940 resultados para rogers, antico-nuovo


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We argue that there are at least two significant issues for interaction designers to consider when creating the next generation of human interfaces for civic and urban engagement: (1) The disconnect between citizens participating in either digital or physical realms has resulted in a neglect of the hybrid role that public place and situated technology can play in contributing to civic innovation. (2) Under the veneer of many social media tools, hardly any meaningful strategies or approaches are found that go beyond awareness raising and allow citizens to do more than clicking a ‘Like’ button. We call for an agenda to design the next generation of ‘digital soapboxes’ that contributes towards a new form of polity helping citizens not only to have a voice but also to appropriate their city in order to take action for change.


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Parliamentary committees fulfil several important functions within the Parliament, with one of these being the oversight of various agencies including those that are designed to reduce corruption within the police service and other public sector agencies. The cross-party nature of committees combined with the protections of Parliament make them powerful agencies. Prenzler & Faulkner (2010) suggest that the ideal system for an agency that has oversight of a public sector integrity commission should include monitoring by a parliamentary committee, with an inspector attached to the committee. This occurs in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia. There has been very little research conducted on the role of parliamentary committees with oversight responsibilities for public sector integrity agencies. This paper will address this gap by examining the relationship between a parliamentary committee, a parliamentary inspector and a corruption commission. Queensland’s Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee (PCMC/the Committee) and the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commissioner (the Commissioner) provide oversight of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC). By focussing on the PCMC and the Commissioner, the paper will examine the legislative basis for the Committee and Commissioner and their respective roles in providing oversight of the CMC. One key method by which the PCMC provides oversight of the CMC is to conduct and publish a review of the CMC every three years. Additionally, the paper will identify some of the similarities and differences between the PCMC and other committees that operate within the Queensland Parliament. By doing so, the paper will provide insights into the relationships that exist between corruption commissions, parliamentary committees and parliamentary inspectors and demonstrate the important role of the parliamentary committee in preventing instances of public sector corruption.


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Infusions and decoctions of Cymbopogon ambiguus have been used traditionally in Australia for the treatment of headache, chest infections and muscle cramps. The aim of the present study was to screen and identify bioactive compounds from C. ambiguus that could explain this plant's anti-headache activity. A dichloromethane extract of C. ambiguus was identified as having activity in adenosine-diphosphate-induced human platelet aggregation and serotonin-release inhibition bioassays. Subsequent fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of four phenylpropenoids, eugenol, elemicin, Eugenol methylether and trans-isoelemicin. While both Eugenol and elemicin exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of ADP-induced human platelet serotonin release, only eugenol displayed potent inhibitory activity with an IC(50) value of 46.6 microM, in comparison to aspirin, with an IC(50) value of 46.1 microM. These findings provide evidence to support the therapeutic efficacy of C. ambiguus in the non-conventional treatment of Headache and Inflammatory conditions.


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The benefits of reflective practice have been well established in the literature (Rogers, 2001), as have models to embed reflective thinking in higher education curriculum (Ryan and Ryan, 2012). Reflection is commonly envisaged as a textual practice, through which students ‘reflect in and on action’ (Schön 1983), and articulate their experiences, learning and outcomes in written portfolios, journals, or blogs. While such approaches to individual written reflection are undoubtedly beneficial for deepening insight and self-criticality, reflection can also provide other benefits when approached as a collaborative, oral activity. This poster presents a dialogic model of reflective practice that affords the opportunity for developing presentation skills, critique, community and professional identity formation. This dialogic approach to reflection is illustrated by a first year subject (‘KIB101 Visual Communication’ at QUT), in which students apply visual theory (presented in lectures) to communication and graphic design problems in the studio. In regular (fortnightly) presentations, they critically reflect upon their work in progress by aligning it with the concepts, design principles and professional language of the lectures. This iterative process facilitates responsive peer feedback, similarly couched in the formal terms of the discipline. This ‘mirrored reflection’ not only provides opportunities to incrementally improve, it also sets designs in a theoretical frame; provides the opportunity for comparative analysis (to see design principles applied by peers in different ways); to practice formal design language and presentation techniques of the discipline and; because peer critique is framed as an act of generosity; it affords the development of a supportive community of practice. In these ways, dialogic reflection helps students develop a professional voice and identity from first year. Evidence of impact is provided by quantitative and qualitative student feedback over several years, as well as institutional feedback and recognition.


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The leaves of Eremophila gilesii have been used traditionally to treat colds, headaches, sores, and chest pains. Our previous screening of Australian native plants showed that the methanol extract of the aerial parts of E. gilesii demonstrated notable inhibition of ADP-induced human platelet aggregation and serotonin release. Subsequent fractionation on the methanol extract led to the isolation of two phenylethanoid glycosides, verbascoside (1) and poliumoside (2). This is the first study reporting the presence of phenylethanoid glycosides in E. gilesii.


