960 resultados para [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)]
The generation of lymphoid microenvironments in early life depends on the interaction of lymphoid tissue-inducer cells with stromal lymphoid tissue-organizer cells. Whether this cellular interface stays operational in adult secondary lymphoid organs has remained elusive. We show here that during acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, antiviral cytotoxic T cells destroyed infected T cell zone stromal cells, which led to profound disruption of secondary lymphoid organ integrity. Furthermore, the ability of the host to respond to secondary antigens was lost. Restoration of the lymphoid microanatomy was dependent on the proliferative accumulation of lymphoid tissue-inducer cells in secondary lymphoid organs during the acute phase of infection and lymphotoxin alpha(1)beta(2) signaling. Thus, crosstalk between lymphoid tissue-inducer cells and stromal cells is reactivated in adults to maintain secondary lymphoid organ integrity and thereby contributes to the preservation of immunocompetence.
Ectopic or tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) are often induced at sites of chronic inflammation. They typically contain various hematopoietic cell types, high endothelial venules, and follicular dendritic cells; and are organized in lymph node-like structures. Although fibroblastic stromal cells may play a role in TLT induction and persistence, they have remained poorly defined. Herein, we report that TLTs arising during inflammation in mice and humans in a variety of tissues (eg, pancreas, kidney, liver, and salivary gland) contain stromal cell networks consisting of podoplanin(+) T-zone fibroblastic reticular cells (TRCs), distinct from follicular dendritic cells. Similar to lymph nodes, TRCs were present throughout T-cell-rich areas and had dendritic cells associated with them. They expressed lymphotoxin (LT) β receptor (LTβR), produced CCL21, and formed a functional conduit system. In rat insulin promoter-CXCL13-transgenic pancreas, the maintenance of TRC networks and conduits was partially dependent on LTβR and on lymphoid tissue inducer cells expressing LTβR ligands. In conclusion, TRCs and conduits are hallmarks of secondary lymphoid organs and of well-developed TLTs, in both mice and humans, and are likely to act as important scaffold and organizer cells of the T-cell-rich zone.
The metamorphism of the carbonate rocks of the SE Zanskar Tibetan zone has been studied by `'illite crystallinity'' and calcite-dolomite thermometry. The epizonal Zangla unit overlies the anchizonal Chumik unit. This discontinuous inverse zonation demonstrates a late to post-metamorphic thrust of the first unit over the second. The studied area underwent a complex tectonic history: - The tectonic units were stacked from the NE to the SW, generating recumbent folds, NE dipping thrusts and the regional metamorphism. The compressive movements were active under lower temperature conditions, resulting in late thrusts that disturbed the metamorphic zonation. The discontinuous inverse metamorphic zonation dates from this phase. - A NE vergent backfolding phase occurred at lower temperature conditions. It caused the uplift of more metamorphic levels. - A late extensional phase is revealed by the presence of NE dipping low angle normal faults, and a major high angle fault, the Sarchu fault. The low angle normal faults locally run along earlier thrusts (composite tectonic contacts). Their throw has been sufficient to reset a normal stratigraphic superposition (young layers overlying old ones), but insufficient to erase the inverse metamorphic relationship. However, the combined action of backfolding and normal faulting can locally lessen, or even cancel, the inverse metamorphic superposition. After deduction of the normal fault translation, the vertical component of the original thrust displacement through stratigraphy is 400 m, which is a value far too low to explain the temperature difference between the two units. The horizontal component of displacement is therefore far more important than the vertical one. The regional distribution of metamorphism within the Zangla unit points out to an anchizonal front and an epizonal inner part. This fact is in agreement with nappe tectonics.
