918 resultados para pre-service teacher training


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‘Team teaching’ across disciplines at Australian universities is rare. Academics are rigorous in developing specific disciplinary expertise that often prevents collaboration outside of their disciplinary area. In pre-service primary education courses, academics often teach in traditional and exclusive disciplinary approaches. This separation is at odds however with the impetus for a pedagogical move forward towards an interdisciplinary approach in primary schools. The authors contend that primary
teacher educators must model effective interdisciplinary practice to their student teachers and unpack the processes of how to make meaningful connections together. This paper presents the work of two teacher educators who are involved in a broader, innovative, team teaching, field based collaboration with schools and non-school settings for the Bachelor of Teaching (Postgraduate) at Deakin University. In this paper, the authors firstly discuss their rationale for adopting a team teaching approach and describe how they are working towards an interdisciplinary model, bringing together the two areas; music and literacy and providing examples from their team teaching experience. The paper concludes with reflections and recommendations for future team teaching at the tertiary level.


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This paper captures development of the GDAL as understood by its instigators as a platform for reform. The GDAL would respond to the challenge being put before education and training providers to prepare young people to create and engage with a learning society through their capacity for lifelong learning. These teacher education students would, ideally, bring skills and knowledge already gained in a professional career. While they would gain teacher registration they were better conceptualized as professional educators for an emerging post compulsory education, training and employment sector: it was expected that graduates would not only teach in schools but would also move readily within the network of learning spaces that young people increasingly experience in their formal education. In the process, they would be a force for change, seeding reform within secondary schools. As a 'teacher' these graduates would have the credibility to challenge the entrenched practices of other teachers. It is the story of 'what happened' as a consequence of this specific aim that I am telling today.


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This paper reports my reflections of a school and university partnership carried out in Semester One 2008 by the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary/Secondary) music education specialist at a University in Melbourne. As students have a specific 'situated learning' experience at a primary school, their five-week visit during the ten-week semester acts as onsite professional development by both the music teacher and myself. Here students are able to reflect and discuss both content and pedagogical knowledge. They are also given the opportunity to teach small groups whilst being mentored by the music teacher and myself. I contend that by universities providing such opportunities as good exemplars of best practice in music education as a form of professional development students can only improve teaching and learning and be better prepared when entering the teaching profession.

In this paper I report on my pre-service music education students' experience as school based music teaching and learning as an effective form of professional development. My reflections are supported by my observational notes are informed by self study methodology I consider the link between tertiary and school partnership as a way forward to improve both the teaching and learning of music education. Universities in Australia are increasingly encouraged to forge pathways with schools where students and teacher educators have the opportunity to observe best practice, engage in teaching and learning onsite and reflect on both content and pedagogical knowledge. Such practice promotes educational praxis for a sustainable future.


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This paper presents a reflection on the infusion of Web2 technologies into a teacher education program. It explores issues surrounding the use of a range of Web2 technologies including wikis, blogs and podcasts. Web2 technologies are currently being taken up at amazing speed. This paper draws on the experience of using these new technologies in two units of a pre-service education course. As part of their assignment requirements pre-service education students were immersed in these new technologies as they grappled with issues to do with learning how to use these technologies as well as reflecting on how and why, or why not, they might they might use them in primary schools including the potential for democratic collaborative communities of learners. The opportunities the Web2 technologies afford educators as well as the consequences of such educational use of social technologies will be considered.


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This study explored the reasons people choose physical education teaching as a profession and investigated the relationship of these choices with motivation. Physical education pre-service teachers (n = 324) completed the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and a measure of reasons for choosing physical education teaching. Confident interpersonal service reasons were linked with intrinsic motivation; whereas sport and physical activity reasons were related to extrinsic motivation. Enrolling because teaching seemed easy was linked with amotivation. Motivation was similar for different course entry methods, however, females were more intrinsically motivated than males and third year students were lower in motivation than other year levels.


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Evidence that many students are not being captivated by school science has led to advocacy of revising the science curriculum. However, there need to be accompanying changes in science teacher education. This study is designed to lay foundations for innovation in the pre-service education of secondary science teachers, involving a reconceptualisation of the nature of contemporary science and a course structure that links science teaching with broader science public reform initiatives. We held a series of Focus Groups, built around Government Research Priority areas, which brought together people from industry, government, research organisations, and community groups involved in science and its applications. In the groups the participants discussed how science currently operates in their area, ways in which the area will develop in the coming decade, and what implications there are for the nation and its citizens and for science education. What emerged was a concern for public responses to science at a range of levels, and a very different view of science practice and community involvement with science to that represented in current university and school science courses. This was confirmed in interviews with science graduates working in disparate fields, and also focus groups of school students. The paper will report on the insights generated, and explore the implications for redesigning the pre-service education of science teachers.


