951 resultados para symbolic spatial information
The performance of memory-guided saccades with two different delays (3 s and 30 s of memorisation) was studied in eight subjects. Single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied simultaneously over the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) 1 s after target presentation. In both delays, stimulation significantly increased the percentage of error in amplitude of memory-guided saccades. Furthermore, the interfering effect of TMS was significantly higher in the short delay compared to that of the long delay paradigm. The results are discussed in the context of a mixed model of spatial working memory control including two components: First, serial information processing with a predominant role of the DLPFC during the early period of memorisation and, second, parallel information processing, which is independent from the DLPFC, operating during longer delays.
Ungulates are important components of a variety of ecosystems worldwide. This dissertation integrates aspects of ungulate and forest ecology to increase our understanding of how they work together in ways that are of interest to natural resource managers, educators, and those who are simply curious about nature. Although animal ecology and ecosystem ecology are often studied separately, one of the general goals of this dissertation is to examine how they interact across spatial and temporal scales. Forest ecosystems are heterogeneous across a range of scales. Spatial and temporal habitat use patterns of forest ungulates tend to be congregated in patches where food and/or cover are readily available. Ungulates interact with ecosystem processes by selectively foraging on plants and excreting waste products in concentrated patches. Positive feedbacks may develop where these activities increase the value of habitat through soil fertilization or the alteration of plant chemistry and architecture. Heterogeneity in ecosystem processes and plant community structure, observed at both stand and local scales, may be the integrated outcome of feedbacks between ungulate behavior and abiotic resource gradients. The first chapter of this dissertation briefly discusses pertinent background information on ungulate ecology, with a focus on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Upper Great Lakes region and moose (Alces acles) in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. The second chapter demonstrates why ecological context is important for studying ungulate ecology in forest ecosystems. Excluding deer from eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands, which deer use primarily as winter cover, resulted in less spatial complexity in soil reactive nitrogen and greater complexity in diffuse light compared to unfenced stands. The spatial patterning of herbaceous-layer cover was more similar to nitrogen where deer were present, and was a combination of nitrogen and light within deer exclosures. This relationship depends on the seasonal timing of deer habitat use because deer fertilize the soil during winter, but leave during the growing season. The third chapter draws upon an eight-year, 39-stand data set of deer fecal pellet counts in hemlock stands to estimate the amount of nitrogen that deer are depositing in hemlock stands each winter. In stands of high winter deer use, deer-excreted nitrogen inputs consistently exceeded those of atmospheric deposition at the stand scale. At the neighborhood scale, deer-excreted nitrogen was often in excess of atmospheric deposition due to the patchy distribution of deer habitat use. Spatial patterns in habitat use were consistent over the eight-year study at both stand and neighborhood scales. The fourth chapter explores how foraging selectivity by moose interacts with an abiotic resource gradient to influence forest structure and composition. Soil depth on Isle Royale varies from east to west according to glacial history. Fir saplings growing in deeper soils on the west side are generally more palatable forage for moose (lower foliar C:N) than those growing in shallower soils on the east side. Therefore, saplings growing in better conditions are less likely to reach the canopy due to moose browsing, and fir is a smaller overstory component on the west side. Lastly, chapter five focuses on issues surrounding eastern hemlock regeneration failure, which is a habitat type that is important to many wildlife species. Increasing hemlock on the landscape is complicated by several factors including disturbance regime and climate change, in addition to the influence of deer.
When we actively explore the visual environment, our gaze preferentially selects regions characterized by high contrast and high density of edges, suggesting that the guidance of eye movements during visual exploration is driven to a significant degree by perceptual characteristics of a scene. Converging findings suggest that the selection of the visual target for the upcoming saccade critically depends on a covert shift of spatial attention. However, it is unclear whether attention selects the location of the next fixation uniquely on the basis of global scene structure or additionally on local perceptual information. To investigate the role of spatial attention in scene processing, we examined eye fixation patterns of patients with spatial neglect during unconstrained exploration of natural images and compared these to healthy and brain-injured control participants. We computed luminance, colour, contrast, and edge information contained in image patches surrounding each fixation and evaluated whether they differed from randomly selected image patches. At the global level, neglect patients showed the characteristic ipsilesional shift of the distribution of their fixations. At the local level, patients with neglect and control participants fixated image regions in ipsilesional space that were closely similar with respect to their local feature content. In contrast, when directing their gaze to contralesional (impaired) space neglect patients fixated regions of significantly higher local luminance and lower edge content than controls. These results suggest that intact spatial attention is necessary for the active sampling of local feature content during scene perception.
