955 resultados para young firm, high potential


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Este proyecto se enfoca hacia la posibilidad de exportar carne de bovino colombiana a Japón, en el marco de un posible tratado de libre comercio. Japón, es un país asiático que posee alta demanda de la misma, sin embargo, su falta de superficie le impide la producción de carne bovina, volviéndose uno de los mayores importadores (puesto 5) a nivel mundial de este producto. En vista de lo anterior, nace la oportunidad para Colombia de convertirse en un viable exportador de carne bovina hacia el país asiático. Todo esto se debe, a que el país cuenta con ventajas como la superficie y el clima, llevándolo a convertirse en un país agrícola con alto potencial y capacidad de producción de carne de bovino. Al realizar el estudio pertinente, se considera que los mayores exportadores del producto hacia Japón son: Australia, Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelandia, Canadá y México, siendo Australia y Estados Unidos los mayores proveedores de Japón. Por ello, se evaluaron estos países como los principales competidores de Colombia, demostrando altas diferencias, dado que Colombia no cuenta con los requerimientos para exportar carne de bovino hacia Japón, por deficiencias en calidad, precio y cantidad.


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El modelo de Discovering Hands ha sido reconocido internacionalmente como un proyecto innovador que se ha expandido por diferentes países del mundo, como Austria, y se ha empezado a estudiar la propuesta en países como República Checa, India y Colombia. (Discovering Hands, 2016). Esto se debe a que no solo mejora el tratamiento de cáncer de mama, sino que también reduce los costos totales de tratamiento de la enfermedad y aumenta la fuerza laborar de los países donde esté presente. Al representar una gran oportunidad en diferentes aspectos, se quiso desarrollar un estudio de factibilidad del modelo de negocio en tres países de América Latina, Colombia –donde ya se encuentra en marcha un proyecto piloto liderado por la CAF en Cali - , Argentina y México. El presente trabajo consiste en dicho estudio de factibilidad, focalizado en México; por medio de este se buscaron tres cosas primordiales, conocer y estudiar el contexto del mercado y situación de salud en el país, analizar los datos recogidos, con el fin de proponer soluciones para disminuir una de las principales causas de muerte en el país. Actualmente en México el 52% de casos de cáncer de mama diagnosticados sucede en etapas tardías, aumentando el riesgo de muerte de los pacientes (Colima, 2013). Con el estudio se logró identificar una oportunidad potencial para Discovering Hands siendo su estrategia un recurso adicional para contribuir a mejorar el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama en el país y debido a esto se presenta un modelo de negocio adaptable a las necesidades mexicanas


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Global biodiversity patterns are often driven by diff erent environmental variables at diff erent scales. However, it is still controversial whether there are general trends, whether similar processes are responsible for similar patterns, and/or whether confounding eff ects such as sampling bias can produce misleading results. Our aim is twofold: 1) assessing the global correlates of diversity in a group of microscopic animals little analysed so far, and 2) inferring the infl uence of sampling intensity on biodiversity analyses. As a case study, we choose rotifers, because of their high potential for dispersal across the globe. We assembled and analysed a new worldwide dataset of records of monogonont rotifers, a group of microscopic aquatic animals, from 1960 to 1992. Using spatially explicit models, we assessed whether the diversity patterns conformed to those commonly obtained for larger organisms, and whether they still held true after controlling for sampling intensity, variations in area, and spatial structure in the data. Our results are in part analogous to those commonly obtained for macroorganisms (habitat heterogeneity and precipitation emerge as the main global correlates), but show some divergence (potential absence of a latitudinal gradient and of a large-scale correlation with human population). Moreover, the eff ect of sampling eff ort is remarkable, accounting for 50% of the variability; this strong eff ect may mask other patterns such as latitudinal gradients. Our study points out that sampling bias should be carefully considered when drawing conclusions from large-scale analyses, and calls for further faunistic work on microorganisms in all regions of the world to better understand the generality of the processes driving global patterns in biodiversity.


