716 resultados para platinum-rhodium alloy
Hybrid materials with enhanced properties can now be obtained by combining nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and metallic nanoparticles, where the main challenge is to control fabrication conditions. In this study, we demonstrate that platinum nanoparticles (PtNps) can be electrogenerated within layer-by-layer (LbL) films of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which serve as stabilizing matrices. The advantages of the possible control through electrogeneration were demonstrated with a homogeneous distribution of PtNps over the entire surface of the PAMAM/SWCNT LbL films, whose electroactive sites could be mapped using magnetic force microscopy. The Pt-containing films were used as catalysts for hydrogen peroxide reduction, with a decrease in the reduction potential of 60 mV compared to a Pt film deposited onto bare ITO. By analyzing the mechanisms responsible for hydrogen peroxide reduction, we ascribed the enhanced catalytic activity to synergistic effects between platinum and carbon in the LbL films, which are promising for sensing and fuel cell applications.
Although electrochemical oxidation of simple organic molecules on metal catalysts is the basic ingredient of fuel cells, which have great technological potential as a renewable source of electrical energy, the detailed reaction mechanisms are in most cases not completely understood. Here, we investigate the ethanol-platinum interface in acidic aqueous solution using infrared-visible sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of vibrational spectra in order to identify the intermediates present during the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The complex vibrational spectrum in the fingerprint region imply on the coexistence of several adsorbates. Based on spectra in ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) and electrochemical environment from the literature and our density functional theory (DFT) calculations of vibrational spectra, new adsorbed intermediates, never before observed with conventional infrared (IR) spectroscopy, are proposed here: g2-acetaldehyde, g2-acetyl, ethylidyne, monodentate acetate, methoxy, tertiary methanol derivative, COH residue, g2-formaldehyde, mono and bidentate formate, CH3 and CH2 residues. In addition, we present new evidences for an ethoxy intermediate, a secondary ethanol derivative and an acetyl species, and we confirm the presence of previously observed adsorbates: a tertiary ethanol derivative, bidentate acetate, and COad. These results indicate that the platinum surface is much more reactive, and the reaction mechanism for ethanol electro-oxidation is considerably more complex than previously considered. This might be also true for many other molecule-catalyst systems.
ZusammenfassungSchwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Verfahrensentwicklung zur Ultraspurenbestimmung der Platingruppenelemente (PGE) in Umwelt- und geologischen Proben unter Verwendung der massenspektrometrischen Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse mit anschließender Bestimmung an einem Quadrupol ICP-MS (ICP-QMSIVA). Geeignete Separationstechniken in der Probenaufbereitung, um die PGE von der Matrix der untersuchten Proben zu trennen, stellten eine richtige und präzise Bestimmung der Ultraspuren an einem Quadrupol ICP-MS sicher.Das Verfahren konnte anhand von geologischen Referenzmaterialien aus Kanada sichergestellt werden. Gerade die Wiederholungsbestimmungen der verschiedenen Referenzmaterialien unter Verwendung des ICP-QMSIVA Verfahrens sind beispiellos und in dieser Form noch nicht in der Literatur beschrieben. Durch systematische Messungen konnten Richtigkeit und Präzision des Verfahrens bestätigt werden und die Inhomogenität des Referenzmaterials UMT-1 bezüglich Pt bewiesen werden. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Verfahren zur Ultraspurenbestimmung der PGE mit ICP-QMSIVA wurde im Rahmen des Projektes 'Production and certification of a road dust reference material for platinum, palladium and rhodium (PGEs) in automative catalytic converters (PACEPAC)' der Europäischen Union zur Zertifizierung von zwei Referenzmaterialien für Umweltproben eingesetzt. Hierbei wurde bei der Zertifizierung ('intercomparison round') eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse mit dem gewichteten Mittelwert der Ergebnisse für Pd und Pt mit den übrigen teilnehmenden Laboratorien festgestellt. Die mit der hier entwickelten Methode erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden ohne Ausnahme für alle gemessenen Elemente zur Zertifizierung herangezogen. Damit leistete die vorliegende Arbeit einen erheblichen Beitrag zum erfolgreichen Abschluß dieses Projekts. Den Erwartungen hinsichtlich Richtigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit des entwickelten Verfahrens wurde somit voll entsprochen. Erneut konnte die große Bedeutung der Isotopenverdünnungstechnik für die Zertifizierung von Referenzmaterialien aufgezeigt werden, da mit dieser Technik bei sachgerechtem Einsatz Ergebnisse hoher Richtigkeit erzielt werden. Durch vergleichende Messungen mit der NiS-Dokimasie und NAA, die in einer Kooperation mit dem Kernchemischen Institut der Universität Mainz durchgeführt wurden, und dem hier verwendeten Verfahren, konnten übereinstimmende Daten, hinsichtlich der Abnahme der Konzentrationen von Pd und Pt in Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung zu einer Autobahn, erzielt werden. Diese Arbeit und die Forschungsergebnisse, die mit der anerkannten NAA erzielt wurden, zeigen, daß die PGE durch Katalysatoren von Automobilen überwiegend metallisch emittiert werden. Der anthropogene Eintrag der PGE in die Umwelt kann mit dem ICP-QMSIVA Verfahren weiterhin sehr gut verfolgt werden.
