957 resultados para rib cage
There is a paucity of studies comparing social buffering in adolescents and adults, despite their marked differences in social behaviour. I investigated whether greater effects of social buffering on plasma corticosterone concentrations and expression of Zif268 in neural regions after an acute stressor would be found in adolescent compared with adult rats. Samples were obtained before and after one hour of isolation stress and after either one or three hours of recovery back in the colony with either a familiar or unfamiliar cage partner. Adolescent and adult rats did not differ in plasma concentrations of corticosterone at any time point. Corticosterone concentrations were higher after one hour isolation than at baseline (p < 0.001), and rats with a familiar partner during the recovery phase had lower corticosterone concentrations than did rats with an unfamiliar partner (p = 0.02). Zif268 immunoreactive cell counts were higher in the arcuate nucleus in both age groups after isolation (p = 0.007) and higher in the paraventricular nucleus of adolescents compared with adults during the recovery phase irrespective of partner familiarity. There was a significant decrease in immunoreactive cell counts after one hour isolation compared to baseline in the basolateral amygdala, central nucleus of the amygdala, and in the pyramidal layer of the hippocampus (all p < 0.05). An effect of partner familiarity on Zif268 immunoreactive cell counts was found in the granule layer of the dentate gyrus irrespective of age (higher in those with a familiar partner, p = 0.03) and in the medial prefrontal cortex in adolescents (higher with an unfamiliar partner, p = 0.02). Overall, the acute stress and partner familiarity produced a similar pattern of results in adolescents and adults, with both age groups sensitive to the social context.
The article discusses dipping vats and three basic types of dipping systems: Jump in Vat, Hydraulic Cage Vat, and the Box Sprayer.
L’Islam interdit le riba , mot arabe signifiant à la fois usure et intérêt. L’interdiction du rib figure dans la loi islamique, née dans l’Arabie du Moyen Âge. Elle est à la base de la finance islamique qui connut une expansion remarquable durant la deuxième moitié du XX e siècle. Nous nous interrogeons sur les origines de cette interdiction, sur les problèmes que connaît actuellement la finance islamique et sur ses perspectives d’avenir.
Introduction: Chez les mammifères, la naissance de nouveaux neurones se poursuit à l’âge adulte dans deux régions du cerveau: 1) l’hippocampe et 2) la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. La neurogenèse adulte n’est pas un processus stable et peut être affectée par divers facteurs tels que l’âge et la maladie. De plus, les modifications de la neurogenèse peuvent être à l’origine des maladies de sorte que la régulation ainsi que le rétablissement de la neurogenèse adulte doivent être considérés comme d’importants objectifs thérapeutiques. Chez la souris saine ou malade, la neurogenèse hippocampale peut être fortement régulée par l’enrichissement environnemental ainsi que par l’activité physique. Cependant, lors même que l’activité physique et l’enrichissement environnemental pourraient contribuer au traitement de certaines maladies, très peu d’études porte sur les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques responsables des changements qui sont en lien avec ces stimuli. Objectifs et hypothèses: Les principaux objectifs de cette étude sont de caractériser les effets de stimuli externes sur la neurogenèse et, par le fait même, d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents aux changements observés. En utilisant le modèle d’activité physique volontaire sur roue, cette étude teste les deux hypothèses suivantes: tout d’abord 1) qu’une période prolongée d’activité physique peut influencer la neurogenèse adulte dans le prosencéphale et l’hippocampe, et 2) que l’activité volontaire sur roue peut favoriser la neurogenèse à travers des stimuli dépendants ou indépendants de la course. Méthodes: Afin de valider la première hypothèse, nous avons utilisé un paradigme incluant une activité physique volontaire prolongée sur une durée de six semaines, ainsi que des analyses immunohistochimiques permettant de caractériser l’activité de précurseurs neuronaux dans la zone sous-ventriculaire et l’hippocampe. Ensuite, pour valider la seconde hypothèse, nous avons utlisé une version modifiée