978 resultados para user support
RESUMO:O envelhecimento e a preocupação com a dependência da população idosa é uma prioridade social. A permanência em casa onde se encontram todas as referências é importante em diversos aspectos, nomeadamente para uma maior independência. Quando a dependência surge, o Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (SAD) é um dos serviços sociais a que se pode recorrer. Numa análise dos serviços de SAD nas vertentes de legislação, instituições, cuidadores e utentes, não são relacionados o grau de dependência e a atribuição da ajuda, o que parece pertinente para equacionar as necessidades das pessoas idosas em SAD. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objectivo verificar a percepção dos utentes de SAD do grau de dependência e do grau de ajuda na realização de taferas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, avaliados pelo próprio idoso, pelo ajudante familiar e pelo fisioterapeuta. O presente estudo, transversal (Agosto 2013 – Abril 2014), de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, e abordagem descritiva, observacional e correlacional, avaliou uma amostra de 51 idosos do SAD da Amadora, dos quais 80,4% eram mulheres, com média de idade de 82,4 anos (dp 6,81), principalmente viúvas, com escolaridade primária incompleta ou completa, orientada no tempo e no espaço, e com estado emocional por si considerado razoável. A investigadora, fisioterapeuta de formação, inquiriu idosos e ajudantes familiares que cuidavam dos mesmos, para recolher as suas opiniões sobre o grau de dependência e o respectivo grau de ajuda, observou o meio envolvente dos idosos, e recolheu comentários dos participantes. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um grau de dependência relacionado com a necessidade de meios e um grau de ajuda que indica ajuda de conveniência. Para a sua análise foram avaliadas tarefas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, cuja relação foi comprovada estatisticamente. As opiniões dos intervenientes sobre a realização das tarefas e sobre o grau de dependência são parcialmente diferentes, sendo mais sobreponíveis em relação ao grau de ajuda necessária. A analise da correlação entre o grau de dependência e o grau de ajuda indica-nos que quanto maior o grau de dependência maior é o grau de ajuda. Ou seja, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de maior dependência era realmente necessária, mas também, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de menor dependência não era realmente necessária, sendo neste trabalho designada de ajuda de conveniência.------------ABSTRACT: Aging and concern about the dependence of the elderly population is a social priority. The ability to stay at home where all the references are, is important in several aspects, in particular for a greater independence. When the dependency arises, the Home Support Service (SAD in short for the portuguese "Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário") is a social service that can be appealed to. In an analysis of the SAD services in the areas of legislation, institutions, caregivers and users, the degree of dependence and aid allocation are not related, which seems relevant to equate the needs of older people in SAD. Thus, this study aimed to verify the perception of users of SAD towards the degree of dependency and the degree of help in the realization of self-care and mobility, valued by the user, the home support workers and the physiotherapist. This cross-sectional study (August 2013 - April 2014), of quantitative and qualitative nature, taking a descriptive approach, observational and correlational, assessed a sample of 51 elderly of SAD from Amadora, of which 80.4% were women, with an age average of 82.4 years (SD 6.81), mainly widows with incomplete or complete primary schooling, oriented in time and space, and emotional state by itself considered reasonable. The researcher, physiotherapist by training, inquired elderly and the home support workers who cared for them, to gather their opinions on the degree of dependency and the degree of the help provided, while observing the surrounding environment of the elderly. The results point to a degree related to the need for resources and a degree of help pointing towards a high level of convenience. For its analysis tasks of self-care and mobility were evaluated, whose relationship was confirmed statistically. The views of stakeholders on the realization of the tasks and on the degree of dependence are partly different, being more overlapping in the degree of help needed. The analysis of the correlation between the degree of dependency and the degree of help tells us that the greater the degree of dependence is, the greatest degree of help becomes. Which, that the help provided in situations of increased dependence was really needed, but also that the help provided in situations of reduced dependence was not really necessary, being designated in this work help of convenience.
