931 resultados para non-destructive testing, seal integrity, packaging quality


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The laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique has been employed to measure the thermal diffusivity of lanthanum phosphate ceramics prepared by the sol–gel route. The thermal diffusivity value was evaluated by knowing the transition frequency between the thermally thin to thermally thick region from the log–log plot of photoacoustic amplitude versus chopping frequency. Analysis of the data was carried out on the basis of the one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present investigation reveals that the sintering temperature has great influence on the propagation of heat carriers and hence on the thermal diffusivity value. The results were interpreted in terms of variations in porosity with sintering temperature as well as with changes in grain size.


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The work presented in the thesis is centered around two important types of cathode materials, the spinel structured LixMn204 (x =0.8to1.2) and the phospho -oIivine structured LiMP04 (M=Fe and Ni). The spinel system LixMn204, especially LiMn204 corresponding to x= 1 has been extensively investigated to understand its structural electrical and electrochemical properties and to analyse its suitability as a cathode material in rechargeable lithium batteries. However there is no reported work on the thermal and optical properties of this important cathode material. Thermal diffusivity is an important parameter as far as the operation of a rechargeable battery is concerned. In LixMn204, the electronic structure and phenomenon of Jahn-Teller distortion have already been established theoretically and experimentally. Part of the present work is an attempt to use the non-destructive technique (NDT) of photoacoustic spectroscopy to investigate the nature of the various electronic transitions and to unravel the mechanisms leading to the phenomenon of J.T distortion in LixMn204.The phospho-olivines LiMP04 (M=Fe, Ni, Mn, Co etc) are the newly identified, prospective cathode materials offering extremely high stability, quite high theoretical specific capacity, very good cycIability and long life. Inspite of all these advantages, most of the phospho - olivines especially LiFeP04 and LiNiP04 show poor electronic conductivity compared to LixMn204, leading to low rate capacity and energy density. In the present work attempts have been made to improve the electronic conductivity of LiFeP04 and LiNiP04 by adding different weight percentage MWNT .It is expected that the addition of MWNT will enhance the electronic conductivity of LiFeP04 and LiNiP04 with out causing any significant structural distortions, which is important in the working of the lithium ion battery.


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The quality of a drug is determined after establishing its authenticity by testing its purity and quality of the pure substance in the drug and its formulations.Ion selective sensors have become one of the most effective and powerful means for analytical scientists in the determination of drug substances and are playing an increasing role in pharmaceutical analysis.ISEs are cost effective,easy to prepare and can be rapidly manipulated . Potentiometric ion selective sensors have been developed for six drugs namely trimethoprim, ketoconazole, lamivudine, domperidon, nimesulide and Lomefloxacin. The sensors fabricated include both PVC membrane sensor as well as carbon paste sensor. A total of sixteen different sensors have been developed. The response parameters of all the sensors have been studied and the sensors were applied to the determination of the drugs in pharmaceutical formulations and also in real samples like urine.


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Among the large number of photothcrmal techniques available, photoacoustics assumes a very significant place because of its essential simplicity and the variety of applications it finds in science and technology. The photoacoustic (PA) effect is the generation of an acoustic signal when a sample, kept inside an enclosed volume, is irradiated by an intensity modulated beam of radiation. The radiation absorbed by the sample is converted into thermal waves by nonradiative de-excitation processes. The propagating thermal waves cause a corresponding expansion and contraction of the gas medium surrounding the sample, which in tum can be detected as sound waves by a sensitive microphone. These sound waves have the same frequency as the initial modulation frequency of light. Lock-in detection method enables one to have a sufficiently high signal to noise ratio for the detected signal. The PA signal amplitude depends on the optical absorption coefficient of the sample and its thermal properties. The PA signal phase is a function of the thermal diffusivity of the sample.Measurement of the PA amplitude and phase enables one to get valuable information about the thermal and optical properties of the sample. Since the PA signal depends on the optical and thennal properties of the sample, their variation will get reflected in the PA signal. Therefore, if the PA signal is collected from various points on a sample surface it will give a profile of the variations in the optical/thennal properties across the sample surface. Since the optical and thermal properties are affected by the presence of defects, interfaces, change of material etc. these will get reflected in the PA signal. By varying the modulation frequency, we can get information about the subsurface features also. This is the basic principle of PA imaging or PA depth profiling. It is a quickly expanding field with potential applications in thin film technology, chemical engineering, biology, medical diagnosis etc. Since it is a non-destructive method, PA imaging has added advantages over some of the other imaging techniques. A major part of the work presented in this thesis is concemed with the development of a PA imaging setup that can be used to detect the presence of surface and subsmface defects in solid samples.Determination of thermal transport properties such as thermal diffusivity, effusivity, conductivity and heat capacity of materials is another application of photothennal effect. There are various methods, depending on the nature of the sample, to determine these properties. However, there are only a few methods developed to determine all these properties simultaneously. Even though a few techniques to determine the above thermal properties individually for a coating can be found in literature, no technique is available for the simultaneous measurement of these parameters for a coating. We have developed a scanning photoacoustic technique that can be used to determine all the above thermal transport properties simultaneously in the case of opaque coatings such as paints. Another work that we have presented in this thesis is the determination of thermal effusivity of many bulk solids by a scanning photoacoustic technique. This is one of the very few methods developed to determine thermal effiisivity directly.


