889 resultados para smart grids
This dataset contains raster grids in GeoTIFF format describing the benthic environment of South Georgia. The data include topographic layers that are directly calculated from a bathymetry grid (Slope, Aspect, Roughness, Slope, Terrain Ruggedness Index, Topographic Position Index). A benthic classification of the area is included, based on topographic layers. Also included are sea-bed environmental layers that are interpolated from global three dimensional grids (Alkalinity, Apparent Oxygen Utilisation, Omega Aragonite, Omega Calcite, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, pH, Phosphate, Salinity, Silicate, Temperature, and Total CO2). These layers were used to construct a habitat suitability model for Octocorallia. The geographic extent is 43°57'56.65"W - 33°45'38.19"W and 52°47'29.50"S - 56° 9'11.03"S. The spatial resolution is 150m x 150m (except for benthic classification wihch is 450m x 450m). The map projection is EPSG:3762.
This dataset contains raster grids in GeoTIFF format describing the habitat suitability for living Lophelia pertusa reefs in the Irish continental margin (extended continental shelf claim). The habitat suitability map is given in continuous and binary (based on the 10th percentile threshold) format. The geographic extent is 25°53.801'W - 6°42.401'W and 46°45.033'N - 57°27.033'N. The spatial resolution is 0.01°x0.01°. The map projection is WGS 1984.
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Based on data from R.V. Pelagia, R.V. Sonne and R.V. Meteor multibeam sonar surveys, a high resolution bathymetry was generated for the Mozambique Ridge. The mapping area is divided into five sheets, one overview and four sub-sheets. The boundaries are (west/east/south/north): Sheet 1: 28°30' E/37°00' E/36°20' S/24°50' S; Sheet 2: 32°45' E/36°45' E/28°20' S/25°20' S; Sheet 3: 31°30' E/36°45' E/30°20' S/28°10' S; Sheet 4: 30°30' E/36°30' E/33°15' S/30°15' S; Sheet 5: 28°30' E/36°10' E/36°20' S/33°10' S. Each sheet was generated twice: one from swath sonar bathymetry only, the other one is completed with depths from ETOPO2 predicted bathymetry. Basic outcome of the investigation are Digital Terrain Models (DTM), one for each sheet with 0.05 arcmin (~91 meter) grid spacing and one for the entire area (sheet 1) with 0.1 arcmin grid spacing. The DTM's were utilized for contouring and generating maps. The grid formats are NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and ASCII (ESRI ArcGIS exchange format). The Maps are formatted as jpg-images and as small sized PNG (Portable Network Graphics) preview images. The provided maps have a paper size of DIN A0 (1189 x 841 mm).
Based on data from R/V Sonne multibeam sonar surveys in 2005 a high resolution bathymetry was generated for the Mozambique Basin. The area covers approx. 466,475 sqkm. The mapping area is divided into four sheets with boundaries (west/east/south/north): Sheet I (north-west), 37:00/39:45/-24:00/-20:20; Sheet II (north-east), 39:45/42:30/-24:00/-20:20; Sheet III (south-west), 37:00/39:45/-27:40/-24:00; Sheet IV (south-east), 39:45/42:30/-27:40/-24:00. Basic outcome of the investigation are Digital Terrain Models (DTM), one for each sheet with 0.05 arcmin (~91 meter) grid spacing and one for the entire area with 0.1 arcmin grid spacing. The DTM's were utilized for contouring and generating maps. Moreover the measured bathymetry was combined and compared with GEBCO bathymetry and predicted bathymetry, derived from altimeter satellites. The provided maps have a paper size of DIN A0 (1188.9 x 841 mm).