To cope with modernity, the interesting of having a fully automated house has been increasing over the years, as technology evolves and as our lives become more stressful and overloaded. An automation system provides a way to simplify some daily tasks, allowing us to have more spare time to perform activities where we are really needed. There are some systems in this domain that try to implement these characteristics, but this kind of technology is at its early stages of evolution being that it is still far away of empowering the user with the desired control over a habitation. The reason is that the mentioned systems miss some important features such as adaptability, extension and evolution. These systems, developed from a bottom-up approach, are often tailored for programmers and domain experts, discarding most of the times the end users that remain with unfinished interfaces or products that they have difficulty to control. Moreover, complex behaviors are avoided, since they are extremely difficult to implement mostly due to the necessity of handling priorities, conflicts and device calibration. Besides, these solutions are only reachable at very high costs, yet they still have the limitation of being difficult to configure by non-technical people once in runtime operation. As a result, it is necessary to create a tool that allows the execution of several automated actions, with an interface that is easy to use but at the same time supports all the main features of this domain. It is also desirable that this tool is independent of the hardware so it can be reused, thus a Model Driven Development approach (MDD) is the ideal option, as it is a method that follows those principles. Since the automation domain has some very specific concepts, the use of models should be combined with a Domain Specific Language (DSL). With these two methods, it is possible to create a solution that is adapted to the end users, but also to domain experts and programmers due to the several levels of abstraction that can be added to diminish the complexity of use. The aim of this thesis is to design a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that uses the Model Driven Development approach (MDD), with the purpose of supporting Home Automation (HA) concepts. In this implementation, the development of simple and complex scenarios should be supported and will be one of the most important concerns. This DSL should also support other significant features in this domain, such as the ability to schedule tasks, which is something that is limited in the current existing solutions.
Information technologies (ITs), and sports resources and services aid the potential to transform governmental organizations, and play an important role in contributing to sustainable communities development, respectively. Spatial data is a crucial source to support sports planning and management. Low-cost mobile geospatial tools bring productive and accurate data collection, and their use combining a handy and customized graphical user interface (GUI) (forms, mapping, media support) is still in an early stage. Recognizing the benefits — efficiency, effectiveness, proximity to citizens — that Mozambican Minister of Youth and Sports (MJD) can achieve with information resulted from the employment of a low-cost data collection platform, this project presents the development of a mobile mapping application (app) — m-SportGIS — under Open Source (OS) technologies and a customized evolutionary software methodology. The app development embraced the combination of mobile web technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (e.g. Sencha Touch (ST), Apache Cordova, OpenLayers) to deploy a native-to-the-device (Android operating system) product, taking advantage of device’s capabilities (e.g. File system, Geolocation, Camera). In addition to an integrated Web Map Service (WMS), was created a local and customized Tile Map Service (TMS) to serve up cached data, regarding the IT infrastructures limitations in several Mozambican regions. m-SportGIS is currently being exploited by Mozambican Government staff to inventory all kind of sports facilities, which resulted and stored data feeds a WebGIS platform to manage Mozambican sports resources.
Nowadays, participatory processes attending the need for real democracy and transparency in governments and collectives are more needed than ever. Immediate participation through channels like social networks enable people to give their opinion and become pro-active citizens, seeking applications to interact with each other. The application described in this dissertation is a hybrid channel of communication of questions, petitions and participatory processes based on Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS), Participation Geographic Information System (PGIS) and ‘soft’ (subjective data) Geographic Information System (SoftGIS) methodologies. To achieve a new approach to an application, its entire design is focused on the spatial component related with user interests. The spatial component is treated as main feature of the system to develop all others depending on it, enabling new features never seen before in social actions (questions, petitions and participatory processes). Results prove that it is possible to develop a working application mainly using open source software, with the possibility of spatial and subject filtering, visualizing and free download of actions within application. The resulting application empowers society by releasing soft data and defines a new breaking approach, unseen so far.
Geographic information systems give us the possibility to analyze, produce, and edit geographic information. Furthermore, these systems fall short on the analysis and support of complex spatial problems. Therefore, when a spatial problem, like land use management, requires a multi-criteria perspective, multi-criteria decision analysis is placed into spatial decision support systems. The analytic hierarchy process is one of many multi-criteria decision analysis methods that can be used to support these complex problems. Using its capabilities we try to develop a spatial decision support system, to help land use management. Land use management can undertake a broad spectrum of spatial decision problems. The developed decision support system had to accept as input, various formats and types of data, raster or vector format, and the vector could be polygon line or point type. The support system was designed to perform its analysis for the Zambezi river Valley in Mozambique, the study area. The possible solutions for the emerging problems had to cover the entire region. This required the system to process large sets of data, and constantly adjust to new problems’ needs. The developed decision support system, is able to process thousands of alternatives using the analytical hierarchy process, and produce an output suitability map for the problems faced.