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Electroanalytical techniques represent a class of powerful and versatile analytical method which is based on the electrical properties of a solution of the analyte when it is made part of an electrochemical cell. They offer high sensitivity, accuracy, precision and a large linear dynamic range. The cost of instrumentation is relatively low compared to other instrumental methods of analysis. Many solid state electrochemical sensors have been commercialised nowadays. Potentiometry is a very simple electroanalytical technique with extraordinary analytical capabilities. Since valinomycin was introduced as an ionophore for K+, Ion Selective Electrodes have become one of the best studied and understood analytical devices. It can be used for the determination of substances ranging from simple inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. It is a very attractive option owing to the wide range of applications and ease of the use of the instruments employed. They also possess the advantages of short response time, high selectivity and very low detection limits. Moreover, analysis by these electrodes is non-destructive and adaptable to small sample volumes. It has become a standard technique for medical researchers, biologists, geologists and environmental specialists. This thesis presents the synthesis and characterisation of five ionophores. Based on these ionophores, nine potentiometric sensors are fabricated for the determination of ions such as Pb2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Sal- ion (Salicylate ion). The electrochemical characterisation and analytical application studies of the developed sensors are also described. The thesis is divided into eight chapters


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Die Miniaturisierung von konventioneller Labor- und Analysetechnik nimmt eine zentrale Rolle im Bereich der allgemeinen Lebenswissenschaften und medizinischen Diagnostik ein. Neuartige und preiswerte Technologieplattformen wie Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) oder Mikrototalanalysesysteme (µTAS) versprechen insbesondere im Bereich der Individualmedizin einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Nutzen zur frühzeitigen und nichtinvasiven Diagnose krankheitsspezifischer Indikatoren. Durch den patientennahen Einsatz preiswerter und verlässlicher Mikrochips auf Basis hoher Qualitätsstandards entfallen kostspielige und zeitintensive Zentrallaboranalysen, was gleichzeitig Chancen für den globalen Einsatz - speziell in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern - bietet. Die technischen Herausforderungen bei der Realisierung moderner LOC-Systeme sind in der kontrollierten und verlässlichen Handhabung kleinster Flüssigkeitsmengen sowie deren diagnostischem Nachweis begründet. In diesem Kontext wird der erfolgreichen Integration eines fernsteuerbaren Transports von biokompatiblen, magnetischen Mikro- und Nanopartikeln eine Schlüsselrolle zugesprochen. Die Ursache hierfür liegt in der vielfältigen Einsetzbarkeit, die durch die einzigartigen Materialeigenschaften begründet sind. Diese reichen von der beschleunigten, aktiven Durchmischung mikrofluidischer Substanzvolumina über die Steigerung der molekularen Interaktionsrate in Biosensoren bis hin zur Isolation und Aufreinigung von krankheitsspezifischen Indikatoren. In der Literatur beschriebene Ansätze basieren auf der dynamischen Transformation