995 resultados para voice fundamental frequency
RESUMO - A qualidade dos cuidados de saúde, evolui ao longo dos tempos e é agora considerada um direito e um pilar fundamental nos serviços de saúde. As reclamações dos utentes podem revelar informação acerca das experiências entre os utentes e as organizações de saúde. Desta forma as reclamações podem ser consideradas como indicadores de qualidade que permitem identificar áreas e/ou oportunidades de melhoria, e de grande representatividade no processo da melhoria contínua da qualidade na saúde. Sendo fundamental dar voz aos utentes do SNS e possibilitar a sua participação activa no processo de melhoria da prestação dos cuidados de saúde, com este trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a forma como as reclamações dos utentes nos ACES na Região de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade nos referidos serviços de saúde. Foram reconhecidas e analisadas as principais causas de reclamação, as correspondentes medidas correctivas e as necessidades e/ou dificuldades no seu processo de implementação, bem como a respectiva avaliação dos resultados obtidos e identificação das recomendações dos Coordenadores dos Gabinetes do Utente no âmbito dos ACES da Região de Saúde de LVT. Efectuou-se a análise de revisão bibliográfica e a consulta dos dados, desagregados, das causas mais mencionadas nas reclamações no âmbito do estudo e foram realizados contactos informais com a estrutura regional e nacional do Sistema SIM-Cidadão. Foram aplicados 15 questionários aos Coordenadores Locais dos Gabinetes do Cidadão dos ACES da ARSLVT, apresentando a investigação um carácter exploratório e qualitativo. Os questionários, foram enviados e recebidos anonimamente através da plataforma para estudos estatísticos Survey Monkey. A sua análise e interpretação, foi efectuada de forma a organizar os seus dados de uma forma sistematizada e permitir categorizar a informação para permitir a sua análise. Os resultados evidenciaram que as reclamações dos utentes apresentadas nos Gabinetes do Cidadão, de certa forma, foram um contributo para o processo da melhoria da qualidade nos ACES da Região de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo através do adopção de medidas e acções correctivas, ultrapassando algumas limitações devida à criação de estratégias locais. No entanto foi evidente que algumas limitações não foram passiveis de ser ultrapassadas, pois envolvem decisões do âmbito externo aos ACES. Os resultados alcançados e as recomendações dos Coordenadores, podem evidenciar algumas mudanças organizacionais, mas transparecem a ideia de que existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer.
The frequency of electric organ discharges (EOD) of a gymnotiform fish of "pulse" frequency (40-100 Hz) from South America - Ramphicthys rostratuswas studied. The animals were settled in pairs in a aquarium and thus observed: variation in EOD frequency had at least two components: one more positively correlated with temperature, another less positively correlated due to social interaction.
The global and increasingly technological society requires the States to adopt security measures that can maintain the balance between the freedom, on the one hand, and the security and the respect for fundamental rights of a democratic state, on the other. A State can only achieve this aim if it has an effective judicial system and in particular a criminal procedure adequate to the new criminogenic realities. In this context, the national legislator has adopted, following other international legal systems, special means of obtaining proof more stringent of rights. Within those special means are included the covert actions, that, being a means to use sparingly, is a key element to fight against violent and highly organized crime. Therefore, the undercover agent, voluntary by nature, develops a set of activities that enables the investigation to use other means of taking evidence and/or probationary diligences itself, with the purpose of providing sufficient proof to the case file. In this milieu, given the high risks involved during the investigation, as well as after its completion, the undercover agent can act upon fictitious identity. This measure can be maintained during the evidentiary phase of the trial. Similarly, given the latent threat that the undercover agent suffers by its inclusion in criminal organizations, as well as the need for his inclusion in future covert actions it is crucial that his participation as a witness in the trial is properly shielded. Thus, when the undercover agent provides, exceptionally, statements in the trial, he shall do so always through videoconference with voice and image distortion. This measure can guarantee the anonymity of the undercover agent and concomitantly, that the adversarial principle and the right of the accused to a fair trial is not prejudiced since, in those circumstances, the diligence will be supervised in its entirety (in the audience and with the undercover agent) by a judge.
