998 resultados para public purchasing


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Community education needs to be supported by strong public policy if it is to be fully effective at tackling food poverty and obesity, a project evaluation by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) has found. In its evaluation of Decent Food for All (DFfA) - a major project to improve community diet and health - IPH found that where people live and shop had a greater impact on their diet than their own individual awareness and attitudes. Access Tackling Food Poverty: lessons from the Decent Food for All intervention at www.publichealth.ie DFfA was funded by safefood (the Food Safety Promotion Board) and the Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland. The project lasted four years and included hundreds of community education activities designed to improve diet in poorer parts of Armagh and South Tyrone. safefood commissioned IPH to undertake the evaluation of DFfA. Dr. Kevin Balanda, IPH Associate Director, said 'The aim of the project was to reduce food poverty (this is defined as not being able to consume adequate healthy food) and improve health in the target communities. DFfA delivered over 370 core activities to 3,100 residents including local education talks on diet, cookery workshops, fresh fruit in schools, healthy food tastings and information stands. One in eight residents in the target areas participated in at least one of these activities.' The evaluation found that over 1 in 5 adults in the target areas reported they had cut their weekly food spending in the last six months to pay other household bills such as rent, electricity and gas. During the four years of the DFfA activities, this percentage had not changed significantly. There were mixed changes in the nature of food in local stores. While the overall availability and price of food increased, both モhealthierヤ food and モunhealthierヤ food were included in that increase. It was only in the larger モmultiple/discount freezerヤ type of shops that the overall price of food had decreased.


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IPH commissioned a review of HIA work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001. This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and activity and suggestions for the direction of future work.


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Published by Public Health, April 2009 IPH recently coordinated and was guest editor for a minisymposium on Health Impact Assessment for the journal, Public Health. Three aricles contributed to the minisymposium which included an article from IPH on how HIA can contribute to healthy public policy. An article reviewing the right to the highest attainable standard of health from Paul Hunt and Gillian MacNaughton and a review of the strengths and weakneses of quantitiative methods used in HIA from Emer O'Connell and Fintan Hurley. The minisymposium evolved from the 8th International HIA conference ‘Healthy Public Policy – is Health Impact Assessment the Cornerstone’ hosted by IPH.


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The workshop was attended by 13 people excluding facilitators. Most were from outside QUB (including Belfast City Council, NHSSB, BHSCT, Centre for Public Health, NICR, Institute of Agri-food and Land Use (QUB), etc).Programme was:Introductions Part 1: What’s “knowledge brokerage” all about?Presentation and Q&A (Kevin Balanda)Small group discussions Part 2: What the Centre of Excellence is doingPresentation and Q&A (Kevin Balanda)Small group discussions


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This background paper details the work undertaken by the Institute to explore the potential for international collaboration in order to contribute to public health development in Ireland. It makes specific reference to the European Commission's proposal for a new programme of community action in the field of public health for 2001-2006.


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The Department of Health (Republic of Ireland) is developing a public health policy, which aims to improve the health of the population and reduce health inequalities by addressing the causes of preventable illnesses.  The aim is to develop a policy for a healthier population for all ages and all sectors in society.  To succeed in developing and implementing a first-class public health policy, in which everyone is encouraged to play a part in protecting and improving the nation’s health, a consultation process was put in place  to ensure wide engagement.


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The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a new Community Development Strategy for public consultation.  The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live. The HSCB and PHA seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy including; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources. Key points from the IPH summary include IPH welcome the Community Development Strategy as an approach to enhance health and wellbeing and tackle health inequalities in Northern Ireland.   IPH recommend the current three strategy documents (Full and summary versions and the Performance Management Framework) are merged into one document for greater clarity. Reference to the Performance Management Framework is required in the main body of the text is to ensure good practice is implemented. IPH welcome the focus on tackling health inequalities using community development approaches however the contribution of community development approaches needs to be highlighted. HIA is a tool to support community engagement and provides a mechanism for HSCB and PHA to support the implementation of this strategy.


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This is the IPH response to the Department for Regional Development's public transport reform consultation.


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The Institute of Public Health welcomes the current consultation on smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places. Having considered the three options given the Institute strongly supports option 5c – “a total ban on smoking in all enclosed workplaces and public places”. This clearly outlines that a total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces is the only option which will adequately protect the health of all workers and contribute to reducing the prevalence of smoking in the population of Northern Ireland.As an organisation set up to promote North South co-operation we believe that a similar approach to smoking in public places and workplaces should be taken to that in the Republic of Ireland where there is clear evidence that such policies are practical, well supported and effective.


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This document states the Institute of Public Health in Ireland’s (IPH) commitment to an Open Access policy and outlines how it implements that policy. "Open Access is the immediate, online, free availability of research outputs without restrictions on use commonly imposed by publisher copyright agreements. Open Access includes the outputs that scholars normally give away for free for publication; it includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and data of various kinds."1 The Open Access (OA) movement aims to: Provide access to scientific outputs in publications that are freely available Foster the adoption of open access publication models


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"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.