951 resultados para reuse of wastes
Metalliset maalipurkit valmistetaan tinalla molemmin puolin päällystetystä pellistä. Tina on terästeollisuudelle haitallinen aine raaka-aineen seassa ja tästä syystä tinapellille on ollut vaikeuksia löytää hyötykäyttäjää. Metallipakkauksien osalta on sitouduttu hyötykäyttötavoitteisiin ja niihin pääsemiseksi tulee kerätä myös tinapeltipakkauksia, koska ne muodostavat huomattavan osan vuosittain käytettävistä metallipakkauksista. Suurilta ammattikäyttäjiltä maalipakkauksia on kerätty jo vuodesta 1998 ja pienkuluttajia varten keräyskokeilu aloitettiin vuoden 1999 alkupuolella. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee kuluttajille suunnattua keräyskokeilua ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena on laatia suosituksia ja ohjeita kuluttajamaalipakkausten keräilyn järjestämiseksi Suomessa. Kokeilua varten perustettiin muutamia keräyspisteitä, ensin Suur-Helsingin alueelle ja myöhemmin myös muualle Etelä-Suomeen. Kaikki perustetut keräyspisteet sijaitsivat maalia myyvän kaupan yhteydessä. Kuluttajat suhtautuivat palautusmahdollisuuteen erittäin myönteisesti ja kokeilussa mukana olevat liikkeet saivat positiivista julkisuutta. Keräyspisteisiin pääsääntöisesti palautetut maalipurkit olivat tyhjiä tai niissä oli vain hieman maalia jäljellä. Kaupoissa sijaitsevien keräyspisteiden lisäksi on tarvetta myös kunnallisille keräyspisteille. Kuusakoski Oy on nykyisin ainoa tinapellin käsittelijä Suomessa. Myös Onni Forsell Oy on kehittelemässä tinapellin käsittelymenetelmää. Kuusakosken murskauskäsittelyn ympäristövaikutukset selvitettiin tutkimuksessa ja tulosten mukaan käsittelyssä syntyvä jäte on kaatopaikkakelpoista. Tinapeltimurskeen hyötykäyttäjää ei Suomesta tällä hetkellä löydy, joten murske viedään ulkomaille hyötykäytettäväksi.
Los recursos educativos abiertos son un concepto reciente en lo que respecta a la organización del mundo de intercambio de variedad de materiales y herramientas educacionales, e instituciones como la UNESCO están interesadas en el desarrollo de éstos para ser utilizados en una escala tan amplia y global como sea posible. Sin embargo, los REA cuentan con algunas dificultades para obtener plenamente su eficacia, ya que existen diferencias cruciales en la organización y en la interacción de estas redes abiertas. Este artículo intenta explorar el intercambio libre y legal de los contenidos y su reutilización como recursos de apoyo para el aprendizaje en diferentes espacios en línea, aprovechando las posibilidades tecnológicas que permiten conformar nuevas estructuras de socialización y colaboración en línea; y concluye con una reflexión sobre las barreras que aún tienen que superar los REA para lograr un éxito total.
The paper analyzes publishers" copyright policies and self-archiving conditions of Spanish scientific journals. Data are extracted from the directory DULCINEA that contains information of 1318 Spanish journals, of which 775 (61%) allow some form of self-archiving to be about 60% of the post-print version and allowing them 87% of the deposit of the version of record. In 72% of journals the deposit can be performed immediately after publication and in 16% after article acceptance. 72% of the journals are freely available without charge to the user this figure raises up to 86% if free access after an embargo is considered. Only 18% of the journals use Creative Commons licenses. The adoption of different open access journals model in Spain is favorable, however there is still a high percentage of journals (39%) that do not provide any information about authors and publishers rights and that difficult or inhibits reuse of published articles.
This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.