A foremost dispute that persists on the contemporary world’s agenda is change. The on-going social/technological/economic changes create a competitive and challenging environment for companies to endure. To benefit from these changes, world economies partially depend on emerging Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and their adaptability skills, and subsequently the development of an integrated capability to innovate has become the prime strategy for most of SMEs to subsist and grow. However, innovation and change are always somewhat bonded to an inherent risk development, which subsequently brings on the necessity of a revision of risk management approaches in innovative processes, whose importance SMEs tend to disregard. Additionally, little efforts have been made to improve and create empirical models, metrics and tools to assist SMEs managing latent risks in their innovative projects. This work seeks to present and discuss a solution to support SMEs in engaging on systematic risk management practices, which consists on an integrated risk assessment and response support web-based tool - Spotrisk® - designed for SMEs. On the other hand, an inherent subjectivity is linked with risk management and identification processes, due to uncertainty trait of its nature, for each individual perceives situations according to his own idiosyncrasy, which brings complications in normalizing risk profiles and procedures. This essay aims to bring insights concerning the support in decision-making processes under uncertainty, by addressing issues related with the risk behavior character among individuals. To address such issues, subjects of neuroscience or psychology are explored and models to identify such character are proposed, as well as models to improve presented tool. This work attempts to go beyond the restrictive aim of endeavoring on technical improvement dissertation, and in embraces an exploratory conceptualization concerning micro, small and medium businesses’ traits regarding risk characters and project risk assessment tools.
The income support programs are created with the purpose of fighting both, the poverty trap and the inactivity trap. The balance between both is fragile and hard to find. Thus, the goal of this work is to contribute to solve this issue by finding how income support programs, particularly the Portuguese RSI, affect transitions to employment. This is made through duration analysis, namely using Cox and Competing Risks models. A particular feature is introduced in this work as it incorporates the possibility of Defective Risks. The estimated hazard elasticity with respect to the amount of RSI received for individuals who move to employment is -0,41. More than a half of RSI receivers stays for more than a year and the probability of never leaving to employment is 44%. The results appear to indicate that RSI has affected negatively transitions to employment.
INTRODUCTION: Although many countries have improved vaccination coverage in recent years, some, including Guinea-Bissau, failed to meet expected targets. This paper tries to understand the main barriers to better vaccination coverage in the context of the GAVI-Alliance (The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) cash-based support provided to Guinea-Bissau. METHODS: The analysis is based on a document analysis and a three round Delphi study with a final consensus meeting. RESULTS: Consensus attributed about 25% of the failure to perform better to implementation problems; and about 10% to governance and also 10% to scarce resources. The qualitative analysis validates the importance of implementation issues and upgraded the relevance of the human resources crisis as an important drawback. The recommendations were balanced in their upstream-downstream focus but were blind to health information issues and logistical difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: It is commendable that such a fragile state, with all sorts of barriers, manages to sustain a slow steady growth of its vaccination coverage. Not reaching the targets set reflects the inappropriateness of those targets rather than a lack of commitment of the health workforce. In the unstable context of countries such as Guinea-Bissau, the predictability of the funds from global health initiatives like the GAVI-Alliance seem to make all the difference in achieving small consistent health gains even in the presence of other major bottlenecks.
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
This work project focuses on developing new approaches which enhance Portuguese exports towards a defined German industry sector within the information technology and electronics fields. Firstly and foremost, information was collected and a set of expert and top managers’ interviews were performed in order to acknowledge the demand of the German market while identifying compatible Portuguese supply capabilities. Among the main findings, Industry 4.0 presents itself as a valuable opportunity in the German market for Portuguese medium sized companies in the embedded systems area of expertise for machinery and equipment companies. In order to achieve the purpose of the work project, an embedded systems platform targeting machinery and equipment companies was suggested as well as it was developed several recommendations on how to implement it. An alternative approach for this platform was also considered within the German market namely the eHealth sector having the purpose of enhancing the current healthcare service provision.
The present paper is a personal reflection on a work project carried out to promote exports from Portugal to Germany in the IT area, under consideration of the deliverables required by the clients CCILA and Anetie. The project outcome approaches the fact that the majority of the Portuguese market players has disadvantages in size and does rarely coordinate activities among each other, which hinders them to export successfully on a broad scale. To bring together Portuguese delivery potential and German market demand, expert interviews were conducted. Based on the findings, a concept was developed to overcome the domestic collaboration issues in order to strengthen the national exports in the identified sector - embedded systems implementation services for machinery and equipment companies.
This dissertation analyzes the possibilities of utilizing speech-processing technologies to transform the user experience of ActivoBank’s customers while using remote banking solutions. The technologies are examined through different criteria to determine if they support the bank’s goals and strategy and whether they should be incorporated in the bank’s offering. These criteria include the alignment with ActivoBank’s values, the suitability of the technology providers, the benefits these technologies entail, potential risks, appeal to the customers and impact on customer satisfaction. The analysis suggests that ActivoBank might not be in a position to adopt these technologies at this point in time.
