906 resultados para private protected areas
Sea cucumber fisheries are now occurring in most of the tropical areas of the world, having expanded from its origin in the central Indo-Pacific. Due to the overexploitation of these resources and the increasing demand from Asian countries, new target species from Mediterranean Sea and northeastern Atlantic Ocean are being caught. The fishery effects on biometry and genetic structure of two target species (Holothuria polii and H. tubulosa) from Turkey, were assessed. The heaviest and largest individuals of H. polii were found into the non-fishery area of Kusadasi, also showing the highest genetic diversity. Similar pattern was detected in H. tubulosa, but only the weight was significantly higher in the protected area. However, the observed differences on the fishery effects between species, could be explained considering the different percentage of catches (80% for H. polii and 20% for H. tubulosa).
Parastichopus regalis (Cuvier, 1817) is the most expensive seafood product on the Catalonian market (NE Spain), with prices at approximately 130 €/Kg (fresh weight). Despite its ecological and economic importance, biological and genetic information on this sea cucumber species is scarce. Here, we provide both the first insight on the genetic structure of P. regalis using sequences of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes and a morphological description of its population. Individual sea cucumbers were collected in six locations along the Spanish Mediterranean coast, including an area under fishery pressure (Catalonia). We found high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity for both genes, with higher levels of genetic diversity observed in the COI gene. The population pairwise fixation index (FST), AMOVA and correspondence analysis (CA) based on the COI gene revealed significant genetic differentiation among some locations. However, further analysis using nuclear markers (e.g., microsatellites) is necessary to corroborate these results. Moreover, the genetic and morphological data may indicate fishery effects on the Catalonian population with a decrease in the size and weight averages and lower genetic diversity compared with locations that lack fishery pressure. For the appropriate management of this species, we suggest the following: 1) accurately assessing the stock status along the Spanish coasts; 2) studying the reproductive cycle of this target species and the establishment of a closed fishery season according to the reproductive cycle; and 3) establishing protected areas (i.e., not take zones) to conserve healthy populations and favour recruitment in the nearby areas.
Sea cucumber stocks have been overfished in many countries. As a consequence, several species (Holothuria polii, Holothuria tubulosa and Holothuria mammata) are now caught in Turkish waters without adequate knowledge on their biology and ecology. Here, we address their morphometry, relationships among gutted length and weight, population dynamics, temporal evolution of catches, and we provide the first insights about technical aspects of their fisheries. The largest size classes of H. polii are missing from our sampling collection, possibly due to the heavy fishery pressure on this species. Significant differences in the eviscerated length and weight were found among the Turkish sampled localities for H. polii and H. tubulosa, respectively. These differences could be explained by higher food availability in some areas and/or differential fishery pressure. The size and weight of H. tubulosa specimens were smaller than those registered for the same species in Greek waters, where this species is not fished. All the studied species showed allometric growth. In the last two years, the sea cucumber fishery in Turkey has been increasing rapidly, reaching a total production of ca. 555 000 kg in 2012 (80% H. polii and 20% H. tubulosa plus H. mammata). For a correct management of these species, we recommend: 1) the reestablishment of species-specific closed fishery season according to the specific reproductive cycle; 2) the assessment of the exploited stocks from the Northern Turkish coasts with estimates of recovery time of their populations; 3) the reduction of fishery efforts, mainly on H. polii and H. tubulosa and 4) the establishment of protected areas (where sea cucumber fisheries are forbidden) to conserve healthy populations which will favour the recruitment on nearby areas.