De que forma pode a voz ser considerada enquanto tema de investigação filosófica? Utilizando principalmente aproximações fenomenológicas, esta tese é uma tentativa de mapear uma constelação transdisciplinar de pontos-‐chave temáticos, onde a voz surge como uma manifestação expressa de presença e de processos vitais. Simultaneamente situada, corpórea e transgressora no contexto da noção de território acústico, a ambiguidade da voz e o seu potencial enquanto fenómeno, conceito e ressonância tangível de subjetividade, são explorados através do recurso a análise de fontes pertencentes à Filosofia Antiga, aos Estudos Sonoros, à Ciência Acústica, à Fenomenologia e à Pesquisa Artística.
This work is devoted to the broadband wireless transmission techniques, which are serious candidates to be implemented in future broadband wireless and cellular systems, aiming at providing high and reliable data transmission and concomitantly high mobility. In order to cope with doubly-selective channels, receiver structures based on OFDM and SC-FDE block transmission techniques, are proposed, which allow cost-effective implementations, using FFT-based signal processing. The first subject to be addressed is the impact of the number of multipath components, and the diversity order, on the asymptotic performance of OFDM and SC-FDE, in uncoded and for different channel coding schemes. The obtained results show that the number of relevant separable multipath components is a key element that influences the performance of OFDM and SC-FDE schemes. Then, the improved estimation and detection performance of OFDM-based broadcasting systems, is introduced employing SFN (Single Frequency Network) operation. An initial coarse channel is obtained with resort to low-power training sequences estimation, and an iterative receiver with joint detection and channel estimation is presented. The achieved results have shown very good performance, close to that with perfect channel estimation. The next topic is related to SFN systems, devoting special attention to time-distortion effects inherent to these networks. Typically, the SFN broadcast wireless systems employ OFDM schemes to cope with severely time-dispersive channels. However, frequency errors, due to CFO, compromises the orthogonality between subcarriers. As an alternative approach, the possibility of using SC-FDE schemes (characterized by reduced envelope fluctuations and higher robustness to carrier frequency errors) is evaluated, and a technique, employing joint CFO estimation and compensation over the severe time-distortion effects, is proposed. Finally, broadband mobile wireless systems, in which the relative motion between the transmitter and receiver induces Doppler shift which is different or each propagation path, is considered, depending on the angle of incidence of that path in relation to the direction of travel. This represents a severe impairment in wireless digital communications systems, since that multipath propagation combined with the Doppler effects, lead to drastic and unpredictable fluctuations of the envelope of the received signal, severely affecting the detection performance. The channel variations due this effect are very difficult to estimate and compensate. In this work we propose a set of SC-FDE iterative receivers implementing efficient estimation and tracking techniques. The performance results show that the proposed receivers have very good performance, even in the presence of significant Doppler spread between the different groups of multipath components.
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of humble leadership on team voice. Although the relationship between leadership styles and voice is widely investigated, humble leadership and team voice, both relatively new constructs, remained out of sight. Drawing upon social interdependence theory, information exchange, team psychological safety, and team-efficacy are proposed to mediate the relationship between humble leadership and team voice. Research is conducted at the team-level analysis and involved 209 team members from 52 teams in 21 companies collected through a snowball sample. Results were provided by the SPSS macro PROCESS using the regression-based approach and bootstrapping techniques. Findings showed that humble leadership is positively related to team voice. Furthermore, findings supported the mediating effect of information exchange. However, no support was given for the mediating effects of team psychological safety and team-efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are addressed.
