928 resultados para rare earth element
Petrografia, suscetibilidade magnética e geoquímica do Granito Rio Branco, Província Carajás, sudeste do Pará, Brazil. O Granito Rio Branco é um stock paleoproterozoico intrusivo no biotita-monzogranito arqueano Cruzadão. Ocorre a oeste da cidade de Canaã dos Carajás, nas proximidades da mina de cobre do Sossego na Província Carajás. É constituído por sienogranitos não deformados e isotrópicos, hololeucocráticos, em geral de granulação média. A mineralogia é formada por feldspato alcalino pertítico, quartzo e plagioclásio. A biotita, intensamente cloritizada, é a principal fase máfica, acompanhada por flluorita, allanita, zircão, pirita e calcopirita como minerais acessórios. Albitização e, com menor intensidade greisenização, afetaram o granito, sendo a mineralogia secundária albita, fluorita, topázio, clorita, muscovita, siderofilita e óxidos e/ou hidróxidos de ferro. O Granito Rio Branco apresenta valores sistematicamente baixos de suscetibilidade magnética (SM) variando de 1,3 x 10-5 a 6,96 x 10-4 (SI). Geoquimicamente, é metaluminoso a peraluminoso, possui altas razões FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) e mostra afinidades com granitos ferrosos, tipo-A do subtipo A2. Os padrões dos ETR revelam um ligeiro enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação ao ETR pesados e anomalia negativa acentuada de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,08 - 0,13), resultando feição em "gaivota", característica de granitos evoluídos. O conjunto de dados obtidos demonstra o caráter evoluído do Granito Rio Branco e sua derivação a partir de líquidos reduzidos e enriquecidos em voláteis, causadores das transformações hidrotermais tardias. O estudo comparativo deste corpo com aqueles das suítes anorogênicas da Província Carajás sugere que o Granito Rio Branco possui maior afinidade com os granitos das suítes Velho Guilherme e, em menor grau, Serra dos Carajás. Por outro lado, é claramente distinto da Suíte Jamon. Embora apresente características similares às dos granitos especializados em estanho, não há mineralizações desta natureza associadas ao corpo.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung des 570 Ma alten, neoproterozoischen Agardagh - Tes-Chem Ophioliths (ATCO) in Zentralasien. Dieser Ophiolith liegt südwestlich des Baikalsees (50.5° N, 95° E) und wurde im frühen Stadium der Akkretion des Zentralasiatischen Mobilgürtels auf den nordwestlichen Rand des Tuvinisch-Mongolischen Mikrokontinentes aufgeschoben. Bei dem Zentralasiatische Mobilgürtel handelt es sich um einen riesigen Akkretions-Subduktionskomplex, der heute das größte zusammenhängende Orogen der Erde darstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden eine Reihe plutonischer und vulkanischer Gesteine, sowie verschiedene Mantelgesteine des ATCO mittels mikroanalytischer und geochemischer Verfahren untersucht (Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde, Ionenstrahlmikrosonde, Spurenelement- und Isotopengeochemie). Die Auswertung dieser Daten ermöglichte die Entwicklung eines geodynamisch-petrologischen Modells zur Entstehung des ATCO. Die vulkanischen Gesteine lassen sich aufgrund ihrer Spurenelement- und Isotopenzusammensetzung in inselbogenbezogene und back-arc Becken bezogene Gesteine (IA-Gesteine und BAB-Gesteine) unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine weitere, nicht eindeutig zuzuordnende Gruppe, die hauptsächlich mafische Gänge umfasst. Der grösste Teil der untersuchen Vulkanite gehört zur Gruppe der IA-Gesteine. Es handelt sich um Al-reiche Basalte und basaltische Andesite, welche aus einem evolvierten Stammmagma mit Mg# 0.60, Cr ~ 180 µg/g und Ni ~ 95 µg/g hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxenfraktionierung entstanden sind. Das Stammmagma selbst entstand durch Fraktionierung von ca. 12 % Olivin und geringen Anteilen von Cr-Spinell aus einer primären, aus dem Mantel abgeleiteten Schmelze. Die IA-Gesteine haben hohe Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen (leichte-(L)- Seltenerdelement-(SEE)-Konzentrationen etwa 100-fach chondritisch, chondrit-normierte (La/Yb)c von 14.6 - 5.1), negative Nb-Anomalien (Nb/La = 0.37 - 0.62) und niedrige Zr/Nb Verhältnisse (7 - 14) relativ zu den BAB-Gesteinen. Initiale eNd Werte liegen bei etwa +5.5, initiale Bleiisotopenverhältnisse sind: 206Pb/204Pb = 17.39 - 18.45, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.49 - 15.61, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.06 - 38.05. Die Anreicherung lithophiler inkompatibler Spurenelemente (LILE) in dieser Gruppe ist signifikant (Ba/La = 11 - 130) und zeigt den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten