974 resultados para relief in the bottom
OBJECTIVE: Multiple studies have proved that microvascular decompression (MVD) is the treatment of choice in cases of medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia (TN). In the elderly, however, the surgical risks related to MVD are assumed to be unacceptably high and various alternative therapies have been proposed. We evaluated the outcomes of MVD in patients aged older than 65 years of age and compared them with the outcomes in a matched group of younger patients. The focus was on procedure-related morbidity rate and long-term outcome. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 112 patients with TN operated on consecutively over 22 years. The main outcome measures were immediate and long-term postoperative pain relief and neurological status, especially function of trigeminal, facial, and cochlear nerves, as well as surgical complications. A questionnaire was used to assess long-term outcome: pain relief, duration of a pain-free period, need for pain medications, time to recurrence, pain severity, and need for additional treatment. RESULTS: The mean age was 70.35 years. The second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve were most frequently affected (37.3%). The mean follow-up period was 90 months (range, 48-295 months). Seventy-five percent of the patients were completely pain free, 11% were never pain free, and 14% experienced recurrences. No statistically significant differences existed in the outcome between the younger and older patient groups. Postoperative morbidity included trigeminal hypesthesia in 6.25%, hypacusis in 5.4%, and complete hearing loss, vertigo, and partial facial nerve palsy in 0.89% each. Cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis occurred in 1 patient each. There were no mortalities in both groups. CONCLUSION: MVD for TN is a safe procedure even in the elderly. The risk of serious morbidity or mortality is similar to that in younger patients. Furthermore, no significant differences in short- and long-term outcome were found. Thus, MVD is the treatment of choice in patients with medically refractory TN, unless their general condition prohibits it.
Recent studies have identified relationships between landscape form, erosion and climate in regions of landscape rejuvenation, associated with increased denudation. Most of these landscapes are located in non-glaciated mountain ranges and are characterized by transient geomorphic features. The landscapes of the Swiss Alps are likewise in a transient geomorphic state as seen by multiple knickzones. In this mountain belt, the transient state has been related to erosional effects during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we focus on the catchment scale and categorize hillslopes based on erosional mechanisms, landscape form and landcover. We then explore relationships of these variables to precipitation and extent of LGM glaciers to disentangle modern versus palaeo controls on the modern shape of the Alpine landscape. We find that in grasslands, the downslope flux of material mainly involves unconsolidated material through hillslope creep, testifying a transport-limited erosional regime. Alternatively, strength-limited hillslopes, where erosion is driven by bedrock failure, are covered by forests and/or expose bedrock, and they display oversteepened hillslopes and channels. There, hillslope gradients and relief are more closely correlated with LGM ice occurrence than with precipitation or the erodibility of the underlying bedrock. We relate the spatial occurrence of the transport- and strength-limited process domains to the erosive effects of LGM glaciers. In particular, strength-limited, rock dominated basins are situated above the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the LGM, reflecting the ability of glaciers to scour the landscape beyond threshold slope conditions. In contrast, transport-limited, soil-mantled landscapes are common below the ELA. Hillslopes covered by forests occupy the elevations around the ELA and are constrained by the tree line. We conclude that the current erosional forces at work in the Central Alps are still responding to LGM glaciation, and that the modern climate has not yet impacted on the modern landscape.
