537 resultados para 1258


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Caption title.


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Comprises a typescript of a transcription of the text of the manuscript and a copy of the negative microfilm of the manuscript itself.


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Translated by İbrahim el-Kadiri el-Kastamonı.


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Translation of: The history of the reign of Emperor Charles V, progress of society in Europe.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as alterações faciais decorrentes da Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERM-AC). A amostra foi composta por 15 pacientes com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês, sendo 10 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, que apresentavam deficiência transversal da maxila, não tinham sido submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico prévio, apresentavam ficha clínica completa e fotografias em norma frontal nas fases pré-tratamento (T1) e 6 meses após a ERM-AC (T2). Mediadas lineares foram obtidas a partir da marcação de pontos de referência em folhas de acetato fixadas sobre as fotografias, para evitar a necessidade de execução de desenho anatômico. Concluiu-se que a padronização de fotografias em todos os tempos da pesquisa é de fundamental importância para que as medidas avaliadas sejam confiáveis. Quando comparados T1 com T2 por meio do teste t de Student não se verificou alteração estatisticamente significante na: largura intercantal (Ind Ine), altura facial média (N - SN), largura do olho direito (Exd Ind), largura do olho esquerdo (Exe Ine), altura facial (N - Me ), largura facial superior (Zid - Zie ), largura da boca (Cbd Cbe) e altura da boca (Ls Li). As medidas altura facial inferior (Sn - Me ) e a largura do nariz (Ald Ale) apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante após a ERM-AC.


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We show the similarity between belief propagation and TAP, for decoding corrupted messages encoded by Sourlas's method. The latter is a special case of the Gallager error- correcting code, where the code word comprises products of K bits selected randomly from the original message. We examine the efficacy of solutions obtained by the two methods for various values of K and show that solutions for K>=3 may be sensitive to the choice of initial conditions in the case of unbiased patterns. Good approximations are obtained generally for K=2 and for biased patterns in the case of K>=3, especially when Nishimori's temperature is being used.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J05, 35C15, 44P05


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E tanulmány központi témája a nyugdíjrendszerek implicit hozama. Az együtt élő nemzedékek figyelembevételével felépülő nyugdíjmodellekben kétféle implicit hozamot különböztetünk meg. A hosszmetszeti implicit hozamot valamely adott nemzedékhez tartozó, különböző években esedékes pénzáramlások alapján, a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamot pedig több, különböző nemzedék adott évben jellemző pénzáramlásai alapján számíthatjuk ki. A hosszmetszeti és keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok értékeit és a közük lévő összefüggéseket a tőkefedezeti, a névleges egyéni számlás és a hagyományos felosztó-kirovó nyugdíjrendszerek egyszerű elméleti modelljeiben hasonlítjuk össze. A számításokhoz használt modellkeret fontos eleme a várható élettartam figyelembevétele. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a maximális és a várható élettartam eltérésekor a hosszmetszeti és a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok közötti összefüggések még egyszerű elméleti modellben is meglehetősen összetettek lehetnek. ____ The focus of this study is on the implicit returns of pension systems. Two types are analysed using an overlapping generations model: the calculation of longitudinal\" return is based on cash flows in different years belonging to a given generation, while cross-section\" implicit return is calculated in a given year with cash flows of multiple generations. Values and relationships of longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns are compared in simple theoretical models of fully funded\", notional defined-contribution\" and traditional pay-as-you-go\" pension systems. An important element of the theoretical model is the inclusion of an assumption about life expectancy. Model results point to the complexity of the relation between longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns, if expected and maximum life expectancy differ. The study maps and introduces these complex relationships.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.