976 resultados para operator neutral


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We have carried out conformational energy calculations on alanine-based copolymers with the sequence Ac-AAAAAXAAAA-NH2 in water, where X stands for lysine or glutamine, to identify the underlying source of stability of alanine-based polypeptides containing charged or highly soluble polar residues in the absence of charge–charge interactions. The results indicate that ionizable or neutral polar residues introduced into the sequence to make them soluble sequester the water away from the CO and NH groups of the backbone, thereby enabling them to form internal hydrogen bonds. This solvation effect dictates the conformational preference and, hence, modifies the conformational propensity of alanine residues. Even though we carried out simulations for specific amino acid sequences, our results provide an understanding of some of the basic principles that govern the process of folding of these short sequences independently of the kind of residues introduced to make them soluble. In addition, we have investigated through simulations the effect of the bulk dielectric constant on the conformational preferences of these peptides. Extensive conformational Monte Carlo searches on terminally blocked 10-mer and 16-mer homopolymers of alanine in the absence of salt were carried out assuming values for the dielectric constant of the solvent ɛ of 80, 40, and 2. Our simulations show a clear tendency of these oligopeptides to augment the α-helix content as the bulk dielectric constant of the solvent is lowered. This behavior is due mainly to a loss of exposure of the CO and NH groups to the aqueous solvent. Experimental evidence indicates that the helical propensity of the amino acids in water shows a dramatic increase on addition of certain alcohols, such us trifluoroethanol. Our results provide a possible explanation of the mechanism by which alcohol/water mixtures affect the free energy of helical alanine oligopeptides relative to nonhelical ones.


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Mnt, a tetrameric repressor encoded by bacteriophage P22, uses N-domain dimers to contact each half of its operator site. Experiments with a double mutant and structural homology with the P22 Arc repressor suggest that contacts made by Arg-28 and stabilized by Glu-33 are largely responsible for dimer–dimer cooperativity in Mnt. These dimer–dimer contacts are energetically more important for operator binding than solution tetramerization, which is mediated by an independent C-terminal coiled-coil domain. Indeed, once one dimer of the Mnt tetramer contacts an operator half site, binding of the second dimer occurs with an effective concentration much lower than that expected if both dimers were flexibly tethered. These results suggest that binding of the second dimer introduces some strain into the protein–DNA complex, a mechanism that could serve to limit the affinity of operator binding and to prevent strong binding of the Mnt tetramer to nonoperator sites.


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This study considered cytokinin distribution in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) shoot apices in distinct phases of development using immunocytochemistry and quantitative tandem mass spectrometry. In contrast to vegetative apices and flower buds, we detected no free cytokinin bases (zeatin, dihydrozeatin, or isopentenyladenine) in prefloral transition apices. We also observed a 3-fold decrease in the content of cytokinin ribosides (zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenosine) during this transition phase. The group concluded that organ formation (e.g. leaves and flowers) is characterized by enhanced cytokinin content, in contrast to the very low endogenous cytokinin levels found in prefloral transition apices, which showed no organogenesis. The immunocytochemical analyses revealed a differing intracellular localization of the cytokinin bases. Dihydrozeatin and isopentenyladenine were mainly cytoplasmic and perinuclear, whereas zeatin showed a clear-cut nuclear labeling. To our knowledge, this is the first time that this phenomenon has been reported. Cytokinins do not seem to act as positive effectors in the prefloral transition phase in tobacco shoot apices. Furthermore, the differences in distribution at the cellular level may be indicative of a specific physiological role of zeatin in nuclear processes.


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Organisms producing resting stages provide unique opportunities for reconstructing the genetic history of natural populations. Diapausing seeds and eggs often are preserved in large numbers, representing entire populations captured in an evolutionary inert state for decades and even centuries. Starting from a natural resting egg bank of the waterflea Daphnia, we compare the evolutionary rates of change in an adaptive quantitative trait with those in selectively neutral DNA markers, thus effectively testing whether the observed genetic changes in the quantitative trait are driven by natural selection. The population studied experienced variable and well documented levels of fish predation over the past 30 years and shows correlated genetic changes in phototactic behavior, a predator-avoidance trait that is related to diel vertical migration. The changes mainly involve an increased plasticity response upon exposure to predator kairomone, the direction of the changes being in agreement with the hypothesis of adaptive evolution. Genetic differentiation through time was an order of magnitude higher for the studied behavioral trait than for neutral markers (DNA microsatellites), providing strong evidence that natural selection was the driving force behind the observed, rapid, evolutionary changes.