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This thesis concerns the place of music in New South Wales schools from 1920 to 1956. The initial chapters explore issues related to the investigation and the methodology that has guided the research. To provide a foundation for the thesis as a whole, the investigation’s British antecedents are considered and the relevant literature is reviewed. Six broad themes are used as the organisational framework for this thesis: the major events that shaped schooling, the syllabus and recommended music resources, the rationales for the inclusion of music in schools, the place of school music broadcasts, music teaching practice in schools, and the provision of teacher training. Each theme forms the basis of one chapter, with the exception of one extensive theme which is discussed in two adjoining chapters.

This investigation concluded that from 1920 to 1956, the Department of Education’s fundamental aim for schooling was to develop the state’s children into good citizens. Music was valued for its ability to contribute to this aim.

During this period, the Department engaged in a policy of music transmissionism. Specifically, the Department sought to transmit the music values, knowledge and skills that it held in high regard to teachers who in turn were expected to transmit them to their students. The dominant culture and values that were transmitted were those of Britain and the British Empire—that is, music was used to transmit Britishness to children.

The investigation also concluded that during this period there was an expansion of music curriculum and pedagogy in New South Wales. However, in a oneway traffic of ideas between Britain and Australia, it was British music education practices that continued to influence the methods used in New South Wales schools.

In addition, this investigation concluded that there were past periods when New South Wales schools were very musical places—specifically, at the turn of the twentieth century, during the Second World War and during the immediate post-war years. The successes achieved in music during these times required the interplay of six factors: a Department of Education that valued music for the contribution it made to the development of children as good citizens; a Department of Education that provided strong leadership for music by employing a conscientious, inspirational music educator or educators whose sole responsibility was to champion and supervise music across the state; a Departmental expectation that music would be taught by generalist teachers who themselves had developed music expertise during their pre-service preparation or through professional development opportunities offered to them; the existence of a reward system to encourage teachers to increase their music discipline knowledge and skills; a music syllabus that was developmental and hence built on prior music knowledge and skills; and teachers who were able to deliver quality music programs to their students because they themselves were one element in a cycle of respect for music.


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This article provides insights into the ways that teacher education programs might equip early career teachers beginning their professional identity. Situated in Melbourne (Australia), it discusses tertiary music education preparation for the profession and recognises the value and importance of having critical friends and mentors as a beginner teacher. By using narrative reflection both lecturer and graduate allow their voices to be heard as they make a contribution to understand the challenges new teachers face when building their professional identity and ‘staying in the job’. The discussion provided by the graduate, outlines her experience and engagement regarding the ‘positives’ and ‘negatives’ as she establishes her professional identity. Concerns and issues raised may be similar to those experienced by others. The lecturer contends that ongoing research with graduates is necessary when preparing pre-service students as they begin developing their teacher identity and remain within the profession after graduation.


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Contains data relating to six rural case studies of work integrated learning outcomes for pre-service teachers, teachers and other stakeholders in the community. Case studies were conducted in Hamilton, Horsham, Maryborough, Portland, Nhil and Swan Hill. 30 audio files of interviews and 30 interview transcripts are in doc and xls format.


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This paper draws on emerging data from in-progress analysis of interviews with 22 teachers/educators who teach the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) in the settings of schools, Adult Community Education (ACE) and Technical and Further Education (TAFE). The development and implementation of VCAL occurred in 2002 as a response to Victorian government policy initiatives resulting from the Kirby (2000) Report. The VCAL is offered alongside the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), in years 11 and 12 of school, as another pathway into employment or further education and training. VCAL is also offered in the settings of TAFE and ACE. The VCAL curriculum uses applied learning as a pedagogical foundation to engage students in relevant, meaningful and authentic learning. In schools VCAL is delivered by qualified and registered teachers. In the TAFE and ACE sectors VCAL is taught by staff who are not necessarily teacher trained. Many pre-service teaching courses (including Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment) do not include applied learning pedagogy in the curriculum. Since VCALʼs implementation there have been calls for greater consultation with, and support given to, VCAL teachers and organisations (Knipe, Ling, Bottrell and Keamy, 2003, p. 6; Harrison, 2006). Additionally VCAL teachers are frequently ill prepared professionally to manage a cohort which includes a high concentration of disengaged young people demonstrating challenging behaviours and attitudes (Pritchard & Anderson, 2006, p.1). Emerging data from the interviews with VCAL educators indicates these issues have not been addressed and many educators and teachers continue to feel unprepared and poorly supported. This is particularly significant in the light of a recent Victorian government announcement that, despite rising VCAL enrolments, VCAL coordination funding to schools is to be cut in 2012. (VALA, 2011, para. 4). To compensate for a lack of structured support and preparation, VCAL educators are frequently sustaining professional practice by their own agency in adapting already held life-skills and knowledge.


