966 resultados para nephrology consultation


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The Department of Health Social Services and Public is seeking views on three sets of draft regulations under the Tobacco Retailers Act (Northern Ireland) 2014. The Act, which completed its passage through the Assembly in March 2014, aims to reduce youth smoking prevalence by making it more difficult for children and young people to access tobacco products.


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Analysis of Responses to Public Consultation - DHSSPS Cleaning Services Policy in the Health and Social Care Sector


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The current structure of the health and social care system in Northern Ireland has its origins in the Review of Public Administration (RPA) which was initiated by the Northern Ireland Executive in June 2002. The purpose of RPA was to review Northern Ireland’s system of public administration with a view to putting in place a modern, citizen-centred, accountable and high quality system of public administration. The structure was designed to be more streamlined and accountable and aimed at maximising resources for front-line services and ensuring that people have access to high quality health and social care. Another key feature is the placement of public health and wellbeing firmly at the centre of the system, with a greater emphasis on prevention and support for vulnerable people to live independently in the community for as long as possible.  


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Department's response to public consultation


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A report developed for the Department of Health by the institute of Public Health in Ireland. This report presents a summary of the feedback of key stakeholders based on a consultation document presenting options for action to address Ireland’s overweight and obesity epidemic. There was a very significant level of engagement by a wide range of stakeholders which has resulted in a useful set of considerations for policy development. The findings from this consultation strand along with those from the other two strands of consultation will be studied to inform and enrich the forthcoming Obesity Policy and Action Plan.


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On 2 July 2009, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) endorsed a draft Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats to be released for public consultation. This Scientific Report summarises the comments received through the public consultation and outlines how these were taken into account in the final opinion. EFSA had received contributions from 40 interested parties (individuals, non-governmental organisations, industry organisations, academia and national assessment bodies). The main comments which were received during the public consultation related to: the availability of more recent data, the nomenclature used, the use of a non-European food composition data base, the impact of genetic factors in modulating the absorption, metabolism and health effects of different fatty acids, the definition of “nutritionally adequate diet”, the use of Dietary Reference Values in the labelling of foods, the translation of advice into food-based dietary guidelines, nutrient goals and recommendations, certain risk management issues, and to Dietary Reference Values of fats, individual fatty acids, and cholesterol. All the public comments received that related to the remit of EFSA were assessed and the Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats has been revised taking relevant comments into consideration.


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L’objectif général de cet essai est de développer une approche de consultation et de participation du public pour les projets d’exploitation des ressources naturelles, applicable au domaine minier. Cet objectif s’insère dans un contexte où l’importance de l’acceptabilité sociale des projets d’exploitation des ressources naturelles est grandissante. De plus, le récent ajout de nouvelles exigences de consultation dans le domaine minier suscite, pour les entreprises minières, un besoin de lignes directrices pour améliorer les modalités de consultation. L’analyse de la revue de littérature sur les stratégies de communication existantes identifie d’abord deux principes clés à suivre au cours du processus. Le premier principe est la participation réelle des parties prenantes, laquelle va au-delà du simple recueil des préoccupations en faisant participer les parties prenantes à la réalisation même du projet. Le second principe est la transparence de l’entreprise, laquelle permet d’assurer que les parties prenantes exercent leur droit de faire des choix libres et éclairés. De l’analyse résulte ensuite une stratégie de participation et de consultation simple résumée en sept grandes étapes. La première étape est de faire des recherches préalables sur le milieu récepteur, lesquelles sont suivies par leur analyse et une prise de décision (seconde étape) à savoir si l’entreprise va de l’avant ou non avec le projet en fonction des enjeux potentiels identifiés. Si le projet va de l’avant, la troisième étape est de rencontrer les communautés autochtones présentes sur le territoire. Cette étape est en fait le début de la consultation des communautés autochtones, qui se fait en parallèle avec la consultation régulière. Lorsque ce processus est enclenché, il est possible d’élaborer le plan de consultation (quatrième étape) qui sera par la suite proposé aux parties intéressées lors des premières rencontres publiques. La cinquième étape représente la tenue des premières séances d’information au cours desquelles les candidatures pour la mise en place d’un comité consultatif doivent être recueillies. Le comité consultatif est l’outil principal recommandé pour intégrer les parties prenantes à la planification de projet. Une fois le comité consultatif démarré, le reste des activités de consultation peuvent être enclenchées (sixième étape). Il est recommandé de tenir deux processus de consultation, un dans le cadre de l’étude de préfaisabilité en phase d’exploration, et un dans le cadre de l’étude d’impact sur l’environnement. Enfin, une fois le processus de consultation et la planification du projet terminés, les différents mécanismes de suivi choisis avec les parties prenantes sont mis en place (septième étape). Les principaux mécanismes recommandés dans le cadre de cet essai sont le comité de suivi et le comité « d’après-mine ».