The research performed in the framework of this Master Thesis has been directly inspired by the recent work of an organometallic research group led by Professor Maria Cristina Cassani on a topic related to the structures, dynamics and catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene-amide rhodium(I) complexes1. A series of [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (R = Me, X = I, 1a’; R = Bz, X = Br, 1b’; R = trityl, X = Cl, 1c’) amide-functionalized imidazolium salts bearing increasingly bulky N-alkyl substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these organic precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I) complexes as intermediate compounds on a way to rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me (3a’), R = Bz (3b’), R = trityl (3c’); X = I, R = Me (4a’)). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. However, while the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bz (3a’,b’ and 4a) matched the experimental values, this was not true in the trityl case 3c’, where the experimental value was very similar to that obtained for compound 3b’ and much smaller with respect to the calculated one. In addition, the energy barrier derived for 3c’ from line shape simulation showed a strong dependence on the temperature, while the barriers measured for 3a’,b’ did not show this effect. In view of these results and in order to establish the reasons for the previously found inconsistency between calculated and experimental thermodynamic data, the first objective of this master thesis was the preparation of a series of rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-benzyl-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me, Bz, trityl, tBu), containing the benzyl substituent as a chiral probe, followed by full characterization. The second objective of this work was to investigate the catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes for comparison purposes with the reported complexes. Another purpose of this work was to employ the prepared N-heterocyclic ligands in the synthesis of iron(II)-NHC complexes.
UML è ampiamente considerato lo standard de facto nella fase iniziale di modellazione di sistemi software basati sul paradigma Object-Oriented; il suo diagramma delle classi è utilizzato per la rappresentazione statica strutturale di entità e relazioni che concorrono alla definizione delle specifiche del sistema; in questa fase viene utilizzato il linguaggio OCL per esprimere vincoli semantici sugli elementi del diagramma. Il linguaggio OCL però soffre della mancanza di una verifica formale sui vincoli che sono stati definiti. Il linguaggio di modellazione Alloy, inserendosi in questa fase, concettualmente può sopperire a questa mancanza perchè può descrivere con le sue entità e relazioni un diagramma delle classi UML e, tramite propri costrutti molto vicini all'espressività di OCL, può specificare vincoli semantici sul modello che verranno analizzati dal suo ambiente l'Alloy Analyzer per verificarne la consistenza. In questo lavoro di tesi dopo aver dato una panoramica generale sui costrutti principali del linguaggio Alloy, si mostrerà come è possibile creare una corrispondenza tra un diagramma delle classi UML e un modello Alloy equivalente. Si mostreranno in seguito le analogie che vi sono tra i costrutti Alloy e OCL per la definizione di vincoli formali, e le differenze, offrendo nel complesso soluzioni e tecniche che il modellatore può utilizzare per sfruttare al meglio questo nuovo approccio di verifica formale. Verranno mostrati anche i casi di incompatibilità. Infine, come complemento al lavoro svolto verrà mostrata, una tecnica per donare una dinamicità ai modelli statici Alloy.
A series of imidazolium salts of the type [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (Boc = t-Bu carbamates; Im = imidazole) (R = Me, X = I, 1a; R = Bn, X = Br, 1b; R = Trityl, X = Cl, 1c) and [BnImR’]X (R’ = Me, X = Br, 1d; R’ = Bn, X = Br, 1e; R’ = Trityl, X = Cl, 1g; R’ = tBu, X = Br, 1h) bearing increasingly bulky substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I)-N-heterocyclic (NHC) complexes as transmetallating reagents for the preparation of rhodium(I) complexes [RhX(NBD)(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R = Me, 4a; R = Bn, 4b; R = Trityl, 4c; X = I, R = Me, 5a; NHC = 1-Bn-3-R’-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R’ = Me, 4d, R’ = Bn, 4e, R’ = Trityl, 4g; R’ = tBu, 4h). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. While the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bn (4a,b,d,e and 5a) matched the experimental values, this was not true for the complexes 4c,g, bearing a trityl group for which the values are much smaller than the calculated ones. Energy barriers for 4c,g, derived from a line shape simulation, showed a strong dependence on the temperature while for 4h the rotational energy barrier is stopped at room temperature. The catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds was investigated in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes and in the addition of phenylboronic acid to benzaldehyde. The imidazolium salts 1d,e were also employed in the synthesis of new iron(II)-NHC complexes. Finally, during a six-months stay at the University of York a new ligand derived from Norharman was prepared and employed in palladium-mediated cross-coupling.