990 resultados para right-side failure


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This work considers a problem of interest in several technological applications such as the thermal control of electronic equipment. It is also important to study the heat transfer performance of these components under off-normal conditions, such as during failure of cooling fans. The effect of natural convection on the flow and heat transfer in a cavity with two flush mounted heat sources on the left vertical wall, simulating electronic components, is studied numerically and experimentally. The influence of the power distribution, spacing between the heat sources and cavity aspect ratio have been investigated. An analysis of the average Nusselt number of the two heat sources was performed to investigate the behavior of the heat transfer coefficients. The results obtained numerically and experimentally, after an error analysis, showed a good agreement.


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Although rare, major bleeding is the most important side effect of thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (Levine et al., 1995). Spontaneous hepatic bleeding in normal liver after thrombolytic administration has rarely been reported in literature. To our knowledge, there are only three cases of hepatic bleeding related to thrombolytic therapy in AMI. In these, the used drugs were anisolylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex (APSAC) (Garcia-Jiménez et al., 1997; Fox et al., 1991) and rt-PA (Garcia-Jiménez et al., 1997). We report a case of hepatic bleeding after streptokinase followed by units over 60 minutes). The next day, the patient developed third-degree atrioventricular block and a temporary pacemaker was inserted. Twenty-seven hours after streptokinase infusion, the patient complained of refractory chest pain that was interpreted as post-myocardial infarction angina; clotting screen was normal and intravenous heparin was started (80 U/kg followed by 18 U/kg/hour). After four hours of heparin administration, the patient presented abdominal pain and distension, and his blood pressure and hematocrit level dropped. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed free fluid in the peritoneal cavity (about 3,000 mL). A laparotomy disclosed blood in the abdominal cavity with bleeding from the right lateral hepatic segment, which was removed. The remaining abdominal viscera were normal and there was no other evidence of hemorrhage. The partial liver resection presented subcapsular hemorrhage with small parenchymal hemorrhage. Histopathological examination also revealed focal areas of ischemic centrilobular necrosis. The patient died of multiple organ system failure 21 days after admission. Copyright © 2002 By PJD Publications Limited.


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Aim: This study evaluated the prevalence of the chewing side preference (CSP) in the deciduous, mixed and permanent dentitions. Materials and methods: Three-hundred subjects were divided in three groups (n = 100): Group 1 - children with deciduous dentition; group 2-children with mixed dentition; group 3 - subjects with permanent dentition. The CSP was determined using a direct method (visual observation) developed by McDonnell et al. (2004). Descriptive statistic was used to observe the prevalence of CSP. The Pearson's Chi-square was used to investigate signicant associations between gender, presence of CSP and preferred side (right/left). Results and conclusion: Eighty-seven percent of group 1 had a CSP. Eighty-two percent of group 2 had a CSP. Seventy-six percent of group 3 had a CSP. There was no statistically significant association between presence of CSP and gender in all groups. There was no statistically significant association between preferred side (right/left) and gender in all groups. Clinical significance: There is a higher prevalence of subjects in deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition that presented chewing side preference. The early diagnosis of the presence of chewing side preference can prevent the unilateral chewing pattern with prophylactic therapy applied to the first teeth (deciduous).


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Background: Although skeletal muscle atrophy and changes in myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms have often been observed during heart failure, their pathophysiological mechanisms are not completely defined. In this study we tested the hypothesis that skeletal muscle phenotype changes are related to myogenic regulatory factors and myostatin/follistatin expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with heart failure. Methods: After developing tachypnea, SHR were subjected to transthoracic echocardiogram. Pathological evidence of heart failure was assessed during euthanasia. Age-matched Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were used as controls. Soleus muscle morphometry was analyzed in histological sections, and MyHC isoforms evaluated by electrophoresis. Protein levels were assessed by Western blotting. Statistical analysis: Student's t test and Pearson correlation. Results: All SHR presented right ventricular hypertrophy and seven had pleuropericardial effusion. Echocardiographic evaluation showed dilation in the left chambers and left ventricular hypertrophy with systolic and diastolic dysfunction in SHR. Soleus weight and fiber cross sectional areas were lower (WKY 3615±412; SHR 2035±224 μm2; P < 0.001), and collagen fractional volume was higher in SHR. The relative amount of type I MyHC isoform was increased in SHR. Myogenin, myostatin, and follistatin expression was lower and MRF4 levels higher in SHR. Myogenin and follistatin expression positively correlated with fiber cross sectional areas and MRF4 levels positively correlated with I MyHC isoform. Conclusion: Reduced myogenin and follistatin expression seems to participate in muscle atrophy while increased MRF4 protein levels can modulate myosin heavy chain isoform shift in skeletal muscle of spontaneously hypertensive rats with heart failure. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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A disturbing token of child and adolescent vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean is that so many are deprived of any legal identity by failure to report their birth. This bars them from exercising basic citizen rights and can hinder their access to productive employment, social benefits and the justice system and deny them recognition as full citizens and the right to well-being, capacity development and political participation.