It has been demonstrated previously that the mammalian heart cannot sustain physiologic levels of pressure-volume work if ketone bodies are the only substrates for respiration. In order to determine the metabolic derangement responsible for contractile failure in hearts utilizing ketone bodies, rat hearts were prefused at a near-physiologic workload in a working heart apparatus with acetoacetate and competing or alternate substrates including glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, leucine, isoleucine, valine and acetate. While the pressure-volume work for hearts utilizing glucose was stable for 60 minutes of perfusion, performance fell by 30 minutes for hearts oxidizing acetoacetate as the sole substrate. The tissue content of 2-oxoglutarate and its transamination product, glutamate, were elevated in hearts utilizing acetoacetate while succinyl-CoA was decreased suggesting impaired flux through the citric acid cycle at the level of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. Further studies indicated that the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase developed prior to the onset of contractile failure and that the inhibition of the enzyme may be related to sequestration of the required cofactor, coenzyme A, as the thioesters acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA. The contractile failure was not observed when glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, valine or isoleucine were present together with acetoacetate, but the addition of acetate or leucine to acetoacetate did not improve performance indicating that improved performance is not mediated through the provision of additional acetyl-CoA. Furthermore, addition of competing substrates that improved function did not relieve the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and actually resulted in the further accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates "upstream" of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (2-oxoglutarate, glutamate, citrate and malate). Studies with (1-$\sp{14}$C) pyruvate indicate that the utilization of ketone bodies is associated with activation of NADP$\sp+$dependent malic enzyme and enrichment of the C4 pool of the citric acid cycle. The results suggest that contractile failure induced by ketone bodies in rat heart results from inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and that reversal of contractile failure is dissociated from relief of the inhibition, but rather is due to the entry of carbon units into the citric acid cycle as compounds other than acetyl-CoA. This mechanism of enrichment (anaplerosis) provides oxaloacetate for condensation with acetyl-CoA derived from ketone bodies allowing continued energy production by sustaining flux through a span of the citric acid cycle up to the point of inhibition at 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase for energy production thereby producing the reducing equivalents necessary to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. ^
Empirical data suggest that the race of calving of grounded glaciers terminating in water is directly proportional to the water depth. Important controls on calving may be the extent to which a calving face tends to become oversteepened by differential flow within the ice and the extent to which bending moments promote extrusion and bottom crevassing at the base of a calving face. Numerical modelling suggests that the tendency to become oversteepened increases roughly linearly with water depth. In addition, extending longitudinal deviatoric stresses at the base of a calving face increase with water depth. These processes provide a possible physical explanation for the observed calving-rate/water-depth relation.
The Princeton Ocean Model is used to study the circulation in the Gulf of Maine and its seasonal transition in response to wind, surface heat flux, river discharge, and the M-2 tide. The model has an orthogonal-curvature linear grid in the horizontal with variable spacing from 3 km nearshore to 7 km offshore and 19 levels in the vertical. It is initialized and forced at the open boundary with model results from the East Coast Forecast System. The first experiment is forced by monthly climatological wind and heat flux from the Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set; discharges from the Saint John, Penobscot, Kennebec, and Merrimack Rivers are added in the second experiment; the semidiurnal lunar tide (M-2) is included as part of the open boundary forcing in the third experiment. It is found that the surface heat flux plays an important role in regulating the annual cycle of the circulation in the Gulf of Maine. The spinup of the cyclonic circulation between April and June is likely caused by the differential heating between the interior gulf and the exterior shelf/slope region. From June to December the cyclonic circulation continues to strengthen, but gradually shrinks in size. When winter cooling erodes the stratification, the cyclonic circulation penetrates deeper into the water column. The circulation quickly spins down from December to February as most of the energy is consumed by bottom friction. While inclusion of river discharge changes details of the circulation pattern, the annual evolution of the circulation is largely unaffected. On the other hand, inclusion of the tide results in not only the anticyclonic circulation on Georges Bank but also modifications to the seasonal circulation.
The equatorial Pacific Ocean is the largest natural source of CO(2) to the atmosphere, and it significantly impacts the global carbon cycle. Much of the large flux of upwelled CO(2) to the atmosphere is due to incomplete use of the available nitrate (NO(3)) and low net productivity. This high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) condition of the equatorial upwelling zone (EUZ) has been interpreted from modeling efforts to be due to low levels of silicate ( Si( OH) 4) that limit the new production of diatoms. These ideas were incorporated into an ecosystem model, CoSINE. This model predicted production by the larger phytoplankton and the picoplankton and effects on air-sea CO(2) fluxes in the Pacific Ocean. However, there were no size-fractionated rates available for verification. Here we report the first size-fractionated new and regenerated production rates (obtained with (15)N - NO(3) and (15)N - NH(4) incubations) for the EUZ with the objective of validating the conceptual basis and functioning of the CoSINE model. Specifically, the larger phytoplankton ( with cell diameters > 5 mu m) had greater rates of new production and higher f-ratios (i.e., the proportion of NO(3) to the sum of NO(3) and NH(4) uptake) than the picoplankton that had high rates of NH(4) uptake and low f-ratios. The way that the larger primary producers are regulated in the EUZ is discussed using a continuous chemostat approach. This combines control of Si(OH)(4) production by supply rate (bottom-up) and control of growth rate ( or dilution) by grazing ( top-down control).