an. Die BAB-Gesteine repräsentieren Schmelzen, die sehr wahrscheinlich aus der gleichen Mantelquelle wie die IA-Gesteine stammen, aber durch höhere Aufschmelzgrade (8 - 15 %) und ohne den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten entstanden sind. Sie haben niedrigere Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen, flache SEE-Muster ((La/Yb)c = 0.6 - 2.4) und höhere initiale eNd Werte zwischen +7.8 und +8.5. Nb Anomalien existieren nicht und Zr/Nb Verhältnisse sind hoch (21 - 48). Um die geochemische Entwicklung der vulkanischen Gesteine des ATCO zu erklären, sind mindestens drei Komponenten erforderlich: (1) eine angereicherte, ozeaninselbasalt-ähnliche Komponente mit hoher Nb Konzentration über ~ 30 µg/g, einem niedrigen Zr/Nb Verhältnis (ca. 6.5), einem niedrigen initialen eNd Wert (um 0), aber mit radiogenen 206Pb/204Pb-, 207Pb/204Pb- und 208Pb/204Pb-Verhältnissen; (2) eine N-MORB ähnliche back-arc Becken Komponente mit flachem SEE-Muster und einem hohen initialen eNd Wert von mindestens +8.5, und (3) eine Inselbogen-Komponente aus einer verarmten Mantelquelle, welche durch die abtauchende Platte geochemisch modifiziert wurde. Die geochemische Entstehung der ATCO Vulkanite lässt sich dann am besten durch eine Kombination aus Quellenkontamination, fraktionierte Kristallisation und Magmenmischung erklären. Geodynamisch gesehen entstand der ATCO sehr wahrscheinlich in einem intraozeanischen Inselbogen - back-arc System. Bei den untersuchten Plutoniten handelt es sich um ultramafische Kumulate (Wehrlite und Pyroxenite) sowie um gabbroische Plutonite (Olivin-Gabbros bis Diorite). Die geochemischen Charakteristika der mafischen Plutonite sind deutlich unterschiedlich zu denen der vulkanischen Gesteine, weshalb sie sehr wahrscheinlich ein späteres Entwicklungsstadium des ATCO repräsentieren. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen in den Klinopyroxenen der ultramafischen Kumulate sind extrem niedrig, mit etwa 0.1- bis 1-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit deutlich LSEE-verarmten Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.27 - 0.52). Berechnete Gleichgewichtsschmelzen der ultramafischen Kumulate zeigen grosse Ähnlichkeit zu primären boninitischen Schmelzen. Die primären Magmen waren daher boninitischer Zusammensetzung und entstanden in dem durch vorausgegangene Schmelzprozesse stark verarmten Mantelkeil über einer Subduktionszone. Niedrige Spurenelement-Konzentrationen zeigen einen geringen Einfluss der abtauchenden Platte an. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen der Gabbros sind ebenfalls niedrig, mit etwa 0.5 - 10-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit variablen SEE-Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.25 - 2.6). Analog zu den Vulkaniten der IA-Gruppe haben alle Gabbros eine negative Nb-Anomalie mit Nb/La = 0.01 - 0.31. Die initialen eNd Werte der Gabbros variieren zwischen +4.8 und +7.1, mit einem Mittelwert von +5.9, und sind damit identisch mit denen der IA-Vulkanite. Bei den untersuchten Mantelgesteinen handelt es sich um teilweise serpentinisierte Dunite und Harzburgite, die alle durch hohe Mg/Si- und niedrige Al/Si-Verhältnisse gekennzeichnet sind. Dies zeigt einen refraktären Charakter an und steht in guter Übereinstimmung mit den hohen Cr-Zahlen (Cr#) der Spinelle (bis zu Cr# = 0.83), auf deren Basis der Aufschmelzgrad der residuellen Mantelgesteine berechnet wurde. Dieser beträgt etwa 25 %. Die geochemische Zusammensetzung und die petrologischen Daten der Ultramafite und Gabbros lassen sich am besten erklären, wenn man für die Entstehung dieser Gesteine einen zweistufigen Prozess annimmt. In einer ersten Stufe entstanden die ultramafischen Kumulate unter hohem Druck in einer Magmenkammer an der Krustenbasis, hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxen-Fraktionierung. Bei dieser Magmenkammer handelte es sich um ein offenes System, dem von unten laufend neue Schmelze zugeführt wurde, und aus dem im oberen Bereich evolviertere Schmelzen geringerer Dichte entwichen. Diese evolvierten Schmelzen stiegen in flachere krustale Bereiche auf und bildeten dort meist isolierte Intrusionskörper. Diese Intrusionskörper erstarrten ohne Magmen-Nachschub, weshalb petrographisch sehr unterschiedliche Gesteine entstehen konnten. Eine geochemische Modifikation der abkühlenden Schmelzen erfolgte allerdings durch die Assimilation von Nebengestein. Da innerhalb der Gabbros keine signifikante Variation der initalen eNd Werte existiert, handelte es sich bei dem assimilierten Material hauptsächlich um vulkanische Gesteine des ATCO und nicht um ältere, möglicherweise kontinentale Kruste.