eines makroskopischen, zeitabhängigen externen Magnetfelds in eine mikroskopisch veränderliche potentielle Energielandschaft oberhalb magnetisch strukturierter Substrate, woraus eine gerichtete und fernsteuerbare Partikelbewegung resultiert. Zentrale Kriterien, wie die theoretische Modellierung und experimentelle Charakterisierung der magnetischen Feldlandschaft in räumlicher Nähe zur Oberfläche der strukturierten Substrate sowie die theoretische Beschreibung der Durchmischungseffekte, wurden jedoch bislang nicht näher beleuchtet, obwohl diese essentiell für ein detailliertes Verständnis der zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen und folglich für einen Markteintritt zukünftiger Geräte sind. Im Rahmen der vorgestellten Arbeit wurde daher ein neuartiger Ansatz zur erfolgreichen Integration eines Konzepts zum fernsteuerbaren Transport magnetischer Partikel zur Anwendung in modernen LOC-Systemen unter Verwendung von magnetisch strukturierten Exchange-Bias (EB) Dünnschichtsystemen verfolgt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Verfahren der ionenbe-schussinduzierten magnetischen Strukturierung (IBMP) von EB-Systemen zur Herstellung von maßgeschneiderten magnetischen Feldlandschaften (MFL) oberhalb der Substratoberfläche, deren Stärke und räumlicher Verlauf auf Nano- und Mikrometerlängenskalen gezielt über die Veränderung der Materialparameter des EB-Systems via IBMP eingestellt werden kann, eignet. Im Zuge dessen wurden erstmals moderne, experimentelle Verfahrenstechniken (Raster-Hall-Sonden-Mikroskopie und rastermagnetoresistive Mikroskopie) in Kombination mit einem eigens entwickelten theoretischen Modell eingesetzt, um eine Abbildung der MFL in unterschiedlichen Abstandsbereichen zur Substratoberfläche zu realisieren. Basierend auf der quantitativen Kenntnis der MFL wurde ein neuartiges Konzept zum fernsteuerbaren Transport magnetischer Partikel entwickelt, bei dem Partikelgeschwindigkeiten im Bereich von 100 µm/s unter Verwendung von externen Magnetfeldstärken im Bereich weniger Millitesla erzielt werden können, ohne den magnetischen Zustand des Substrats zu modifizieren. Wie aus den Untersuchungen hervorgeht, können zudem die Stärke des externen Magnetfelds, die Stärke und der Gradient der MFL, das magnetfeldinduzierte magnetische Moment der Partikel sowie die Größe und der künstlich veränderliche Abstand der Partikel zur Substratoberfläche als zentrale Einflussgrößen zur quantitativen Modifikation der Partikelgeschwindigkeit genutzt werden. Abschließend wurde erfolgreich ein numerisches Simulationsmodell entwickelt, das die quantitative Studie der aktiven Durchmischung auf Basis des vorgestellten Partikeltransportkonzepts von theoretischer Seite ermöglicht, um so gezielt die geometrischen Gegebenheiten der mikrofluidischen Kanalstrukturen auf einem LOC-System für spezifische Anwendungen anzupassen.


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This report introduces TRANSLUCENT PROCEDURES as a new mechanism for implementing behavioral abstractions. Like an ordinary procedure, a translucent procedure can be invoked, and thus provides an obvious way to capture a BEHAVIOR. Translucent procedures, like ordinary procedures, can be manipulated as first-class objects and combined using functional composition. But unlike ordinary procedures, translucent procedures have structure that can be examined in well-specified non-destructive ways, without invoking the procedure.