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Several cases have been described in the literature where genetic polymorphism appears to be shared between a pair of species. Here we examine the distribution of times to random loss of shared polymorphism in the context of the neutral Wright–Fisher model. Order statistics are used to obtain the distribution of times to loss of a shared polymorphism based on Kimura’s solution to the diffusion approximation of the Wright–Fisher model. In a single species, the expected absorption time for a neutral allele having an initial allele frequency of ½ is 2.77 N generations. If two species initially share a polymorphism, that shared polymorphism is lost as soon as either of two species undergoes fixation. The loss of a shared polymorphism thus occurs sooner than loss of polymorphism in a single species and has an expected time of 1.7 N generations. Molecular sequences of genes with shared polymorphism may be characterized by the count of the number of sites that segregate in both species for the same nucleotides (or amino acids). The distribution of the expected numbers of these shared polymorphic sites also is obtained. Shared polymorphism appears to be more likely at genetic loci that have an unusually large number of segregating alleles, and the neutral coalescent proves to be very useful in determining the probability of shared allelic lineages expected by chance. These results are related to examples of shared polymorphism in the literature.


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A relatively simple definition of a locally compact quantum group in the C*-algebra setting will be explained as it was recently obtained by the authors. At the same time, we put this definition in the historical and mathematical context of locally compact groups, compact quantum groups, Kac algebras, multiplicative unitaries, and duality theory.


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A conceptual proof is given of the fact that the coefficients of the characteristic series of the U-operator acting on families of overconvegent modular forms lie in the Iwasawa algebra.


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In eukaryotic cells, lysosomes represent a major site for macromolecule degradation. Hydrolysis products are eventually exported from this acidic organelle into the cytosol through specific transporters. Impairment of this process at either the hydrolysis or the efflux step is responsible of several lysosomal storage diseases. However, most lysosomal transporters, although biochemically characterized, remain unknown at the molecular level. In this study, we report the molecular and functional characterization of a lysosomal amino acid transporter (LYAAT-1), remotely related to a family of H+-coupled plasma membrane and synaptic vesicle amino acid transporters. LYAAT-1 is expressed in most rat tissues, with highest levels in the brain where it is present in neurons. Upon overexpression in COS-7 cells, the recombinant protein mediates the accumulation of neutral amino acids, such as γ-aminobutyric acid, l-alanine, and l-proline, through an H+/amino acid symport. Confocal microscopy on brain sections revealed that this transporter colocalizes with cathepsin D, an established lysosomal marker. LYAAT-1 thus appears as a lysosomal transporter that actively exports neutral amino acids from lysosomes by chemiosmotic coupling to the H+-ATPase of these organelles. Homology searching in eukaryotic genomes suggests that LYAAT-1 defines a subgroup of lysosomal transporters in the amino acid/auxin permease family.


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We identified an autoantibody that reacts with calpastatin [an inhibitor protein of the calcium-dependent neutral protease calpain (EC]. In early immunoblot studies, sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) recognized unidentified 60-, 45-, and 75-kDa proteins in HeLa cell extracts. To identify these autoantigens, we used patient sera to clone cDNAs from a lambda gt11 expression library. We isolated clones of four genes that expressed fusion proteins recognized by RA sera. The 1.2-kb cDNA insert (termed RA-6) appeared to encode a polypeptide corresponding to the 60-kDa antigen from HeLa cells, since antibodies bound to the RA-6 fusion protein also reacted with a 60-kDa HeLa protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of the RA-6 cDNA was completely identical with the C-terminal 178 amino acids of human calpastatin except for one amino acid substitution. Patient sera that reacted with the RA-6 also bound pig muscle calpastatin, and a monoclonal antibody to human calpastatin recognized the RA-6 fusion protein, confirming the identity of RA-6 with calpastatin. Moreover, the purified RA-6 fusion protein inhibited the proteolytic activity of calpain, and IgG from a serum containing anti-calpastatin antibodies blocked the calpastatin activity of the RA-6 fusion protein. Immunoblots of the RA-6 product detected autoantibodies to calpastatin in 57% of RA patients; this incidence was significantly higher than that observed in other systemic rheumatic diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (27%), polymyositis/dermatomyositis (24%), systemic sclerosis (38%), and overlap syndrome (29%). Thus, anti-calpastatin antibodies are present most frequently in patients with RA and may participate in pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases.