Understanding the ecology of migratory birds during the non-breeding season is necessary for ensuring their conservation. Using satellite telemetry data we describe winter ranging behaviour and movements of pallid harriers Circus macrourus that bred in Kazakhstan. We developed an ecological niche model for the species in Africa, to identify the most suitable wintering areas for pallid harriers and the importance of habitat in determining the location of those areas. We also assessed how well represented suitable areas are in the network of protected areas. Individual harriers showed relatively high fidelity to wintering areas but with potential for interannual changes. The ecological niche model highlighted the importance of open habitats with natural vegetation. Most suitable areas for the species were located in eastern Africa. Suitable areas had a patchy distribution but were relatively well included in the network of protected areas. The preferential use of habitats with natural vegetation by wintering pallid harriers and the patchiness of the most suitable areas highlight the harrier's vulnerability to land-use changes and the associated loss of natural vegetation in Africa. Conservation of harriers could be enhanced by preserving natural grasslands within protected areas and improving habitat management in the human-influenced portions of the species’ core wintering areas.
This thesis investigates how seven communities in a subregion of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca are conserving high forest cover in the absence of national protected areas. To conduct this study I relied on archival research and the review of community documents, focus group interviews and land use transects to explore historical and current land use. I found that communities have conserved 88.34% of the subregion as forest cover, or 58,596 hectares out of a total territory of 66,264 hectares. Analysis suggests that the communities have undergone a historical transition from more passive conservation to more active, conscious conservation particularly in the last decade. This thesis further contends that communities deserve additional financial compensation for this active conservation of globally important forests for biodiversity conservation and that exercises in systematic conservation planning ignore the reality that existing biodiversity conservation in the subregion is associated with community ownership.
A growing human population, shifting human dietary habits, and climate change are negatively affecting global ecosystems on a massive scale. Expanding agricultural areas to feed a growing population drives extensive habitat loss, and climate change compounds stresses on both food security and ecosystems. Understanding the negative effects of human diet and climate change on agricultural and natural ecosystems provides a context within which potential technological and behavioral solutions can be proposed to help maximize conservation. The purpose of this research was to (1) examine the potential effects of climate change on the suitability of areas for commercial banana plantations in Latin America in the 2050s and how shifts in growing areas could affect protected areas; (2) test the ability of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to map productivity of banana plantations as a potential tool for increasing yields and decreasing future plantation expansions; (3) project the effects on biodiversity of increasing rates of animal product consumption in developing megadiverse countries; and (4) estimate the capacity of global pasture biomass production and Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis (IGCC-FT) processing to meet electricity, gasoline and diesel needs. The results indicate that (1) the overall extent of areas suitable for conventional banana cultivation is predicted to decrease by 19% by 2050 because of a hotter and drier climate, but all current banana exporting countries are predicted to maintain some suitable areas with no effects on protected areas; (2) Spatial patterns of NDVI and ENDVI were significantly positively correlated with several metrics of fruit yield and quality, indicating that UAV systems can be used in banana plantations to map spatial patterns of fruit yield; (3) Livestock production is the single largest driver of habitat loss, and both livestock and feedstock production are increasing in developing biodiverse tropical countries. Reducing global animal product consumption should therefore be at the forefront of strategies aimed at reducing biodiversity loss; (4) Removing livestock from global pasture lands and instead utilizing the biomass production could produce enough energy to meet 100% of the electricity, gasoline, and diesel needs of over 40 countries with extensive grassland ecosystems, primarily in tropical developing countries.^
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are today's most important tools for the spatial management and conservation of marine species. Yet, the true protection that they provide to individual fish is unknown, leading to uncertainty associated with MPA effectiveness. In this study, conducted in a recently established coastal MPA in Portugal, we combined the results of individual home range estimation and population distribution models for 3 species of commercial importance and contrasting life histories to infer (1) the size of suitable areas where they would be fully protected and (2) the vulnerability to fishing mortality of each species. Results show that the relationship between MPA size and effective protection is strongly modulated by both the species' home range and the distribution of suitable habitat inside and outside the MPA. This approach provides a better insight into the true potential of MPAs in effectively protecting marine species, since it can reveal the size and location of the areas where protection is most effective and a clear, quantitative estimation of the vulnerability to fishing throughout an entire MPA.