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Depuis quelques décennies, la consultation en contexte organisationnel constitue une pratique professionnelle importante. L’efficacité de la consultation est l’un des enjeux de la pratique tant pour les clients que pour les consultants. Certains auteurs ont développé des modèles pour comprendre le processus de consultation et ses composantes. La documentation sur l’efficacité de la consultation fait ressortir la contribution de la relation client-consultant comme facteur explicatif. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont penchées sur le lien statistique entre la relation client-consultant et l’efficacité de la consultation comme pratique globale. Cette recherche s’intéresse à la relation client-consultant telle qu’exprimée par ses activités (variable indépendante) et à leurs portées sur l’efficacité de la consultation organisationnelle (variable dépendante) telle qu’évaluée par des clients. Les bases théoriques et empiriques en contextes clinique et organisationnel portent à croire qu’il existe une relation positive significative entre ces deux variables. Ainsi, pour cette étude, une hypothèse est posée : les activités de la relation client-consultant sont en relation de façon positive avec l’efficacité de la consultation telle qu’évaluée par le client. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 88 clients. Les données utilisées pour cette étude ont été recueillies en un seul temps de mesure avec deux instruments combinés dans le questionnaire CERCC-CL édité sur Internet, via Survey Monkey, et crypté pour assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité des données. Les résultats révèlent que la relation se décline en quatre dimensions : 1) entente professionnelle; 2) réciprocité; 3) soutien du consultant et 4) compatibilité personnelle. L’hypothèse est en grande partie corroborée; trois dimensions de la relation, soit (1) entente professionnelle, (2) réciprocité et (4) compatibilité personnelle, influencent la qualité d’une démarche de consultation, l’un des deux critères de l’efficacité et l’efficacité de la consultation dans sa globalité. La compatibilité personnelle (4) influence les résultats à valeur ajoutée, le second critère de l’efficacité. Le score global de la relation client-consultant permet de prédire de façon significative les deux facteurs d’efficacité de la consultation et l’efficacité globale. L’ensemble de ces résultats apporte un premier éclairage sur la contribution potentielle de deux nouveaux questionnaires permettant au client et au consultant de s’évaluer en cours de processus ou à la fin de celui-ci. Les résultats contribuent surtout à la considération et à une meilleure compréhension de l’importance de la relation client-consultant pour expliquer l’efficacité d’une intervention. La relation client-consultant selon la perspective du client, principal acteur à satisfaire, favorise une vision positive du mandat. Pour le consultant, cette étude fait valoir l’importance de miser et de parfaire ses habiletés relationnelles indépendamment de son domaine d’expertise s’il veut être efficace dans sa pratique de la consultation.


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The current study is a post-hoc analysis of data from the original randomized control trial of the Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters (PLAY) Home Consultation program, a parent-mediated, DIR/Floortime based early intervention program for children with ASD (Solomon, Van Egeren, Mahone, Huber, & Zimmerman, 2014). We examined 22 children from the original RCT who received the PLAY program. Children were split into two groups (high and lower functioning) based on the ADOS module administered prior to intervention. Fifteen-minute parent-child video sessions were coded through the use of CHILDES transcription software. Child and maternal language, communicative behaviors, and communicative functions were assessed in the natural language samples both pre- and post-intervention. Results demonstrated significant improvements in both child and maternal behaviors following intervention. There was a significant increase in child verbal and non-verbal initiations and verbal responses in whole group analysis. Total number of utterances, word production, and grammatical complexity all significantly improved when viewed across the whole group of participants; however, lexical growth did not reach significance. Changes in child communicative function were especially noteworthy, and demonstrated a significant increase in social interaction and a significant decrease in non-interactive behaviors. Further, mothers demonstrated an increase in responsiveness to the child’s conversational bids, increased ability to follow the child’s lead, and a decrease in directiveness. When separated for analyses within groups, trends emerged for child and maternal variables, suggesting greater gains in use of communicative function in both high and low groups over changes in linguistic structure. Additional analysis also revealed a significant inverse relationship between maternal responsiveness and child non-interactive behaviors; as mothers became more responsive, children’s non-engagement was decreased. Such changes further suggest that changes in learned skills following PLAY parent training may result in improvements in child social interaction and language abilities.