du paradigme ci-dessous, en plaçant les animaux (souris) soit dans des cages traditionnelles, soit dans des cages munies d’une roue bloquée soit dans des cages munies d’une roue fonctionnelle. Résultats: En accord avec la première hypothèse, l’activité physique prolongée volontaire a augmenté la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux ainsi que la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe comparativement aux animaux témoins, confirmant les résultats d’études antérieures. Par ailleurs, dans ce paradigme, nous avons aussi observé de la prolifération acrue au sein de la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. De plus, en accord avec la seconde hypothèse, les souris placées dans une cage à roue bloquée ont montré une augmentation de la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux dans l’hippocampe comparable à celle observée chez les souris ayant accès à une roue fonctionnelle (coureurs). Cependant, seuls les animaux coureurs ont présenté une augmentation de la neurogenèse hippocampale. Conclusions: Ces résultats nous ont permis de tirer deux conclusions nouvelles concernant les effets de l’activité physique (course) sur la neurogenèse. Premièrement, en plus de la prolifération et de la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe, la prolifération dans la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale peut être augmentée par l’activité physique sur roue. Deuxièmement, l’environnement dans lequel l’activité physique a lieu contient différents stimuli qui peuvent influencer certains aspects de la neurogenèse hippocampale en l’absence d’activité physique sur roue (course).
L’augmentation du nombre d’usagers de l’Internet a entraîné une croissance exponentielle dans les tables de routage. Cette taille prévoit l’atteinte d’un million de préfixes dans les prochaines années. De même, les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet peuvent facilement atteindre plusieurs centaines de connexions BGP simultanées avec des routeurs voisins. Dans une architecture classique des routeurs, le protocole BGP s’exécute comme une entité unique au sein du routeur. Cette architecture comporte deux inconvénients majeurs : l’extensibilité (scalabilité) et la fiabilité. D’un côté, la scalabilité de BGP est mesurable en termes de nombre de connexions et aussi par la taille maximale de la table de routage que l’interface de contrôle puisse supporter. De l’autre côté, la fiabilité est un sujet critique dans les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet. Si l’instance BGP s’arrête, toutes les connexions seront perdues et le nouvel état de la table de routage sera propagé tout au long de l’Internet dans un délai de convergence non trivial. Malgré la haute fiabilité des routeurs au cœur de l’Internet, leur résilience aux pannes est augmentée considérablement et celle-ci est implantée dans la majorité des cas via une redondance passive qui peut limiter la scalabilité du routeur. Dans cette thèse, on traite les deux inconvénients en proposant une nouvelle approche distribuée de BGP pour augmenter sa scalabilité ainsi que sa fiabilité sans changer la sémantique du protocole. L’architecture distribuée de BGP proposée dans la première contribution est faite pour satisfaire les deux contraintes : scalabilité et fiabilité. Ceci est accompli en exploitant adéquatement le parallélisme et la distribution des modules de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans cette contribution, les fonctionnalités de BGP sont divisées selon le paradigme « maître-esclave » et le RIB (Routing Information Base) est dupliqué sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans la deuxième contribution, on traite la tolérance aux pannes dans l’architecture élaborée dans la première contribution en proposant un mécanisme qui augmente la fiabilité. De plus, nous prouvons analytiquement dans cette contribution qu’en adoptant une telle architecture distribuée, la disponibilité de BGP sera augmentée considérablement versus une architecture monolithique. Dans la troisième contribution, on propose une méthode de partitionnement de la table de routage que nous avons appelé DRTP pour diviser la table de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Cette contribution vise à augmenter la scalabilité de la table de routage et la parallélisation de l’algorithme de recherche (Best Match Prefix) en partitionnant la table de routage sur plusieurs nœuds physiquement distribués.