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The first 6 amino acids (NH2-Ser1-Thr2-Lys3-Lys4-Lys5-Pro6) of bacteriophage lambda cI repressor form a flexible arm that wraps around the operator DNA. Homodimeric lambda repressor has two arms. To determine whether both arms are necessary or only one arm is sufficient for operator binding, we constructed heterodimeric repressors with two, one, or no arms by fusing the DNA binding domain of lambda repressor to leucine zippers from Fos and Jun. Although only one arm is visible in the cocrystal structure of the N-domain-operator complex, our results indicate that both arms are required for optimal operator binding and normal site discrimination.


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Elevated expression of the marORAB multiple antibiotic-resistance operon enhances the resistance of Escherichia coli to various medically significant antibiotics. Transcription of the operon is repressed in vivo by the marR-encoded protein, MarR, and derepressed by salicylate and certain antibiotics. The possibility that repression results from MarR interacting with the marO operator-promoter region was studied in vitro using purified MarR and a DNA fragment containing marO. MarR formed at least two complexes with marO DNA, bound > 30-fold more tightly to it than to salmon sperm DNA, and protected two separate 21-bp sites within marO from digestion by DNase I. Site I abuts the downstream side of the putative -35 transcription-start signal and includes 4 bp of the -10 signal. Site II begins 13 bp downstream of site I, ending immediately before the first base pair of marR. Site II, approximately 80% homologous to site I, is not required for repression since a site II-deleted mutant (marO133) was repressed in trans by wild-type MarR. The absence of site II did not prevent MarR from complexing with the site I of marO133. Salicylate bound to MarR (Kd approximately 0.5 mM) and weakened the interaction of MarR with sites I and II. Thus, repression of the mar operon, which curbs the antibiotic resistance of E. coli, correlates with the formation of MarR-site I complexes. Salicylate appears to induce the mar operon by binding to MarR and inhibiting complex formation, whereas tetracycline and chloramphenicol, which neither bind MarR nor inhibit complex formation, must induce by an indirect mechanism.


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Nesta dissertação apresentamos um método de quantização matemática e conceitualmente rigoroso para o campo escalar livre de interações. Trazemos de início alguns aspéctos importantes da Teoria de Distribuições e colocamos alguns pontos de geometria Lorentziana. O restante do trabalho é dividido em duas partes: na primeira, estudamos equações de onda em variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e apresentamos o conceito de soluções fundamentais no contexto de equações locais. Em seguida, progressivamente construímos soluções fundamentais para o operador de onda a partir da distribuição de Riesz. Uma vez estabelecida uma solução para a equação de onda em uma vizinhança de um ponto da variedade, tratamos de construir uma solução global a partir da extensão do problema de Cauchy a toda a variedade, donde as soluções fundamentais dão lugar aos operadores de Green a partir da introdução de uma condição de contorno. Na última parte do trabalho, apresentamos um mínimo da Teoria de Categorias e Funtores para utilizar esse formalismo na contrução de um funtor de segunda quantização entre a categoria de variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e a categoria de redes de álgebras C* satisfazendo os axiomas de Haag-Kastler. Ao fim, retomamos o caso particular do campo escalar quântico livre.


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Stability of the first-order neutral delay equation x’ (t) + ax’ (t – τ) = bx(t) + cx(t – τ) with complex coefficients is studied, by analyzing the existence of stability switches.


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The electroreduction of nitrate on Pt(1 0 0) electrodes in phosphate buffer neutral solution, pH 7.2, is reported. The sensitivity of the reaction to the crystallographic order of the surface is studied through the controlled introduction of defects by using stepped surfaces with (1 0 0) terraces of different length separated by monoatomic steps, either with (1 1 1) or (1 1 0) symmetry. The results of this study show that nitrate reduction occurs mainly on the well defined (1 0 0) terraces in the potential region where H adsorption starts to decrease, allowing the nitrate anion to access the surface. Adsorbed NO has been detected as a stable intermediate in this media. An oxidation process observed at 0.8 V has been identified as leading to the formation of adsorbed NO and being responsible for a secondary reduction process observed in the subsequent negative scan. Using in situ FTIRS, ammonium was found to be the main product of nitrate reduction. This species can be oxidized at high potentials resulting in adsorbed NO and nitrate (probably with nitrite as intermediate).


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The interfacial properties of Pt(111) single crystal electrodes have been investigated in the pH range 3 < pH < 5 in order to obtain information about the acidity of electrosorbed water. Proper experimental conditions are defined to avoid local pH changes while maintaining the absence of specifically adsorbed anions and preserving the cleanliness of the solution. For this purpose, buffer solutions resulting from mixtures of NaF and HClO4 are used. Total charge curves are obtained at different pHs from the integration of the voltammetric currents in combination with CO charge displacement experiments. Analysis of the composition of the interphase as a function of the pH provides information for the understanding of the notion of interfacial pH.