In the present thesis, the geochemistry, petrology and geochronology of ophiolite complexes from central northern Greece were studied in detail in order to gain insights on the petrogenetic pathways and geodynamic processes that lead to their formation and evolution. The major- and trace-element content of minerals and whole rocks from all four ophiolite complexes was determined using high-precision analytical equipment. These results were then coupled with Nd and Sr isotopic measurements. In order to precisely place the evolution of these ophiolites in time, U-Pb geochronology on zircons was conducted using a SHRIMP-II. The data obtained suggest that the ophiolites studied invariably show typical characteristics of subduction-zone magmatism (e.g. negative Nb anomalies, Th enrichment). In N-MORB-normalised multielement profiles the high field-strength elements display patterns that vary from depleted to N-MORB-like. Chondrite-normalised rare-earth element (REE) profiles show flat heavy-REE patterns suggesting a shallow regime of source melting for all the ophiolites, well within the stability field of spinel lherzolite. The majority of the samples have light-REE depleted patterns. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios range from 0.703184 to 0.715853 and are in cases influenced by alteration. The εNd values are positive (the majority of the mafic samples is typically 7.1-3.1) but lower than N-MORB and depleted mantle. With the exception of the Thessaloniki ophiolite that has uniform island-arc tholeiitic chemical characteristics, the rest of the ophiolites show dual chemistry consisting of rocks with minor subduction-zone characteristics that resemble chemically back-arc basin basalts (BABB) and rocks with more pronounced subduction-zone characteristics. Tectonomagmatic discrimination schemes classify the samples as island-arc tholeiites and back-arc basin basalts or N-MORB. Melting modelling carried out to evaluate source properties and degree of melting verifies the dual nature of the ophiolites. The samples that resemble back-arc basin basalts require very small degrees of melting (<10%) of fertile sources, whereas the rest of the samples require higher degrees (25-15%) of melting. As deduced from the present geochemical and petrological investigation, the ophiolites from Guevguely, Oraeokastro, Thessaloniki, and Chalkidiki represent relics of supra-subduction zone crust that formed in succeeding stages of island-arc rifting and back-arc spreading as well as in a fore arc setting. The geochronological results have provided precise determination of the timing of formation of these complexes. The age of the Guevguely ophiolite has been determined as 167±1.2 Ma, that of Thessaloniki as 169±1.4 Ma, that of Kassandra as 167±2.2 Ma and that of Sithonia as 160±1.2 Ma.