The hippocampus receives input from upper levels of the association cortex and is implicated in many mnemonic processes, but the exact mechanisms by which it codes and stores information is an unresolved topic. This work examines the flow of information through the hippocampal formation while attempting to determine the computations that each of the hippocampal subfields performs in learning and memory. The formation, storage, and recall of hippocampal-dependent memories theoretically utilize an autoassociative attractor network that functions by implementing two competitive, yet complementary, processes. Pattern separation, hypothesized to occur in the dentate gyrus (DG), refers to the ability to decrease the similarity among incoming information by producing output patterns that overlap less than the inputs. In contrast, pattern completion, hypothesized to occur in the CA3 region, refers to the ability to reproduce a previously stored output pattern from a partial or degraded input pattern. Prior to addressing the functional role of the DG and CA3 subfields, the spatial firing properties of neurons in the dentate gyrus were examined. The principal cell of the dentate gyrus, the granule cell, has spatially selective place fields; however, the behavioral correlates of another excitatory cell, the mossy cell of the dentate polymorphic layer, are unknown. This report shows that putative mossy cells have spatially selective firing that consists of multiple fields similar to previously reported properties of granule cells. Other cells recorded from the DG had single place fields. Compared to cells with multiple fields, cells with single fields fired at a lower rate during sleep, were less likely to burst, and were more likely to be recorded simultaneously with a large population of neurons that were active during sleep and silent during behavior. These data suggest that single-field and multiple-field cells constitute at least two distinct cell classes in the DG. Based on these characteristics, we propose that putative mossy cells tend to fire in multiple, distinct locations in an environment, whereas putative granule cells tend to fire in single locations, similar to place fields of the CA1 and CA3 regions. Experimental evidence supporting the theories of pattern separation and pattern completion comes from both behavioral and electrophysiological tests. These studies specifically focused on the function of each subregion and made implicit assumptions about how environmental manipulations changed the representations encoded by the hippocampal inputs. However, the cell populations that provided these inputs were in most cases not directly examined. We conducted a series of studies to investigate the neural activity in the entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus, and CA3 in the same experimental conditions, which allowed a direct comparison between the input and output representations. The results show that the dentate gyrus representation changes between the familiar and cue altered environments more than its input representations, whereas the CA3 representation changes less than its input representations. These findings are consistent with longstanding computational models proposing that (1) CA3 is an associative memory system performing pattern completion in order to recall previous memories from partial inputs, and (2) the dentate gyrus performs pattern separation to help store different memories in ways that reduce interference when the memories are subsequently recalled.
The causes of a greening trend detected in the Arctic using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) are still poorly understood. Changes in NDVI are a result of multiple ecological and social factors that affect tundra net primary productivity. Here we use a 25 year time series of AVHRR-derived NDVI data (AVHRR: advanced very high resolution radiometer), climate analysis, a global geographic information database and ground-based studies to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. We assess the effects of climate change, gas-field development, reindeer grazing and permafrost degradation. In contrast to the case for Arctic North America, there has not been a significant trend in summer temperature or NDVI, and much of the pattern of NDVI in this region is due to disturbances. There has been a 37% change in early-summer coastal sea-ice concentration, a 4% increase in summer land temperatures and a 7% change in the average time-integrated NDVI over the length of the satellite observations. Gas-field infrastructure is not currently extensive enough to affect regional NDVI patterns. The effect of reindeer is difficult to quantitatively assess because of the lack of control areas where reindeer are excluded. Many of the greenest landscapes on the Yamal are associated with landslides and drainage networks that have resulted from ongoing rapid permafrost degradation. A warming climate and enhanced winter snow are likely to exacerbate positive feedbacks between climate and permafrost thawing. We present a diagram that summarizes the social and ecological factors that influence Arctic NDVI. The NDVI should be viewed as a powerful monitoring tool that integrates the cumulative effect of a multitude of factors affecting Arctic land-cover change.
Spatial scaling is an integral aspect of many spatial tasks that involve symbol-to-referent correspondences (e.g., map reading, drawing). In this study, we asked 3–6-year-olds and adults to locate objects in a two-dimensional spatial layout using information from a second spatial representation (map). We examined how scaling factor and reference features, such as the shape of the layout or the presence of landmarks, affect performance. Results showed that spatial scaling on this simple task undergoes considerable development, especially between 3 and 5 years of age. Furthermore, the youngest children showed large individual variability and profited from landmark information. Accuracy differed between scaled and un-scaled items, but not between items using different scaling factors (1:2 vs. 1:4), suggesting that participants encoded relative rather than absolute distances.
