 octobre 1561. « Acta Pissiaci, quod est Carnutum oppidum ad Sequane amnis ripam, anno humane salutis 1561, pridie idus octobris » ; 3 « Memoires et instructions des syndicz, deputez par les clergez de France, pour servir et proposer en l'assemblée que l'on dict debvoir estre faicte touchant l'approbation ou reject du concile tenu à Trente, aux fins de requerir par l'eglise gallicane la reception et auctorisation d'icelluy... et ce non obstans telles quelles pretendues nullitez et abus mentionnez en certain advis ou conseil deliberé à Paris, à la requeste d'aulcuns que l'on maintient estre du conseil privé du roy, selon qu'il est contenu en la dessusdicte consultation ou advis de Me Charles Dumoulin » ; 4 « Moiantz à deduire par les deputez et syndictz de l'eglise gallicane, pour faire recepvoir les articles du concile tenu à Trente, avecques les modifications requises en aucungs d'iceulx. Pour l'occurance de ceste matière... » ; 5 Mémoire des syndics du clergé de France contre les huguenots protestants, 1564. « Les sindicz des clergez de France ayans veu certain discours imprimé à Paris cest an mil VC.LXIIII, par lequel est persuadé au roy et à son peuple de laisser dedens les fins et limites de ce royaulme, en certaine asseurance, l'evenement des deux religions, selon le contenu en l'edict de pacification et interpretation faicte d'icelluy, leue, publiée et enregistrée au parlement de Paris du vingtiesme jour de decembre l'an mil. VC.LXIII... » ; 6 Mémoire contre les chantres de la chapelle du roi. On lit en marge : « Playdoyé faict par moy au conseil privé du roy, pour empescher que ses chantres n'eussent les distributions manuelles aux eglises desquelles ils sont chanoynes ; et est icy le faict particulier de l'eglise d'Amyans, qui a baillé loy aux aultres ». Premiers mots : « Le doyen, chanoynes et chapitre de l'eglise d'Amyens, pour les moyens de l'opposition qu'ils entendent former aux lettres patentes données à Fonteynebleau au mois d'apvril mil VC.LIII... » ; 7 « Articles du clergé de France sur la revocation de l'edict d'aliénation du revenu temporel de l'Eglise jusques à cent mil escuz de rente. Il plaire au roy decerner ses lettres patentes... ». Ces articles sont précédés du compte rendu de l'assemblée du clergé, réunie à Paris le 15 septembre 1563, qui les avait votées et avait maintenu dans leurs fonctions de syndics généraux Antoine Du Vivier et Nicolas Griveau ; 8 Déclaration du chapitre de Thérouanne, faisant savoir qu'il ne peut accorder la subvention demandée par le roi, et qu'au surplus il se conformera à la décision prise par l'évêque et le clergé d'Amiens ; 9 « Opposition formée par nous » ANTOINE DU VIVIER, chancelier de l'église et de l'Université de Paris, et NICOLAS GRIVEAU, doyen de l'église d'Amiens], « syndictz, contre l'edict » du 17 « janvier, donné à Sainct-Germain-en-Laye, l'an mil VC.LXI » ; 10 « Moyens et conditions pour faire revocquer l'edict d'alienation de cent mil escus de rente du temporel de l'Eglise » ; 11 « Remonstrance à messieurs de la court de parlement contre l'alienation du bien temporel de l'eglise gallicane ». 1561 ; 12 Mémoire « pour evidemment monstrer que l'eglise gallicane n'est subjecte aulx charges portées par l'edict du roy dernierement publié touchant les franczfiefz et nouveaulx acquestz » ; 13 Mandement imprimé de CHARLES, cardinal DE LORRAINE, archevêque de Reims, adressé aux fidèles de la province, à l'occasion des quatre-temps de la Noel. Sans date ; 14 Concile de Reims, en 1564 ; « Moyantz proposez par les deputez au concile tenu à Reims, pro cultu ecclesiarum ». 1564 ; « Articles mys en opinion au concile de Reins » ; « Icy sont declarez les moyantz pour l'interpretation des articles que j'ay portez au concile provintial de Reins pour le diocese d'Amyans » ; « Response à certains articles baillez par mons. le cardinal de Lorraynne » ; Compte rendu de l'assemblée tenue par le clergé du diocèse d'Amiens pour la nomination des députés à envoyer, le 26 novembre 1564, au concile de Reims, et pour la rédaction des instructions à leur donner ; Copie du mandement indiqué sous l'article 13 ; « Canons du concile provintial de Reins ». 1564 ; « Statuta ab illustrissimo principe et reverendissimo cardinali CAROLO LOTHARINGO, archiepiscopo duce Remensi... condita et promulgata in diocesana sua synodo, que Remis habita est, octavo die novembris anno 1564 ». Ces statuts reproduisent presque tous les canons du concile de Reims. On lit au-dessous du titre : « Ces statuz furent presentez en la congregation, pour les visiter et sçavoyr si aucungtz d'iceulx debvoyent estre changez ou refformez » ; « S'ensuyt ce que a esté fait au concile provintial assigné en la ville de Reins, au XXVIe novembre mil VCLXIIII... » ; 15 « Briefve relation du sieur de Tantalle, ministre de France, adressante aux ministres d'Allemagne, touchant ce qui s'est passé à Saumur le vingt neufiesme juin mil six cens unze ». C'est une « satire contre M. de Sully et les huguenots »