Petrography, geochemical whole-rock composition, and chemical analyses of tourmaline were performed in order to determine the source areas of Lower Cretaceous Mora, El Castellar, and uppermost Camarillas Formation sandstones from the Iberian Chain, Spain. Sandstones were deposited in intraplate subbasins, which are bound by plutonic and volcanic rocks of Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic age, Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, and Triassic sedimentary rocks. Modal analyses together with petrographic and cathodoluminescence observations allowed us to define three quartz-feldspathic petrofacies and recognize diagenetic processes that modified the original framework composition. Results from average restored petrofacies are: Mora petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)70 F(r)22 R(r)9; El Castellar petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)57 F(r)25 R(r)18; and Camarillas petrofacies = P/F ∼ zero and Q(r)64 F(r)28 R(r)7 (P—plagioclase; F—feldspar; Q—quartz; R—rock fragments; r—restored composition). Trace-element and rare earth element abundances of whole-rock analyses discriminate well between the three petrofacies based on: (1) the Rb concentration, which is indicative of the K content and reflects the amount of K-feldspar modal abundance, and (2) the relative modal abundance of heavy minerals (tourmaline, zircon, titanite, and apatite), which is reproduced by the elements hosted in the observed heavy mineral assemblage (i.e., B and Li for tourmaline; Zr, Hf, and Ta for zircon; Ti, Ta, Nb, and their rare earth elements for titanite; and P, Y, and their rare earth elements for apatite). Tourmaline chemical composition for the three petrofacies ranges from Fe-tourmaline of granitic to Mg-tourmaline of metamorphic origin. The three defined petrofacies suggest a mixed provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source rocks. However, a progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost Camarillas petrofacies. This provenance trend is consistent with the uplift and erosion of the Iberian Massif, which coincided with the development of the latest Berriasian synrift regional unconformity and affected all of the Iberian intraplate basins. The uplifting stage of Iberian Massif pluton caused a significant dilution of Paleozoic metamorphic source areas, which were dominant during the sedimentation of the lowermost Mora and El Castellar petrofacies. The association of petrographic data with whole-rock geochemical compositions and tourmaline chemical analysis has proved to be useful for determining source area characteristics, their predominance, and the evolution of source rock types during the deposition of quartz-feldspathic sandstones in intraplate basins. This approach ensures that provenance interpretation is consistent with the geological context.
[1] Two millimeter-sized hydrothermal monazites from an open fissure (cleft) that developed late during a dextral transpressional deformation event in the Aar Massif, Switzerland, have been investigated using electron microprobe and ion probe. The monazites are characterized by high Th/U ratios typical of other hydrothermal monazites. Deformation events in the area have been subdivided into three phases: (D1) main thrusting including formation of a new schistosity, (D2) dextral transpression, and (D3) local crenulation including development of a new schistosity. The two younger deformational structures are related to a subvertically oriented intermediate stress axis, which is characteristic for strike slip deformation. The inferred stress environment is consistent with observed kinematics and the opening of such clefts. Therefore, the investigated monazite-bearing cleft formed at the end of D2 and/or D3, and during dextral movements along NNW dipping planes. Interaction of cleft-filling hydrothermal fluid with wall rock results in rare earth element (REE) mineral formation and alteration of the wall rock. The main newly formed REE minerals are Y-Si, Y-Nb-Ti minerals, and monazite. Despite these mineralogical changes, the bulk chemistry of the system remains constant and thus these mineralogical changes require redistribution of elements via a fluid over short distances (centimeter). Low-grade alteration enables local redistribution of REE, related to the stability of the accessory phases. This allows high precision isotope dating of cleft monazite. 232Th/208Pb ages are not affected by excess Pb and yield growth domain ages between 8.03 ± 0.22 and 6.25 ± 0.60 Ma. Monazite crystallization in brittle structures is coeval or younger than 8 Ma zircon fission track data and hence occurred below 280°C.