Interaction with smart objects can be accomplished with different technologies, such as tangible interfaces or touch computing, among others. Some of them require the object to be especially designed to be 'smart', and some other are limited in the variety and complexity of the possible actions. This paper describes a user-smart object interaction model and prototype based on the well known event-condition-action (ECA) reasoning, which can work, to a degree, independently of the intelligence embedded into the smart object. It has been designed for mobile devices to act as mediators between users and smart objects and provides an intuitive means for personalization of object's behavior. When the user is close to an object, this one publishes its 'event & action' capabilities to the user's device. The user may accept the object's module offering, which will enable him to configure and control that object, but also its actions with respect to other elements of the environment or the virtual world. The modular ECA interaction model facilitates the integration of different types of objects in a smart space, giving the user full control of their capabilities and facilitating creative mash-uping to build customized functionalities that combine physical and virtual actions
Here, a novel and efficient strategy for moving object detection by non-parametric modeling on smart cameras is presented. Whereas the background is modeled using only color information, the foreground model combines color and spatial information. The application of a particle filter allows the update of the spatial information and provides a priori information about the areas to analyze in the following images, enabling an important reduction in the computational requirements and improving the segmentation results
This paper presents the design of a bat-like micro aerial vehicle with actuated morphing wings. NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. Our objective is twofold. Firstly, we have implemented a control architecture that allows an accurate and fast SMA actuation. This control makes use of the electrical resistance measurements of SMAs to adjust morphing wing motions. Secondly, the feasibility of using SMA actuation technology is evaluated for the application at hand. To this purpose, experiments are conducted to analyze the control performance in terms of nominal and overloaded operation modes of the SMAs. This analysis includes: (i) inertial forces regarding the stretchable wing membrane and aerodynamic loads, and (ii) uncertainties due to impact of airflow conditions over the resistance–motion relationship of SMAs. With the proposed control, morphing actuation speed can be increased up to 2.5 Hz, being sufficient to generate lift forces at a cruising speed of 5ms−1.
Advances in electronics nowadays facilitate the design of smart spaces based on physical mash-ups of sensor and actuator devices. At the same time, software paradigms such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) are motivating the creation of technology to support the development and deployment of web-enabled embedded sensor and actuator devices with two major objectives: (i) to integrate sensing and actuating functionalities into everyday objects, and (ii) to easily allow a diversity of devices to plug into the Internet. Currently, developers who are applying this Internet-oriented approach need to have solid understanding about specific platforms and web technologies. In order to alleviate this development process, this research proposes a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). This methodology aims at enabling the development of smart spaces through a set of modeling tools and semantic technologies that support the definition of the smart space and the automatic generation of code at hardware level. ROOD feasibility is demonstrated by building an adaptive health monitoring service for a Smart Gym.
This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.
Ubiquitous sensor network deployments, such as the ones found in Smart cities and Ambient intelligence applications, require constantly increasing high computational demands in order to process data and offer services to users. The nature of these applications imply the usage of data centers. Research has paid much attention to the energy consumption of the sensor nodes in WSNs infrastructures. However, supercomputing facilities are the ones presenting a higher economic and environmental impact due to their very high power consumption. The latter problem, however, has been disregarded in the field of smart environment services. This paper proposes an energy-minimization workload assignment technique, based on heterogeneity and application-awareness, that redistributes low-demand computational tasks from high-performance facilities to idle nodes with low and medium resources in the WSN infrastructure. These non-optimal allocation policies reduce the energy consumed by the whole infrastructure and the total execution time.
Renewable energy hybrid systems and mini-grids for electrification of rural areas are known to be reliable and more cost efficient than grid extension or only-diesel based systems. However, there is still some uncertainty in some areas, for example, which is the most efficient way of coupling hybrid systems: AC, DC or AC-DC? With the use of Matlab/Simulink a mini-grid that connects a school, a small hospital and an ecotourism hostel has been modelled. This same mini grid has been coupled in the different possible ways and the system’s efficiency has been studied. In addition, while keeping the consumption constant, the generation sources and the consumption profile have been modified and the effect on the efficiency under each configuration has also been analysed. Finally different weather profiles have been introduced and, again, the effect on the efficiency of each system has been observed.
This work describes a semantic extension for a user-smart object interaction model based on the ECA paradigm (Event-Condition-Action). In this approach, smart objects publish their sensing (event) and action capabilities in the cloud and mobile devices are prepared to retrieve them and act as mediators to configure personalized behaviours for the objects. In this paper, the information handled by this interaction system has been shaped according several semantic models that, together with the integration of an embedded ontological and rule-based reasoner, are exploited in order to (i) automatically detect incompatible ECA rules configurations and to (ii) support complex ECA rules definitions and execution. This semantic extension may significantly improve the management of smart spaces populated with numerous smart objects from mobile personal devices, as it facilitates the configuration of coherent ECA rules.
How to create or integrate large Smart Spaces (considered as mash-ups of sensors and actuators) into the paradigm of ?Web of Things? has been the motivation of many recent works. A cutting-edge approach deals with developing and deploying web-enabled embedded devices with two major objectives: 1) to integrate sensor and actuator technologies into everyday objects, and 2) to allow a diversity of devices to plug to Internet. Currently, developers who want to use this Internet-oriented approach need have solid understanding about sensorial platforms and semantic technologies. In this paper we propose a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology, based on Model Driven Architecture (MDA), to facilitate to any developer the development and deployment of Smart Spaces. Early evaluations of the ROOD methodology have been successfully accomplished through a partial deployment of a Smart Hotel.