Studies that combine both the ecological responses of marine species and protection measures with movement patterns and habitat use are of major importance in order to better understand the performance of marine protected areas (MPA) and how species respond to their implementation. However, few studies have assessed MPA performance by relating local individual movement patterns and the observed reserve effects. In this study, we combined acoustic telemetry with abundance estimates to study the early effects of a recently established small coastal MPA on the local populations of white seabream. The results show that even small, recently established coastal MPAs can increase the abundance and biomass of commercial fish species, provided that target species have small home ranges and exhibit high site fidelity.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely recognized as a tool to achieve both fisheries management and conservation goals. Simultaneously achieving these multiple goals is difficult due to conflicts between conservation (often long-term) and economic (often short-term) objectives. MPA implementation often includes additional control measures on fisheries (e.g. vessel size restrictions, gear exclusion, catch controls) that in the short-term may have impacts on local fishers' communities. Thus, monitoring fisheries catches before, during and after MPA implementation is essential to document changes in fisheries activities and to evaluate the impact of MPAs in fishers' communities. Remarkably, in contrast with standard fisheries-independent biological surveys, these data are rarely measured at appropriate spatial scales following MPA implementation. Here, the effects of MPA implementation on local fisheries are assessed in a temperate MPA (Arrabida Marine Park, Portugal), using fisheries monitoring methods combining spatial distribution of fishing effort, on-board observations and official landings statistics at scales appropriate to the Marine Park. Fisheries spatial distribution, fishing effort, on-board data collection and official landings registered for the same vessels over time were analysed between 2004 and 2010. The applicability and reliability of using landings statistics alone was tested (i.e. when no sampling data are available) and we conclude that landings data alone only allow the identification of general patterns. The combination of landings information (which is known to be unreliable in many coastal communities) with other methods, provides an effective tool to evaluate fisheries dynamics in response to MPA implementation. As resources for monitoring socio-ecological responses to MPAs are frequently scarce, the use of landings data calibrated with fisheries information (from vessels, gear distribution and on-board data) is a valuable tool applicable to many worldwide coastal small-scale fisheries. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study deals with the development of systematic conservation planning as management instrument in small oceanic islands, ensuring open systems of governance, and able to integrate an informed and involved participation of the stakeholders. Marxan software was used to define management areas according a set of alternative land use scenarios considering different conservation and management paradigms. Modeled conservation zones were interpreted and compared with the existing protected areas allowing more fused information for future trade-outs and stakeholder's involvement. The results, allowing the identification of Target Management Units (TMU) based on the consideration of different development scenarios proved to be consistent with a feasible development of evaluation approaches able to support sound governance systems. Moreover, the detailed geographic identification of TMU seems to be able to support participated policies towards a more sustainable management of the entire island
Las áreas naturales en México se encuentran sujetas a intensos procesos de deterioro como resultado de la creciente intervención humana. Tal es el caso del Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca localizado en la zona central del país. Mediante la aplicación del SIG Idrisi fue posible generar una base de datos para su caracterización general y evaluar los cambios en el uso del suelo a lo largo de un periodo de 30 años. Con los datos generados se analizaron los procesos de regeneración y deterioro de los bosques. También se determinó el nivel de adecuación del territorio para el desarrollo deespecies agrícolas y forestales dentro del área natural protegida. Los resultados obtenidos permiten corroborar que el parque nacional se viene deteriorando muy rápidamente y está siendo ocupado por actividades agrícolas y pecuarias para las que presenta niveles bajos de aptitud. La aplicación del Idrisi se vislumbra como una alternativa importante para continuar con el monitoreo del parque.Palabras clave: SIG Idrisi, uso del suelo, Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, México, nivel de adecuación.ABSTRACTPopulation growth in Mexico is affecting the natural protected areas of the country. This is the case of the Nevado de Toluca National Park, located in central Mexico. Application of the GIS Idrisi has been very useful to generate a cartographical database of the protected area and to evaluate the land-use changes over a 30-year period. With the land-change results it was possible to analyze the recovery-degradation processes. In order to define alternatives for the protection of the national park, a sustainability analysis is carried out for the main forestall and agricultural species. The primary results of the application allowed us to confirm there is a serious degradation process in the protected area. The Idrisi is seen as an important alternative for continued monitoring of the park.Keywords: GIS Idrisi, land use, Nevado de Toluca National Park, Mexico, sustainability standard.
