769 resultados para reporters and reporting
Background and Purpose—As a research community, we have failed to demonstrate that drugs which show substantial efficacy in animal models of cerebral ischemia can also improve outcome in human stroke. Summary of Review—Accumulating evidence suggests this may be due, at least in part, to problems in the design, conduct and reporting of animal experiments which create a systematic bias resulting in the overstatement of neuroprotective efficacy. Conclusions—Here, we set out a series of measures to reduce bias in the design, conduct and reporting of animal experiments modeling human stroke.
Introdução e Objectivos: As organizações necessitam de dados para tomar decisões, necessitam de elementos que sirvam de base à resolução de problemas ou à formulação de um juízo. Necessitam de um índice, de uma informação objectiva, disponível para qualquer indivíduo a manipular de acordo com o tipo de análise que pretende efectuar. Temos cada vez mais de nos preocupar em estar devidamente informados e estabelecer as relações mais vantajosas para a nossa organização e para o mercado onde actuamos. Irá implicar a utilização de distintos modelos de análise e instrumentos de recolha de dados, de forma a criar uma base de informação útil aos vários organismos (municipais e nacionais), que projectam as políticas desportivas a desenvolver a nível local e nacional. Com a presente investigação, pretendemos propor um Modelo de Observatório do Desporto e das Actividades Complementares associado a um Sistema de Informação Desportivo, que permita ao poder local (Autarquias), proceder ao levantamento, sempre que necessário, das evoluções concelhias do mercado desportivo, para que de uma forma sustentada, criem e desenvolvam políticas desportivas locais que melhor se ajustem à sua realidade e que sirvam de base à criação da Conta Satélite do Desporto. Material e Métodos: O modelo será testado no concelho de Odivelas, inserido na estrutura da CM Odivelas, sendo necessário a inquirição dos clubes do concelho (apenas os clubes com actividade desportiva activa), numa 1ª fase, e numa 2ª fase, as empresas que lhe dão suporte. Os presidentes e directores de ambas as organizações serão os alvos da aplicação do questionário informático e/ou questionário em suporte papel, de acordo com as realidades e características de cada clube e empresa. Os dados recolhidos serão tratados tratados através do software da aplicação informática que foi criada especificamente para o efeito e que permitirá a exportação de dados para outros suportes informáticos. A própria aplicação irá permitir a construção e apresentação de relatórios de acordo com os requisitos solicitados. Resultados: O objectivo geral do estudo foi alcansado com a construção de um Modelo de Observatório Municipal do Desporto, baseado numa proposta de Sector do Desporto e de Conta Satélite do Desporto, tendo por base o estudo de caso na Câmara Municipal de Odivelas. Os objectivos específicos prenderam-se com a construção de instrumentos de recolha de dados para: - identificar os serviços desportivos e de complemento desportivo prestados no concelho de Odivelas; - identificar as organizações que prestam serviços desportivos e de Proposta Metodológica de Criação de um Observatório Municipal de Desporto, na Administração Pública Local complemento ao desporto; Os dados recolhidos terão de ser cruzados com a informação já existente, mas que se encontra dispersa pelas várias estruturas da CMO, de forma a permitir realizar o “levantamento” dos valores económicos gerados pelas actividades desportivas dos clubes, colectividades e empresas prestadoras de serviços e identificar as lacunas de serviços necessários aos clubes e colectividades não existentes no concelho.
A group of four applications including Top 20 Pedestrian Crash Locations: This application is designed to display top 20 pedestrian crash locations into both map- view and detailed information view. FDOT Crash Reporting Tool: This application is designed to simplify the usage and sharing of CAR data. The application can load raw data from CAR and display it into a web map interface. FDOT Online Document Portal: This application is designed for FDOT project managers to be able to share and manage documents through a user friendly, GIS enable web interface GIS Data Collection for Pedestrian Safety Tool: FIU-GIS Center was responsible for data collection and processing work for the project of Pedestrian Safety Tool Project. The outcome of this task is present by a simple web-GIS application design to host GIS by projects.
My study investigated internal consistency estimates of psychometric surveys as an operationalization of the state of measurement precision of constructs in industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology. Analyses were conducted of samples used in research articles published in the Journal of Applied Psychology between 1975 and 2010 in five year intervals (K = 934) from 480 articles yielding 1427 coefficients. Articles and their respective samples were coded for test-taker characteristics (e.g., age, gender, and ethnicity), research settings (e.g., lab and field studies), and actual tests (e.g., number of items and scale anchor points). A reliability and inter-item correlations depository was developed for I/O variables and construct groups. Personality measures had significantly lower inter-item correlations than other construct groups. Also, internal consistency estimates and reporting practices were evaluated over time, demonstrating an improvement in measurement precision and missing data.
In an effort to achieve greater consistency and comparability in state-wide seat belt use reporting, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued new requirements in 2011 for observing and reporting future seat belt use. The requirements included the involvement of a qualified statistician in the sampling and weighting portions of the process as well as a variety of operational details. The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau contracted with Iowa State University’s Survey & Behavioral Research Services (SBRS) in 2011 to develop the study design and data collection plan for the State of Iowa annual survey that would meet the new requirements of the NHTSA. A seat belt survey plan for Iowa was developed by SBRS with statistical expertise provided by Zhengyuan Zhu, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Statistics at Iowa State University and was approved by NHTSA on March 19, 2012.
In an effort to achieve greater consistency and comparability in state-wide seat belt use reporting, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued new requirements in 2011 for observing and reporting future seat belt use. The requirements included the involvement of a qualified statistician in the sampling and weighting portions of the process as well as a variety of operational details. The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau contracted with Iowa State University’s Survey & Behavioral Research Services (SBRS) in 2011 to develop the study design and data collection plan for the State of Iowa annual survey that would meet the new requirements of the NHTSA. A seat belt survey plan for Iowa was developed by SBRS with statistical expertise provided by Zhengyuan Zhu, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Statistics at Iowa State University and was approved by NHTSA on March 19, 2012.
In an effort to achieve greater consistency and comparability in state-wide seat belt use reporting, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued new requirements in 2011 for observing and reporting future seat belt use. The requirements included the involvement of a qualified statistician in the sampling and weighting portions of the process as well as a variety of operational details. The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau contracted with Iowa State University’s Survey & Behavioral Research Services (SBRS) in 2011 to develop the study design and data collection plan for the State of Iowa annual survey that would meet the new requirements of the NHTSA. A seat belt survey plan for Iowa was developed by SBRS with statistical expertise provided by Zhengyuan Zhu, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Statistics at Iowa State University and Director of the Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology. The plan was approved by NHTSA on March 19, 2012.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Disease Control publishes Epi Notes, with articles on epidemiology of reportable conditions; surveillance and reporting of diseases/conditions, outbreaks, and events of public health significance; prevention and treatment of disease; and other topics of interest to DHEC’s disease reporting partners.