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Migraine is a common complex disorder that affects a large portion of the population and thus incurs a substantial economic burden on society. The disorder is characterized by recurrent headaches that are unilateral and usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. The range of clinical characteristics is broad and there is evidence of comorbidity with other neurological diseases, complicating both the diagnosis and management of the disorder. Although the class of drugs known as the triptans (serotonin 5-HT1B/1D agonists) has been shown to be effective in treating a significant number of patients with migraine, treatment may in the future be further enhanced by identifying drugs that selectively target molecular mechanisms causing susceptibility to the disease. Genetically, migraine is a complex familial disorder in which the severity and susceptibility of individuals is most likely governed by several genes that may be different among families. Identification of the genomic variants involved in genetic predisposition to migraine should facilitate the development of more effective diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Genetic profiling, combined with our knowledge of therapeutic response to drugs, should enable the development of specific, individually-tailored treatment.


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Structurally novel compounds able to block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are currently being sought for the development of new drugs directed at neurological disorders. Fluorescence techniques have recently been developed to facilitate the analysis of VGCC blockers in a multi-well format. By utilising the small cell lung carcinoma cell line, NCI-H146, we were able to detect changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using a fluorescence microplate reader. NCI-H146 cells have characteristics resembling those of neuronal cells and express multiple VGCC subtypes, including those of the L-, N- and P-type. We found that K+-depolarisation of fluo-3 loaded NCI-H146 cells causes a rapid and transient increase in fluorescence, which was readily detected in a 96-well plate. Extracts of Australian plants, including those used traditionally as headache or pain treatments, were tested in this study to identify those affecting Ca2+ influx following membrane depolarisation of NCI-H146 cells. We found that E. bignoniiflora, A. symphyocarpa and E. vespertilio caused dose-dependent inhibition of K+-depolarised Ca2+ influx, with IC50 values calculated to be 234, 548 and 209 μg/ml, respectively. This data suggests an effect of these extracts on the function of VGCCs in these cells. Furthermore, we found similar effects using a fluorescence laser imaging plate reader (FLIPR) that allows simultaneous measurement of real-time fluorescence in a multi-well plate. Our results indicate that the dichloromethane extract of E. bignoniiflora and the methanolic extract of E. vespertilio show considerable promise as antagonists of neuronal VGCCs. Further analysis is required to characterise the function of the bioactive constituents in these extracts and determine their selectivity on VGCC subtypes.


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Extracts of Australian plants were screened to detect constituents affecting adenosine di-phosphate (ADP) induced platelet aggregation and [14C]5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release. Extracts of four tested plants including, Eremophila gilesii, Erythrina vespertilio, Cymbopogon ambiguus, and Santalum acuminatum, were found to cause significant inhibition of platelet 5-HT release. Inhibition levels ranged from 56-98%, and was not due to the non-specific effects of protein binding tannins. These extracts, and those we have previously identified as being active, were examined further to determine if they affect epinephrine (EPN), arachidonic acid (A.A) or collagen stimulated platelet aggregation and 5-HT release. Among those extracts investigated, we found that both the methanolic extract of E. vespertilio and the dichloromethane (DCM) extract of C. ambiguus were most potent and caused significant inhibition of platelet activation induced by EPN, A.A and to a lesser extent by collagen. Inhibition of ADP induced platelet 5-HT release by both of these extracts, was dose-dependent, with IC50 values for E. vespertilio and C. ambiguus estimated to be 20.4 microl (1.855 mg/ml) and 8.34 microl (0.758 mg/ml), respectively. Overall, C. ambiguus exhibited most activity and also caused dose-dependent inhibition of A.A induced platelet activation. These results indicate that inhibition may occur specifically at a site within the A.A pathway, and suggest the presence of a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor. Both E. vespertilio and C. ambiguus are reported to be traditional headache treatments, with the present study providing evidence that they affect 5-HT release.


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To identify potential migraine therapeutics, extracts of eighteen plants were screened to detect plant constituents affecting ADP induced platelet aggregation and [14C]5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release. Extracts of the seven plants exhibiting significant inhibition of platelet function were reanalysed in the presence of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) to remove polyphenolic tannins that precipitate proteins. Two of these extracts no longer exhibited inhibition of platelet activity after removal of tannins. However, extracts of Crataegus monogyna, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Eremophila freelingii, Eremophila longifolia, and Asteromyrtus symphyocarpa still potently inhibited ADP induced human platelet [14C]5-HT release in vitro, with levels ranging from 62 to 95% inhibition. I. pes-caprae, and C. monogyna also caused significant inhibition of ADP induced platelet aggregation. All of these plants have been previously used as traditional headache treatments, except for C. monogyna which is used primarily for protective effects on the cardiovascular system. Further studies elucidating the compounds that are responsible for these anti-platelet effects are needed to determine their exact mechanism of action.