Atmospheric fluxes of iron (Fe) over the past 200 kyr are reported for the coastal Antarctic Talos Dome ice core, based on acid leachable Fe concentrations. Fluxes of Fe to Talos Dome were consistently greater than those at Dome C, with the greatest difference observed during interglacial climates. We observe different Fe flux trends at Dome C and Talos Dome during the deglaciation and early Holocene, attributed to a combination of deglacial activation of dust sources local to Talos Dome and the reorganisation of atmospheric transport pathways with the retreat of the Ross Sea ice shelf. This supports similar findings based on dust particle sizes and fluxes and Rare Earth Element fluxes. We show that Ca and Fe should not be used as quantitative proxies for mineral dust, as they all demonstrate different deglacial trends at Talos Dome and Dome C. Considering that a 20 ppmv decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the coldest part of the last glacial maximum occurs contemporaneously with the period of greatest Fe and dust flux to Antarctica, we confirm that the maximum contribution of aeolian dust deposition to Southern Ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is approximately 20 ppmv.�
The distribution of trivalent and tetravalent cerium, Ce(III) and Ce(IV) respectively, in a lateritic profile from Madagascar, has been characterized by X-ray-absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Ce LIII-edge on the LUCIA beamline (SOLEIL synchrotron, France). XANES spectra were acquired on bulk-rock samples as well as on specific lateritic minerals or polymineral zones (in-situ measurements) of the tonalite bedrock and the three overlying weathered horizons (C-, B- and A-horizons). Geochemically, the bedrock, and the A- and C-horizons show similar rare earth element content (REE = 363–405 mg/kg). They also display the same positive Ce-anomaly (CeCN/Ce∗ = 1.12–1.45), which is therefore likely to be inherited from the bedrock. In the B-horizon, the higher REE content (REE = 2194 mg/kg) and the larger Ce-anomaly (CeCN/Ce∗ = 4.26) are consistent with an accumulation zone caused by the evaporation of groundwater during the dry season. There is a good agreement between the Ce(III)/Cetotal ratio (XCe(III)) deduced from the positive Ce-anomaly (bulk-rock geochemical data) and that derived from XANES spectroscopy on the same bulk-rock samples (BR-XCe(III)-XANES) in the bedrock, and the C- and B-horizons. In the A-horizon, XANES measurements on bulk rock and minerals revealed a higher BR-XCe(III)-XANES (up to 100%) compared to the XCe(III) deduced from geochemical data (XCe(III) = 79%). The preservation of a positive Ce-anomaly in the A-horizon suggests that the Ce mobilization and redistribution during weathering occurred with no significant Ce fractionation from other trivalent REE. Remarkably, the only investigated sample where cerianite is observed belongs to the B-horizon. Within this horizon, Ce oxidation state varies depending on the microstructural position (porosity, cracks, clay-rich groundmass). The highest Ce(IV) concentrations are measured in cerianite (and aluminophosphates) localized in pores at the vicinity of Mn-rich domains (XCe(III)-XANES = 30–51%). Therefore, Ce fractionation from other REE is attributed to a Ce oxidation and precipitation potentially assisted by oxyhydroxide scavenging. In the C-horizon, Ce(III) and Ce(IV) are mainly distributed in REE-minerals of the rhabdophane group found in pores and cracks. The similarity between the Ce(III) proportion of rhabdophane grains (XCe(III)-XANES = 74–89%) with that of the bedrock (BR-XCe(III)-XANES = 79%) suggests no significant fractionation of Ce(III) and Ce(IV) between solution and mineral during the successive stages of primary REE-mineral alteration, transport in solution and secondary precipitation in the incipient stages of weathering. Overall, our novel spectroscopic approach shows that Ce is not necessarily oxidized nor fractionated from other REE during weathering in lateritic conditions. This implies that like Ce(III), Ce(IV) can be mobilized in aqueous fluids during weathering, possibly thanks to complexation with organic molecules, and can precipitate together with Ce(III) in secondary REE-bearing minerals. The corollary is that (paleo)redox reconstructions in soils and/or sediments based on Ce-anomaly in weathered rocks or minerals must be interpreted with caution.
The Barchi-Kol terrain is a classic locality of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism within the Kokchetav metamorphic belt. We provide a detailed and systematic characterization of four metasedimentary samples using dominant mineral assemblages, mineral inclusions in zircon and monazite, garnet zonation with respect to major and trace elements, and Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-zircon temperatures. A typical diamond-bearing gneiss records peak conditions of 49 ± 4 kbar and 950–1000 °C. Near isothermal decompression of this rock resulted in the breakdown of phengite associated with a pervasive recrystallization of the rock. The same terrain also contains mica schists that experienced peak conditions close to those of the diamond-bearing rocks, but they were exhumed along a cooler path where phengite remained stable. In these rocks, major and trace element zoning in garnet has been completely equilibrated. A layered gneiss was metamorphosed at UHP conditions in the coesite field, but did not reach diamond-facies conditions (peak conditions: 30 kbar and 800–900 °C). In this sample, garnet records retrograde zonation in major elements and also retains prograde zoning in trace elements. A garnet-kyanite-micaschist that reached significantly lower pressures (24 ± 2 kbar, 710 ± 20 °C) contains garnet with major and trace element zoning. The diverse garnet zoning in samples that experienced different metamorphic conditions allows to establish that diffusional equilibration of rare earth element in garnet likely occurs at ~900–950 °C. Different metamorphic conditions in the four investigated samples are also documented in zircon trace element zonation and mineral inclusions in zircon and monazite. U-Pb geochronology of metamorphic zircon and monazite domains demonstrates that prograde (528–521 Ma), peak (528–522 Ma), and peak to retrograde metamorphism (503–532 Ma) occurred over a relatively short time interval that is indistinguishable from metamorphism of other UHP rocks within the Kokchetav metamorphic belt. Therefore, the assembly of rocks with contrasting P-T trajectories must have occurred in a single subduction-exhumation cycle, providing a snapshot of the thermal structure of a subducted continental margin prior to collision. The rocks were initially buried along a low geothermal gradient. At 20–25 kbar they underwent near isobaric heating of 200 °C, which was followed by continued burial along a low geothermal gradient. Such a step-wise geotherm is in good agreement with predictions from subduction zone thermal models.