SUMMARY There is interest in the potential of companion animal surveillance to provide data to improve pet health and to provide early warning of environmental hazards to people. We implemented a companion animal surveillance system in Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding communities. Informatics technologies automatically extracted electronic medical records from participating veterinary practices and identified cases of enteric syndrome in the warehoused records. The data were analysed using time-series analyses and a retrospective space-time permutation scan statistic. We identified a seasonal pattern of reports of occurrences of enteric syndromes in companion animals and four statistically significant clusters of enteric syndrome cases. The cases within each cluster were examined and information about the animals involved (species, age, sex), their vaccination history, possible exposure or risk behaviour history, information about disease severity, and the aetiological diagnosis was collected. We then assessed whether the cases within the cluster were unusual and if they represented an animal or public health threat. There was often insufficient information recorded in the medical record to characterize the clusters by aetiology or exposures. Space-time analysis of companion animal enteric syndrome cases found evidence of clustering. Collection of more epidemiologically relevant data would enhance the utility of practice-based companion animal surveillance.
In recent years, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have increasingly been used in a wide array of application contexts for development cooperation in lowlands and mountain areas. When used for planning, implementation, and monitoring, GIS is a versatile and highly efficient tool, particularly in mountain areas characterized by great spatial diversity and inaccessibility. However, the establishment and application of GIS in mountain regions generally presents considerable technical challenges. Moreover, it is necessary to address specific institutional and organizational issues regarding implementation.
BACKGROUND Tight spatio-temporal signaling of cytoskeletal and adhesion dynamics is required for localized membrane protrusion that drives directed cell migration. Different ensembles of proteins are therefore likely to get recruited and phosphorylated in membrane protrusions in response to specific cues. RESULTS HERE, WE USE AN ASSAY THAT ALLOWS TO BIOCHEMICALLY PURIFY EXTENDING PROTRUSIONS OF CELLS MIGRATING IN RESPONSE TO THREE PROTOTYPICAL RECEPTORS: integrins, recepor tyrosine kinases and G-coupled protein receptors. Using quantitative proteomics and phospho-proteomics approaches, we provide evidence for the existence of cue-specific, spatially distinct protein networks in the different cell migration modes. CONCLUSIONS The integrated analysis of the large-scale experimental data with protein information from databases allows us to understand some emergent properties of spatial regulation of signaling during cell migration. This provides the cell migration community with a large-scale view of the distribution of proteins and phospho-proteins regulating directed cell migration.
The study of operations on representations of objects is well documented in the realm of spatial engineering. However, the mathematical structure and formal proof of these operational phenomena are not thoroughly explored. Other works have often focused on query-based models that seek to order classes and instances of objects in the form of semantic hierarchies or graphs. In some models, nodes of graphs represent objects and are connected by edges that represent different types of coarsening operators. This work, however, studies how the coarsening operator "simplification" can manipulate partitions of finite sets, independent from objects and their attributes. Partitions that are "simplified first have a collection of elements filtered (removed), and then the remaining partition is amalgamated (some sub-collections are unified). Simplification has many interesting mathematical properties. A finite composition of simplifications can also be accomplished with some single simplification. Also, if one partition is a simplification of the other, the simplified partition is defined to be less than the other partition according to the simp relation. This relation is shown to be a partial-order relation based on simplification. Collections of partitions can not only be proven to have a partial- order structure, but also have a lattice structure and are complete. In regard to a geographic information system (GIs), partitions related to subsets of attribute domains for objects are called views. Objects belong to different views based whether or not their attribute values lie in the underlying view domain. Given a particular view, objects with their attribute n-tuple codings contained in the view are part of the actualization set on views, and objects are labeled according to the particular subset of the view in which their coding lies. Though the scope of the work does not mainly focus on queries related directly to geographic objects, it provides verification for the existence of particular views in a system with this underlying structure. Given a finite attribute domain, one can say with mathematical certainty that different views of objects are partially ordered by simplification, and every collection of views has a greatest lower bound and least upper bound, which provides the validity for exploring queries in this regard.