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An improved method for the assay of human platelet pyruvate dehydrogenase is described. By generating the substrate [1-14C]pyruvate in situ from [1-14C]lactate plus l-lactate dehydrogenase, the rate of spontaneous decarboxylation is dramatically reduced, allowing far greater sensitivity in the assay of low activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase. In addition, no special precautions are required for the storage and use of [1-14C]lactate, in contrast to those for [1-14C] pyruvate. These factors allow a 5–10-fold increase in sensitivity compared with current methods. The pyruvate dehydrogenase activity of normal subjects as determined by the [1-14C]lactate system was 215 ± 55 pmol · min−1 · mg−1 protein (n = 18). The advantages of this assay system are discussed.


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Extracts of Echinacea spp. are widely used as therapeutic immunostimulants with such activity being attributed in part to the alkamide fractions of these plants. Using high performance liquid chromatography, the levels of 8 alkamides, including 2 tetraene alkamides (dodeca-2E, 4E, 8Z, 10E/Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide), were quantitatively determined in 2 Australian-grown Echinacea spp. Overall, the levels of alkamides in Australian-grown E. angustifolia were found to be comparable with levels obtained in this study and other studies for USA and European Echinacea spp. However, results obtained for one sample of E. angustifolia suggested that it may have been mislabelled and that it was most likely a sample of E. pallida. Levels of tetraene alkamides in Australian-grown E. purpurea were also similar to, if not higher, than levels which have been reported for the same species grown in Germany and the USA. Preliminary studies on the stability of alkamide compounds in E. angustifolia indicated that they are susceptible to degradation, with a 13% loss of alkamide level over 2 months. Overall, results indicate that there is considerable potential to develop Echinacea as a viable crop in Australia.


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The suggested model of an ideal public sector corruption commission includes oversight by a parliamentary committee with an attached parliamentary inspector (Prenzler, 2009). However, little research has been conducted on parliamentary oversight of corruption commissions. In Queensland, a role of the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee, which has the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commissioner attached, is to review the Crime and Misconduct Commission every three years. This paper considers the public written and oral submissions made to the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee in the four reviews of the Crime and Misconduct Committee conducted to date (2004, 2006, 2009 and 2012). By doing this, the paper will begin to identify the gaps in our understanding of the relationship between parliamentary committees and public sector corruption commissions and the processes used by parliamentary committees to provide oversight of corruption commissions.


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This study was undertaken to examine the influence that a set of Professional Development (PD) initiatives had on faculty use of Moodle, a well known Course Management System. The context of the study was a private language university just outside Tokyo, Japan. Specifically, it aimed to identify the way in which the PD initiatives adhered to professional development best practice criteria; how faculty members perceived the PD initiatives; what impact the PD initiatives had on faculty use of Moodle; and other variables that may have influenced faculty in their use of Moodle. The study utilised a mixed methods approach. Participants in the study were 42 teachers who worked at the university in the academic year 2008/9. The online survey consisted of 115 items, factored into 10 constructs. Data was collected through an online survey, semi-structured face-to-face interviews, post-workshop surveys, and a collection of textual artefacts. The quantitative data were analysed in SPSS, using descriptive statistics, Spearman's Rank Order correlation tests and a Kruskal-Wallis means test. The qualitative data was used to develop and expand findings and ideas. The results indicated that the PD initiatives adhered closely to criteria posited in technology-related professional development best practice criteria. Further, results from the online survey, post workshop surveys, and follow up face-to-face interviews indicated that while the PD initiatives that were implemented were positively perceived by faculty, they did not have the anticipated impact on Moodle use among faculty. Further results indicated that other variables, such as perceptions of Moodle, and institutional issues, had a considerable influence on Moodle use. The findings of the study further strengthened the idea that the five variables Everett Rogers lists in his Diffusion of Innovations model, including perceived attributes of an innovation; type of innovation decision; communication channels; nature of the social system; extent of change agents' promotion efforts, most influence the adoption of an innovation. However, the results also indicated that some of the variables in Rogers' DOI seem to have more of an influence than others, particularly the perceived attributes of an innovation variable. In addition, the findings of the study could serve to inform universities that have Course Management Systems (CMS), such as Moodle, about how to utilise them most efficiently and effectively. The findings could also help to inform universities about how to help faculty members acquire the skills necessary to incorporate CMSs into curricula and teaching practice. A limitation of this study was the use of a non-randomised sample, which could appear to have limited the generalisations of the findings to this particular Japanese context.


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