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RESUMO: Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a divergência genética e as características físicas e químicas de frutos de duas populações do maracujazeiro azedo na região Norte do Espírito Santo, como as progênies de meio-irmãos de acesso local de um plantio comercial (genótipos: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 e 10) e do híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho (genótipos: 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 e 20). A divergência genética foi avaliada por procedimentos multivariados como a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e pelos métodos de agrupamento de otimização de Tocher e UPGMA. Encontrou-se divergência genética entre as populações estudadas promovendo a formação de grupos diferentes entre o método de Tocher e do UPGMA. As características, referentes ao tamanho do fruto, diâmetro polar e equatorial, foram as que mais contribuíram na diversidade genética dos genótipos. Nas populações estudadas de maracujazeiro azedo há grande variabilidade genética quanto às características avaliadas, o que possibilita selecionar plantas com elevado potencial para fins de melhoramento genético. O híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho apresenta boa adaptação às condições locais. ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to evaluate genetic divergence and physical and chemical characteristics in fruit of two populations of sour passion fruit in the northern region of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, these being half-sibling progenies from local accessions of a commercial crop (genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) and the hybrid BRS Ouro Vermelho (genotypes: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20). Genetic divergence was evaluated using such multivariate procedures as the generalised Mahalanobis distance (D2) and the Tocher optimisation and UPGMA clustering methods. Genetic divergence was found between the populations under study, promoting the formation of different groups between the Tocher and UPGMA methods. As characteristics for fruit size, the polar and equatorial diameters had the most impact on the genetic diversity of the genotypes. In the populations of sour passion fruit being studied, great genetic variability is seen in the evaluated characteristics, making it possible to select plants of high potential for breeding purposes. The BRS Ouro Vermelho hybrid is well adapted to the local conditions.


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Large-scale agriculture is increasing in anthropogenically modified areas in the Amazon Basin. Crops such as soybean, maize, oil palm, and others are being introduced to supply the world demand for food and energy. However, the current challenge is to enhance the sustainability of these areas by increasing efficiency of production chains and to improve environmental services. The Amazon Basin has experienced a paradigm shift away from the traditional slash-and-burn agricultural practices, which offers decision makers the opportunity to make innovative interventions to enhance the productivity in previously degraded areas by using trees to ecological advantage. This study describes a successful experiment integrating the production of soybean and paricá (Glycine max L. and Schizolobium amazonicum) based on previous research that indicated potential topoclimatic zones for planting paricá in the Brazilian state of Pará. This paper shows that a no-tillage system reduces the effects of drought compared to conventional tillage still used by many farmers in the region. The integrated system was implemented during the 2014/2015 season in 234.6 ha in the high-potential zone in the municipality of Ulianópolis, Pará. Both soybean and paricá were planted simultaneously. Paricá was planted in 5 m x 2 m inter-tree spacing totaling 228x103 trees per hectare and soybean, in 4 m x 100 m spacing, distributed in nine rows with a 0.45 m inter-row distance, occupying 80% of the area. The harvested soybean production was 3.4 t ha-1, higher than other soybean monocultures in eastern Pará. Paricá benefited from soybean fertilization in the first year: It exhibited rapid development in height (3.26 m) and average diameter (3.85 cm). Trees and crop rotation over the following years is six years for forest species and one year for each crop. Our results confirm there are alternatives to the current production systems able to diminish negative impacts resulting from monoculture. In addition, the system provided environmental services such as reduced soil erosion and increased carbon stock by soil cover with no-tillage soybean cultivation. The soybean cover contributes to increased paricá thermal regulation and lower forestry costs. We concluded that innovative interventions are important to show local farmers that it is possible to adapt an agroforest system to large-scale production, thus changing the Amazon.