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RESUMO: A principal razão que me levou a escolher este estágio e esta intervenção, foi o facto de gostar muito de trabalhar com jovens. Esse gosto, aliado à paixão que tenho pelo exercício e saúde, trouxe-me para um projecto que visa alterar e promover estilos de vida saudáveis em jovens obesos com idades entre os 12 e os 16 anos de idade. O estágio teve a duração de 10 meses, de Outubro de 2010 a Julho de 2011. Começamos com a definição dos protocolos a implementar e das tarefas a realizar. A primeira dessas tarefas, centrava-se no recrutamento da amostra que pretendíamos para desenvolver o estudo. Paralelamente ao projecto TOP, colaborámos também nas consultas de obesidade pediátrica no Hospital de Santa Maria, o que nos permitiu recrutar jovens que iam às consultas e incluí-los no projecto TOP. Após termos efectuado o recrutamento, começámos com as aulas práticas e teóricas. Essas aulas ocorriam na Universidade Lusófona, todos os sábados, das 10 às 12 horas. Eram sempre da nossa responsabilidade as aulas práticas, e as teóricas quando se falava de exercício. Nas aulas práticas realizavam-se circuitos, jogos tradicionais, jogos colectivos, e jogos que promovessem a competição saudável e a inter-ajuda, visto que ali todos os participantes tinham um objectivo comum. Durante o ano foram realizadas duas colónias de férias, onde organizámos outro tipo de actividades, nomeadamente mini-golf e caminhadas na zona do Jamor. Tanto as colónias de férias, como as avaliações eram da nossa inteira responsabilidade, desde a preparação, à execução e realização das mesmas. De referir que, tendo em conta os resutados obtidos, os participantes que melhoraram na sua capacidade cardiovascular apresentaram igualmente melhoras ao nível da composição corporal, nomeadamente com a diminuição do perímetro da anca e do perímetro acima das cristas ilíacas. Importa ainda referir que ocorreram melhorias significativas (p <0,05) ao nível da composição corporal, no que se refere ao perímetro da meia distância entre a grelha costal e as cristas ilíacas, no teste da flexibilidade dos membros inferiores e na força média. Os objectivos do estágio centravam-se em adquirir competências no que diz respeito a conhecer as características da população alvo tanto das consultas como do programa TOP, saber aplicar as recomendações internacionais de actividade física para adolescentes obesos, ser capaz de adaptar a prescrição de exercício às diferentes necessidades dos adolescentes, planear e colocar em prática os planos de aula da componente física do TOP, conduzir de forma autónoma uma consulta de avaliação e aconselhamento físico, interagir em contexto clínico com especialidades de outras áreas de intervenção, planear e implementar a calendarização das sessões teórico-práticas do Projecto TOP, saber colaborar com uma equipa multidisciplinar num ambiente clínico e colaborar na intervenção e elaboração de um projecto científico. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que uma replicação futura deste projecto, tendo em conta sempre limitações que possam ocorrer, por exemplo, ao nível dos protocolos e testes, pode melhorar a qualidade de vida do adolescente, com vista a um futuro adulto mais saudável.ABSTRACT: The main reason that made me decide on this internship is the fact that I enjoy working with young people. This, combined with the passion I have for exercising and health, led me to a project aiming at changing lifestyles by promoting a healthy lifestyle among obese young people aged between 12 and 16 years old. The internship lasted for 10 months, from October 2010 to July 2011. We started with the definition of protocols to implement and carry out the POT project (Pediatric Obesity Treatment). The first task focused on the recruitment of the sample we needed to conduct the study for this project. Along with the POT project, we‟ve also collaborated in clinical pediatric obesity surgery in Santa Maria Hospital, which allowed us to recruit young people who came to surgery and include them in the sample. After having carried out the recruitment, we started with the practical and theoretical lessons. These lessons took place at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT) every month on Saturdays from 10 to 12. It was always our responsibility to prepare and present both the physical lessons and the theoretical ones concerning advice on everyday exercising. During practical lessons, circuits, traditional games and team games were held in order to promote a healthy competition and mutual help, since all the participants had a common goal. During the year there were two holiday camps, where we did many more activities, including mini-golf and walking in the area of Jamor. In those camps, all activities and evaluation sessions were our responsibility. By analysing the results we came to the conclusion that the participants who improved their cardiovascular capacity also improved their body composition, particularly with the reduction of the hip circumference and the circumference above the iliac crests. It should also be noted that significant improvements (p <0.05) in terms of body composition occurred namely concerning the circumference of the half distance between the rib cage and the iliac crests, the test of lower limbs flexibility and average strength. The objectives of the internship were to develop the ability to understand the characteristics of the adolescents in the POT project, know how to apply international recommendations for physical activity for obese adolescents, being able to individualize the exercise prescription for the different needs of adolescents, plan and implement physical and theorical lessons, conduct an independent surgery with a physical evaluation and counseling, interact in the context of other clinical speciality areas, plan and implement the scheduling of theoretical-practical sessions, learn how to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team in a clinical setting, intervene and collaborate in the development of a scientific project. The results show that a future replication of this project, always taking into account constraints that may occur, for example, the ones concerning the protocols, the testing, can improve the quality of life of adolescents aiming to a healthier adult life.


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The mechanisms that reduce the viability of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation are not known. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos at different stages of an encapsulation-dehydration protocol using stress-related volatile hydrocarbons as markers of injury and recovery. The plant stress hormone ethylene and volatile hydrocarbons derived from hydroxyl radicals (methane) and lipid peroxidation (ethane) were determined using gas chromatography headspace analysis. Ethylene and methane were the only volatiles detected, with both being produced after each step of the cryogenic protocol. Ethylene production was significantly reduced following exposure to liquid nitrogen, but then increased in parallel with embryo recovery. In contrast, the production of methane was cyclic during recovery, with the first cycle occurring earlier for embryos recovered from liquid nitrogen and desiccation than those recovered from earlier steps in the protocol. These results suggest that loss of somatic embryo viability during cryopreservation may be related to the oxidative status of the tissue, and its capacity to produce ethylene. This study has demonstrated that headspace volatile analysis provides a robust non-destructive analytical approach for assessing the survival and recovery of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation.