Objective: Integrated behavior therapy approaches are defined by the combination of behavioral and or cognitive interventions targeting neurocognition combined with other goal-oriented treatment targets such as social cognition, social skills, or educational issues. The Integrated Psychological Therapy Program (IPT) represents one of the very first behavior therapy approaches combining interventions of neurocognition, social cognition, and social competence. This comprehensive group-based bottom-up and top-down approach consists of five subprograms, each with incremental steps. IPT has been successfully implemented in several countries in Europe, America, Australia and in Asia. IPT worked as a model for some other approaches designed in the USA. IPT was undergone two further developments: based on the social competence part of IPT, the three specific therapy programs focusing residential, occupational or recreational topics were developed. Recently, the cognitive part of INT was rigorously expanded into the Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT) designed exclusively for outpatient treatment: INT includes interventions targeting all neurocognitive and social cognitive domains defined by the NIMH-MATRICS initiative. These group and partially PC-based exercises are structured into four therapy modules, each starting with exercises on neurocognitive domains followed by social cognitive targets. Efficacy: The evidence of integrated therapy approaches and its advantage compared to of one-track interventions was becoming a discussion tool in therapy research as well as in mental health systems. Results of meta-analyses support superiority of integrated approaches compared to one-track interventions in more distal outcome areas such as social functioning. These results are in line with the large body of 37 independent IPT studies in 12 countries. Moreover, IPT research indicates the maintenance of therapy effects after the end of therapy and some evidence generalization effects. Additionally, the international randomized multi-center study on INT with 169 outpatients strongly supports the successful therapy of integrated therapy in proximal and distal outcome such as significant effects in cognition, functioning and negative symptoms. Clinical implication: therapy research as well as expert’s clinical experience recommends integrated therapy approaches such as IPT to be successful agents within multimodal psychiatric treatment concepts. Finally, integrated group therapy based on cognitive remediation seems to motivate and stimulate schizophrenia inpatients and outpatients to more successful and independent life also demanded by the recovery movement.
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by larva stage of Echinococcus multilocularis, is one of the lethal parasitic diseases of man and a major public health problem in many countries in the northern hemisphere. When the living conditions and habits in Turkey were considered in terms of relation with the life cycle of the parasite, it was suggested that AE has been much more common than reported mainly from the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Since in vitro serologic diagnosis tests with high specificity for AE have not been used in our country, most of the cases with liver lesions were misdiagnosed by radiological investigations as malignancies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of the in-house ELISA methods developed by using three different antigens (EgHF, Em2, EmII/3-10) in the serological diagnosis of AE. The study samples included a total of 100 sera provided by Bern University Parasitology Institute where samples were obtained from patients with helminthiasis and all were confirmed by clinical, parasitological and/or histopathological means. Ten samples from each of the cases infected by E.multilocularis, E.granulosus, Taenia solium, Wuchereria bancrofti, Strongyloides stercolaris, Ascaris lumbricoides, Toxocara canis, Trichinella spiralis, Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma haematobium were studied. In the study, EgHF (E.granulosus hydatid fluid) antigens were prepared in our laboratory from the liver cyst fluids of sheeps with cystic echinococcosis, however Em2 (E.multilocularis metacestode-purified laminated layer) and EmII/3-10 (E.multilocularis recombinant protoscolex tegument) antigens were provided by Bern University Parasitology Institute. Flat bottom ELISA plates were covered with EgHF, Em2 and EmII/3-10 antigens in the concentrations of 2.5 µg, 1 µg and 0.18 µg per well, respectively, and all sera were tested by EgHF-ELISA, Em2-ELISA and EmII/3-10-ELISA methods. For each tests, the samples which were reactive above the cut-off value (mean OD of negative controls+2 SD) were accepted as positive. The sensitivity of the ELISA tests performed with EgHF, Em2 and Em2II/3-10 antigens were estimated as 100%, 90% and 90%, respectively, whereas the specificity were 63%, 91% and 91%, respectively. When Em2-ELISA and EmII/3-10-ELISA tests were evaluated together, the specificity increased to 96%. Our data indicated that the highest sensitivity (100% with EgHF-ELISA) and specificity (96% with Em2-ELISA + EmII/3-10-ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of AE can be achieved by the combined use of the ELISA tests with three different antigens. It was concluded that the early and accurate diagnosis of AE in our country which is endemic for that disease, could be supported by the use of highly specific serological tests such as Em2-ELISA ve EmII/3-10-ELISA contributing radiological data.