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La microcuenca del río Poás (ubicada entre el volcán Barva y el volcán Poás, hasta la confluencia con el río Grande cerca de la ciudad de Alajuela) posee un alto potencial para la formación de acuíferos de alta calidad. Por este motivo sus recursos naturales deben utilizarse adecuadamente. La mejor manera de lograr lo anterior es mediante la planificación del uso de la tierra. En esta investigación se plantea para ello el ordenamiento territorial y el manejo de cuencas. Para este propósito se realiza una zonificación mediante la cual se identifican las siguientes zonas: sin restricción de uso, uso restringido y uso muy restringido. La mayor parte de la m icrocuenca (64,6%) se encuentra en la categoría de “sin restricción de uso”. Sin embargo. se hace necesaria la intervención con rapidez en sectores ubicados en la parte alta de la microcuenca que se clasifican de “uso muy restringido”. En relación con el recurso hídrico, en la microcuenca en los últimos 14 años y de acuerdo con la metodología aplicada, se ha elevado la producción hídrica, específicamente en la escorrentía y la ganancia. En general aumentó en 1,6%.Abstract:The Poas river micro watershed (located between the Barva and Poas volcanoes reaching the confluence of the Grande river near the city of Alajuela) has high potential for developing high quality aquifers, thus, its natural resnurces should be utilized adequately. This is best done by proper land use planning. In this study guidelines are presented for land use planning and watershed management. Land use is zoned or classified for the following uses:unrestricted use, restricted use, and highly restricted use. Most of the micro watershed (64.6 percent) is classified or zoned as ‘unrestricted use.’ However, urgent intervention is needed in demand and the possibility to export it. However, it is also possible to see the negative impaci of the project, such as: indigenous territories and a pan of the Interamerican Road being flooding, population displacement and the environmental ¡mpact on the Terraba-Sierpe mangrove. This diversity and incompatibility of factors and interest make a complex scenario that potentializes diverse conflicts.


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La microcuenca del río Poás (ubicada entre el volcán Barva y el volcán Poás, hasta la confluencia con el río Grande cerca de la ciudad de Alajuela) posee un alto potencial para la formación de acuíferos de alta calidad. Por este motivo sus recursos naturales deben utilizarse adecuadamente. La mejor manera de lograr lo anterior es mediante la planificación del uso de la tierra. En esta investigación se plantea para ello el ordenamiento territorial y el manejo de cuencas. Para este propósito se realiza una zonificación mediante la cual se identifican las siguientes zonas: sin restricción de uso, uso restringido y uso muy restringido. La mayor parte de la microcuenca (64,6%) se encuentra en la categoríade “sin restricción de uso”. Sin embargo. se hace necesaria la intervención con rapidez en sectores ubicados en la parte alta de la microcuenca que se clasifican de “uso muy restringido”. En relación con el recurso hídrico, en la microcuenca en los últimos 14 años y de acuerdo con la metodología aplicada, se ha elevado la producción hídrica, específicamente en la escorrentía y la ganancia. En general aumentó en 1,6%.Abstract: The Poas river micro watershed (located between the Barva and Poas volcanoes reaching the confluence of the Grande river near the city of Alajuela) has high potential for developing high quality aquifers. thus, its natural resources should be utilized adequately. This is best done by proper land use planning. In this study guidelines are presented for land use planning and watershed management. Land use is zoned or classified for the following uses: unrestncted use, restricted use, and highly restricted use. Most of the micro watershed (64.6 percent) is classified or zoned as ‘unrestricted use.’ However, urgent intervention is needed in the upper areas of the micro watershed cla.ssified as ‘highly restricted use.’ In the Iast l4years. according Lo the methodology applied, hydrologic production has increased about 1.6 percent. specifically in runoff and soil moisture surpius.


