953 resultados para peripheral nervous system
Background: Ventral root avulsion is an experimental model of proximal axonal injury at the central/peripheral nervous system interface that results in paralysis and poor clinical outcome after restorative surgery. Root reimplantation may decrease neuronal degeneration in such cases. We describe the use of a snake venom-derived fibrin sealant during surgical reconnection of avulsed roots at the spinal cord surface. The present work investigates the effects of this fibrin sealant on functional recovery, neuronal survival, synaptic plasticity, and glial reaction in the spinal motoneuron microenvironment after ventral root reimplantation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Lewis rats (7 weeks old) were subjected to VRA and root replantation. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) avulsion only and 2) replanted roots with fibrin sealant derived from snake venom. Post-surgical motor performance was evaluated using the CatWalk system twice a week for 12 weeks. The rats were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery, and their lumbar intumescences were processed for motoneuron counting and immunohistochemistry (GFAP, Iba-1 and synaptophysin antisera). Array based qRT-PCR was used to evaluate gene regulation of several neurotrophic factors and receptors as well as inflammatory related molecules. The results indicated that the root reimplantation with fibrin sealant enhanced motor recovery, preserved the synaptic covering of the motoneurons and improved neuronal survival. The replanted group did not show significant changes in microglial response compared to VRA-only. However, the astroglial reaction was significantly reduced in this group. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, the present data suggest that the repair of avulsed roots with snake venom fibrin glue at the exact point of detachment results in neuroprotection and preservation of the synaptic network at the microenvironment of the lesioned motoneurons. Also such procedure reduced the astroglial reaction and increased mRNA levels to neurotrophins and anti-inflammatory cytokines that may in turn, contribute to improving recovery of motor function.
BACKGROUND: Leprosy, an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, can affect the skin and the peripheral nervous system and, depending on the level of involvement, it can lead to severe deformities. Leprosy is classified into two major groups: paucibacillary (up to five lesions) and multibacillary (more than five lesions). The deformities that appear during the progress of the disease can affect the quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To assess quality of life of patients with paucibacillary leprosy diagnosed and treated early in the outpatients' clinic. METHODS: The Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire and ShortForm36 were applied to 49 outpatients undergoing treatment at the Leprosy Multidisciplinary Group of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade de São Paulo. RESULTS: The majority of the patients (63%) did not show impairment of the quality of life, according to the results obtained by the Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire. In the questionnaire Short Form-36, the scores assessed showed slight impairment of the quality of life. CONCLUSION: On this study, we can conclude that this group of patients, with paucibacillary leprosy, did not show important impairment of the quality of life. Therefore we can conclude that the earlier the diagnosis and the treatment the lesser the influence on the quality of life.