Introduction: La ménopause est associée à l’insulino-résistance et augmente le risque de diabète de type 2 (DT2) chez les sujets sains. Cependant, peu d’informations existent à savoir comment la ménopause et l’activité physique peuvent influencer l’homéostasie du glucose chez des sujets insulino-résistants. Objectifs: Déterminer 1) l’effet du retrait des œstrogènes ovariens par ovariectomie sur l’homéostasie du glucose des rates ZDF (Zucker Diabetic Fatty; prédisposées au diabète de type 2) et 2) évaluer l’influence de l’activité physique volontaire sur ces réponses. Méthodologie: Vingt-quatre rates furent d’abord nourries et hébergées dans des cages conventionnelles les 28 premiers jours pour ensuite subir une ovariectomie (OVX, n=16) ou une opération simulée (SHAM-Inactive, n=8). Les rates ovariectomisées furent ensuite assignées au groupe entraîné volontairement dans une cage à roue (OVX-Active, n=8) ou demeurèrent sédentaires (OVX-Inactive, n=8) pendant les 44 jours suivants. Résultats: Au jour 56, la glycémie à l’état nourri fut significativement augmentée par l’ovariectomie (p<0,01) et ramenée au niveau initial chez les rates OVX-Active (p<0,01). L’ovariectomie diminua la captation de glucose induite par l’insuline dans le muscle de façon significative (0,63 ± 0,08 vs 1,13 ± 0,27 μmol•g-1•h-1). L’entraînement améliora la tolérance au glucose (p<0,01) ainsi que la prise de glucose induite par l’insuline dans le muscle (p<0,05). Conclusion: Le retrait des estrogènes ovariens par ovariectomie perturbe l’homéostasie du glucose chez les rates ZDF femelles, sans pour autant provoquer le diabète de type 2. L’activité physique a un effet bénéfique sur l’homéostasie du glucose malgré la perte d’estrogènes ovariens.
réalisé avec la codirection de Marek Jankowski
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
Preeclampsia is among the leading causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity, affecting 2-7% of pregnancies. Its incidence increases to 10-25% in already hypertensive women. To date, no treatment, aside from delivery, is known. Interestingly, several studies have reported that exercise training (ExT) can reduce preeclampsia prevalence although the available studies are considered insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of ExT when practiced before and during gestation on pregnancy outcome in a mouse model of preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension (SPE). To do so, mice overexpressing both human angiotensinogen and renin (R+A+) were used because they are hypertensive at baseline and they develop many hallmark features of SPE. Mice were trained by placing them in a cage with access to a running wheel 4 weeks before and during gestation. ExT in this study prevented the rise in blood pressure at term observed in the sedentary transgenic mothers. This may be realized through an increased activity of the angiotensin-(1-7) axis in the aorta. In addition, ExT prevented the increase in albumin/creatinine ratio. Moreover, placental alterations were prevented with training in transgenic mice, leading to improvements in placental and fetal development. Placental mRNA and circulating levels of sFlt-1 were normalized with training. Additionally, the increase in angiotensin II type I receptor and the decrease in Mas receptor protein were reversed with training. ExT appears to prevent many SPE-like features that develop in this animal model and may be of use in the prevention of preeclampsia in women.
Study Design Retrospective study of surgical outcome. Objectives To evaluate quantitatively the changes in trunk surface deformities after scoliosis spinal surgery in Lenke 1A adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients and to compare it with changes in spinal measurements. Summary of Background Data Most studies documenting scoliosis surgical outcome used either radiographs to evaluate changes in the spinal curve or questionnaires to assess patients health-related quality of life. Because improving trunk appearance is a major reason for patients and their parents to seek treatment, this study focuses on postoperative changes in trunk surface deformities. Recently, a novel approach to quantify trunk deformities in a reliable, automatic, and noninvasive way has been proposed. Methods Forty-nine adolescents with Lenke 1A idiopathic scoliosis treated surgically were included. The back surface rotation and trunk lateral shift were computed on trunk surface acquisitions before and at least 6 months after surgery. We analyzed the effect of age, height, weight, curve severity, and flexibility before surgery, length of follow-up, and the surgical technique. For 25 patients with available three-dimensional (3D) spinal reconstructions, we compared changes in trunk deformities with changes in two-dimensional (2D) and 3D spinal measurements. Results The mean correction rates for the back surface rotation and the trunk lateral shift are 18% and 50%, respectively. Only the surgical technique had a significant effect on the correction rate of the back surface rotation. Direct vertebral derotation and reduction by spine translation provide a better correction of the rib hump (22% and 31% respectively) than the classic rod rotation technique (8%). The reductions of the lumbar Cobb angle and the apical vertebrae transverse rotation explain, respectively, up to 17% and 16% the reduction of the back surface rotation. Conclusions Current surgical techniques perform well in realigning the trunk; however, the correction of the deformity in the transverse plane proves to be more challenging. More analysis on the positive effect of vertebral derotation on the rib hump correction is needed. Level of evidence III.