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Los sensores remotos proveen imágenes que según sus características permiten determinar cambios en el uso de la tierra. Se han desarrollado sensores con alto potencial para llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo, aunque en ocasiones es difícil tener todos los elementos para discriminar los objetos en una misma imagen, por ello recurrimos a transformaciones para la consecución de los objetivos. Este artículo constituye un subproducto del proyecto “Análisis de los cambios del uso de la tierra en el distrito de Orosi, utilizando datos teledetectados de los proyectos CENIGA1 (TERRA 97) y CARTA2 2003: período 1997-2003”. En el caso de Carta 2003 y Spot se presenta una coincidencia temporal pero no espacial ni espectral. El objetivo es ofrecer técnicas de transformación de imágenes fotográficas y multiespectrales del proyecto Carta 2003, así como una imagen de la plataforma del Spot. Las transformaciones de las imágenes permitieron cambiar la resolución espacial y espectral, las cuales variaban de 2 a 30 metros espacialmente y de 1 a 50 en su espectro. Para los objetivos de la investigación se seleccionaron 9 bandas a las cuales fue posible aplicarles las transformaciones. Se obtuvo resultante de 2 metros de resolución espacial y 9 bandas espectrales. Utilizando las resultantes se realizó la clasificación supervisada, con lo cual se obtuvo un mayor nivel de detalle en la delimitación de los diferentes usos presentes en el área de estudio. ABSTRACT Remote sensors supply images that, according to their characteristics, allow for determining changes in land use. Sensors have been developed with a high potential to carry out this type of work, although on occasion it is difficult to have all of the elements to distinguish the objects in the same image, and for that we resort to transformations to attain the objectives. This article constitutes a byproduct of the project: “Analysis of Land Use Changes in the District of Orosi, Using Remote Sensing Data of the Projects CENIGA (TERRA 97) and CARTA 2003: Period 1997-2003”. CARTA 2003 and Spot present temporary coincidence but not spatial or spectral. The objective is to offer techniques of transforming photographic images and multispectrals of the CARTA 2003 project, such as an image of the Spot platform. Transformation of the images allowed for changing the spatial and spectral resolution, which varied from 2 to 30 meters spatially and from 1 to 50 in their spectrum. For the objectives of the investigation, nine bands were selected to which it was possible to apply the transformations, and with them managed to obtain results of 2 meters of spatial resolution and 9 spectral bands. Utilizing the results, the supervised classification was realized, obtaining a greater level of detail in defining the different uses present in the area of study.


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La ricerca si focalizza sul rapporto tra tecnologie abilitanti e corpo umano. La miniaturizzazione delle tecnologie, unita alla loro maggiore diffusione negli ambienti, porta ad interrogarsi sull’efficacia dell’integrazione di esse con corpo e attività ad esso connesse. Il contesto problematico della ricerca riguarda i dispositivi indossabili e il progetto di soluzioni destinate a risolvere inediti bisogni o potenziare i sensi umani. La letteratura scientifica e i casi studio circoscrivono il piede come efficace piattaforma per la sperimentazione di interfacce aptiche di comunicazione uomo/macchina, atte a connettere il corpo con informazioni referenziate all’ambiente. Il piede, elemento motorio duplice e simmetrico, ha un’elevata qualità percettiva ed è morfologicamente adeguato all’applicazione di tecnologie emergenti. La posizione di soglia, tra spazio e corpo, consente la raccolta di stimoli da entrambe le aree. La bibliografia evidenzia quanto la pressione, rispetto alla vibrazione, sia preferibile nella comunicazione aptica in quanto componente naturale dei linguaggi relazionali del corpo. Dall’analisi multidisciplinare emerge infine l’opportunità di sviluppo del ritmo come componente strutturale dei messaggi. I legami relazionali tra ritmo, corpo e comportamenti umani sono evidenti in molteplici meccanismi: trascinamento ritmico, mimesi ritmica, sincronia. La messa in relazione di piede, pressione e ritmo diventa affordance dello spazio, capace di suggerire, enfatizzare o attivare determinati comportamenti. L’unione di questi elementi è qui definita ritmica podotattile ed esplicitata nella tesi della descrizione delle sue caratteristiche, dalla circoscrizione di campi e azioni applicative e dalla raccolta dati sui test effettuati con i prototipi costruiti. Le analisi quantitative e qualitative dei dati di lettura del movimento e delle emozioni dimostrano quanto l’utilizzo di un linguaggio ritmico aptico nel piede esprima elevate potenzialità di integrazione con il corpo nel rispetto del comfort e dell’equilibrio attentivo nei flussi di azione preesistenti. I risultati aprono riflessioni su nuove applicazioni progettuali nel campo museale, lavorativo e urbano.