Gliazellen kommen in allen höheren Organismen vor und sind sowohl für die korrekte Entwicklung, als auch für die Funktionalität des adulten Nervensystems unerlässlich. Eine der mannigfachen Funktionen dieses Zelltyps ist die Umhüllung von Axonen im zentralen und peripheren Nervensystem (ZNS und PNS). Um eine vollständige Umhüllung zu gewährleisten, wandern Gliazellen während der Neurogenese zum Teil über enorme Distanzen von ihrem Entstehungsort aus. Dies trifft insbesondere auf die Gliazellen zu, durch deren Membranausläufer die distalen Axonbereiche der peripheren Nerven isoliert werden.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die Migration von Gliazellen anhand des Modelorganismus Drosophila untersucht. Ein besonderes Interesse galt dabei der Wanderung einer distinkten Population von Gliazellen, den sogenannten embryonalen Peripheren Gliazellen (ePG). Die ePGs werden überwiegend im sich entwickelnden ventralen Bauchmark geboren und wandern anschließend entlang der peripheren Nerventrakte nach dorsal aus, um diese bis zum Ende der Embryogenese zu umhüllen und dadurch die gliale Blut-Nerv-Schranke zu etablieren. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin, neue Faktoren bzw. Mechanismen aufzudecken, durch welche die Migration der ePGs reguliert wird. Dazu wurde zunächst der wildtypische Verlauf ihrer Wanderung detailliert analysiert. Es stellte sich heraus, dass in jedem abdominalen Hemisegment eine invariante Anzahl von 12 ePGs von distinkten neuralen Vorläuferzellen generiert wird, die individuelle Identitäten besitzen und mittels molekularer Marker auf Einzelzellebene identifiziert werden können. Basierend auf der charakteristischen Lage der Zellen erfolgte die Etablierung einer neuen, konsistenten Nomenklatur für sämtliche ePGs. Darüber hinaus offenbarten in vivo Migrationsanalysen, dass die Wanderung individueller ePGs stereotyp verläuft und demzufolge weitestgehend prädeterminiert ist. Die genaue Kenntnis der wildtypischen ePG Migration auf Einzelzellebene diente anschließend als Grundlage für detaillierte Mutantenanalysen. Anhand derer konnte für den ebenfalls als molekularen Marker verwendeten Transkriptionsfaktor Castor eine Funktion als zellspezifische Determinante für die korrekte Spezifizierung der ePG6 und ePG8 nachgewiesen werden, dessen Verlust in einem signifikanten Migrationsdefekt dieser beiden ePGs resultiert. Des Weiteren konnte mit Netrin (NetB) der erste diffusible und richtungsweisende Faktor für die Migration von ePGs enthüllt werden, der in Interaktion mit dem Rezeptor Uncoordinated5 speziell die Wanderung der ePG6 und ePG8 leitet. Die von den übrigen Gliazellen unabhängige Navigation der ePG6 und ePG8 belegt, dass zumindest die Migration von Gruppen der ePGs durch unterschiedliche Mechanismen kontrolliert wird, was durch die Resultate der durchgeführten Ablationsexperimente bestätigt wird. rnFerner konnte gezeigt werden, dass während der frühen Gliogenese eine zuvor unbekannte, von Neuroblasten bereitgestellte Netrinquelle an der initialen Wegfindung der Longitudinalen Gliazellen (eine Population Neuropil-assoziierter Gliazellen im ZNS) beteiligt ist. In diesem Kontext erfolgt die Signaldetektion bereits in deren Vorläuferzelle, dem Longitudinalen Glioblasten, zellautonom über den Rezeptor Frazzled. rnFür künftige Mutantenscreens zur Identifizierung weiterer an der Migration der ePGs beteiligter Faktoren stellt die in dieser Arbeit präsentierte detaillierte Beschreibung eine wichtige Grundlage dar. Speziell in Kombination mit den vorgestellten molekularen Markern liefert sie die Voraussetzung dafür, individuelle ePGs auch im mutanten Hintergrund zu erfassen, wodurch selbst subtile Phänotypen überhaupt erst detektiert und auf Einzelzellebene analysiert werden können. Aufgrund der aufgezeigten voneinander unabhängigen Wegfindung, erscheinen Mutantenanalysen ohne derartige Möglichkeiten wenig erfolgversprechend, da Mutationen vermutlich mehrheitlich die Migration einzelner oder weniger ePGs beeinträchtigen. Letzten Endes wird somit die Aussicht verbessert, weitere neuartige Migrationsfaktoren im Modellorganismus Drosophila zu entschlüsseln, die gegebenenfalls bis hin zu höheren Organismen konserviert sind und folglich zum Verständnis der Gliazellwanderung in Vertebraten beitragen.