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Análise de relações ordinais nos quais o responder estaria sob controle de propriedades relacionais do tipo primeiro, segundo, terceiro e assim por diante, a partir do paradigma de equivalência, constitui uma importante forma de compreender o comportamento verbal (sintaxe). Cinco estudos buscaram avaliar a emergência de novas sentenças com três ou quatro palavras (artigos, substantivos, adjetivos ou verbos e advérbios), com base nas posições ocupadas pelas mesmas em cada sentença ensinada independentemente. Participaram do Estudo 1 cinco crianças da pré-escola. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a procedimentos de ensino com três palavras através de emparelhamento de acordo com o modelo, testes de equivalência, treino por encadeamento de respostas, testes de produção de seqüências, conectividade e testes de leitura com compreensão. No Estudo 2, outras cinco crianças do ensino fundamental foram expostas aos mesmos procedimentos de ensino e testes, com quatro palavras. No Estudo 3, quatro crianças eram submetidas ao procedimento por encadeamento, testes de produção de seqüências, conectividade e de leitura com compreensão com quatro palavras. No Estudo 4 outras quatro crianças com história de fracasso escolar foram submetidas ao mesmo procedimento de ensino e testes dos Estudos 1 e 2, com quatro palavras. No Estudo 5 três outras crianças também com história de fracasso escolar foram submetidas ao mesmo procedimento adotado no Estudo 3 com quatro palavras. Os participantes não tinham leitura fluente de frases, mas liam palavras isoladamente. As sessões experimentais ocorreram numa sala da escola freqüentada pelas crianças. Um microcomputador forneceu suporte ao estudo e um software específico exerceu o controle e registro dos dados comportamentais. Utilizaram-se três conjuntos de estímulos: A (desenhos), B (palavras maiúsculas) e C (palavras minúsculas), para ensinar as relações condicionais AB e AC e testes BC/CB. No treino por encadeamento eram usadas três sentenças diferentes. Na primeira tentativa, a palavra UM, por exemplo, era apresentada na área de escolha. Um toque sobre a palavra produzia como conseqüência seu deslocamento para a área de construção na parte superior da tela, uma animação gráfica era apresentada acompanhada de um som muito bem, legal, certo. Em seguida, duas palavras eram apresentadas 10 simultaneamente na tela e o participante deveria tocar em uma delas e depois, na outra. Caso as palavras fossem ordenadas corretamente, a mesma conseqüência anterior era apresentada, e a mesma configuração de palavras era reapresentada em posições diferentes na área de escolha. Caso a resposta fosse diferente da programada pela experimentadora, produzia um escurecimento na tela por 3s e uma nova configuração de palavras era apresentada, lado a lado na área de escolha. Após o ensino da linha de base, testes de produção de seqüências e de conectividade eram aplicados para verificar a emergência de seis novas sentenças (exceto Estudo 1), a partir da recombinação das palavras ensinadas anteriormente. Finalmente, um teste de compreensão de leitura com novas frases era apresentado aos participantes. Por exemplo, na presença de uma figura, três sentenças diferentes em letras maiúsculas eram apresentadas e o participante deveria selecionar qual a sentença correta. Em todos os estudos, os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto, três vezes consecutivas, sem erro, embora alguns tenham precisado de re-exposições. No Estudo 1 e 2 todos os participantes responderam consistentemente aos testes e leram as novas sentenças fluentemente e com compreensão. No Estudo 3, um participante construiu as seis novas sentenças prontamente. Nenhum participante leu com compreensão aos testes finais de leitura. No Estudo 4, três participantes construíram duas novas sentenças prontamente e um participante não respondeu aos testes de conectividade. Dois participantes responderam aos testes de leitura com compreensão. No Estudo 5 dois participantes construíram quatro novas sentenças prontamente. Nos Estudos 3 e 5 os participantes não responderam aos testes de nomeação oral. Estes resultados demonstraram a emergência de novas sentenças, sem qualquer treino adicional, a partir do ensino com três sentenças independentes. Os resultados dos testes de leitura com compreensão mostraram uma coerência com o paradigma de equivalência. Conclui-se que os estímulos utilizados eram funcionalmente equivalentes e exerceram ainda funções ordinais pela posição que cada um ocupou nas sentenças.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This manuscript describes the use of a tooth indicated for extraction due
to orthodontic reasons as an anchorage aid to receive undesirable side effects caused by orthodontic uprighting of a contralateral molar tooth. The mandibular right second molar was mesially tipped as a result of loss of the adjacent first molar. Since the treatment plan involved extraction of the mandibular left first premolar, undesirable side effects associated with the molar uprighting movement were transferred to this tooth. Once the second molar was vertical, the premolar was extracted and the treatment continued. The results suggest that treatment time can be reduced if undesirable orthodontic mechanical side effects can be directed to a tooth whose extraction is indicated.