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This is a multidisciplinary study of the Brown Tuffs (BT) ash deposits of the Aeolian Islands in northern Sicily and representing the most voluminous and widely distributed tephra deposit in this region. A large dataset of major and minor elements of the BT glass has defined a range from K-series basaltic-andesites and trachy-andesites through to tephri-phonolites and trachytes that is consistent with the Vulcano magmatic system. Combined with stratigraphic information and new radiocarbon ages, four stratigraphic macro-units are defined: the Lower (80-56 ky; LBT), Intermediate (56-27 ky; IBT), Intermediate-upper (26-24 ky; IBT-upper) and Upper BT (24-6 ky; UBT). Glass compositional data provide constraints on proximal-distal correlations of the BT with deep-sea tephra layers in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas and new insights on the definition of the dispersal area of the BT eruptions. Sedimentological evidence of massive to stratified deposits and shear-related structures, coupled with grain-size and componentry analyses, have allowed to interpret the BT as the result of laterally-spreading, concentrated ash-rich PDCs, with a high potential of erosion of the substratum. Shear-structures similar to those observed in the field in the BT deposits have been reproduced by small-medium scale laboratory experiments carried out on ash granular flows, which have also allowed to describe the behaviour of ash-rich PDcs and their mobility depending on variations of slope-ratio, grain size and flow channelization. The resulting integrated dataset provides a contribution to the knowledge of the BT eruptions and insights on long-term hazard assessment in the study area. The eruptive dynamics of the BT may have a role in characterizing the whole magmatic system of the La Fossa Caldera on Vulcano, in the light of the geochemical link highlighted between the UBT macrounit and the early products of the La Fossa cone.


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This thesis consists of three papers on gender economics. Chapter 1 studies whether people dislike collaborating with someone who corrects them and whether the dislike is stronger when that person is a woman. Having a good relationship with colleagues is integral in group work, potentially leading to successful collaborations. However, there are occasions when people have to correct their colleagues. Using a quasi-laboratory experiment, I find that people, including those with high productivity, are less willing to collaborate with a person who has corrected them even if the correction improves group performance. In addition, I find suggestive evidence that men respond more negatively to women’s corrections, which is not driven by their beliefs about the difference in women’s and men’s abilities. These findings suggest that there is a behavioral bias in group work that distorts the optimal selection of talents and penalizes those who correct others’ mistakes, and the distortion may be stronger when women correct men. Chapter 2 studies the role of gender and cognitive skills on other peoples’ generosity. Using a novel experimental design where I exogenously vary gender and cognitive skills and sufficiently powered analysis, I find neither the two attributes nor their interactions affect other people’s generosity; if anything, people are more generous to women with high potential. Chapter 3 studies how increased legal tolerance toward domestic violence affects married women’s welfare using the domestic violence decriminalization bill introduced to the Russian national congress in 2016. Using difference-in-differences and flexibly controlling for macroeconomic shocks, I find that the bill decreased married women’s life satisfaction and increased depression, especially among those with a college degree and a highly qualified white-collar occupation supposed to be more sensitive to gender regressive atmosphere. Consistent with this conjecture, people became more tolerant toward general and domestic violence after the bill.


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The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) research area is increasingly investigated due to its high potential in reducing the maintenance costs and in ensuring the systems safety in several industrial application fields. A growing demand of new SHM systems, permanently embedded into the structures, for savings in weight and cabling, comes from the aeronautical and aerospace application fields. As consequence, the embedded electronic devices are to be wirelessly connected and battery powered. As result, a low power consumption is requested. At the same time, high performance in defects or impacts detection and localization are to be ensured to assess the structural integrity. To achieve these goals, the design paradigms can be changed together with the associate signal processing. The present thesis proposes design strategies and unconventional solutions, suitable both for real-time monitoring and periodic inspections, relying on piezo-transducers and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. In the first context, arrays of closely located sensors were designed, according to appropriate optimality criteria, by exploiting sensors re-shaping and optimal positioning, to achieve improved damages/impacts localisation performance in noisy environments. An additional sensor re-shaping procedure was developed to tackle another well-known issue which arises in realistic scenario, namely the reverberation. A novel sensor, able to filter undesired mechanical boundaries reflections, was validated via simulations based on the Green's functions formalism and FEM. In the active SHM context, a novel design methodology was used to develop a single transducer, called Spectrum-Scanning Acoustic Transducer, to actively inspect a structure. It can estimate the number of defects and their distances with an accuracy of 2[cm]. It can also estimate the damage angular coordinate with an equivalent mainlobe aperture of 8[deg], when a 24[cm] radial gap between two defects is ensured. A suitable signal processing was developed in order to limit the computational cost, allowing its use with embedded electronic devices.