Im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) myelinisieren Oligodendrozyten neuronale Axone, indem sie ihre Zellfortsätze mehrfach um axonale Segmente wickeln. Die Ausbildung dieser multilamellaren Membranstapel ermöglicht eine saltatorische und damit rasche und energie-effiziente Erregungsleitung (Nave, 2010). Eine Schädigung des Myelins beeinträchtigt die Reizweiterleitung und führt zur Degeneration der Axone, wie es zum Beispiel bei der Multiplen Sklerose der Fall ist. Das Myelin basische Protein (MBP) ist ein Hauptbestandteil des Myelin und ist essentiell für die Kompaktierung der Myelinmembran (Wood et al., 1984). Die MBP mRNA wird in hnRNP A2 enthaltenen RNA Granulen in einem translations-inaktiven Zustand zu den distalen Fortsätzen transportiert. Vermittelt durch axonale Signale wird nach axo-glialem Kontakt die Translation von MBP ermöglicht (White et al., 2008). Der genaue Mechanismus der differentiellen Genregulation des MBP Proteins ist bisher nur unzureichend aufgeklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine kleine regulatorische RNA (sncRNA) identifiziert werden, welche über die seed Region mit der MBP mRNA interagieren und die Translation regulieren kann. In primären Oligodendrozyten führt die Überexpression der sncRNA-715 zu reduzierten MBP Protein Mengen und die Blockierung der endogenen sncRNA-715 führt zu einer gesteigerten MBP Synthese. Interessanterweise korreliert während der Differenzierung der Oligodendrozyten in vitro und in vivo die Synthese des MBP Proteins invers mit der Expression der sncRNA-715. In Oligodendrozyten beeinflusst eine experimentell erhöhte sncRNA-715 Menge die Zellmorphologie und induziert Apoptose. Weiterhin ist sncRNA-715 in zytoplasmatischen granulären Strukturen lokalisiert und assoziiert mit MBP mRNA in hnRNP A2 Transport- Granula. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass sncRNA-715 ein Bestandteil der hnRNP A2 Granula sein könnte und dort spezifisch die Translation der MBP mRNA während des Lokalisationsprozesses inhibiert. In chronischen MS Läsionen sind Olig2+-Zellen zu finden. Obwohl die MBP mRNA in diesen Läsionen nachzuweisen ist, kann kein Protein synthetisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass in diesen Läsionen die Expression der sncRNA-715 erhöht ist. SncRNA-715 könnte die Translation von MBP verhindern und folglich als Inhibitor der Remyelinisierung während des Krankheitsverlaufs fungieren. Schwann-Zellen sind die myelinisierenden Zellen im peripheren Nervensystem (PNS). Im Zuge der Myelinisierung wird die MBP mRNA in diesen Gliazellen ebenfalls in die distalen Fortsätze transportiert und dort lokal translatiert und in die Myelinmembran eingebaut (Trapp et al., 1987). Im Gegensatz zum ZNS ist im PNS nur wenig über den Transportmechanismus der mRNA bekannt (Masaki, 2012). Es ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass in Schwann-Zellen und Oligodendrozyten die Lokalisation und die translationale Hemmung der MBP mRNA ähnlichen Mechanismen unterliegen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass hnRNP A2 und sncRNA-715 in Schwann-Zellen exprimiert werden und in zytoplasmatischen Granula-ähnlichen Strukturen lokalisiert sind. Während der Differenzierung dieser Gliazellen in vivo und in vitro korreliert die Expression der sncRNA-715 invers mit der Synthese des MBP Proteins. HnRNP A2 und sncRNA-715 scheinen in Schwann-Zellen assoziiert zu sein und könnten wie in Oligodendrozyten den Transport der MBP mRNA vermitteln.