Este artículo analiza las políticas ambientales, relacionadas directamente con el establecimiento y el manejo de los espacios protegidos, y muy especialmente, con las zonas de amortiguamiento en Costa Rica, como un elemento esencial para comprender la dinámica en áreas de conservación reciente creación, por ejemplo el Parque Nacional Piedras Blancas y la Reserva de Vida Silvestre Golfito. Se analiza en esta área, de forma cualitativa, los procesos socioambientales, como componentes fundamentales en la determinación del nivel de alcance de la conservación de estas áreas protegidas. Finalmente, este artículo concluye la importancia de abordar la gestión de los espacios protegidos desde perspectivas sistemáticas, que permita no sólo articular diferentes áreas, sino que realice una gestión que considere tanto los aspectos socioeconómicos para la conservación como los ecológicos, debido a que las condiciones de pobreza imperantes en el área de estudio han limitado fuertemente la consolidación de estas áreas. Abstracts:This article analyzes the environmental policies related directly with the creation and management of protected areas, especially the buffer zones in Costa Rica, as crucial elements in the comprehension of different dynamics in the recently created conservation areas, like the Piedras Blancas National Park and the Golfito Wildlife Refuge. There is a qualitative analysis regarding the socio-environmental processes, as key elements in determining the conservation level in these protected areas. Finally, the article details the importance of approaching the management of protected areas from systematic points of view that allow the articulation of different areas, as well as considering the basic and socioeconomic aspects of the area, due to the fact that critic poverty conditions have strongly limited the consolidation of these protected areas.
La mayoría de áreas protegidas en Costa Rica fueron creadas considerando básicamente enfoques de conservación. Sin embargo, el desarrollo turístico reciente ha forzado a considerar la importancia de actividades turísticas dentro de las áreas silvestres especialmente en los más conocidos parques nacionales como Barra Honda. Este Artículo evalúa los diferentes atractivos determinando algunas recomendaciones, con el objetivo de mejorar las actividades recreativas en este parque.Abstracts: The majority of the protected areas in Costa Rica were created considering basically conservation approach. However, the last tourism development of the country has had forced to consider the importance of tourism activities inside of the Wildland, especially the most well know national parks like Barra Honda. This article evaluated the different natural attractive of parks, its conditions. Also it offer a plan management the attractive presenting some recommendation in order to improve the outdoor activities in the park.
Aims: With this research, we wanted to investigate and promote the conservation of biodiversity in the network of drainage canals of the Po Valley Study area: The canal network of Bologna plain, long more than 1150 km (Po Valley, North Italy) Methods: In Chapter II we analyzed the geographical patterns that characterize our transects, the land use of their upstream basins, the water quality at the closure points of their river basins. In Chapter III we described the plant communities with some ecological information and we also tested the effect of the canal size on the plant communities. In Chapter IV we described the relation beetween some functional traits of the plant species sampled and some environmental parameters Results: A total of 272 species were sampled in 118 transects. The plant communities of the drainage canals have been found to have a significant influence: the geographical pattern "proximity to protected areas", the class of land use "agrozootechnical settlements", and some water parameters. The analysis of the parameter "canal depth" indicated a significant distinction between small and large canals based on plant communities. The functional composition of the plant communities was affected by the bank aspect, the inclusion/exclusion from the protected areas and the upstream basin land uses. Moreover, the functional groups of species responded differently to environmental drivers, water quality gradients and were influenced by a combination of environmental stresses Conclusions: This research confirms the key role of the canals network in sustaining the plant richness in oversimplified landscapes. Considering the fragility of the floodplains and the global warming that is taking place, it is necessary to rethink the role of irrigation canals and their plant communities in the near future. This work reinforces the belief that long-term sampling plans and greater knowledge about canal management practices are needed