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The objective of the current study was to determine the predictive value of high normal gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) level as an indication of heavy drinking in young men. In a sample of 577 men attending a one-day army recruitment process mandatory for all Swiss men at age 19 years, GGT level was evaluated as the dependent variable for each of eight dichotomous classifications of individuals on the basis of meeting cut-off criteria for five indexes of alcohol use, two indexes of alcohol-related problems, and one index of body mass. The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of GGT level in identifying subjects as either heavy drinkers or being overweight were determined. Compared with findings for their counterparts, GGT level was higher in subjects reporting consumption of more than 14 drinks per week (20.5 +/- 7.81 vs. 18.9 +/- 7.60, P <.05), in those reporting being drunk at least once during the past 30 days (20.3 +/- 7.80 vs. 18.3 +/- 7.43, P <.001), and in individuals with body mass indexes >or=25 kg/m(2) (25.8 +/- 10.84 vs. 18.3 +/- 6.59, P <.001). At a GGT level cut-off of 20 U/l, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of either being a heavy drinker or overweight were 48.2%, 70.2%, 67.7%, and 51.2%, respectively. Exclusion of subjects with body mass indexes of >or=25 kg/m(2) revealed similar results. High normal GGT level in young men is indicative of heavy alcohol use or being overweight; when present, subjects should be screened further for potential concomitant drinking problems.


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OBJECTIVE: Intervention during the pre-psychotic period of illness holds the potential of delaying or even preventing the onset of a full-threshold disorder, or at least of reducing the impact of such a disorder if it does develop. The first step in realizing this aim was achieved more than 10 years ago with the development and validation of criteria for the identification of young people at ultra-high risk (UHR) of psychosis. Results of three clinical trials have been published that provide mixed support for the effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological interventions in preventing the onset of psychotic disorder. METHOD: The present paper describes a fourth study that has now been undertaken in which young people who met UHR criteria were randomized to one of three treatment groups: cognitive therapy plus risperidone (CogTher + Risp: n = 43); cognitive therapy plus placebo (CogTher + Placebo: n = 44); and supportive counselling + placebo (Supp + Placebo; n = 28). A fourth group of young people who did not agree to randomization were also followed up (monitoring: n = 78). Baseline characteristics of participants are provided. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The present study improves on the previous studies because treatment was provided for 12 months and the independent contributions of psychological and pharmacological treatments in preventing transition to psychosis in the UHR cohort and on levels of psychopathology and functioning can be directly compared. Issues associated with recruitment and randomization are discussed.


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BACKGROUND Previous neuroimaging studies indicate abnormalities in cortico-limbic circuitry in mood disorder. Here we employ prospective longitudinal voxel-based morphometry to examine the trajectory of these abnormalities during early stages of illness development. METHOD Unaffected individuals (16-25 years) at high and low familial risk of mood disorder underwent structural brain imaging on two occasions 2 years apart. Further clinical assessment was conducted 2 years after the second scan (time 3). Clinical outcome data at time 3 was used to categorize individuals: (i) healthy controls ('low risk', n = 48); (ii) high-risk individuals who remained well (HR well, n = 53); and (iii) high-risk individuals who developed a major depressive disorder (HR MDD, n = 30). Groups were compared using longitudinal voxel-based morphometry. We also examined whether progress to illness was associated with changes in other potential risk markers (personality traits, symptoms scores and baseline measures of childhood trauma), and whether any changes in brain structure could be indexed using these measures. RESULTS Significant decreases in right amygdala grey matter were found in HR MDD v. controls (p = 0.001) and v. HR well (p = 0.005). This structural change was not related to measures of childhood trauma, symptom severity or measures of sub-diagnostic anxiety, neuroticism or extraversion, although cross-sectionally these measures significantly differentiated the groups at baseline. CONCLUSIONS These longitudinal findings implicate structural amygdala changes in the neurobiology of mood disorder. They also provide a potential biomarker for risk stratification capturing additional information beyond clinically ascertained measures.