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A case of primary squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the thyroid which had been initially diagnosed as an anaplastic carcinoma (ATC) is described: female, 73 years old, with a fast-growing cervical nodule on the left side and hoarseness for 3 months. Ultrasonography showed a 4.5 cm solid nodule. FNA was compatible with poorly differentiated carcinoma with immunoreactivity for AE1/AE3, EMA. Thyroidectomy was performed. Histopathological examination showed a nonencapsulated tumor. Immunohistochemistry disclosed positivity for AE1/AE3, p53,p63, and Ki67. The diagnosis was ATC. A second opinion reported tumor consisting of squamous cells, with intense inflammatory infiltrate both in tumor and in the adjacent thyroid, with final diagnosis of SCC, associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis. No other primary focus of SCC was found. Patient has shown a 48-month survival period. Clinically, primary SCCs of the thyroid and ATCs are similar. The distinction is often difficult particularly when based on the cytological analysis of FNA material.


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Fistulas between coronary artery and bronchial artery may be present from birth, with few hemodynamic consequences, and may remain closed due to similarity of the filling pressures at these 2 sites.(1) They can also be secondary to pulmonary artery occlusive disease or chronic pulmonary inflammation.(2,3) These pulmonary changes may cause a dilation of the fistula and make it functional, causing angina pectoris by coronary steal syndrome, which is the most common symptom. The presentation may also be composed of episodes of hemoptysis, heart failure, and infective endocarditis. However, most patients remain asymptomatic. The ones that need treatment may not have a good response to the medical management, requiring an intervention. This can be done using embolization coils, stents grafts, and performing surgical ligation of the fistulas.(2-4) J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2012;24(11):E303-E304


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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease of the pulmonary vasculature characterized by vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). It is becoming increasingly recognized that it is the response of the right ventricle (RV) to the increased afterload resulting from this increase in PVR that is the most important determinant of patient outcome. A range of hemodynamic, structural, and functional measures associated with the RV have been found to have prognostic importance in PAH and, therefore, have potential value as parameters for the evaluation and follow-up of patients. If such measures are to be used clinically, there is a need for simple, reproducible, accurate, easy-to-use, and noninvasive methods to assess them. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is regarded as the "gold standard" method for assessment of the RV, the complex structure of which makes accurate assessment by 2-dimensional methods, such as echocardiography, challenging. However, the majority of data concerning the use of CMRI in PAH have come from studies evaluating a variety of different measures and using different techniques and protocols, and there is a clear need for the development of standardized methodology if CMRI is to be established in the routine assessment of patients with PAH. Should such standards be developed, it seems likely that CMRI will become an important method for the noninvasive assessment and monitoring of patients with PAH. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2012;110[suppl]:25S-31S)


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Objectives: Chronic right ventricular (RV) pressure overload results in pathologic RV hypertrophy and diminished RV function. Although aortic constriction has been shown to improve systolic function in acute RV failure, its effect on RV responses to chronic pressure overload is unknown. Methods: Adjustable vascular banding devices were placed on the main pulmonary artery and descending aorta. In 5 animals (sham group), neither band was inflated. In 9 animals (PAB group), only the pulmonary arterial band was inflated, with adjustments on a weekly basis to generate systemic or suprasystemic RV pressure at 28 days. In 9 animals, both pulmonary arterial and aortic devices were inflated (PAB+AO group), the pulmonary arterial band as for the PAB group and the aortic band adjusted to increase proximal systolic blood pressure by approximately 20 mm Hg. Effects on the functional performance were assessed 5 weeks after surgery by conductance catheters, followed by histologic and molecular assessment. Results: Contractile performance was significantly improved in the PAB+AO group versus the PAB group for both ventricles. Relative to sham-operated animals, both banding groups showed significant differences in myocardial histologic and molecular responses. Relative to the PAB group, the PAB+AO group showed significantly decreased RV cardiomyocyte diameter, decreased RV collagen content, and reduced RV expression of endothelin receptor type B, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and transforming growth factor beta genes. Conclusions: Aortic constriction in an experimental model of chronic RV pressure overload not only resulted in improved biventricular systolic function but also improved myocardial remodeling. These data suggest that chronically increased left ventricular afterload leads to a more physiologically hypertrophic response in the pressure-overloaded RV. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144:1494-501)


