519 resultados para obsolete transformers
La matérialité biologique du corps humain est devenue l’objet d’interventions inédites au moyen de nouvelles technologies biomédicales, comme la procréation médicalement assistée, les tests génétiques, la contraception hormonale. Cette thèse part des difficultés inhérentes à une approche antinaturaliste pour aborder la dimension biologique des corps sexués. “On ne naît pas femme, on le devient” : mais qu’en est-il des corps ? Les technologies biomédicales investissent la chair selon des modalités qui échappent aux grilles d’analyses matérialiste et butlérienne. Faut-il y voir une réfutation du constructivisme, la revanche d’un socle biologique – hormonal, génétique, moléculaire – primant sur les effets anatomiques de la socialisation, comme le suggèrent les partisan·e·s d’un material turn féministe ? À partir d’une analyse de l’évolution de la notion de nature, définie comme "vie elle-même" depuis la révolution moléculaire de la biologie, cette thèse propose une autre interprétation, en définissant les technologies biomédicales comme des technologies de pouvoir relevant d’une biopolitique moléculaire de genre. Sans infirmer la perspective constructiviste, ces médiations sociales originales (adossées au nouveau paradigme épistémique) permettent de comprendre comment les frontières et limites du genre sont déplacées, tout en produisant des identités, des expériences et des subjectivités genrées inédites. En dégageant les coordonnées d’un véritable dispositif biomédical, notre étude comparative entre techniques disciplinaires et biopolitique moléculaire de genre plaide pour une critique antinaturaliste renouvelée, s’articulant à une critique de la technique qui permette d’inventer collectivement des moyens pour se réapproprier démocratiquement les technologies biomédicales.
A sociedade está espontaneamente em constante transformação e isso reflete-se na cultura de um povo e no artesanato, sendo primordial o desenvolvimento de produtos que acompanhem essa mudança. O artesanato insere-se de forma natural em ambientes locais, absorvendo e caracterizando a cultura e identidade de uma região, contudo com o passar do tempo tem havido uma deterioração cultural, levando à desvalorização do artesanato e até ao desaparecimento de identidades culturais, de saberes e artes ancestrais. O presente projeto tem como objetivo a valorização e readaptação do Cobertor de Papa, um produto artesanal fabricado exclusivamente na Guarda, através da simbiose entre o design e o artesanato. O design tem vindo a afirmar-se com uma mais-valia, ou seja um instrumento imprescindível para a afirmação do artesanato. Esta ligação entre o design e o artesanato é vital para a preservação e revitalização das técnicas e saberes obsoletos, assim como para o desenvolvimento de produtos contemporâneos, impregnados de memórias e cultura, mas que respondem às necessidades da sociedade atual. É o saber e a técnica do artesão conexo com a criatividade e inovação do design, que diferencia estes produtos dos produtos industriais, massificados, sem identidade, tornandoos únicos, especiais e próprios. Pretende-se assim criar novos produtos, com base no Cobertor de Papa, salvaguardando a produção artesanal, as raízes culturais deste povo, através dos caminhos da inovação e criatividade. Evidenciando sempre a valorização, a preservação e revitalização das técnicas utilizadas nesta arte e transmitindo os conhecimentos para que estes não se percam no tempo. Há uma intensão de ajudar a posicionar o Cobertor de Papa no mercado atual, satisfazendo as necessidades da sociedade e do consumidor vigente, com o intuito de enaltecer esta arte, bem como as suas estirpes e essência.