This work presents a detailed routine applied to the identification of unknown chemicals and wastes. 786 specimens were analyzed during 20 months. Unknown materials fell into three basic classes: (i) commercial chemicals without labels or illegible ones; (ii) laboratory synthesis products; (iii) used solvents (including mixtures). Uranium and thorium were recovered form their wastes. Unknown chemicals were mainly inorganic compounds, many of which had never been opened. Alkaline salts were dominant, but also precious metal compounds were identified. Laboratory synthesis products were organic compounds. The final destination depended on the nature of the chemical. Most organic compounds were sent to incineration; inorganic salts were distributed among several public organizations, including secondary and technical schools. The work described in this paper greatly reduced the amount of wastes that had to be sent to disposal.
The mining industry around the world produces an important amount of wastes, which by their high toxic metal and iron sulfide content present a serious environmental problem. Iron sulfide oxidation under weathering conditions provokes the main environmental problem of the mining industry, the generation of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). Up to now the prediction methodologies do not allow the study of important factors that influence the generation of ARD, producing in some cases erroneous or uncertain conclusions. This paper shows the utilization of cyclic voltammetry using carbon paste electrodes (CPE-Mineral) as an alternative tool in the study of the oxidation capacity of iron sulfides and mining wastes. This electrochemical technique constitutes a novel methodology to establish and understand the factors involved during generation of ARD. Results of several studies including selected sulfide samples and sulfide mining wastes have been described in order to show the capacity of this methodology as a complementary tool in the prediction of the generation of ARD.
Con la llegada de la web 2.0, ha sido posible para todos los usuarios participar y colaborar en la construcción del conocimiento, además de servir al dominio público gracias al intercambio libre y legal de los contenidos y a su reutilización. Además los recursos educativos abiertos, son un concepto reciente en lo que respecta a la organización del mundo de intercambio de variedad de materiales y herramientas educacionales, e instituciones como la UNESCO están interesadas en el desarrollo de estos, para ser utilizados en una escala tan amplia y global como sea posible. Sin embargo los REA están teniendo algunas dificultades para alcanzar su eficacia, ya que hay algunas diferencias cruciales en la organización y en la interacción de estas redes abiertas. Este artículo intenta realizar un análisis del intercambio libre y legal de los contenidos y su reutilización utilizadas como apoyo para el aprendizaje en diferentes espacios en línea, aprovechando las posibilidades tecnológicas que permiten conformar nuevas estructuras de socialización-colaboración en línea.
This work presents a study on the separation of Fe(III) and Ti(IV) from sulfuric acid leaching solutions of ilmenite (FeTiO3) using liquid-liquid extraction with D2EHPA in n-dodecane as extracting agent. The distribution coefficients (K D) of the elements related to free acidity and concentration of Fe(III) and Ti(IV) were determined. Free acidity was changed from 3x10-2 to 11.88 mol L-1 and D2EHPA concentration was fixed at 1.5 mol L-1. Recovery of final products as well as recycling of wastes generated in the process were also investigated. The LLE process as a feasible alternative to obtain high-purity TiO2.
The ornamental rock industry generates huge amounts of wastes during the process of extraction and sawing of rock blocks. The ornamental rock powder waste is a non-biodegradable material, which represents the increase in environmental problem. The waste was collected from a granitic rock sawing plant located in Santo Antônio de Pádua, Rio de Janeiro. The chemical-environmental characterization and classification of the waste were done according to ABNT standards. The results showed that the granitic rock powder waste should be classified as Class II A - "No Inert", because of its high concentrations of lead, chrome, iron and manganese.
On a laboratory scale effluents were produced from bichromic dyeing of acrylic fabrics with the basic dyes Blue Astrazon FGGL 300% and Yellow Gold Astrazon GL 200%. The residual dyeing baths were subjected to a photoelectrochemical treatment and reused in a second dyeing process. In the reutilization study, dyeings with treated effluent were compared with standard dyeings with distilled water. The results of dyeings using 100% of treated effluent were unsatisfactory, but the substitution of 10 to 30% of the treated effluent by distilled water resulted in reduced and more acceptable values for difference in colour intensity (ΔE) between 1.86 and 0.3.