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Recent studies have recognised the importance of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in sickle cell disease (SCD). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and prognostic impact of PH and its features in patients with SCD. 80 patients with SCD underwent baseline clinical evaluation, laboratory testing, 6-min walk tests (6MWTs) and echocardiography. Patients with a peak tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity (TRV) of >= 2.5 m.s(-1) were further evaluated through right heart catheterisation (RHC) to assure the diagnosis of PH. Our study evidenced a 40% prevalence of patients with elevated TRV at echocardiography. RHC (performed in 25 out of 32 patients) confirmed PH in 10% (95% CI 3.4-16.5%) of all patients, with a prevalence of post-capillary PH of 6.25% (95% CI 0.95-11.55%) and pre-capillary PH of 3.75% (95% CI -0.4-7.9%). Patients with PH were older, had worse performance in 6MWTs, and more pronounced anaemia, haemolysis and renal dysfunction. Survival was shorter in patients with PH. Our study reinforced the use of echocardiography as a screening tool for PH in SCD and the mandatory role of RHC for proper diagnosis. Our findings confirmed the prognostic significance of PH in SCD as its association to pronounced haemolytic profile.


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Abstract Background Cardiac remodeling is generally an adverse sign and is associated with heart failure (HF) progression. NFkB, an important transcription factor involved in many cell survival pathways, has been implicated in the remodeling process, but its role in the heart is still controversial. Recently, a promoter polymorphism associated with a lesser activation of the NFKB1 gene was also associated with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of this polymorphism with clinical and functional characteristics of heart failure patients of different etiologies. Methods A total of 493 patients with HF and 916 individuals from a cohort of individuals from the general population were investigated. The NFKB1 -94 insertion/deletion ATTG polymorphism was genotyped by High Resolution Melt discrimination. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups. In addition, frequencies or mean values of different phenotypes associated with cardiovascular disease were compared between genotype groups. Finally, patients were prospectively followed-up for death incidence and genotypes for the polymorphism were compared regarding disease onset and mortality incidence in HF patients. Results We did not find differences in genotype and allelic frequencies between cases and controls. Interestingly, we found an association between the ATTG1/ATTG1 genotype with right ventricle diameter (P = 0.001), left ventricle diastolic diameter (P = 0.04), and ejection fraction (EF) (P = 0.016), being the genotype ATTG1/ATTG1 more frequent in patients with EF lower than 50% (P = 0.01). Finally, we observed a significantly earlier disease onset in ATTG1/ATTG1 carriers. Conclusion There is no genotype or allelic association between the studied polymorphism and the occurrence of HF in the tested population. However, our data suggest that a diminished activation of NFKB1, previously associated with the ATTG1/ATTG1 genotype, may act modulating on the onset of disease and, once the individual has HF, the genotype may modulate disease severity by increasing cardiac remodeling and function deterioration.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo the bonding of metallic orthodontic brackets with different adhesive systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty patients (10.5-15.1 years old) who had sought corrective orthodontic treatment at a University Orthodontic Clinic were evaluated. Brackets were bonded from the right second premolar to the left second premolar in the upper and lower arches using: Orthodontic Concise, conventional Transbond XT, Transbond XT without primer, and Transbond XT associated with Transbond Plus Self-etching Primer (TPSEP). The 4 adhesive systems were used in all patients using a split-mouth design; each adhesive system was used in one quadrant of each dental arch, so that each group of 5 patients received the same bonding sequence. Initial archwires were inserted 1 week after bracket bonding. The number of bracket failures for each adhesive system was quantified over a 6-month period. RESULTS: The number of debonded brackets was: 8- Orthodontic Concise, 2- conventional Transbond XT, 9- Transbond XT without primer, and 1- Transbond XT + TPSEP. By using the Kaplan-Meier methods, statistically significant differences were found between the materials (p=0.0198), and the Logrank test identified these differences. Conventional Transbond XT and Transbond XT + TPSEP adhesive systems were statistically superior to Orthodontic Concise and Transbond XT without primer (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the dental arches (upper and lower), between the dental arch sides (right and left), and among the quadrants. CONCLUSIONS: The largest number of bracket failures occurred with Orthodontic Concise and Transbond XT without primer systems and few bracket failures occurred with conventional Transbond XT and Transbond XT+TPSEP. More bracket failures were observed in the posterior region compared with the anterior region.