Comparative functional analysis of factors controlling glial differentiation in Drosophila and mouse
The present study is a comparative functional analysis of three factors controlling glial differentiation in mouse (Fyn Src kinase, hnRNPF/H and NG2) and their homologues in Drosophila (Src42A and 64B, Glorund and Kon-tiki (Kon)). In Drosophila, mutations in any of these genes were not associated with major embryonic neurodevelopmental phenotypes. Src kinases and Glorund were shown to be ubiquitously expressed, whereas kon mRNA showed selective expression in muscles as well as in central and peripheral glia. Kon was also shown to be expressed in L3 larvae with high levels of protein accumulation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and in muscles in the form of speckles. Knockdown of kon in glia resulted in NMJ phenotypes, mainly characterized by a significant increase in bouton number and a reduction in α-Konecto staining intensity at the NMJ. From the three glial layers ensheathing the peripheral nervous system, subperineurial glial showed to be the one contributing the most to kon knockdown dependent NMJ phenotypes, while perineurial glia only had a minor role. The knockdown of kon in glia also showed to affect Glutamate receptor subunit (α-GluRIIA) clustering in the postsynapse, same as microtubule arrangement in the presynapse, as seen by α-Futsch pattern interruptions and alterations. kon knockdown in glia also resulted in impaired axonal transport, as seen by the accumulation of Bruchpilot-positive vesicles along the nerves, abnormal formation of neuronal derived protrusions and swellings, filled with vacuole-like structures. Glia number along the peripheral nerves is also reduced as consequence of kon knockdown. Muscle derived Kon was shown to accumulate at the NMJ and play a role in bouton consolidation and to interfere with phagocytosis of ghost boutons. NMJ bouton and branch number was also significantly increased in Kon overexpression in glia. The overexpression of Kon in glia also resulted in a massive elongation of the ventral nerve cord, which served in a suppressor screen to identify intracellular interaction partners of Kon in glia. It was shown that Kon is processed in glia and preliminary results indicate that the metalloendopeptidase Kuzbanian (the fly homologue of ADAM10) may play a role in the shedding of Konecto. In the present work, Kon is shown as a multifunctional gene with various roles in glia-neuron and glia-neuron-muscle interaction.
Die Myelinisierung neuronaler Axone ermöglicht eine schnelle und energieeffiziente Weiterleitung von Informationen im Nervensystem. Durch lokale Synthese von Myelinproteinen kann die Myelinschicht, zeitlich und räumlich reguliert, gebildet werden. Dieser Prozess ist abhängig von verschiedensten axonalen Eigenschaften und muss damit lokal reguliert werden. Die Myelinisierung im zentralen sowie im peripheren Nervensystem hängt unter anderem stark von kleinen regulatorischen RNA Molekülen ab. In Oligodendrozyten wird das Myelin Basische Protein (MBP) von der sncRNA715 translational reguliert, indem diese direkt innerhalb der 3’UTR der Mbp mRNA bindet und damit die Proteinsynthese verhindert. Mbp mRNA wird in hnRNP A2‐enthaltenen RNA Granula in die Zellperipherie transportiert, wo in Antwort auf axonale Signale die membranständige Tyrosin‐ Kinase Fyn aktiviert wird, welche Granula‐Komponenten wie hnRNP A2 und F phosphoryliert wodurch die lokale Translation initiiert wird. Während des Transports wird die mRNA durch die Bindung der sncRNA715 translational reprimiert. SncRNAs bilden zusammen mit Argonaut‐Proteinen den microRNA induced silencing complex (miRISC), welcher die translationale Inhibition oder den Abbau von mRNAs vermittelt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte zum einen die Regulation der sncRNA715‐abhängigen translationalen Repression der Mbp mRNA in oligodendroglialen Zellen genauer untersucht werden und im zweiten Teil wurde die Rolle der sncRNA715 in den myelinbildenden Zellen des peripheren Nervensystems, den Schwann Zellen, analysiert. Es konnte in oligodendroglialen Zellen die mRNA‐Expression der vier, in Säugern bekannten Argonaut‐Proteinen nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem konnten die beiden Proteine Ago1 und Ago2 in vitro sowie in vivo detektiert werden. Ago2 interagiert mit hnRNP A2, Mbp mRNA und sncRNA715, womit es als neue Komponente des Mbp mRNA Transportgranulas identifiziert werden konnte. Des Weiteren colokalisiert Ago2 mit der Fyn‐Kinase und alle vier Argonaut‐Proteine werden Fyn‐abhängig Tyrosin‐phosphoryliert. Die Fyn‐abhängige Phosphorylierung der Granula‐Komponenten in Antwort auf axo‐glialen Kontakt führt zum Zerfall des RNA‐Granulas und zur gesteigerten MBP Proteinsynthese. Dies wird möglicherweise durch Abstoßungskräfte der negativ geladenen phosphorylierten Proteine vermittelt, wodurch diese sich voneinander und von der mRNA entfernen. Durch die Ablösung des miRISCs von der Mbp mRNA wird die Translation möglicherweise reaktiviert und die Myelinisierung kann starten. Mit der Identifizierung von Ago2 als neuer Mbp mRNA Transportgranula‐Komponente konnte ein weiterer Einblick in die Regulation der lokalen Translation von MBP gewährt werden. Das Verständnis dieses Prozesses ist entscheidend für die Entwicklung neuer Therapien von demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen, da neue Faktoren als eventuelle Ziele für pharmakologische Manipulationen identifiziert und möglichweise neue Therapiemöglichkeiten entstehen könnten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die translationale Regulation von Mbp mRNA in Schwann Zellen untersucht. Auch Schwann Zell‐Mbp wird als mRNA translational inaktiviert zur axo‐glialen Kontaktstelle transportiert, wo vermutlich auch lokale Translation in Antwort auf spezifische Signale stattfindet. Allerdings bleiben die genauen Mechanismen der mRNA‐Lokalisation und damit verbundenen translationalen Repression bislang ungeklärt. Es konnte hier gezeigt werden, dass auch in Schwann Zellen die sncRNA715 exprimiert wird und die Translation von Mbp reguliert. Überexpression der synthetischen sncRNA715 führt zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der MBP Proteinmengen in differenzierten primären Schwann Zellen. Damit kann vermutet werden, dass die Regulation der lokalen MBP Proteinsynthese in Schwann Zellen der in Oligodendrozyten ähnelt
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the first-line therapy for multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). This open-label multi-centre study (NCT00701662) assessed the efficacy, safety, and convenience of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIG) in patients with MMN over 6 months, as an alternative to IVIG. Eight MMN patients (42-66 years), on stable IVIG dosing, received weekly SCIG at doses equivalent to previous IVIG using a "smooth transition protocol". Primary efficacy endpoint was the change from baseline to week 24 in muscle strength. Disability, motor function, and health-related quality of life (HRQL) endpoints were also assessed. One patient deteriorated despite dose increase and was withdrawn. Muscle strength, disability, motor function, and health status were unchanged in all seven study completers who rated home treatment as extremely good. Four experienced 18 adverse events, of which only two were moderate. This study suggests that MMN patients with stable clinical course on regular IVIG can be switched to SCIG at the same monthly dose without deterioration and with a sustained overall improvement in HRQL.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) affects various components and segments of the peripheral nervous system differently, and thus there can be phenotypic heterogeneity. We report a 47-year-old woman with chronic sensory disturbances and proximal weakness limited to the legs. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies were normal. Somatosensory evoked potentials and imaging indicated a demyelinating process involving the lumbosacral roots. The patient responded favorably to IVIg. Although she did not fulfill the diagnostic criteria for CIDP we believe this patient represents a restricted regional CIDP variant.
The adenosine A2a receptors (A2aR) play an important role in the purinergic mediated neuromodulation. The presence of A2aR in the brain is well established. In contrast, little is known about their expression in the periphery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of A2aR gene in the autonomic (otic, sphenopalatine, ciliary, cervical superior ganglia and carotid body) and in the dorsal root ganglia of normal rat. Hybridization histochemistry with S35-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probes was used. An expression of A2aR gene was found in the large neuronal cells of the rat dorsal root ganglia. The satellite cells showed no expression of A2aR gene. In the superior cervical ganglion, isolated ganglion cells expressed A2aR. In the carotid body clusters of cells with a strong A2aR gene expression were found. In contrast, the ciliary and otic ganglia did not expressed A2aR gene, and only few small sized A2aR expressing cells were demonstrated in the sphenopalatine ganglion. The discrete distribution of A2aR gene expression in the peripheral nervous system speaks for a role of this receptor in the purinergic modulation of sensory information as well as in the sympathetic nervous system.
Estrogens are known to play a role in both reproductive and non-reproductive functions in mammals. Estrogens and their receptors are involved in the development of the central nervous system (brain development, neuronal survival and differentiation) as well as in the development of the peripheral nervous system (sensory-motor behaviors). In order to decipher possible functions of estrogens in early development of the zebrafish sensory system, we investigated the role of estrogen receptor beta(2) (ERbeta(2)) by using a morpholino (MO) approach blocking erbeta(2) RNA translation. We further investigated the development of lateral line organs by cell-specific labeling, which revealed a disrupted development of neuromasts in morphants. The supporting cells developed and migrated normally. Sensory hair cells, however, were absent in morphants' neuromasts. Microarray analysis and subsequent in situ hybridizations indicated an aberrant activation of the Notch signaling pathway in ERbeta(2) morphants. We conclude that signaling via ERbeta(2) is essential for hair cell development and may involve an interaction with the Notch signaling pathway during cell fate decision in the neuromast maturation process.