Introdução: Em Portugal a realidade actual, clínica e financeira do exercício da Medicina Dentária é bem distinta da do final do séc. XX devido à pletora de Médicos Dentistas e à baixa de honorários por acto Médico registada nos últimos anos. Objectivos: Este trabalho teve como objectivo perceber um pouco sobre os detalhes a ter em consideração aquando da abertura de uma clínica centrada na realização de tratamentos na área da Endodontia, e como publicitá-la de forma legal e apelativa. Pretende-se depois também estimar o custo mínimo para a realização de tratamentos Endodonticos com diferentes equipamentos e comparar a eficácia entre tratamentos usando ferramentas diferentes. Materiais e Métodos: Foram usadas como fontes de pesquisa para o presente trabalho bases de dados como a PubMed, B-On e Cochrane Library. Foi também usado o Google. Para pesquisa no PubMed foram usados vários descritores MeSH, como “Commerce”, “Dentistry”, “Endodontics”, “Management” e “Marketing”. Foram também usadas diversas palavras-chave no PubMed e nos outros motores de pesquisa, como “Anesthesia”, “Dental Office”, “Files”, “Irrigation”, “Magnification”, “Microscope”, “Obturation Systems” e “Rotatory Systems”. As pesquisas foram filtradas para serem apresentados apenas resultados entre 2011 e 2016, sendo este filtro retirado só quando não eram encontrados resultados satisfatórios ou relevantes para os temas discutidos no trabalho. Foram obtidos 3927 artigos e seleccionados 24. A inclusão destes artigos foi feita tendo em conta as suas fontes bibliográficas e a qualidade dos estudos a que se reportavam. Foram excluídos artigos que se reportavam a estudos muito antigos ou a tecnologias ultrapassadas, como sistemas de limas antigos. Conclusões: As novas tecnologias usadas para tratamento Endodontico, apesar de dispendiosas, melhoram muito o atendimento ao paciente.
The internet is deeply integrated with many people's day to day lives, including that of musicians and musicologists. In this thesis, the impact of the internet on classical music criticism in the Web 2.0 age is examined. Using the examples of Britten's operas, Gloriana and Peter Grimes, an overview of their critical reception is examined, using printed reviews found in The Times since their premières, internet based reviews of two specific performances, and the reactions to these performances on Twitter. Theories of media behaviour including de Mul's view of the 'ludic self' are used in order to explain the content found in reviews in conjunction with citizen journalism, of which blogging is an extension. While there are some consistencies between the print reviews and those online, there are stylistic differences, and wider repercussions for the world of criticism in the wake of the democratisation of culture, as critics find their previously regarded authority obsolete to some. Music criticism is no longer the reserve of the musicologists
Este artículo presenta el reporte de caso sobre fallas presentadas en el núcleo de transformadores de potencia y algunas experiencias técnicas y metodológicas en la reparación parcial y total de los mismos a varias unidades, hechas en Industrias Explorer Ingeniería S. A. S., empresa dedicada al mantenimiento y reparación de transformadores. También es presentada la metodología para la selección del tipo de lámina, sistema de corte, ensamble, ajuste y prensado del núcleo, ya que estas actividades son decisivas para conseguir un equipo con menores pérdidas y corrientes de vacío, así como menores niveles de ruido. Se describen las etapas para cálculo del flujo de operación del núcleo, circuito de prueba para la saturación del mismo, consideraciones para realizar la inspección termográfica y medición de las pérdidas de vacío, selección del tipo de lámina y técnicas de ensamble empleadas. Se presentan algunas experiencias como: cambio de medio núcleo, reaislamiento de zonas afectadas empleando fibras Nómex entre láminas, cambio total del núcleo por corte mal realizado desde fábrica, cambio total del núcleo por doble aterrizamiento que ocasionó calentamiento del mismo y afectó el aislamiento de sus láminas dejándolas en corto. En todos los casos se evidencia una disminución de las pérdidas de vacío. Finalmente se presentan el comportamiento de los transformadores después de ser puestos nuevamente en servicio.
Este artículo presenta la aplicación de la metodología Kanban y el análisis del efecto que puede generar en una empresa de fabricación de transformadores de distribución. Mediante la aplicación de la metodología propuesta es posible mejorar la programación de la producción, con el objetivo de reducir la cantidad de producto en proceso que no es utilizado, de forma que se reduzca el inventario. Para analizar el efecto de aplicar la metodología Kanban en la empresa, se utilizo la técnica de simulación, para lo cual se modelizan el proceso actual y el propuesto con las reglas de dicha metodología. A partir de los resultados que arrojan dichas modelizaciones, se observa que existe un mejoramiento en las líneas de producción cuando se utiliza la metodología Kanban.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2015.