In this research we conducted a mixed research, using qualitative and quantitative analysis to study the relationship and impact between mobile advertisement and mobile app user acquisition and the conclusions companies can derive from it. Data was gathered from management of mobile advertisement campaigns of a portfolio of three different mobile apps. We found that a number of implications can be extracted from this intersection, namely to product development, internationalisation and management of marketing budget. We propose further research on alternative app users sources, impact of revenue on apps and exploitation of product segments: wearable technology and Internet of Things.
RESUMO: Temos assistido a uma evolução impressionante nos laboratórios de análises clínicas, os quais precisam de prestar um serviço de excelência a custos cada vez mais competitivos. Nos laboratórios os sistemas de gestão da qualidade têm uma importância significativa nesta evolução, fundamentalmente pela procura da melhoria continua, que ocorre não só ao nível de processos e técnicas, mas também na qualificação dos diferentes intervenientes. Um dos problemas fundamentais da gestão e um laboratório é a eliminação de desperdícios e erros criando benefícios, conceito base na filosofia LeanThinking isto é “pensamento magro”, pelo que é essencial conseguir monitorizar funções críticas sistematicamente. Esta monitorização, num laboratório cada vez mais focalizado no utente, pode ser efetuada através de sistemas e tecnologias de informação, sendo possível contabilizar número de utentes, horas de maior afluência, tempo médio de permanência na sala de espera, tempo médio para entrega de análises, resultados entregues fora da data prevista, entre outros dados de apoio à decisão. Devem igualmente ser analisadas as reclamações, bem como a satisfação dos utentes quer através do feedback que é transmitido aos funcionários, quer através de questionários de satisfação. Usou-se principalmente dois modelos: um proposto pelo Índice Europeu de Satisfação do Consumidor (ECSI) e o outro de Estrutura Comum de Avaliação (CAF). Introduziram-se igualmente dois questionários: um apresentado em formato digital num posto de colheitas, através de um quiosque eletrónico, e um outro na página da internet do laboratório, ambos como alternativa ao questionário em papel já existente, tendo-se analisado os dados, e retirado as devidas conclusões. Propôs-se e desenvolveu-se um questionário para colaboradores cuja intenção foi a de fornecer dados úteis de apoio à decisão, face à importância dos funcionários na interação com os clientes e na garantia da qualidade ao longo de todo o processo. Avaliaram-se globalmente os resultados sem que tenha sido possível apresentá-los por política interna da empresa, bem como se comentou de forma empírica alguns benefícios deste questionário. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram, implementar questionários de satisfação eletrónicos e analisar os resultados obtidos, comparando-os com o estudo ECSI, de forma a acentuar a importância da análise em simultâneo de dois fatores: a motivação profissional e a satisfação do cliente, com o intuito de melhorar os sistemas de apoio à decisão. ------------------------ ABSTRACT: We have witnessed an impressive development in clinical analysis laboratories, which have to provide excellent service at increasingly competitive costs, quality management systems have a significant importance in this evolution, mainly by demanding continuous improvement, which does not occur only in terms of processes and techniques, but also in the qualification of the various stakeholders. One key problem of managing a laboratory is the elimination of waste and errors, creating benefits, concept based on Lean Thinking philosophy, therefore it is essential be able to monitor critical tasks systematically. This monitoring, in an increasingly focused on the user laboratory can be accomplished through information systems and technologies, through which it is possible to account the number of clients, peak times, average length of waiting room stay, average time for delivery analysis, delivered results out of the expected date, among other data that contribute to support decisions, however it is also decisive to analyzed complaint sand satisfaction of users through employees feedback but mainly through satisfaction questionnaires that provides accurate results. We use mainly two models one proposed by the European Index of Consumer Satisfaction (ECSI), directed to the client, and the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), used both in the client as the employees surveys. Introduced two questionnaires in a digital format, one in the central laboratory collect center, through an electronic kiosk and another on the laboratory web page, both as an alternative to survey paper currently used, we analyzed the results, and withdrew the conclusions. It was proposed and developed a questionnaire for employees whose intention would be to provide useful data to decision support, given the importance of employees in customer interaction and quality assurance throughout the whole clinical process, it was evaluated in a general way because it was not possible to show the results, however commented an empirical way some benefits of this questionnaire. The main goals of this study were to implement electronic questionnaires and analyze the results, comparing them with the ECSI, in order to emphasize the importance of analyzing simultaneously professional motivation with customer satisfaction, in order to improve decision support systems.