1000 resultados para status hídrico
On October 12th 2007, the inaugural Girls’ Summit on females in the juvenile justice system was held. This Summit brought together key decision makers in an exploration of research and data. Those who attended were also asked to make recommendations regarding a course of action. This report represents an effort to improve our response to these young women in Iowa. It highlights pertinent information covered at the Summit as well as resulting conclusions and recommendations. On behalf of the Iowa Gender Specific Services Task Force and the participants of the Girls’ Summit, it is my hope that this report will serve as a road map for necessary improvements as well as a means to reinforce the effective tools that are already in place. There are differences that exist between young women and young men in the juvenile justice system and the efficacy of professionals rests heavily on a better understanding of these differences and how they impact the justice system response.
This report is submitted as required per Iowa Code section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women: 35th Annual Report - 2006 The ICSW is proud of the past year’s achievements, and pleased to present to you our 35th Annual Report. The following pages detail the activities and programs that were carried out in 2006. The ICSW celebrates the progress in women’s rights that has been made in Iowa, and continues to address inequities, advocating for full participation by women in the economic, social, and political life of the state. In this advocacy role, as mandated by the Code of Iowa, we educate, inform, and develop new ideas to bring a fresh viewpoint to bear on the issues facing Iowa women and their families.
The Iowa Commission on the Status of Women (ICSW) is a state agency that seeks to assure equality for Iowa women. As an advocacy agency, the Commission works to equalize women's opportunities and to promote full participation by women in the economic, political, and social life of the state. This is the tenth edition of the Status of Iowa Women Report. Many positive changes toward women's full participation in all aspects of society are evident in this edition: more women than ever are getting a post-secondary education and they have made significant inroads into some traditionally male-dominated work domains. Still, much remains to be done. The 2006 report also shows that girls, by and large, are not enrolling in upper-level high-school computer courses, a necessity for the 21st century; women's earnings lag behind men's; and women continue to be raped, beaten, and battered at staggering rates. Much work needs to be done at the community and state levels to address those and other challenges addressed in this publication.
Esta dissertação analisa as principais características e as dificuldades que se levantam ao desenvolvimento de dois grupos de países em situações especiais, especificamente os PMA e os SIDS. Neste contexto, são abordadas questões relacionadas com medidas de apoio por parte da comunidade internacional, visando facilitar o processo de desenvolvimento dos PMA, e analisada a questão (por vezes controversa) da transição da lista de PMA. Neste quadro, é analisado o caso de Cabo Verde – o primeiro SIDS a transitar da lista de PMA –, com a consideração prévia de importantes questões de financiamento do desenvolvimento, de suma importância para a capacidade do país suster o seu desenvolvimento, a partir da entrada em vigor da sua graduação da lista dos PMA, em Janeiro de 2008.
Simopelta minima (Brandão, 1989) was originally described based on four workers collected in soil samples from a small cocoa plantation in Ilhéus, state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. In the subsequent years after the description, this cocoa plantation was eliminated and the species was then considered extinct by the Brazilian environmental institutions. The recent rediscovery of S. minima workers in subterranean pitfall trap samples from Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, over 1.000 km distant from type locality, suggests that the rarity and vulnerability status of some ant species may be explained by insufficient sampling of adequate microhabitats, in time and space.
Rationale: Treatment of status epilepticus (SE) usually requires intravenous anticonvulsant therapy. Although there are established drugs of first choice for its treatment, potentially hazardous side effects of these agents are not uncommon. Lacosamide (LCM) is a novel anticonvulsant drug that is available as infusion solution. LCM could be an alternative for treatment of SE when the standard drugs fail or should be avoided. Methods: We retrospectively identified patients from the hospital databases of two German and one Swiss neurological departments (University Hospital Marburg, Klinikum Osnabrueck, University Hospital Lausanne) between September 1st 2008 and May 22nd 2009 who were admitted because of SE and received at least one dose of intravenous LCM for treatment of SE. Results: Seventeen patients (11 female, 6 male) were identified. Median age was 71 years. 3 patients suffered from generalized convulsive SE, 8 patients had significant reduction of awareness with or without subtle motor symptoms, 6 patients had a simple focal status without relevant reduction of awareness. Etiology was acute symptomatic in 5 patients, remote symptomatic without pre-existing epilepsy in 6 patients, remote symptomatic and pre-existing epilepsy in 5 patients, and unknown in 1 patient. LCM was administered after failure of first line therapy in all cases. The first LCM bolus was 400mg in 13 patients and 200mg in 4 patients. LCM administration stopped SE in 7 patients. In 2 of them, LCM was administered immediately after benzodiazepine administration, in the others after failure of benzodiazepines and other first-line and/or second-line drugs. In 3 patients, SE was terminated by other anticonvulsants like Phenytoin, Phenobarbital or Oxcarbazepine. In 5 patients, SE could only be terminated by intubation and application of high-dose Midazolam, Propofol and/or Thiopental. In 2 patients, SE could not be terminated in spite of high doses of barbiturates. There was no serious adverse event documented that could possibly be attributed to LCM Conclusions: Intravenous LCM may be an alternative treatment for SE after failure of benzodiazepins and other established drugs, or when such agents are considered unsuitable.