On the basis of their respective eruptive environments and chemical characteristics, alkalic dolerite sills from the northern Pigafetta Basin (Site 800) and tholeiitic pillow lavas from the Mariana Basin (Site 802) sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 are considered to represent examples of the widespread mid-Cretaceous volcanic event in the western Pacific. Both groups of basic rocks feature mild, low-grade, anoxic smectite-celadonite-carbonate-pyrite alteration; late-stage oxidation is very limited in extent, with the exception of the uppermost sill unit at Site 800. The aphyric and nonvesicular Site 800 alkalic dolerite sills are all well-evolved mineralogically and chemically, being mainly of hawaiite composition, and are similar to ocean island basalts. They are characterized by high contents of incompatible elements (for example, 300-400 ppm Zr), well-fractionated rare earth element patterns ([La/Yb]N 18-21) and HIMU isotopic characters. They probably represent deep-sea, lateral, intrusive off-shoots from nearby seamounts of similar age. The olivine-plagioclase +/- clinopyroxene phyric tholeiitic pillow lavas and thin flows of Site 802 are nonvesicular and quench-textured throughout. Relative to normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt, they are enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements, exhibit flat (unfractionated) rare earth element patterns and have distinctive (lower) Zr/Nb, Zr/Ta, La/Ta, and Hf/Th ratios. Overall they are compositionally and isotopically similar to the mid-Cretaceous tholeiites of the Nauru basin and the Ontong-Java and Manihiki plateaus. The Site 802 tholeiites differ from the thickened crustal segments of the oceanic plateaus, however, in apparently representing only a thin veneer over the local basement in an off-axis environment.
The relative effects of paleoceanographic and paleogeographic variations, sediment lithology, and diagenetic processes on the final preserved chemistry of Japan Sea sediments are evaluated by investigating the rare earth element (REE), major element, and trace element concentrations in 59 squeeze-cake whole-round and 27 physical-property sample residues from Sites 794, 795, and 797, cored during ODP Leg 127. The most important variation in sedimentary chemical composition is the increase in SiO2 concentration through the Pliocene diatomaceous sequences, which dilutes most other major and trace element components by various degrees. This biogenic input is largest at Site 794 (Yamato Basin), moderately developed at Site 797 (Yamato Basin), and of only minor importance at Site 795 (Japan Basin), potentially reflecting basinal contrasts in productivity with the Yamato Basin recording greater biogenic input than the Japan Basin and with the easternmost sequence of Site 794 lying beneath the most productive waters. There are few systematic changes in solid-phase chemistry resulting from the opal-A/opal-CT or opal-CT/quartz silica phase transformations. Most major and trace element concentrations are controlled by the aluminosilicate fraction of the sediment, although the effects of diagenetic silica phases and manganese carbonates are of localized importance. REE total abundances (Sum REE) in the Japan Sea are strongly dependent upon the paleoceanographic position of a given site with respect to terrigenous and biogenic sources. REE concentrations at Site 794 overall correspond well to aluminosilicate chemical indices and are strongly diluted by SiO2 within the upper Miocene-Pliocene diatomaceous sequence. Eu/Eu* values at Site 794 reach a maximum through the diatomaceous interval as well, most likely suggesting an association of Eu/Eu* with the siliceous component, or reflecting slight incorporation of a detrital feldspar phase. SumREE at Site 795 also is affiliated strongly with aluminosilicate phases and yet is diluted only slightly by siliceous input. At Site 797, SumREE is not as clearly associated with the aluminosilicate fraction, is correlated moderately to siliceous input, and may be sporadically influenced by detrital heavy minerals originating from the nearby rifted continental fragment composing the Yamato Rise. Ce/Ce* profiles at all three sites increase essentially monotonically with depth and record progressive diagenetic LREE fractionation. The observed Ce/Ce* increases are not responding to changes in the paleoceanographic oxygenation state of the overlying water, as there is no independent evidence to suggest the proper oceanographic conditions. Ce/Ce* correlates slightly better with depth than with age at the two Yamato Basin sites. The downhole increase in Ce/Ce* at Sites 794 and 797 is a passive response to the diagenetic transfer of LREE (except Ce) from sediment to interstitial water. At Site 795, the overall lack of correlation between Ce/Ce* and Lan/Ybn suggests that other processes mask the diagenetic behavior of all LREEs. First-order calculations of the Ce budget in Japan Sea waters and sediment indicate that ~20% of the excess Ce adsorbed by settling particles is recycled within the water column and that an additional ~38% is recycled at or near the seafloor. Thus, because the remaining excess Ce is only ~10% of the total Ce, there is not a large source of Ce to the deeply buried sediment, further suggesting that the downhole increase in Ce/Ce* is a passive response to diagenetic behavior of the other LREEs. The REE chemistry of Japan Sea sediment therefore predicts successive downhole addition of LREEs to deeply buried interstitial waters.