In this thesis I investigate issues of post-war concrete buildings and how we can both add value and make adaptable what we have traditionally defined as not valuable and not adaptable. 55% of United States’ commercial building stock was built between the years of 1960 and 1980, leaving 36 billion square feet of building material to be adaptively reused or at the bottom of a landfill. Currently, our culture does not value many character defining features of these buildings making the preservation of these buildings difficult, especially at this 50 year critical moment of both the attribution of a “historic” status and time when major renovation of these buildings needs to occur. How can architects add value to a building type, sometimes called “brutalist”, that building culture currently under values and thinks is “obsolete”? I tested this hypothesis using the James Forrestal Building in Washington D.C. After close study of the obsolescence, value,history and existing conditions, I propose a design that adds value to Southwest Washington D.C. and may serve as an example for post-war renewal around the country.
This study examines the pluralistic hypothesis advanced by the late Professor John Hick viz. that all religious faiths provide equally salvific pathways to God, irrespective of their theological and doctrinal differences. The central focus of the study is a critical examination of (a) the epistemology of religious experience as advanced by Professor Hick, (b) the ontological status of the being he understands to be God, and further asks (c) to what extent can the pluralistic view of religious experience be harmonised with the experience with which the Christian life is understood to begin viz. regeneration. Tracing the theological journey of Professor Hick from fundamentalist Christian to religious pluralist, the study notes the reasons given for Hick’s gradual disengagement from the Christian faith. In addition to his belief that the pre-scientific worldview of the Bible was obsolete and passé, Hick took the view that modern biblical scholarship could not accommodate traditionally held Christian beliefs. He conceded that the Incarnation, if true, would be decisive evidence for the uniqueness of Christianity, but rejected the same on the grounds of logical incoherence. This study affirms the view that the doctrine of the Incarnation occupies a place of crucial importance within world religion, but rejects the claim of incoherence. Professor Hick believed that God’s Spirit was at work in all religions, producing a common religious experience, or spiritual awakening to God. The soteriological dimension of this spiritual awakening, he suggests, finds expression as the worshipper turns away from self-centredness to the giving of themselves to God and others. At the level of epistemology he further argued that religious experience itself provided the rational basis for belief in God. The study supports the assertion by Professor Hick that religious experience itself ought to be trusted as a source of knowledge and this on the principle of credulity, which states that a person’s claim to perceive or experience something is prima facie justified, unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary. Hick’s argument has been extensively developed and defended by philosophers such as Alvin Plantinga and William Alston. This confirms the importance of Hick’s contribution to the philosophy of religion, and further establishes his reputation within the field as an original thinker. It is recognised in this thesis, however, that in affirming only the rationality of belief, but not the obligation to believe, Professor Hick’s epistemology is not fully consistent with a Christian theology of revelation. Christian theology views the created order as pre-interpreted and unambiguous in its testimony to God’s existence. To disbelieve in God’s existence is to violate one’s epistemic duty by suppressing the truth. Professor Hick’s critical realist principle, which he regards as the key to understanding what is happening in the different forms of religious experience, is examined within this thesis. According to the critical realist principle, there are realities external to us, yet we are never aware of them as they are in themselves, but only as they appear to us within our particular cognitive machinery and conceptual resources. All awareness of God is interpreted through the lens of pre-existing, culturally relative religious forms, which in turn explains the differing theologies within the world of religion. The critical realist principle views God as unknowable, in the sense that his inner nature is beyond the reach of human conceptual categories and linguistic systems. Professor Hick thus endorses and develops the view of God as ineffable, but employs the term transcategorial when speaking of God’s ineffability. The study takes the view that the notion of transcategoriality as developed by Professor Hick appears to deny any ontological status to God, effectively arguing him out of existence. Furthermore, in attributing the notion of transcategoriality to God, Professor Hick would appear to render incoherent his own fundamental assertion that we can know nothing of God that is either true or false. The claim that the experience of regeneration with which the Christian life begins can be classed as a mere species of the genus common throughout all faiths, is rejected within this thesis. Instead it is argued that Christian regeneration is a distinctive experience that cannot be reduced to a salvific experience, defined merely as an awareness of, or awakening to, God, followed by a turning away from self to others. Professor Hick argued against any notion that the Christian community was the social grouping through which God’s Spirit was working in an exclusively redemptive manner. He supported his view by drawing attention to (a) the presence, at times, of comparable or higher levels of morality in world religion, when contrasted with that evidenced by the followers of Christ, and (b) the presence, at times, of demonstrably lower levels of morality in the followers of Christ, when contrasted with the lives of other religious devotees. These observations are fully supported, but the conclusion reached is rejected, on the grounds that according to Christian theology the saving work of God’s Spirit is evidenced in a life that is changing from what it was before. Christian theology does not suggest or demand that such lives at every stage be demonstrably superior, when contrasted with other virtuous or morally upright members of society. The study concludes by paying tribute to the contribution Professor Hick has made to the field of the epistemology of religious experience.