\The idea that social processes develop in a cyclical manner is somewhat like a `Lorelei'. Researchers are lured to it because of its theoretical promise, only to become entangled in (if not wrecked by) messy problems of empirical inference. The reasoning leading to hypotheses of some kind of cycle is often elegant enough, yet the data from repeated observations rarely display the supposed cyclical pattern. (...) In addition, various `schools' seem to exist which frequently arrive at di erent conclusions on the basis of the same data." (van der Eijk and Weber 1987:271). Much of the empirical controversies around these issues arise because of three distinct problems: the coexistence of cycles of di erent periodicities, the possibility of transient cycles and the existence of cycles without xed periodicity. In some cases, there are no reasons to expect any of these phenomena to be relevant. Seasonality caused by Christmas is one such example (Wen 2002). In such cases, researchers mostly rely on spectral analysis and Auto-Regressive Moving-Average (ARMA) models to estimate the periodicity of cycles.1 However, and this is particularly true in social sciences, sometimes there are good theoretical reasons to expect irregular cycles. In such cases, \the identi cation of periodic movement in something like the vote is a daunting task all by itself. When a pendulum swings with an irregular beat (frequency), and the extent of the swing (amplitude) is not constant, mathematical functions like sine-waves are of no use."(Lebo and Norpoth 2007:73) In the past, this di culty has led to two di erent approaches. On the one hand, some researchers dismissed these methods altogether, relying on informal alternatives that do not meet rigorous standards of statistical inference. Goldstein (1985 and 1988), studying the severity of Great power wars is one such example. On the other hand, there are authors who transfer the assumptions of spectral analysis (and ARMA models) into fundamental assumptions about the nature of social phenomena. This type of argument was produced by Beck (1991) who, in a reply to Goldstein (1988), claimed that only \ xed period models are meaningful models of cyclic phenomena".We argue that wavelet analysis|a mathematical framework developed in the mid-1980s (Grossman and Morlet 1984; Goupillaud et al. 1984) | is a very viable alternative to study cycles in political time-series. It has the advantage of staying close to the frequency domain approach of spectral analysis while addressing its main limitations. Its principal contribution comes from estimating the spectral characteristics of a time-series as a function of time, thus revealing how its di erent periodic components may change over time. The rest of article proceeds as follows. In the section \Time-frequency Analysis", we study in some detail the continuous wavelet transform and compare its time-frequency properties with the more standard tool for that purpose, the windowed Fourier transform. In the section \The British Political Pendulum", we apply wavelet analysis to essentially the same data analyzed by Lebo and Norpoth (2007) and Merrill, Grofman and Brunell (2011) and try to provide a more nuanced answer to the same question discussed by these authors: do British electoral politics exhibit cycles? Finally, in the last section, we present a concise list of future directions.
Discussing urban planning requires rethinking sustainability in cities and building healthy environments. Historically, some aspects of advancing the urban way of life have not been considered important in city planning. This is particularly the case where technological advances have led to conflicting land use, as with the installation of power poles and building electrical substations near residential areas. This research aims to discuss and rethink sustainability in cities, focusing on the environmental impact of low-frequency noise and electromagnetic radiation on human health. It presents data from a case study in an urban space in northern Portugal, and focuses on four guiding questions: Can power poles and power lines cause noise? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort due to noise? Can power poles and power lines affect human health? To answer these questions, we undertook research between 2014 and 2015 that was comprised of two approaches. The first approach consisted of evaluating the noise of nine points divided into two groups â near the sourceâ (e.g., up to 50 m from power poles) and â away from the sourceâ (e.g., more than 250 m away from the source). In the second approach, noise levels were measured for 72 h in houses located up to 20 m from the source. The groups consist of residents living within the distance range specified for each group. The measurement values were compared with the proposed criteria for assessing low-frequency noise using the DEFRA Guidance (University of Salford). In the first approach, the noise caused discomfort, regardless of the group. In the second approach, the noise had fluctuating characteristics, which led us to conclude that the noise caused discomfort.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação - Especialidade em Comunicação Audiovisual
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
OBJETIVO: Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar um estudo de normatização para o teste de Stroop numa amostra brasileira, tradicionalmente aceita como medida de atenção seletiva e flexibilidade mental, usando como referência a versão Victoria do teste, bem como analisar diferenças no desempenho de estudantes de escolas das redes pública e particular, e também investigar diferenças quanto ao sexo, além de observar se aumento de idade e anos de escolaridade favorecem um melhor desempenho no teste. MÉTODOS: Cento e trinta e dois estudantes de duas escolas (uma particular e outra pública), na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, alunos da 6ªà8ªsérie do ensino fundamental, participaram da pesquisa após levantamento do rendimento escolar e entrevista inicial. RESULTADOS: Aanálise estatística dos resultados revelou que os alunos da escola pública tiveram um desempenho significativamente pior em relação aos da particular. Quanto à variável sexo, os resultados não foram significativos e, em relação à idade, o resultado não foi consistente, revelando que essa variável perde a significância quando analisada à luz das seis medidas dependentes do experimento. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem a influência das diferentes condições socioeconômicas, educacionais e culturais a que estão expostos os alunos das duas escolas como uma possível explicação para as diferenças observadas no desempenho no teste.