p-toluensulfonate doped polypyrrole (PPy), undergoes an electric-field induced reversible transition from an insulating state to a highly conductive one. The spatially average field can be as small as 200 V/cm, when the temperature of the sample is below 20 K. The applied electric field leads to a sharp jump in the value of the current to a value which is nearly five orders of magnitude higher than before. When the applied electric field is reduced to below a critical value, the system switches back to a low conductive state. The effect is reversible, symmetric in voltage, and reproducible for different samples. The switching is, we believe, an electronic glass melting transition and it is due to the disordered, highly charged granular nature of PPy.
Broiler chicken is gaining popularity among the consumers of India. Since poultry is recognised as a leading food vehicle for Salmonella contamination, the prevalence and distribution of Salmonella serotypes in broiler chickens and processing environments of retail outlets has been studied. In the present study 214 samples of broiler chicken and 311 environmental samples from cage were analysed for the presence of Salmonella. Of the various body parts of live chicken analysed prevalence varied from 1.4% in cloacca to 6.9% in crop region. Environmental samples from the cage showed higher prevalence of Salmonella ranging from0 to 16.67%. Apart from Salmonella enteritidis, which was the predominant Salmonella serotype in the chickens as well as in the environmental samples, other serotypes such as S. bareilly, S. cerro, S. mbandaka and S. moladewere also encountered. The results of the research calls for strict hygiene standards for retail broiler chicken processing outlets
Research on transition-metal nanoalloy clusters composed of a few atoms is fascinating by their unusual properties due to the interplay among the structure, chemical order and magnetism. Such nanoalloy clusters, can be used to construct nanometer devices for technological applications by manipulating their remarkable magnetic, chemical and optical properties. Determining the nanoscopic features exhibited by the magnetic alloy clusters signifies the need for a systematic global and local exploration of their potential-energy surface in order to identify all the relevant energetically low-lying magnetic isomers. In this thesis the sampling of the potential-energy surface has been performed by employing the state-of-the-art spin-polarized density-functional theory in combination with graph theory and the basin-hopping global optimization techniques. This combination is vital for a quantitative analysis of the quantum mechanical energetics. The first approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the graph theory method, is applied to study the Fe$_m$Rh$_n$ and Co$_m$Pd$_n$ clusters having $N = m+n \leq 8$ atoms. We carried out a thorough and systematic sampling of the potential-energy surface by taking into account all possible initial cluster topologies, all different distributions of the two kinds of atoms within the cluster, the entire concentration range between the pure limits, and different initial magnetic configurations such as ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic coupling. The remarkable magnetic properties shown by FeRh and CoPd nanoclusters are attributed to the extremely reduced coordination number together with the charge transfer from 3$d$ to 4$d$ elements. The second approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the basin-hopping method is applied to study the small Fe$_6$, Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ and Rh$_6$ and the larger Fe$_{13}$, Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ and Rh$_{13}$ clusters as illustrative benchmark systems. This method is able to identify the true ground-state structures of Fe$_6$ and Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ which were not obtained by using the first approach. However, both approaches predict a similar cluster for the ground-state of Rh$_6$. Moreover, the computational time taken by this approach is found to be significantly lower than the first approach. The ground-state structure of Fe$_{13}$ cluster is found to be an icosahedral structure, whereas Rh$_{13}$ and Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ isomers relax into cage-like and layered-like structures, respectively. All the clusters display a remarkable variety of structural and magnetic behaviors. It is observed that the isomers having similar shape with small distortion with respect to each other can exhibit quite different magnetic moments. This has been interpreted as a probable artifact of spin-rotational symmetry breaking introduced by the spin-polarized GGA. The possibility of combining the spin-polarized density-functional theory with some other global optimization techniques such as minima-hopping method could be the next step in this direction. This combination is expected to be an ideal sampling approach having the advantage of avoiding efficiently the search over irrelevant regions of the potential energy surface.