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As part of a cross-cultural collaboration, a teacher performance assessment (TPA) was implemented during 2009 in three Malaysian institutes of teacher education. This paper reports on the TPA for graduating primary teachers in Malaysia. The investigation focused on the pre-service teachers’ perceptions about whether the TPA provided them with an opportunity to document successfully their professional learning and professional practice. Successful completion of the Malaysian TPA was closely aligned to successful relationships, support and collaboration between Malaysian lecturers and pre-service teachers, and between pre-service teachers and their classroom teachers. Overall, the TPA did provide pre-service teachers with an opportunity to focus on the connection between theory and professional learning during field-work, and to become reflective evidence-based practitioners. Recommendations for improving the assessment of pre-service teachers are discussed.


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This paper documents the development of a new website (www. rrrtec. net. au) specifically designed to better equip teacher educators to prepare graduates to teach in rural and regional communities. The two year study (2009-2011) that informed the website's creation included three data sources: A literature review of research into rural teacher education, a survey of pre-service students who had completed a rural practicum and interviews with teacher educators about the current strategies they used to raise awareness and understanding of the needs of rural students, their families, and communities. An analysis of the data revealed that teacher educators need to focus more on developing graduates to be not only 'classroom ready ' but also 'school and community ready'. This analysis provided the framework for the creation of a set of curriculum modules and resources including journal articles, film clips, websites and books that teacher educators could readily and publicly access and use in their own classroom teaching.


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Allan Luke (2008) uses a “pedagogical economy where literacy education is taken as a cultural gift”. This paper reports on the digital oral feedback provided to pre-service teachers in a literacy unit and explores the pedagogical gift this feedback is to the teacher educators marking this work. Rather than mark their written work as individual lecturers, we collaboratively read the assignment and recorded the sound file of the conversation around each assignment. We then participated in another conversation with a critical friend, which enabled us to explore the impact of this form of assessment on our professional identities as teacher educators. We found these conversations provided a rich context for our professional learning about ourselves as teacher educators, as well as specific content knowledge we both brought to the teaching of this unit. We found we were working as a team to provide more in-depth feedback of the assessment criteria for each assignment than we did with written feedback. Through this dialogical feedback we were able to construct the pre-service teachers' assignments as an important textual gift in our collaborative professional learning about assessment, and in exploring our beliefs and practices as teacher educators.


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Communities play a critical role in supporting pre-service teachers during rural and regional professional experience. This support, coupled with access to teacher educators and university resources, appears to positively influence graduate attitudes toward taking up a rural appointment. These are among the key findings to emerge from open-ended responses within 263 surveys completed for the Rethinking Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Sustainability—Renewing Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Australia project (TERRAnova). The national surveys, collected annually from 2008-2010, monitored the impact of state-based financial incentives designed to promote rural and regional professional experience. Findings discussed in this article have implications for teacher educators and rural school leaders as they work in partnership with communities to support pre-service teachers on rural and regional practicum.


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A growing interest to teach mathematics closely connected to its use in daily life has taken place in Indonesia for over a decade (Sembiring, Hadi, and Dolk 2008). This chapter  reports an exploratory case study of  the building of an awareness of mathematical modelling in teacher education in Indonesia. A modelling task, re-designing a parking lot (Ang 2009), was assigned to groups of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers. All groups undertook the stages of collecting data on a parking lot, identifying limitations in the current design of the parking lot, and proposing a new design based on their observations and analyses. The nature of the mathematical models elicited by pre-service teachers during various stages of completing the modelling task will be examined. Implications of this study suggest the need to encourage pre-service teachers to state the assumptions and real-world considerations and link them to the mathematical model in order to validate their models.