In the last decade, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have increasingly been deployed in work zones by state departments of transportation. Also known as smart work zone systems they improve traffic operations and safety by providing real-time information to travelers, monitoring traffic conditions, and managing incidents. Although there have been numerous ITS deployments in work zones, a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of these deployments does not exist. To justify the continued development and implementation of smart work zone systems, this study developed a framework to determine ITS effectiveness for specific work zone projects. The framework recommends using one or more of five performance measures: diversion rate, delay time, queue length, crash frequency, and speed. The monetary benefits and costs of ITS deployment in a work zone can then be computed using the performance measure values. Such ITS computations include additional considerations that are typically not present in standard benefit-cost computations. The proposed framework will allow for consistency in performance measures across different ITS studies thus allowing for comparisons across studies or for meta analysis. In addition, guidance on the circumstances under which ITS deployment is recommended for a work zone is provided. The framework was illustrated using two case studies: one urban work zone on I-70 and one rural work zone on I-44, in Missouri. The goals of the two ITS deployments were different – the I-70 ITS deployment was targeted at improving mobility whereas the I-44 deployment was targeted at improving safety. For the I-70 site, only permanent ITS equipment that was already in place was used for the project and no temporary ITS equipment was deployed. The permanent DMS equipment serves multiple purposes, and it is arguable whether that cost should be attributed to the work zone project. The data collection effort for the I-70 site was very significant as portable surveillance captured the actual diversion flows to alternative routes. The benefit-cost ratio for the I-70 site was 2.1 to 1 if adjusted equipment costs were included and 6.9 to 1 without equipment costs. The safety-focused I-44 ITS deployment had an estimated benefit-cost ratio of 3.2 to 1.
A number of geophysical methods, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), have the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties in the unsaturated zone. In particular, the stochastic inversion of such data within a coupled geophysical-hydrological framework may allow for the effective estimation of vadose zone hydraulic parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. A critical issue in stochastic inversion is choosing prior parameter probability distributions from which potential model configurations are drawn and tested against observed data. A well chosen prior should reflect as honestly as possible the initial state of knowledge regarding the parameters and be neither overly specific nor too conservative. In a Bayesian context, combining the prior with available data yields a posterior state of knowledge about the parameters, which can then be used statistically for predictions and risk assessment. Here we investigate the influence of prior information regarding the van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters, which describe vadose zone hydraulic properties, on the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR data collected under steady state, natural-loading conditions. We do this using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inversion approach, considering first noninformative uniform prior distributions and then more informative priors derived from soil property databases. For the informative priors, we further explore the effect of including information regarding parameter correlation. Analysis of both synthetic and field data indicates that the geophysical data alone contain valuable information regarding the VGM parameters. However, significantly better results are obtained when we combine these data with a realistic, informative prior.
Splenic marginal zone (MZ) B cells are a lineage distinct from follicular and peritoneal B1 B cells. They are located next to the marginal sinus where blood is released. Here they pick up antigens and shuttle the load onto follicular dendritic cells inside the follicle. On activation, MZ B cells rapidly differentiate into plasmablasts secreting antibodies, thereby mediating humoral immune responses against blood-borne type 2 T-independent antigens. As Krüppel-like factors are implicated in cell differentiation/function in various tissues, we studied the function of basic Krüppel-like factor (BKLF/KLF3) in B cells. Whereas B-cell development in the bone marrow of KLF3-transgenic mice was unaffected, MZ B-cell numbers in spleen were increased considerably. As revealed in chimeric mice, this occurred cell autonomously, increasing both MZ and peritoneal B1 B-cell subsets. Comparing KLF3-transgenic and nontransgenic follicular B cells by RNA-microarray revealed that KLF3 regulates a subset of genes that was similarly up-regulated/down-regulated on normal MZ B-cell differentiation. Indeed, KLF3 expression overcame the lack of MZ B cells caused by different genetic alterations, such as CD19-deficiency or blockade of B-cell activating factor-receptor signaling, indicating that KLF3 may complement alternative nuclear factor-κB signaling. Thus, KLF3 is a driving force toward MZ B-cell maturation.
Work-related flow is defined as a sudden and enjoyable merging of action and awareness that represents a peak experience in the daily lives of workers. Employees" perceptions of challenge and skill and their subjective experiences in terms of enjoyment, interest and absorption were measured using the experience sampling method, yielding a total of 6981 observations from a sample of 60 employees. Linear and nonlinear approaches were applied in order to model both continuous and sudden changes. According to the R2, AICc and BIC indexes, the nonlinear dynamical systems model (i.e. cusp catastrophe model) fit the data better than the linear and logistic regression models. Likewise, the cusp catastrophe model appears to be especially powerful for modelling those cases of high levels of flow. Overall, flow represents a nonequilibrium condition that combines continuous and abrupt changes across time. Research and intervention efforts concerned with this process should focus on the variable of challenge, which, according to our study, appears to play a key role in the abrupt changes observed in work-related flow.