Atmospheric fluxes of iron (Fe) over the past 200 kyr are reported for the coastal Antarctic Talos Dome ice core, based on acid leachable Fe concentrations. Fluxes of Fe to Talos Dome were consistently greater than those at Dome C, with the greatest difference observed during interglacial climates. We observe different Fe flux trends at Dome C and Talos Dome during the deglaciation and early Holocene, attributed to a combination of deglacial activation of dust sources local to Talos Dome and the reorganisation of atmospheric transport pathways with the retreat of the Ross Sea ice shelf. This supports similar findings based on dust particle sizes and fluxes and Rare Earth Element fluxes. We show that Ca and Fe should not be used as quantitative proxies for mineral dust, as they all demonstrate different deglacial trends at Talos Dome and Dome C. Considering that a 20 ppmv decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the coldest part of the last glacial maximum occurs contemporaneously with the period of greatest Fe and dust flux to Antarctica, we confirm that the maximum contribution of aeolian dust deposition to Southern Ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is approximately 20 ppmv.
During Leg 136 drilling was conducted at two sites in pelagic sediments of the north central Pacific Ocean. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, Ba, Fe, Li, Mn, and Sr are presented. Although concentration gradients are generally weak, resulting from slow sedimentation and concomitant diffusive communication with overlying water, there is evidence of sediment/pore-water interactions, associated sediment diagenesis, and formation of authigenic minerals. Bulk major and trace element compositions of the sediments are consistent with reactions inferred to occur within the sediments and with the lithology and mineralogy. Elemental compositions of the sediments are not strongly affected by diagenesis and are primarily related to the dominant mineralogy. Sediments are typical of deep ocean pelagic settings with a significant contribution from the alteration of volcanic ash and the formation of zeolites. Sedimentary rare earth element patterns also provide evidence of active scavenging processes by Mn and Fe oxide phases in the deeper sediments at Site 842.
Authigenic phosphorite crusts from the shelf off Peru (9°40°S to 13°30°S) consist of a facies with phosphatic coated grains covered by younger phosphatic laminite. The crusts are composed of carbonate fluorapatite, which probably formed via an amorphous precursor close to the sediment water interface as indicated by low F/P2O5 ratios, Sr and Ca isotopes, as well as rare earth element patterns agreeing with seawater-dominated fluids. Small negative Ce anomalies and U enrichment in the laminite suggest suboxic conditions close to the sediment-water interface during its formation. Increased contents of chalcophilic elements and abundant sulfide minerals in the facies with phosphatic coated grains as well as in the laminite denote sulfate reduction and, consequently, point to episodical development of anoxic conditions during phosphogenesis. The Peruvian phosphorites formed episodically over an extended period of time lasting from Middle Miocene to Pleistocene. Individual phosphatic coated grains show a succession of phosphatic layers with varying contents of organic matter and sulfide-rich phosphatic layers. Coated grains supposedly formed as a result of episodic suspension caused by high turbulence and shifting redox conditions. Episodic anoxia in the pore water induced pyritization in the outermost carbonate fluorapatite layer. Phosphatic coated grains were later transported to the place of crust formation, where subsequent laminite formation was favored under lower energy conditions. A similar succession of phosphatic layers with varying contents of organic matter and sulfide-rich layers in the laminite suggests a formation mechanism analogous to that of individual coated grains.