892 resultados para whole grain corn
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Current restrictions for human cell-based therapies have been related to technological limitations with regards to cellular proliferation capacity (simple culture conditions), maintenance of differentiated phenotype for primary human cell culture and transmission of communicable diseases. Cultured primary fetal cells from one organ donation could possibly meet the exigent and stringent technical aspects for development of therapeutic products. Master and working cell banks from one fetal organ donation (skin) can be developed in short periods of time and safety tests can be performed at all stages of cell banking. For therapeutic use, fetal cells can be used up to two thirds of their life-span in an out-scaling process and consistency for several biological properties includes protein concentration, gene expression and biological activity. As it is the intention that banked primary fetal cells can profit from the prospected treatment of hundreds of thousands of patients with only one organ donation, it is imperative to show consistency, tracability and safety of the process including donor tissue selection, cell banking, cell testing and growth of cells in out-scaling for the preparation of whole-cell tissue-engineering products.
In Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), Southern Brazil, aluminum saturation in many areas under no-till system is high and base saturation low in the 0.10-0.20 m layer (subsurface), which may reduce the grain yield of annual crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate if the occurrence of high aluminum saturation and low base saturation in the subsurface, under a no-till system, represents a restrictive environment for crop production, as well as to evaluate forms of lime incorporation for soil acidity correction in the subsurface. For this purpose, an experiment was carried out with soybean (2005/2006), corn (2006/2007), wheat (2007) and soybean (2007/2008) crops, in a Rhodic Hapludox (USDA, 1999) with sandy loam texture, under no-till for four years in the county of Tupanciretã (RS). The six treatments were: no-tillage with and without lime, plowing with and without lime, and chiseling with and without lime. The values of pH-H2O, aluminum saturation and base saturation were evaluated 24 months after treatment application in the layers 0-0.05; 0.05-0.10; 0.10-0.15; 0.15-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m. The yields of soybean (2005/2006), corn (2006/2007), wheat (2007) and soybean (2007/2008) were evaluated. Soil acidity in the subsurface did not affect crop yield when the acidity in the layer from 0-0.10 m was at levels for which lime application is not recommended, according to CQFSRS/SC (2004). Lime incorporation through plowing was the most efficient way of correcting acidity at deeper levels.
Biological N2 fixation is a major factor contributing to the increased competitiveness of Brazilian soybeans on the international market. However, the contribution of this process may be limited by adverse conditions to symbiotic bacteria, such as fungicide seed treatments. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the fungicides carbendazim + thiram and carboxin + thiram on soybean nodulation, plant growth and grain yield. Two field experiments were carried out in the Cerrado region of the State of Roraima, in a soil with a low organic matter content and no soybean bradyrhizobia. In 2005, seeds were treated with fungicide carbendazim + thiram and commercial inoculants containing the Bradyrhizobium elkanii strains SEMIA 5019 and SEMIA 587 and B. japonicum strains SEMIA 5079 and SEMIA 5080. In 2006, soybean seeds were treated with the fungicides carbendazim + thiram or carboxin + thiram and inoculated separately with each one of the four strains. The plants were evaluated for number of nodules and dry weight, shoot dry weight and total N accumulated in shoots 35 days after plant emergence, while grain yield and N grain content were determined at harvest. Both fungicides reduced soybean nodulation, especially in the presence of B. elkanii strains. The fungicide carbendazim + thiram reduced nodulation by about 50 % and grain yield by more than 20 % (about 700 kg ha-1), in the treatment inoculated with of strain SEMIA 587.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the N losses due to volatilization at different rates of common urea, polymer coated urea and urease inhibitor-treated urea in the out-of-season corn, using semi-open static collectors. The treatments consisted of N levels on side-dressing fertilization with urea in different treatments: (a) control (without N), (b) urea 40 kg ha-1 N, (c) urea 80 kg ha-1 N, (d) polymer coated urea 40 kg ha-1 N, (e) polymer coated urea 80 kg ha-1 N and (f) urea with the urease inhibitor (UI) N 80 kg ha-1 N. The results showed that the treatments with polymer coated urea and with urease inhibitor-treated urea reduced the volatilization of N around 50 % compared to common urea, either in the first and the second N side-dressing fertilizations. Thus, they demonstrate that the polymer coat and the urease inhibitors were effective in reducing the volatilization of urea N applied in coverage, which resulted in higher productivity. There was also increasing urease activity in the treatments with application of common urea.