RESUME Introduction: Les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons sont actuellement considérés comme les médicaments de choix pour le traitement des affections peptiques comme l'ulcère gastroduodénal et l'oesophagite de reflux. La rapidité, ainsi que le degré d'inhibition de la sécrétion gastrique acide sont importants pour le contrôle optimal des symptômes ainsi que pour le traitement de ces affections. But : Le but principal de cette étude a été de comparer, chez les sujets asymptomatiques non infectés par H. pylori, par pH-métrie intragastrique de 24 heures, la rapidité et la durée de l'action antisécrétoire de doses uniques de rabéprazole 20 mg, d'oméprazole capsule 20 mg, d'oméprazole en comprimé MUPS (« Multiple Unit Pellet System ») 20 mg, de pantoprazole 40 mg et de lansoprazole 30 mg, respectivement. Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude, effectuée en double aveugle et randomisée, a été conduite de manière croisée chez 18 sujets H. pylori-négatifs. Une pH-métrie de 24 heures a été effectuée le jour de l'administration du médicament (dose unique de rabéprazole 20 mg, de lansoprazole 30mg, de pantoprazole 40 mg, d'oméprazole capsule 20 mg, d'oméprazole MUPS comprimé 20mg, ou de placebo). Résultats : Le pH intragastrique médian (3.4 vs. 2.9, 2.2, 1.9 et 1.8, respectivement; pX04; 0.03) et le temps avec un pH supérieur à 4 pendant les 24 heures suivant la prise du médicament (8.0 heures vs. 7.4, 4.9, 2.9, et 3.0, respectivement; pX04; 0.003) ont été statistiquement plus élevés avec le rabéprazole qu'avec le lansoprazole, le pantoprazole, l'oméprazole capsule, l'oméprazole comprimé MUPS, ou le placebo. Les valeurs du pH pendant les périodes diurnes et nocturnes étaient plus hautes avec le rabeprazole et le lansoprazole qu'avec le pantoprazole, l'oméprazole capsule, et l'oméprazole comprimé MUPS (pX04;0.04). Conclusion : Le rabéprazole s'est montré le plus efficace de tous les inhibiteurs de pompe à protons étudiés durant le premier jour de l'administration du médicament. SUMMARY Background: Rapid and consistent acid suppression on the first day of dosing may be important in treating acid-related disorders. Aim: To compare the antisecretory activity and onset of action of single doses of rabeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule, omeprazole multiple unit pellet system (MUPS) tablet and placebo in healthy Helicobacter pylori-negative subjects. Methods: This cross-over, double-blind, randomized study was performed in 18 H. pylori-negative subjects. Twenty-four-hour intragastric pH monitoring was performed on the day of treatment (once-daily dose of rabeprazole 20 mg, lansoprazole 30 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg, omeprazole capsule 20 mg, omeprazole MUPS tablet 20 mg or placebo). Results: The intragastric pH (3.4) and time at pH > 4 during the 24 h post-dose (8.0 h) were significantly greater with rabeprazole than with lansoprazole, pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule, omeprazole MUPS tablet or placebo (P X04; 0.04 for rabeprazole vs. the others). Daytime and night-time pH values were higher with rabeprazole and lansoprazole than with pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule and omeprazole MUPS tablet (P X04; 0.04). Conclusion: Rabeprazole was the most potent acid inhibitor of all the proton pump inhibitors tested during the first day of dosing.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to explore the periodical patterns of events and deaths related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke in Swiss adults (X05; 18 years). METHODS: Mortality data for period 1969-2007 (N=869,863 CVD events) and hospitalization data for period 1997-2008 (N=959,990 CVD events) were used. The annual, weekly and circadian distribution of CVD-related deaths and events were assessed. Multivariate analysis was conducted using multinomial logistic regression adjusting for age, gender and calendar year and considering deaths from respiratory diseases, accidents or other causes as competitive events. RESULTS: CVD deaths and hospitalizations occurred less frequently in the summer months. Similar patterns were found for AMI and stroke. No significant weekly variation for CVD deaths was found. Stratification by age and gender showed subjects aged <65 years to present a higher probability of dying on Mondays and Saturday, only for men. This finding was confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Finally, a circadian variation in CVD mortality was observed, with a first peak in the morning (8-12 am) and a smaller second peak in the late afternoon (2-6 pm). This pattern persisted after multivariate adjustment and was more pronounced for AMI than for stroke. CONCLUSION: There is a periodicity of hospitalizations and deaths related to CVD, AMI and stroke in Switzerland. This pattern changes slightly according to the age and sex of the subjects. Although the underlying mechanisms are not fully identified, preventive measures should take into account these aspects to develop better strategies of prevention and management of CVD.