Estratégias de marketing têm sido importantes para empresas, consumidores e mercados por serem capazes de contornar a histórica dificuldade enfrentada pelo âmbito da estratégia corporativa e pela alta hierarquia em reconhecer diferenças e especificidades dos mercados e consumidores. Apesar disso a literatura dominante argumenta que o advento da era da globalização tornou obsoleto o âmbito da estratégia de marketing por causa do processo de convergência das economias nacionais em torno do modelo de economia liberal de mercado. O principal objetivo deste ensaio é argumentar que acadêmicos do contexto luso-brasileiro – com especial ênfase para pesquisadores do Brasil e de Portugal – devem desafiar a literatura dominante e promover a construção de uma perspectiva lusobrasileira para reconceituar a estratégia de marketing tanto em termos domésticos quanto em termos internacionais. O ensaio mostra que dimensões institucionais e históricas do contexto luso-brasileiro e o boom recente de investimentos estrangeiros feitos por organizações portuguesas no Brasil e por organizações brasileiras em Portugal contrariando o argumento de que o âmbito da estratégia de marketing está obsoleto e que este é importante demais para ser desprezado na era da globalização.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Los viajes combinados han ocupado tradicionalmente un lugar destacado dentro de la amplia gama de servicios ofrecidos por los operadores turísticos. Por ello, el Consejo de la Unión Europea adoptó en 1990 la Directiva 90/314/CEE, de 13 de junio, relativa a los viajes combinados, las vacaciones combinadas y los circuitos combinados, con el fin de eliminar, o cuanto menos mitigar, la especial situación de indefensión en que se encontraba aquél que los contrataba. Desde la aprobación de esta Directiva han pasado casi veinticinco años y ante el surgimiento de problemas derivados de la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocio y formas de contratación de los servicios turísticos que ni siquiera se plantearon en aquel momento, se ha hecho necesaria la revisión de una normativa a todas luces obsoleta e incapaz de proteger adecuadamente a los usuarios de estos servicios. Así, el 9 de julio de 2013 la Comisión Europea aprobó la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el Reglamento (CE) nº 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/UE y por la que se deroga la Directiva 90/314/CEE. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en analizar las modificaciones propuestas por la C C omisión respecto al ámbito de aplicación de la Directiva 90/314/CEE y su posible repercusión en las legislaciones internas, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de armonización máxima que se pretende dar al nuevo texto.
The dielectric porcelain is usually obtained by mixing various raw materials proportions and is used in the production of electronic equipment for various applications, from capacitors of high and low Power to insulators for low, medium, high and extra high voltage, which are used in distribution lines and transmission of electricity.This work was directed to the s tudy of technological properties of technic porcelain, made from raw materials extracted from pegmatites found in the regions of Seridó and the Alto Oeste of Rio Grande do Norte, which are made of kaolin, quartz and feldspar, abundant and high quality in these regions. The technic ceramics were obtained by mixing in appropriate levels, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and clay, the last item from a pottery in the city of Sao Gonçalo do Amarante, Rio Grande do Norte. During the development the following characterizations correlated to raw materials were made: laser particle sizing, x-ray diffraction, DTA and TG. The compositions studied were formed by uniaxial pressing at a pressure of 50 MPa and sintered at temperatures ranging from 1150 to 1350ºC and levels (times) of sintering between 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. The characterization of the samples were taken from the analysis of weight loss, linear shrinkage, porosity, stoneware curve, bulk density, flexural strength of three points, SEM and X-ray diffraction, TMA, Dielectric and cross Resistivity. The studied materials can be employed in producing the objects used in electrical engineering such as: insulators for low, medium and high-voltage electrical systems, command devices, bushing insulation for transformers, power capacitors, spark plugs, receptacles for fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs and others