Introduction: Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an uncommon, embryonic-type neoplasm, typically presenting as an abdominal mass in young men. A single case of DSRCT arising in the peripheral nervous system has been reported. Methods: The clinical course, imaging, electrophysiological, intraoperative, histopathological, molecular findings, and postoperative follow-up are reported. Results: A 43-year-old man presented with slowly progressive right brachial plexopathy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an enlarged medial cord with heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Histology showed a "small round cell" neoplasm with a polyphenotypic immunoprofile, including epithelial and mesenchymal markers. A pathognomonic fusion of Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 and Wilms tumor 1 genes (EWSR1/WT1) was present. Treatment involved gross total excision and local radiotherapy. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the occurrence of DSRCT as a primary peripheral nerve tumor. Despite its usually very aggressive clinical course, prolonged recurrence-free survival may be reached. Histomorphology and immunoprofile of DSRCT may lead to misdiagnosis as small cell carcinoma. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The task of encoding and processing complex sensory input requires many types of transsynaptic signals. This requirement is served in part by an extensive group of neurotransmitter substances which may include thirty or more different compounds. At the next level of information processing, the existence of multiple receptors for a given neurotransmitter appears to be a widely used mechanism to generate multiple responses to a given first messenger (Snyder and Goodman, 1980). Despite the wealth of published data on GABA receptors, the existence of more than one GABA receptor was in doubt until the mid 1980's. Presently there is still disagreement on the number of types of GABA receptors, estimates for which range from two to four (DeFeudis, 1983; Johnston, 1985). Part of the problem in evaluating data concerning multiple receptor types is the lack of information on the number of gene products and their subsequent supramolecular organization in different neurons. In order to evaluate the question concerning the diversity of GABA receptors in the nervous system, we must rely on indirect information derived from a wide variety of experimental techniques. These include pharmacological binding studies to membrane fractions, electrophysiological studies, localization studies, purification studies, and functional assays. Almost all parts of the central and peripheral nervous system use GABA as a neurotransmitter, and these experimental techniques have therefore been applied to many different parts of the nervous system for the analysis of GABA receptor characteristics. We are left with a large amount of data from a wide variety of techniques derived from many parts of the nervous system. When this project was initiated in 1983, there were only a handful of pharmacological tools to assess the question of multiple GABA receptors. The approach adopted was to focus on a single model system, using a variety of experimental techniques, in order to evaluate the existence of multiple forms of GABA receptors. Using the in vitro rabbit retina, a combination of pharmacological binding studies, functional release studies and partial purification studies were undertaken to examine the GABA receptor composition of this tissue. Three types of GABA receptors were observed: Al receptors coupled to benzodiazepine and barbiturate modulation, and A2 or uncoupled GABA-A receptors, and GABA-B receptors. These results are evaluated and discussed in light of recent findings by others concerning the number and subtypes of GABA receptors in the nervous system. ^
GABA-A receptors are chloride ion channels composed of five subunits, mediating fast synaptic and tonic inhibition in the mammalian brain. 19 different subunit isoforms have been identified, with the major receptor type in mammalian adult brain consisting of α1, β2, and γ2 subunits. GABA-A receptors are the target of numerous sedating and anxiolytic drugs such as benzodiazepines. The currently known endogenous ligands are GABA, neurosteroids and the endocannabinoid 2- arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG). The pharmacological properties of this chloride ion channel strictly depend on receptor subunit composition and arrangement. GABA-A receptors bind and are inhibited by epileptogenic agents such as picrotoxin, and cyclodiene insecticides such as dieldrin. We screened aromatic monovalent anions with five-fold symmetry for inhibition of GABA-A receptors. One of the anions, PCCPinhibited currents elicited by GABA with comparable potency as picrotoxin. This inhibition showed all characteristics of an open channel block. The GABA-A receptor ion channel is lined by residues from the M2 membrane-spanning segment. To identify important residues of the pore involved in the interaction with the blocking molecules PCCP-, a mutation scan was performed in combination with subsequent analysis of the expressed mutant proteins using electrophysiological techniques. In a second project we characterised a light-switchable modulator of GABA-A receptors based on propofol. It was my responsibility to investigate the switching kinetics in patch clamp experiments. After its discovery in 1980, propofol has become the most widely used intravenous general anaesthetic. It is commonly accepted that the anaesthesia induced by this unusually lipophilic drug mostly results from potentiation of GABA induced currents. While GABA-A receptors respond to a variety of ligands, they are normally not sensitive towards light. This light sensitivity could be indirectly achieved by using modulators that can be optically switched between an active and an inactive form. We tested an azobenzene derivative of propofol where an aryldiazene unit is directly coupled to the pharmacophore. This molecule was termed azopropofol (AP2). The effect of AP2 on Cl- currents was investigated with electrophysiological techniques using α1β2γ2 GABA-A receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK-cells. In the third project we wanted to investigate the functional role of GABA-A receptors in the liver, and their possible involvement in cell proliferation. GABA-A receptors are also found in a wide range of peripheral tissues, including parts of the peripheral nervous system and non-neural tissues such as smooth muscle, the female reproductive system, liver and several cancer tissues. However their precise function in non neuronal or cancerous cells is still unknown. For this purpose we investigated expression, localization and function of the hepatocytes GABA-A receptors in model cell lines and healthy and cancerous hepatocytes.
Clinical, gross, histopathologic, electron microscopic findings and enzymatic analysis of 4 captive, juvenile springboks (Antidorcas marsupialis) showing both polycystic kidneys and a storage disease are described. Springbok offspring (4 of 34; 12%) were affected by either one or both disorders in a German zoo within a period of 5 years (2008-2013). Macroscopic findings included bilaterally severely enlarged kidneys displaying numerous cysts in 4 animals and superior brachygnathism in 2 animals. Histopathologically, kidneys of 4 animals displayed cystic dilation of the renal tubules. In addition, abundant cytoplasmic vacuoles with a diameter ranging from 2 to 10 μm in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, hepatocytes, thyroid follicular epithelial cells, pancreatic islets of Langerhans and renal tubular cells were found in 2 springbok neonates indicative of an additional storage disease. Ultrastructurally, round electron-lucent vacuoles, up to 4 μm in diameter, were present in neurons. Enzymatic analysis of liver and kidney tissue of 1 affected springbok revealed a reduced activity of total hexosaminidase (Hex) with relatively increased HexA activity at the same level of total Hex, suggesting a hexosaminidase defect. Pedigree analysis suggested a monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance for both diseases. In summary, related springboks showed 2 different changes resembling both polycystic kidney and a GM2 gangliosidosis similar to the human Sandhoff disease. Whether the simultaneous occurrence of these 2 entities represents an incidental finding or has a genetic link needs to be investigated in future studies.
Neuropathic pain is caused by long-term modifications of neuronal function in the peripheral nervous system, the spinal cord, and supraspinal areas. Although functional changes in the forebrain are thought to contribute to the development of persistent pain, their significance and precise subcellular nature remain unexplored. Using somatic and dendritic whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex, we discovered that sciatic nerve injury caused an activity-dependent dysfunction of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-regulated (HCN) channels in the dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons resulting in enhanced integration of excitatory postsynaptic inputs and increased neuronal firing. Specific activation of the serotonin receptor type 7 (5-HT7R) alleviated the lesion-induced pathology by increasing HCN channel function, restoring normal dendritic integration, and reducing mechanical pain hypersensitivity in nerve-injured animals in vivo. Thus, serotoninergic neuromodulation at the forebrain level can reverse the dendritic dysfunction induced by neuropathic pain and may represent a potential therapeutical target.