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Banco del conocimiento


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The human a-tocopherol transfer protein (h-a-TTP) is understood to be the entity responsible for the specific retention of a-tocopherol (a-toc) in human tissues over all other forms of vitamin E obtained from the diet. a-Tocopherol is the most biologically active form of vitamin E, and to date has been studied extensively with regard to its antioxidant properties and its role of terminating membrane lipid peroxidation chain reactions. However, information surrounding the distribution of a-tocopherol, specifically its delivery to intracellular membranes by a-TTP, is still unclear and the molecular factors influencing transfer remain elusive. To investigate the mechanism of ligand transfer by the h-a-TTP, a fluorescent analogue of a-toc has been used in the development of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay. (/?)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[9-(7-nitro-benzo[l,2,5]oxdiazol-4-ylamino)-nonyl]- chroman-6-ol (NBD-toc) has allowed for the development of the FRET-based ligand transfer assay. This ligand has been utilized in a series of experiments where changes were made to acceptor lipid membrane concentration and composition, as well as to the ionic strength and viscosity of the buffer medium. Such changes have yielded evidence supporting a collisional mechanism of ligand transfer by a-TTP, and have brought to light a new line of inquiry pertaining to the nature of the forces governing the collisional transfer interaction. Through elucidation of the transfer mechanism type, a deeper understanding of the transfer event and the in vivo fate of a-tocopherol have been obtained. Furthermore, the results presented here allow for a deeper investigation of the forces controlling the collisional protein-membrane interaction and their effect on the transfer of a-toc to membranes. Future investigation in this direction will raise the possibility of a complete understanding of the molecular events surrounding the distribution of a-toc within the cell and to the body's tissues.


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Four staircase lakes occupying a single watershed located in the Algoma District, north of Lake Superior were chosen for this study. I examined the subfossil diatom assemblage in the top twenty centimeters of the surface sediments in each of these four lakes in an attempt to reconstruct their respective past pH history. From these analyses it was possible to test the hypothesis that the rate of change of diatom inferred pH was not significantly different in lakes located one below the other in a single "staircase" within a single watershed system. My results indicated that the four Z lakes had been acid for at least the last century. The water color of the three upper Z lakes (Z1, Z2 and Z3) was brown (>30 Pt Co units). The bottom lake (Z4) was the only clear water lake in the system «5 Pt Co units). This bottom staircase lake had no muskeg development around its shoreline. The alkaliphilous diatoms in the Z watershed system were important in determining the diatom inferred pH of the four Z lakes. The centric diatoms were extremely rare in the clearwater bottom lake (Z4). The ecology of the Eupodiscales is perhaps important in the interpretation of sediment in the more acid environment. Lake Z4 was the only one that had a progressive as well as a significant decrease in its downcore diatom inferred pH since the early 1960's. This lead me to speculate that the humic substances present in the upper three brown water lakes (Z1, Z2 and Z3) were perhaps Important in buffering them against a further decrease in water pH even though they were located within an area which was sensitive to acid precipitation.


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Failed and fragile states that result from intrastate war pose severe threats to the security of both the international system and individual states alike. In the post-Cold War era, the international community has come to recognize the reality of these threats and the difficulty involved in ending violence and building sustainable peace in failed and fragile states. This work focuses upon the development of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable peace-building by incorporating the tenets of the human security doctrine into the peace-building process. Through the use of case studies of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and East Timor, the development and refinement of the doctrine of human security will occur, as well as, an understanding of how and where human security fits into the sustainable peace-building equation. The end result of the analysis is the development of a hierarchical pyramid formation that brings together human security and peace-building into one framework that ultimately creates the foundation and structure of sustainable peace-building. With the development of a sustainable peace-building structure based upon the human security doctrine, the role of Canada in the support of sustainable peace-building is analyzed in relation to the form and level of involvement that Canada undertakes and contributes to in the implementation and support of sustainable peace-building initiatives. Following from this, recommendations are provided regarding what role(s) Canada should undertake in the sustainable peace-building process that take into consideration the present and likely future capabilities of Canada to be involved in various aspects of the peace-building process. ii This paper outlines the need for a peace-building strategy that is designed to be sustainable in order that failed and fragile states resulting from intrastate conflict do not regress or collapse back into a condition of civil war, and subsequently designs such a strategy. The linking of peace-building and human security creates the required framework from which sustainable peace-building is derived. Creating sustainable peace is necessary in order to increase the likelihood that both present and future generations existing in failed and fragile states will be spared from the scourge of intrastate war.


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Compounds of plant origin and food components have attracted scientific attention for use as agents for cancer prevention and treatment. Wine contains polyphenols that were shown to have anti-cancer and other health benefits. The survival pathways of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk), and the tumor suppressor p53 are key modulators of cancer cell growth and survival. In this study, we examined the effects of wine on proliferation and survival of human Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells and its effects on signaling events.


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Compounds of plant origin and food components have attracted scientific attention for use as agents for cancer prevention and treatment. Wine contains polyphenols that were shown to have anti-cancer and other health benefits. The survival pathways of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk), and the tumor suppressor p53 are key modulators of cancer cell growth and survival. In this study, we examined the effects of wine on proliferation and survival of human Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells and its effects on signaling events.


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Tesis (Maestría en Trabajo Social) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Formación y Capacitación de Recursos Humanos) UANL


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