The aim of the present thesis was to identify management factors that affect the extent of exploratory behaviour (ground pecking, scratching) as well as quantitative and qualitative as-pects of dust-bathing behaviour in laying hens kept in commercial furnished cages (‘small group housing’) and aviaries. Based on the results, it should be considered which management measures can be recommended for farmers to enhance hen welfare. The feasibility of direct observations of dust-bathing behaviour as well as video observations of exploratory and dust-bathing behaviour was tested in two aviaries. The direct observations were judged to be unfeasible under the conditions encountered. For the analysis of the video recordings, different sampling intervals for instantaneous scan sampling, different extents of observation time, and intra- and inter-observer reliabilities were compared and the most ap-propriate observation scheme selected. Applying the selected scheme (observing the first 16 minutes of every hour distributed over two consecutive light days with a sample interval of two minutes), within the range of environmental conditions found in 22 aviaries, pecking, scratching and dust-bathing behaviour was performed on average 25, 2 and 7 % of the obser-vation time. Hen numbers in the litter were positively associated with stocking density and group size. More scratching was performed with increasing litter height as well as in humid litter. If no litter had been provided, thus substrate consisted of dust and faeces, a reduced proportion of dust-bathing was found. The same method was then used in 16 furnished cage systems. On average 12 % of the total hen number were found on the scratching mats. The hens spent 8 % of the observed time pecking at the mat, 4 % dust-bathing and 0.4 % scratch-ing. Higher proportions were found on the mats and more dust-bathing behaviour occurred, if substrate was provided. Also with increasing light intensity and stocking density more hens were observed on the mats. More pecking and scratching occurred in conditions of higher stocking density, probably due to social facilitation, and of increased mat area per hen. With increasing mat numbers per cage less pecking was observed. Wider mats led to increased dust-bathing behaviour. Finally, 129 dust-baths recorded in 17 aviaries were analysed in detail. On average they lasted 17 minutes, with the tossing phase taking 69 % of this time, including on average 2 vertical wing shakes and 3 scratches with one leg per minute tossing phase. Dust-bath duration de-creased with increasing litter height. Litter type influenced all recorded parameters: dust-bath duration was highest on straw and lowest on fine material and fine material mixed with straw, where on both also the proportion of the tossing phase was lowest. The number of vertical wing shakes during the dust-bath was highest on straw and lowest on fine material mixed with straw as against the frequency of vertical wing shaking that was lowest on straw and highest on fine material. If dust-bathing hens were disturbed twice or more, dust-bathing duration decreased. With increasing light intensity a decreased proportion of the tossing phase as well as a reduced number of vertical wing shakes were recorded. Possibly the light stimulated the hens to dust-bath more often with less tossing behaviour per performance. The observed variation of the dust-bathing parameters could reflect successful adaptation or frustration of the hens. The litter and light conditions on the investigated farms were predominantly restrictive in terms of stimulation of exploration and dust-bathing behaviour. Thus, it was only possible to analyse possible associations between these factors and exploration and dust-bathing behav-iour within the range found. Based on the results the following management recommendations can be given: To allow hens in furnished cages more normal activity, substrate availability should be improved and mat space and light intensity increased. With regard to aviaries as well litter availability should be improved. Litter height should not be too low. Disturbances during dust-bathing should be prevented, but no influencing factors could be identified.