After the NEEM (Greenland) deep ice-core drilling was declared terminated with respect to developing stratigraphic climate reconstructions, efforts were turned toward collecting basal ice-sheet debris and, if possible, drilling into the bedrock itself. In 2010, several meters of banded debris-rich ice were obtained under normal ice-drilling operations with the NEEM version of the Hans Tausen (HT) drill, but further penetration was obstructed by a rock in the path of the drill head at 2537.36 m. During short campaigns in 2011 and 2012, attempts were made to penetrate further using various reinforced ice cutters mounted on the HT drill head, tailored to cut through rock. These had some success in penetrating coarse material, but produced severely damaged cutters. Additionally a 51 mm diameter diamond cutting tipped rock drill was adapted to fit the NEEM drill. With this device, several additional meters of core containing subglacial sediments, rocks and rock fragments were collected. With these tools 1.39 m of additional material were obtained during the 2011 field season, and 7.1 m during 2012. Subglacial water refreezing into the newly formed borehole hindered further penetration, and the bedrock interface was not reached before final closure of the NEEM Camp.
We determine the mass of the bottom quark from high moments of the bbproduction cross section in e+e−annihilation, which are dominated by the threshold region. On the theory side next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (NNNLO) calculations both for the resonances and the continuum cross section are used for the first time. We find mPSb(2GeV) =4.532+0.013−0.039GeVfor the potential-subtracted mass and mMSb(mMSb) =4.193+0.022−0.035GeVfor the MSbottom-quark mass.
Introduction: The implementation of complementary and alternative therapies into conventional treatment schemes is gaining popularity. However, their use is widely depending on patients’ drive. This case-report focuses on a patient’s experience of the integration of WATSU (WaterShiatsu) in rehabilitative care. Methods: Patient: A 52 year old woman survived a severe motorcycle-accident in which she sustained several fractures on the right side of her body, including ribs, pelvis, and femur. After discharge from stationary care, she independently added WATSU to her rehabilitative regimen. Treatment approach: WATSU is a passive form of hydrotherapy in warm water that aims at relaxation, pain relief, and a sense of secureness. In the reported case, an experienced WATSU-therapist who is also trained in physiotherapy and psychosomatics delivered weekly sessions of one hour duration. Measures used: Qualitative data were collected by patient’s diary. Also the therapist’s notes including The Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) were considered. Results: The patient associated WATSU with trunk mobilization (followed by ameliorated breath), reconciliation with her body, and emotional discharge. She ascribed WATSU lasting effects on her body-image. The therapist employed WATSU for careful mobilization and to equalize awareness throughout the body. The PSFS displayed continuous improvement in all categories except usage of public transportation. Due to complications (elevated inflammation markers) only 6 of 8 scheduled sessions were administered. Conclusions: WATSU was experienced helpful in approaching conditions that are difficult to address by conventional physiotherapy. In early rehabilitation, additional medical/physiotherapeutic skills of contributing complementary therapists are advocated.