It is well accepted that the hippocampus (HIP) is important for spatial and contextual memories, however, it is not clear if the entorhinal cortex (EC), the main input/output structure for the hippocampus, is also necessary for memory storage. Damage to the EC in humans results in memory deficits. However, animal studies report conflicting results on whether the EC is necessary for spatial and contextual memory. Memory consolidation requires gene expression and protein synthesis, mediated by signaling cascades and transcription factors. Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) cascade activity is necessary for long-term memory in several tasks, including those that test spatial and contextual memory. In this work, we explore the role of ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC on spatial and contextual memory. ^ To evaluate this role, post-training infusions of reversible pharmacological inhibitors specific for the ERK cascade that do not affect normal neuronal activity were targeted directly to the EC of awake, behaving animals. This technique provides spatial and temporal control over the inhibition of the ERK cascade without affecting performance during training or testing. Using the Morris water maze to study spatial memory, we found that ERK inhibition in the EC resulted in long-term memory deficits consistent with a loss of spatial strategy information. When animals were allowed to learn and consolidate a spatial strategy for solving the task prior to training and ERK inhibition, the deficit was alleviated. To study contextual memory, we trained animals in a cued fear-conditioning task and saw an increase in the activation of ERK in the EC 90 minutes following training. ERK inhibition in the EC over this time point, but not at an earlier time point, resulted in increased freezing to the context, but not to the tone, during a 48-hour retention test. In addition, animals froze maximally at the time the shock was given during training; similar to naïve animals receiving additional training, suggesting that ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC normally suppresses the temporal nature of the freezing response. These findings demonstrate that plasticity in the EC is necessary for both spatial and contextual memory, specifically in the retention of behavioral strategies. ^
Adult monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with lesions of the hippocampal formation, perirhinal cortex, areas TH/TF, as well as controls were tested on tasks of object, spatial and contextual recognition memory. ^ Using a visual paired-comparison (VPC) task, all experimental groups showed a lack of object recognition relative to controls, although this impairment emerged at 10 sec with perirhinal lesions, 30 sec with areas TH/TF lesions and 60 sec with hippocampal lesions. In contrast, only perirhinal lesions impaired performance on delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS), another task of object recognition memory. All groups were tested on DNMS with distraction (dDNMS) to examine whether the use of active cognitive strategies during the delay period could enable good performance on DNMS in spite of impaired recognition memory (revealed by the VPC task). Distractors affected performance of animals with perirhinal lesions at the 10-sec delay (the only delay in which their DNMS performance was above chance). They did not affect performance of animals with areas TH/TF lesions. Hippocampectomized animals were impaired at the 600-sec delay (the only delay at which prevention of active strategies would likely affect their behavior). ^ While lesions of areas TH/TF impaired spatial location memory and object-in-place memory, hippocampal lesions impaired only object-in-place memory. The pattern of results for perirhinal cortex lesions on the different task conditions indicated that this cortical area is not critical for spatial memory. ^ Finally, all three lesions impaired contextual recognition memory processes. The pattern of impairment appeared to result from the formation of only a global representation of the object and background, and suggests that all three areas are recruited for associating information across sources. ^ These results support the view that (1) the perirhinal cortex maintains storage of information about object and the context in which it is learned for a brief period of time, (2) areas TH/TF maintain information about spatial location and form associations between objects and their spatial relationship (a process that likely requires additional time) and (3) the hippocampal formation mediates associations between objects, their spatial relationship and the general context in which these associations are formed (an integrative function that requires additional time). ^
Purpose. To examine the association between living in proximity to Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities and the incidence of childhood cancer in the State of Texas. ^ Design. This is a secondary data analysis utilizing the publicly available Toxics release inventory (TRI), maintained by the U.S. Environmental protection agency that lists the facilities that release any of the 650 TRI chemicals. Total childhood cancer cases and childhood cancer rate (age 0-14 years) by county, for the years 1995-2003 were used from the Texas cancer registry, available at the Texas department of State Health Services website. Setting: This study was limited to the children population of the State of Texas. ^ Method. Analysis was done using Stata version 9 and SPSS version 15.0. Satscan was used for geographical spatial clustering of childhood cancer cases based on county centroids using the Poisson clustering algorithm which adjusts for population density. Pictorial maps were created using MapInfo professional version 8.0. ^ Results. One hundred and twenty five counties had no TRI facilities in their region, while 129 facilities had at least one TRI facility. An increasing trend for number of facilities and total disposal was observed except for the highest category based on cancer rate quartiles. Linear regression analysis using log transformation for number of facilities and total disposal in predicting cancer rates was computed, however both these variables were not found to be significant predictors. Seven significant geographical spatial clusters of counties for high childhood cancer rates (p<0.05) were indicated. Binomial logistic regression by categorizing the cancer rate in to two groups (<=150 and >150) indicated an odds ratio of 1.58 (CI 1.127, 2.222) for the natural log of number of facilities. ^ Conclusion. We have used a unique methodology by combining GIS and spatial clustering techniques with existing statistical approaches in examining the association between living in proximity to TRI facilities and the incidence of childhood cancer in the State of Texas. Although a concrete association was not indicated, further studies are required examining specific TRI chemicals. Use of this information can enable the researchers and public to identify potential concerns, gain a better understanding of potential risks, and work with industry and government to reduce toxic chemical use, disposal or other releases and the risks associated with them. TRI data, in conjunction with other information, can be used as a starting point in evaluating exposures and risks. ^