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Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) is one of the main issues that concern, at least initially, the head of the railway; progressively they can be of very high importance as they can propagate inside the material with the risk of damaging the railway. In this work, two different non-destructive techniques, infrared thermography (IRT) and fibre optics microscopy (FOM), were used in the inspection of railways for the tracing of defects and deterioration signs. In the first instance, two different approaches (dynamic and pulsed thermography) were used, whilst in the case of FOM, microscopic characterisation of the railway heads and classification of the deterioration -- damage on the railways according to the UIC (International Union of Railways) code, took place. Results from both techniques are presented and discussed.


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It is well known that gut bacteria contribute significantly to the host homeostasis, providing a range of benefits such as immune protection and vitamin synthesis. They also supply the host with a considerable amount of nutrients, making this ecosystem an essential metabolic organ. In the context of increasing evidence of the link between the gut flora and the metabolic syndrome, understanding the metabolic interaction between the host and its gut microbiota is becoming an important challenge of modern biology.1-4 Colonization (also referred to as normalization process) designates the establishment of micro-organisms in a former germ-free animal. While it is a natural process occurring at birth, it is also used in adult germ-free animals to control the gut floral ecosystem and further determine its impact on the host metabolism. A common procedure to control the colonization process is to use the gavage method with a single or a mixture of micro-organisms. This method results in a very quick colonization and presents the disadvantage of being extremely stressful5. It is therefore useful to minimize the stress and to obtain a slower colonization process to observe gradually the impact of bacterial establishment on the host metabolism. In this manuscript, we describe a procedure to assess the modification of hepatic metabolism during a gradual colonization process using a non-destructive metabolic profiling technique. We propose to monitor gut microbial colonization by assessing the gut microbial metabolic activity reflected by the urinary excretion of microbial co-metabolites by 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling. This allows an appreciation of the stability of gut microbial activity beyond the stable establishment of the gut microbial ecosystem usually assessed by monitoring fecal bacteria by DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis).6 The colonization takes place in a conventional open environment and is initiated by a dirty litter soiled by conventional animals, which will serve as controls. Rodents being coprophagous animals, this ensures a homogenous colonization as previously described.7 Hepatic metabolic profiling is measured directly from an intact liver biopsy using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR spectroscopy. This semi-quantitative technique offers a quick way to assess, without damaging the cell structure, the major metabolites such as triglycerides, glucose and glycogen in order to further estimate the complex interaction between the colonization process and the hepatic metabolism7-10. This method can also be applied to any tissue biopsy11,12.


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Mannitol is a polymorphic excipient which is usually used in pharmaceutical products as the beta form, although other polymorphs (alpha and delta) are common contaminants. Binary mixtures containing beta and delta mannitol were prepared to quantify the concentration of the beta form using FT-Raman spectroscopy. Spectral regions characteristic of each form were selected and peak intensity ratios of beta peaks to delta peaks were calculated. Using these ratios, a correlation curve was established which was then validated by analysing further samples of known composition. The results indicate that levels down to 2% beta could be quantified using this novel, non-destructive approach. Potential errors associated with quantitative studies using FT-Raman spectroscopy were also researched. The principal source of variability arose from inhomogeneities on mixing of the samples; a significant reduction of these errors was observed by reducing and controlling the particle size range. The results show that FT-Raman spectroscopy can be used to rapidly and accurately quantitate polymorphic mixtures.


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Bank of England notes of £20 denomination have been studied using infrared spectroscopy in order to generate a method to identify forged notes. An aim of this work was to develop a non-destructive method so that a small, compact Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) instrument could be used by bank workers, police departments or others such as shop assistants to identify forged notes in a non-lab setting. The ease of use of the instrument is the key to this method, as well as the relatively low cost. The presence of a peak at 1400 cm−1 arising from νasym () from the blank paper section of a forged note proved to be a successful indicator of the note’s illegality for the notes that we studied. Moreover, differences between the spectra of forged and genuine £20 notes were observed in the ν(OH) (ca. 3500 cm−1), ν(CH) (ca. 2900 cm−1) and ν(CO) (ca. 1750 cm−1) regions of the IR spectrum recorded for the polymer film covering the holographic strip. In cases where these simple tests fail, we have shown how an infrared microscope can be used to further differentiate genuine and forged banknotes by producing infrared maps of selected areas of the note contrasting inks with background paper.