In the early 1970s, there was scarcity in the world grain market, soaring prices and famines in several countries of Asia and Africa. The commercial grain trade was expanded at the expense of food aid. After a brief look at policies addressing the situation in terms of modernised methods of agricultural production for small producers, the article sketches how such policies also affected relief efforts, from the low availability for food aid, the provision of food that was not useful and late deliveries through efforts to tie food aid to local changes in agricultural production and settlement patterns. In part, food aid thus reinforced processes of social differentiation that had contributed to causing the famines in the first place.
Several short sediment cores of between 35 and 40 cm from Hagelseewli, a small, remote lake in the Swiss Alps at an elevation of 2339 m a.s.l. were correlated according to their organic matter content. The sediments are characterized by organic silts and show in their uppermost part a surprisingly high amount of organic matter (30-35%). Synchronous changes, occurring in pollen from snow-bed vegetation, the alga Pediastrum, chironomids, and grain-size composition, point to a climatic change interpreted as cooler or shorter summers that led to prolonged ice-cover on the lake. According to palynological results the sediments date back to at least the early 15th century A.D., with the cooling phase encompassing the period between late 16th and the mid-19th century thus coinciding with the Little Ice Age. Low concentrations of both chironomid head capsules and cladoceran remains in combination with results from fossil pigment analyses point to longer periods of bottom-water anoxia as a result of long-lasting ice-cover that prevented mixing of the water column. According to our results aquatic biota in Hagelseewli are mainly indirectly influenced by climate change. The duration of ice-cover on the lake controls the mixing of the water column as well as light-availability for phytoplankton blooms.
BACKGROUND Physicians traditionally treat ulcerative colitis (UC) using a step-up approach. Given the paucity of data, we aimed to assess the cumulative probability of UC-related need for step-up therapy and to identify escalation-associated risk factors. METHODS Patients with UC enrolled into the Swiss IBD Cohort Study were analyzed. The following steps from the bottom to the top of the therapeutic pyramid were examined: (1) 5-aminosalicylic acid and/or rectal corticosteroids, (2) systemic corticosteroids, (3) immunomodulators (IM) (azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate), (4) TNF antagonists, (5) calcineurin inhibitors, and (6) colectomy. RESULTS Data on 996 patients with UC with a median disease duration of 9 years were examined. The point estimates of cumulative use of different treatments at years 1, 5, 10, and 20 after UC diagnosis were 91%, 96%, 96%, and 97%, respectively, for 5-ASA and/or rectal corticosteroids, 63%, 69%, 72%, and 79%, respectively, for systemic corticosteroids, 43%, 57%, 59%, and 64%, respectively, for IM, 15%, 28%, and 35% (up to year 10 only), respectively, for TNF antagonists, 5%, 9%, 11%, and 12%, respectively, for calcineurin inhibitors, 1%, 5%, 9%, and 18%, respectively, for colectomy. The presence of extraintestinal manifestations and extended disease location (at least left-sided colitis) were identified as risk factors for step-up in therapy with systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and surgery. Cigarette smoking at diagnosis was protective against surgery. CONCLUSIONS The presence of extraintestinal manifestations, left-sided colitis, and extensive colitis/pancolitis at the time of diagnosis were associated with use of systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and colectomy during the disease course.
Since the late 19th century different social actors have played an important role in providing social security in Switzerland. Cooperatives, philanthropic organisations, social insurances, and the poor relief of the communes were all part of a "mixed economy of welfare". This article examines how the different actors in this "mixed economy" worked together, and asks what forms of help they supplied. It raises the question of whether a dichotomy between public and private forms of relief can be traced in the Swiss case. Did democratically legitimised processes of redistribution shape the social security system? Or was social security rather funded by private relief programs? The author argues that in the early 20th century, a complex public-private mix structured the Swiss welfare state and the poor often depended on both public and private funding. In this system, financially potent philanthropic organisations successfully contested the legal power of public actors.