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Präparation und die ausführliche Charakterisierung epitaktischer Dünnschicht-Proben der Heusler Verbindung Ni2MnGa. Diese intermetallische Verbindung zeigt einen magnetischen Formgedächtnis-Effekt (MFG), der sowohl im Bezug auf mögliche Anwendungen, als auch im Kontext der Grundlagenforschung äußerst interessant ist. In Einkristallen nahe der Stöchiometrie Ni2MnGa wurden riesige magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen von bis zu 10 % nachgewiesen. Der zugrundeliegende Mechanismus basiert auf einer Umverteilung von kristallographischen Zwillings-Varianten, die eine tetragonale oder orthorhombische Symmetrie besitzen. Unter dem Einfluss des Magnetfeldes bewegen sich die Zwillingsgrenzen durch den Kristall, was eine makroskopische Formänderung mit sich bringt. Die somit erzeugten reversiblen Längenänderungen können mit hoher Frequenz geschaltet werden, was Ni2MnGa zu einem vielversprechenden Aktuatorwerkstoff macht. rnDa der Effekt auf einem intrinsischen Prozess beruht, eignen sich Bauteile aus MFG Legierungen zur Integration in Mikrosystemen (z.B. im Bereich der Mikrofluidik). rnrnBislang konnten große magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen nur für Einkristalle und Polykristalle mit hoher Porosität („foams") nachgewiesen werden. Um den Effekt für Anwendungen nutzbar zu machen, werden allerdings Konzepte zur Miniaturisierung benötigt. Eine Möglichkeit bieten epitaktische dünne Filme, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt und untersucht werden sollen. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Optimierung der Herstellungsparameter, sowie die Präparation von freitragenden Schichten. Zudem werden verschiedene Konzepte zur Herstellung freistehender Mikrostrukturen erprobt. Mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte die komplizierte Kristallstruktur für verschiedene Wachstumsrichtungen verstanden und die genaue Verteilung der Zwillingsvarianten aufgedeckt werden. In Verbindung mit Mikroskopie-Methoden konnte so die Zwillingsstruktur auf verschiedenen Längenskalen geklärt werden. Die Ergebnisse erklären das Ausbleiben des MFG Effekts in den Proben mit (100) Orientierung. Andererseits wurde für Schichten mit (110) Wachstum eine vielversprechende Mikrostruktur entdeckt, die einen guten Ausgangspunkt für weitere Untersuchungen bietet.rnDurch die spezielle Geometrie der Proben war es möglich, Spektroskopie-Experimente in Transmission durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse stellen den ersten experimentellen Nachweis der Änderungen in der elektronischen Struktur einer metallischen Verbindung während des martensitischen Phasenübergangs dar. Durch Messen des magnetischen Zirkulardichroismus in der Röntgenabsorption konnten quantitative Aussagen über die magnetischen Momente von Ni und Mn getroffen werden. Die Methode erlaubt überdies die Beiträge von Spin- und Bahn-Moment separat zu bestimmen. Durch winkelabhängige Messungen gelang es, die mikroskopische Ursache der magnetischen Anisotropie aufzuklären. Diese Ergebnisse tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der komplexen magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Ni2MnGa bei.rn
Wear of attachments leads to a loss of retention and reduces the function of overdentures. This study evaluated the retention force changes of an attachment system for overdentures. The influence of the lubricant and the alloy on wear constancy was examined.
We show that the variation of flow stress with strain rate and grain size in a magnesium alloy deformed at a constant strain rate and 450 °C can be predicted by a crystal plasticity model that includes grain boundary sliding and diffusion. The model predicts the grain size dependence of the critical strain rate that will cause a transition in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to grain boundary sliding, and yields estimates for grain boundary fluidity and diffusivity.
Implants made of commercially pure titanium (cpTi) are widely and successfully used in dentistry. For certain indications, diameter-reduced Ti alloy implants with improved mechanical strength are highly desirable. The aim was to compare the osseointegration of titanium-zirconium (TiZr) and cpTi implants with a modified sandblasted and acid-etched (SLActive) surface and with a Ti6Al4V alloy that was sand-blasted and acid-washed. Cylindrical implants with two, 0.75 mm deep, circumferential grooves were placed in the maxilla of miniature pigs and allowed to heal for 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Undecalcified toluidine blue-stained ground sections were produced. Surface topography, area fraction of tissue components, and bone-to-implant contact (BIC) were determined. All materials showed significantly different surface roughness parameters. The amount of new bone within the implant grooves increased over time, without significant differences between materials. However, BIC values were significantly related to the implant material and the healing period. For TiZr and cpTi implants, the BIC increased over time, reaching values of 59.38 % and 76.15 % after 2 weeks, and 74.50 % and 84.67 % after 8 weeks, respectively. In contrast, the BIC for Ti6Al4V implants peaked with 42.29 % after 2 weeks followed by a decline to 28.60 % at 8 weeks. Significantly more surface was covered by multinucleated giant cells on Ti6Al4V implants after 4 and 8 weeks. In conclusion, TiZr and cpTi implants showed faster osseointegration than Ti6Al4V implants. Both chemistry and surface topography might have influenced the results. The use of diameter-reduced TiZr implants in more challenging clinical situations warrants further documentation in long-term clinical studies.
Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.