Somatic mutations in the promoter region of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, mainly at positions c. − 124 and c. − 146 bp, are frequent in several human cancers; yet its presence in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) has not been reported to date. Herein, we searched for the presence and clinicopathological association of TERT promoter mutations in genomic DNA from 130 bona fide GISTs. We found TERT promoter mutations in 3.8% (5/130) of GISTs. The c. − 124C4T mutation was the most common event, present in 2.3% (3/130), and the c. − 146C4T mutation in 1.5% (2/130) of GISTs. No significant association was observed between TERT promoter mutation and patient’s clinicopathological features. The present study establishes the low frequency (4%) of TERT promoter mutations in GISTs. Further studies are required to confirm our findings and to elucidate the hypothetical biological and clinical impact of TERT promoter mutation in GIST pathogenesis.
A qualidade de vida é um importante aspecto a ser considerado na promoção de saúde dos professores, sobre os quais vêm sendo atribuídas diversas funções no cotidiano de suas atividades de trabalho. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida dos professores do ensino fundamental do município de Jequié-BA. MÉTODO: A pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra aleatória constituída por 91 professores que responderam o questionário genérico de avaliação da qualidade de vida (SF-36). O questionário analisa oito domínios relativos à qualidade de vida. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva, com determinação de médias, freqüências e desvio-padrão. RESULTADOS: Todos os domínios do SF-36 apresentaram-se prejudicados com destaque para vitalidade (46,26) e dor (53), como os de menor escore, e capacidade funcional (65,71) e limitação por aspectos emocionais (62,63), como os de maior escore. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade de vida da população estudada encontra-se comprometida, o que pode repercutir no estado de saúde de tais indivíduos.
When combined at particular molar fractions, sugars, aminoacids or organic acids a present a high melting point depression, becoming liquids at room temperature. These are called Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents – NADES and are envisaged to play a major role on the chemical engineering processes of the future. Nonetheless, there is a significant lack of knowledge of its fundamental and basic properties, which is hindering their industrial applications. For this reason it is important to extend the knowledge on these systems, boosting their application development [1]. In this work, we have developed and characterized NADES based on choline chloride, organic acids, amino acids and sugars. Their density, thermal behavior, conductivity and polarity were assessed for different compositions. The conductivity was measured from 0 to 40 °C and the temperature effect was well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation. The morphological characterization of the crystallizable materials was done by polarized optical microscopy that provided also evidence of homogeneity/phase separation. Additionally, the rheological and thermodynamic properties of the NADES and the effect of water content were also studied. The results show these systems have Newtonian behavior and present significant viscosity decrease with temperature and water content, due to increase on the molecular mobility. The anhydrous systems present viscosities that range from higher than 1000Pa.s at 20°C to less than 1Pa.s at 70°C. DSC characterization confirms that for water content as high as 1:1:1 molar ratio, the mixture retains its single phase behavior. The results obtained demonstrate that the NADES properties can be finely tunned by careful selection of its constituents. NADES present the necessary properties for use as extraction solvents. They can be prepared from inexpensive raw materials and tailored for the selective extraction of target molecules. The data produced in this work is hereafter importance for the selection of the most promising candidates avoiding a time consuming and expensive trial and error phase providing also data for the development of models able to predict their properties and the mechanisms that allow the formation of the deep eutectic mixtures.
Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade