941 resultados para passive microwave remote sensing
Refined Physical Retrieval of Intergrated Water Vapor and Cloud Liquid for Microwave Radiometer Data
The North Water (NOW) Polynya is a regularly-forming area of open-water and thin-ice, located between northwestern Greenland and Ellesmere Island (Canada) at the northern tip of Baffin Bay. Due to its large spatial extent, it is of high importance for a variety of physical and biological processes, especially in wintertime. Here, we present a long-term remote sensing study for the winter seasons 1978/1979 to 2014/2015. Polynya characteristics are inferred from (1) sea ice concentrations and brightness temperatures from passive microwave satellite sensors (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E and AMSR2), Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSM/I-SSMIS)) and (2) thin-ice thickness distributions, which are calculated using MODIS ice-surface temperatures and European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) atmospheric reanalysis data in a 1D thermodynamic energy-balance model. Daily ice production rates are retrieved for each winter season from 2002/2003 to 2014/2015, assuming that all heat loss at the ice surface is balanced by ice growth. Two different cloud-cover correction schemes are applied on daily polynya area and ice production values to account for cloud gaps in the MODIS composites. Our results indicate that the NOW polynya experienced significant seasonal changes over the last three decades considering the overall frequency of polynya occurrences, as well as their spatial extent. In the 1980s, there were prolonged periods of a more or less closed ice cover in northern Baffin Bay in winter. This changed towards an average opening on more than 85% of the days between November and March during the last decade. Noticeably, the sea ice cover in the NOW polynya region shows signs of a later-appearing fall freeze-up, starting in the late 1990s. Different methods to obtain daily polynya area using passive microwave AMSR-E/AMSR2 data and SSM/I-SSMIS data were applied. A comparison with MODIS data (thin-ice thickness < 20 cm) shows that the wintertime polynya area estimates derived by MODIS are about 30 to 40% higher than those derived using the polynya signature simulation method (PSSM) with AMSR-E data. In turn, the difference in polynya area between PSSM and a sea ice concentration (SIC) threshold of 70% is fairly low (approximately 10%) when applied to AMSR-E data. For the coarse-resolution SSM/I-SSMIS data, this difference is much larger, particularly in November and December. Instead of a sea ice concentration threshold, the PSSM method should be used for SSM/I-SSMIS data. Depending on the type of cloud-cover correction, the calculated ice production based on MODIS data reaches an average value of 264.4 ± 65.1 km**3 to 275.7 ± 67.4 km**3 (2002/2003 to 2014/2015) and shows a high interannual variability. Our achieved long-term results underline the major importance of the NOW polynya considering its influence on Arctic ice production and associated atmosphere/ocean processes.
Lake ice change is one of the sensitive indicators of regional and global climate change. Different sources of data are used in monitoring lake ice phenology nowadays. Visible and Near Infrared bands of imagery (VNIR) are well suited for the observation of freshwater ice change, for example data from AVHRR and MODIS. Active and passive microwave data are also used for the observation of lake ice, e.g., from satellite altimetry and radiometry, backscattering coefficient from QuickSCAT, brightness temperature (Tb) from SSM/I, SMMR, and AMSR-E. Most of the studies are about lake ice cover phenology, while few studies focus on lake ice thickness. For example, Hall et al. using 5 GHz (6 cm) radiometer data showed a good relationship between Tb and ice thickness. Kang et al. found the seasonal evolution of Tb at 10.65 GHz and 18.7 GHz from AMSR-E to be strongly influenced by ice thickness. Many studies on lake ice phenology have been carried out since the 1970s in cold regions, especially in Canada, the USA, Europe, the Arctic, and Antarctica. However, on the Tibetan Plateau, very little research has focused on lake ice-cover change; only a small number of published papers on Qinghai Lake ice observations. The main goal of this study is to investigate the change in lake ice phenology at Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau using MODIS and AMSR-E data (monitoring the date of freeze onset, the formation of stable ice cover, first appearance of water, and the complete disappearance of ice) during the period 2000-2009.
The algorithms designed to estimate snow water equivalent (SWE) using passive microwave measurements falter in lake-rich high-latitude environments due to the emission properties of ice covered lakes on low frequency measurements. Microwave emission models have been used to simulate brightness temperatures (Tbs) for snowpack characteristics in terrestrial environments but cannot be applied to snow on lakes because of the differing subsurface emissivities and scattering matrices present in ice. This paper examines the performance of a modified version of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow emission model that incorporates microwave emission from lake ice and sub-ice water. Inputs to the HUT model include measurements collected over brackish and freshwater lakes north of Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada in April 2008, consisting of snowpack (depth, density, and snow water equivalent) and lake ice (thickness and ice type). Coincident airborne radiometer measurements at a resolution of 80x100 m were used as ground-truth to evaluate the simulations. The results indicate that subsurface media are simulated best when utilizing a modeled effective grain size and a 1 mm RMS surface roughness at the ice/water interface compared to using measured grain size and a flat Fresnel reflective surface as input. Simulations at 37 GHz (vertical polarization) produce the best results compared to airborne Tbs, with a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 6.2 K and 7.9 K, as well as Mean Bias Errors (MBEs) of -8.4 K and -8.8 K for brackish and freshwater sites respectively. Freshwater simulations at 6.9 and 19 GHz H exhibited low RMSE (10.53 and 6.15 K respectively) and MBE (-5.37 and 8.36 K respectively) but did not accurately simulate Tb variability (R= -0.15 and 0.01 respectively). Over brackish water, 6.9 GHz simulations had poor agreement with airborne Tbs, while 19 GHz V exhibited a low RMSE (6.15 K), MBE (-4.52 K) and improved relative agreement to airborne measurements (R = 0.47). Salinity considerations reduced 6.9 GHz errors substantially, with a drop in RMSE from 51.48 K and 57.18 K for H and V polarizations respectively, to 26.2 K and 31.6 K, although Tb variability was not well simulated. With best results at 37 GHz, HUT simulations exhibit the potential to track Tb evolution, and therefore SWE through the winter season.