Several factors affect attitudes toward ambiguity. What happens, however, when peopleare asked to exchange an ambiguous alternative in their possession for an unambiguousone? We present three experiments in which individuals preferred to retain the former.This status quo bias emerged both within- and between-subjects, with and withoutincentives, with different outcome distributions, and with endowments determined byboth the experimenter and the participants themselves. Findings emphasize the need toaccount for the frames of reference under which evaluations of probabilistic informationtake place as well as modifications that should be incorporated into descriptive modelsof decision making.
Agency Performance Plan, Division & Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Agency Performance Plan, Division & Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
Agency Performance Plan, Department of Human Rights – Division on the Status of African Americans
This report outlines the strategic plan for Commission and Division on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) 2007-2010 Strategic Plan including,goals and mission.
A avaliacão do projecto do recursos hidricos do Tarrafal (Cabo Verde ) tem por base dois objectivos: 1) Cumprir as obrigag8es do contrato, o qual roquor uwa avaliação.o final, a 2) Sujeitar-se aon requisitos da CID pars a avaliação final. Desta formal a extenslo deta avaliaqlo 6 male quo ura simples rovialo, reopondendo a obrigaqos do contracto. Esta avaliagKot tern por fim estimar a forma coo o projecto atinglu ou doixou do atingir os objectivos propostos. An recomendaga4s quo safram desta avalia qio dovem sorvir para melhorar os projectos om andamento quo integram no sistema da CID. Ambos o fundos da CID o do contracto foram utilizados nesta avaliaqlo Os pontos apresentados nests documento slo da equipe do avaliaqlo o n~o representan necessariamente 0s da Administraqlo o/ou do Executivo da CID. B. A.VLICrUi)Z DA Ai1ALIAj!O Todo o projecto do Recurnos Hfdricos do Tarrafal eat inserido dontro do pris1m desta avalia.lo. Zbora outrou relatdrios tenham servido do fontes do infor=qlo, a proeantj oxamina o projecto dead. o porfodo da preparaqEo at o trmino C. EQU!!' DE AYALIACKO A equioe roi Joloeada polo Dean ( tipo do reitor do faculdads )# Director da Cemara don Adminintradoras da CID Dr. drnont Briskoyp o polo Director do Executivo, Dr. John L. Fiecher. A avaliaqgo foi orientada pole repartiglo do Executivo da CID. 0 Dr. Barry Re. Baintonp agents director do projectop coordenou o processo do avaliaqEo. 0 Dr. Gerald 3stlockq director do programus Internacionais do agricultura na Universidade do Arizonap foi selocionado coo lider da equips . 0 Dr. Howard Peterson, professor do agriculture • ongenharia do irrgaqIo da Universidade do Utah, foi selecionado coma segundo mumbro da equips. 0 Dr. Peterson ji tinha cumprido dues misses no projecto em Cabo Verde. 0 Dr. Jean Ruley Kearns, conselheiro director da CID no poriodo do 1982-83p fot selecionado comc sondo o tarceiro membro da equipe. D. ATODO DE AVALIAQXO Os pianos proliminares para conduzir a avaliaqo foram feitos numa rounibo inicial em Tucson ( Arizona ) a 5 do novembro do 1982. Nessa rounilo foi deci dido quo o Dr. Matlock visitaria o projecto durante o afs do novembro do 1982. A visita fot planojada do forma a coincidir com a presenga do Kern Stutlor, director coordenador do projectop quo devoria astar am Cabo lirde nessa data co.mpletando os trabalho a preparando o relat6rio final. Uma c6pia do Procasio do Avaliaglo pola AID assim como cdpias do relatdrios anteriores a outros docunontos rolevantea foram diatribufdos aos membros da equips duranto a reunigo inicial. Oa docu ientos examinados polos membros da equip. encontram-se listados na secção /III, Referiencias
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans, goals and mission.