The incomplete Evros ophiolites in NE Greece form a NE-SW-oriented discontinuous belt in the Alpine orogen of the north Aegean. Field data, petrology and geochemistry are presented here for the intrusive section and associated mafic dykes of these ophiolites. Bodies of high-level isotropic gabbro and plagiogranite in the ophiolite suite are cross-cut by NE-SW-trending boninitic and tholeiitic-boninitic affinity dykes, respectively. The dykes fill tensile fractures or faults, which implies dyke emplacement in an extensional tectonic regime. The tholeiitic-transitional boninitic gabbro is REE- and HFS-depleted relative to N-MORB, indicating derivation from melting of a refractory mantle peridotite source. Associated boninitic dykes are slightly LREE-enriched, showing mineral and whole-rock geochemistry similar to the gabbro. The plagiogranite is a strongly REE-enriched high-silica trondhjemite, with textures and composition typical for an oceanic crust differentiate. Plagiogranite-hosted tholeiitic and transitional boninitic dykes are variably REE-enriched. Geochemical modelling indicates origin of the plagiogranite by up to 75% fractional crystallization of basaltic magma similar to that producing the associated tholeiitic dykes. All mafic rocks have high LILE/HFSE ratios and negative Ta-Nb-Ti and Ce anomalies, typical for subduction zone-related settings. The mafic rocks show a similar trace-element character to the mafic lavas of an extrusive section in Bulgaria, suggesting they both form genetically related intrusive and extrusive suites of the Evros ophiolites. The field occurrence, the structural context, the petrology and geochemical signature of the studied magmatic assemblage provide evidence for its origin in a proto-arc (fore-arc) tectonic setting, thus tracing the early stages of the tectono-magmatic evolution of Jurassic arc-marginal basin system that has generated the supra-subduction type Evros ophiolites.
Geophysical methods have the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties in the unsaturated zone. In particular, time-lapse geophysical data, when coupled with a hydrological model and inverted stochastically, may allow for the effective estimation of subsurface hydraulic parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. In this study, we use a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) inversion approach to investigate how much information regarding vadose zone hydraulic properties can be retrieved from time-lapse crosshole GPR data collected at the Arrenaes field site in Denmark during a forced infiltration experiment.
Capacity is affected by construction type and its intensity on adjacent open traffic lanes. The effect on capacity is a function of vehicles moving in and out of the closed lanes of the work zone, and the presence of heavy construction vehicles. Construction activity and its intensity, however, are not commonly considered in estimating capacity of a highway lane. The main purpose of this project was to attempt to quantify the effects of construction type and intensity (e.g. maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and milling) on work zone capacity. The objective of this project is to quantify the effects of construction type and its intensity on work zone capacity and to develop guidelines for MoDOT to estimate the specific operation type and intensity that will improve the traffic flow by reducing the traffic flow and queue length commonly associated with work zones. Despite the effort put into field data collection, the data collected did not show a full speed-flow chart therefore extracting a reliable capacity value was difficult. A statistical comparison between the capacity values found in this study using either methodologies indicates that there is an effect of construction activity on the values work zone capacity. It was found that the heavy construction activity reduces the capacity. It is very beneficial to conduct similar studies on the capacity of work zone with different lane closure barriers, which is also directly related to the type of work zone being short-term or long-term work zones. Also, the effect of different geometric and environmental characteristics of the roadway should be considered in future studies.
The Highway Safety Manual is the national safety manual that provides quantitative methods for analyzing highway safety. The HSM presents crash modification factors related to work zone characteristics such as work zone duration and length. These crash modification factors were based on high-impact work zones in California. Therefore there was a need to use work zone and safety data from the Midwest to calibrate these crash modification factors for use in the Midwest. Almost 11,000 Missouri freeway work zones were analyzed to derive a representative and stratified sample of 162 work zones. The 162 work zones was more than four times the number of work zones used in the HSM. This dataset was used for modeling and testing crash modification factors applicable to the Midwest. The dataset contained work zones ranging from 0.76 mile to 9.24 miles and with durations from 16 days to 590 days. A combined fatal/injury/non-injury model produced a R2 fit of 0.9079 and a prediction slope of 0.963. The resulting crash modification factors of 1.01 for duration and 0.58 for length were smaller than the values in the HSM. Two practical application examples illustrate the use of the crash modification factors for comparing alternate work zone setups.