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a heterogeneous retinal disorder characterized by visual impairment under low light conditions. This disorder is due to a signal transmission defect from rod photoreceptors to adjacent bipolar cells in the retina. Two forms can be distinguished clinically, complete CSNB (cCSNB) or incomplete CSNB; the two forms are distinguished on the basis of the affected signaling pathway. Mutations in NYX, GRM6, and TRPM1, expressed in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) lead to disruption of the ON-bipolar cell response and have been seen in patients with cCSNB. Whole-exome sequencing in cCSNB patients lacking mutations in the known genes led to the identification of a homozygous missense mutation (c.1807C>T [p.His603Tyr]) in one consanguineous autosomal-recessive cCSNB family and a homozygous frameshift mutation in GPR179 (c.278delC [p.Pro93Glnfs(∗)57]) in a simplex male cCSNB patient. Additional screening with Sanger sequencing of 40 patients identified three other cCSNB patients harboring additional allelic mutations in GPR179. Although, immunhistological studies revealed Gpr179 in the OPL in wild-type mouse retina, Gpr179 did not colocalize with specific ON-bipolar markers. Interestingly, Gpr179 was highly concentrated in horizontal cells and Müller cell endfeet. The involvement of these cells in cCSNB and the specific function of GPR179 remain to be elucidated.
Tillage affects soil physical properties, e.g., porosity, and leads to different amounts of mulch on the soil surface. Consequently, tillage is related to the soil temperature and moisture regime. Soil cover, temperature and moisture were measured under corn (Zea mays) in the tenth year of five tillage systems (NT = no-tillage; CP = chisel plow and single secondary disking; CT = primary and double secondary disking; CTb = CT with crop residues burned; and CTr = CT with crop residues removed). The tillage systems were combined with five nutrient sources (C = control; MF = mineral fertilizer; PL = poultry litter; CS = cattle slurry; and SS = swine slurry). Soil cover after sowing was greatest in NT (88 %), medium in CP (38 %) and lowest in CT treatments (< 10 %), but differences decreased after corn emergence. Soil temperature was related with soil cover, and significant differences among tillage were observed at the beginning of the growing season and at corn maturity. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in the surface layer of the tilled treatments were greater during the corn cycle than in untilled treatments, due to differences in intensity of soil mobilization and mulch remaining after soil management. Nutrient sources affected soil temperature and moisture in the most intense part of the corn growth period, and were related to the variation of the corn leaf area index among treatments
Advances in large-scale analysis of human genomic variability provide unprecedented opportunities to study the genetic basis of susceptibility to infectious agents. We report here the use of an in vitro system for the identification of a locus on HSA8q24.3 associated with cellular susceptibility to HIV-1. This locus was mapped through quantitative linkage analysis using cell lines from multigeneration families, validated in vitro, and followed up by two independent association studies in HIV-positive individuals. Single nucleotide polymorphism rs2572886, which is associated with cellular susceptibility to HIV-1 in lymphoblastoid B cells and in primary T cells, was also associated with accelerated disease progression in one of two cohorts of HIV-1-infected patients. Biological analysis suggests a role of the rs2572886 region in the regulation of the LY6 family of glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. Genetic analysis of in vitro cellular phenotypes provides an attractive approach for the discovery of susceptibility loci to infectious agents.
Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2011 and 2010
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects. The metabolic response to WBV has not been well documented. Three groups of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance (END) and strength trained (SPRINT) underwent a session of side-alternating WBV composed of three 3-min exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), and repeated at three frequencies (20, 26 and 32 Hz). VO(2), heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Twenty-seven healthy young subjects (10 SED, 8 SPRINT and 9 END) were included. When expressed in % of their maximal value recorded in a treadmill test, both the peak oxygen consumption (VO(2)) and heart rate (HR) attained during WBV were greatest in the SED, compared to the other two groups (VO(2): 59.3 % in SED vs 50.8 % in SPRINT and 48.0 % in END, p<0.01; HR 82.7 % in SED vs 80.4 % in SPRINT and 72.4 % in END, p<0.05). In conclusions, the heart rate and metabolic response to WBV differs according to fitness level and type, exercise type and vibration frequency. In SED, WBV can elicit sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness and thus be a potentially useful modality for the reduction of cardiovascular risk.
