946 resultados para statistical designs
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
We have devised a program that allows computation of the power of F-test, and hence determination of appropriate sample and subsample sizes, in the context of the one-way hierarchical analysis of variance with fixed effects. The power at a fixed alternative is an increasing function of the sample size and of the subsample size. The program makes it easy to obtain the power of F-test for a range of values of sample and subsample sizes, and therefore the appropriate sizes based on a desired power. The program can be used for the 'ordinary' case of the one-way analysis of variance, as well as for hierarchical analysis of variance with two stages of sampling. Examples are given of the practical use of the program.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A configurational model for silicon oxide damaged after a high-dose ion implantation of a nonreactive species is presented. Based on statistics of silicon-centered tetrahedra, the model takes into account not only the closest environment of a given silicon atom, but also the second neighborhood, so it is specified whether the oxygen attached to one given silicon is bridging two tetrahedra or not. The frequencies and intensities of infrared vibrational bands have been calculated by averaging over the distributions and these results are in agreement with the ones obtained from infrared experimental spectra. Likewise, the chemical shifts obtained from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis are similar to the reported values for the charge-transfer model of SiOx compounds.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
Trees are a great bank of data, named sometimes for this reason as the "silentwitnesses" of the past. Due to annual formation of rings, which is normally influenced directly by of climate parameters (generally changes in temperature and moisture or precipitation) and other environmental factors; these changes, occurred in the past, are"written" in the tree "archives" and can be "decoded" in order to interpret what hadhappened before, mainly applied for the past climate reconstruction.Using dendrochronological methods for obtaining samples of Pinus nigra fromthe Catalonian PrePirineous region, the cores of 15 trees with total time spine of about 100 - 250 years were analyzed for the tree ring width (TRW) patterns and had quite high correlation between them (0.71 ¿ 0.84), corresponding to a common behaviour for the environmental changes in their annual growth.After different trials with raw TRW data for standardization in order to take outthe negative exponential growth curve dependency, the best method of doubledetrending (power transformation and smoothing line of 32 years) were selected for obtaining the indexes for further analysis.Analyzing the cross-correlations between obtained tree ring width indexes andclimate data, significant correlations (p<0.05) were observed in some lags, as forexample, annual precipitation in lag -1 (previous year) had negative correlation with TRW growth in the Pallars region. Significant correlation coefficients are between 0.27- 0.51 (with positive or negative signs) for many cases; as for recent (but very short period) climate data of Seu d¿Urgell meteorological station, some significant correlation coefficients were observed, of the order of 0.9.These results confirm the hypothesis of using dendrochronological data as aclimate signal for further analysis, such as reconstruction of climate in the past orprediction in the future for the same locality.
En este artículo abordamos el uso y la importancia de las herramientas estadísticas que se utilizan principalmente en los estudios médicos del ámbito de la oncología y la hematología, pero aplicables a muchos otros campos tanto médicos como experimentales o industriales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar de una manera clara y precisa la metodología estadística necesaria para analizar los datos obtenidos en los estudios rigurosa y concisamente en cuanto a las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas por los investigadores. La medida de la respuesta al tratamiento elegidas en al tipo de estudio elegido determinarán los métodos estadísticos que se utilizarán durante el análisis de los datos del estudio y también el tamaño de muestra. Mediante la correcta aplicación del análisis estadístico y de una adecuada planificación se puede determinar si la relación encontrada entre la exposición a un tratamiento y un resultado es casual o por el contrario, está sujeto a una relación no aleatoria que podría establecer una relación de causalidad. Hemos estudiado los principales tipos de diseño de los estudios médicos más utilizados, tales como ensayos clínicos y estudios observacionales (cohortes, casos y controles, estudios de prevalencia y estudios ecológicos). También se presenta una sección sobre el cálculo del tamaño muestral de los estudios y cómo calcularlo, ¿Qué prueba estadística debe utilizarse?, los aspectos sobre fuerza del efecto ¿odds ratio¿ (OR) y riesgo relativo (RR), el análisis de supervivencia. Se presentan ejemplos en la mayoría de secciones del artículo y bibliografía más relevante.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program