Soil properties play an important role in spatial variability of crop yield. However, a low spatial correlation has generally been observed between maps of crop yield and of soil properties. The objectives of the present investigation were to assess the spatial pattern variability of soil properties and of corn yield at the same sampling intensity, and evaluate its cause-and-effect relationships. The experimental site was structured in a grid of 100 referenced points, spaced at 10 m intervals along four parallel 250 m long rows spaced 4.5 m apart. Thus, points formed a rectangle containing four columns and 25 rows. Therefore, each sampling cell encompassed an area of 45 m² and consisted of five 10 m long crop rows, in which the referenced points represented the center. Samples were taken from the layers 0-0.1 m and 0.1-0.2 m. Soil physical and chemical properties were evaluated. Statistical analyses consisted of data description and geostatistics. The spatial dependence of corn yield and soil properties was confirmed. The hypothesis of this study was confirmed, i.e., when sampling the soil to determine the values of soil characteristics at similar to sampling intensity as for crop yield assessments, correlations between the spatial distribution of soil characteristics and crop yield were observed. The spatial distribution pattern of soil properties explained 65 % of the spatial distribution pattern of corn yield. The spatial distribution pattern of clay content and percentage of soil base saturation explained most of the spatial distribution pattern of corn yield.
The Technologies setting at Agricultural production system have the main characteristics the vertical productivity, reduced costs, soil physical, chemical and biological improvement to promote production sustainable growth. Thus, the study aimed to determine the variability and the linear and special correlations between the plant and soil attributes in order to select and indicate good representation of soil physical quality for forage productivity. In the growing season of 2006, on the Fazenda Bonança in Pereira Barreto (SP), the productivity of autumn corn forage (FDM) in an irrigated no-tillage system and the soil physical properties were analyzed. The purpose was to study the variability and the linear and spatial correlations between the plant and soil properties, to select an indicator of soil physical quality related to corn forage yield. A geostatistical grid was installed to collect soil and plant data, with 125 sampling points in an area of 2,500 m². The results show that the studied properties did not vary randomly and that data variability was low to very high, with well-defined spatial patterns, ranging from 7.8 to 38.0 m. On the other hand, the linear correlation between the plant and the soil properties was low and highly significant. The pairs forage dry matter versus microporosity and stem diameter versus bulk density were best correlated in the 0-0.10 m layer, while the other pairs - forage dry matter versus macro - and total porosity - were inversely correlated in the same layer. However, from the spatial point of view, there was a high inverse correlation between forage dry matter with microporosity, so that microporosity in the 0-0.10 m layer can be considered a good indicator of soil physical quality, with a view to corn forage yield.
It is well-known nowadays that soil variability can influence crop yields. Therefore, to determine specific areas of soil management, we studied the Pearson and spatial correlations of rice grain yield with organic matter content and pH of an Oxisol (Typic Acrustox) under no- tillage, in the 2009/10 growing season, in Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Brazilian Cerrado (longitude 51º24' 21'' W, latitude 20º20' 56'' S). The upland rice cultivar IAC 202 was used as test plant. A geostatistical grid was installed for soil and plant data collection, with 120 sampling points in an area of 3.0 ha with a homogeneous slope of 0.055 m m-1. The properties rice grain yield and organic matter content, pH and potential acidity and aluminum content were analyzed in the 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers. Spatially, two specific areas of agricultural land management were discriminated, differing in the value of organic matter and rice grain yield, respectively with fertilization at variable rates in the second zone, a substantial increase in agricultural productivity can be obtained. The organic matter content was confirmed as a good indicator of soil quality, when spatially correlated with rice grain yield.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the most limiting factors for productivity. This research was carried out to assess the influence of Al nutrient solution on plant height, dry weight and morphoanatomical alterations in corn (Zea mays L.) roots and leaves. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with five treatments consisting of Al doses (0, 25, 75, 150, and 300 µmol L-1) and six replications. The solutions were constantly aerated, and the pH was initially adjusted to 4.3. The shoot dry matter, root dry matter and plant height decreased significantly with increasing Al concentrations. Compared to the control plants, it was observed that the root growth of corn plants in Al solutions was inhibited, there were fewer lateral roots and the development of the root system reduced. The leaf anatomy of plants grown in solutions containing 75 and 300 µmol L-1 Al differed in few aspects from the control plants. The leaf sheaths of the plants exposed to Al had a uniseriate epidermis coated with a thin cuticle layer, and the cells of both the epidermis and the cortex were less developed. In the vascular bundle, the metaxylem and protoxylem had no secondary walls, and the diameter of both was much smaller than of the control plants.