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The purpose of this research was to determine if a multi-component consultation intervention was effective in improving pragmatic performance in students with ADHD. Participants for this study consisted of 7 children for whom 3 data points were obtained by a parent or 2 data points by a teacher. Changes in pragmatic performance were measured by comparing reports provided by parents or teachers pre- and post- intervention. Descriptive analysis procedures were completed to summarize changes in pragmatic behavior. Results revealed the mean overall change in pragmatic behavior for children in the MCC condition (Χ=1.133) was greater than the change seen in the CAU condition (.334) after 2 months of intervention as per parent reported data. Data indicated improvement in each behavior but incongruence between teachers and parents was found. Results support the hypothesis that the multi-component consultation intervention is effective in improving the pragmatic language performance of children with ADHD.


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Background: Oral anticoagulation (OAC) reduces stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), however it is still underutilized and sometimes refused by patients. This project was divided in two inter-related studies. Study 1 explored the experiences that influence prescription of OAC by physicians. Study 2 explored the experiences which influence patients' decisions to accept, decline or discontinue OAC. Methods: Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted in both studies. In Study 1four sub-groups of physicians (n = 16) experienced with OAC in AF were interviewed: consultant cardiologists, consultant general physicians, general practitioners and cardiology registrars. In Study 2 three sub-groups of patients (n = 11) diagnosed with AF were interviewed; those who accepted, refused, and who discontinued warfarin. Results: Study 1: Two over-arching themes emerged from doctors' experiences: (1) communicating information and (2) challenges with OAC prescription for AF. Physicians still adopt a paternalistic approach to decision-making. They should instead motivate patients to take part in treatment discussions and choices should reflect the patient's needs and concerns. Physician education should focus more on communication skills, individualised care and time-management as these are critical for patient adherence. Continuous OAC education for AF should adopt a multi-disciplinary approach. Further, interpreters should also be educated on medical communication skills. Study 2: Three over-arching themes comprised patients' experiences: (1) the initial consultation, (2) life after the consultation, and (3) patients' reflections. Patient education during the initial consultation was critical in increasing patient's knowledge of OAC. On-going patient education is imperative to maintain adherence. Patients valued physicians' concern for their needs during decision-making. Patients who had experience of stroke were more receptive to education aimed towards stroke risk reduction rather than bleeding risk. Patients' perceptions of warfarin are also influenced by the media. Comment: Qualitative research is crucial in exploring barriers to treatment as it provides an excellent insight into patients' experiences of healthcare. A patient-centred approach should be adopted and incorporated into physicians' education. Education and patient involvement in the decision-making process is essential to promote treatment acceptance and long-term adherence


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Aims The objective of the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) chapter on Adult Conservative Management was to review and summarize the new evidence on conservative management of urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in order to compile a current reference source for clinicians, health researchers, and service planners. In this paper, we present the review highlights and new evidence on female conservative management. Methods Revision and updates of the 4th ICI Report using systematic review covering years 2008–2012. Results Each section begins with a brief definition and description of the intervention followed by a summary, where possible, of both the state and level of evidence for prevention and treatment, and ends with a “grade of recommendation.” The paper concludes with areas identified as requiring further research. Conclusions For UI, there are no prevention trials on lifestyle interventions. There are, however, few new intervention trials of lifestyle interventions involving weight loss and fluid intake with improved levels of evidence and grade of recommendation. Outside of pre- and post-natal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) trials for the prevention of female UI, there is a dearth of PFMT prevention trials for women with UI. PFMT remains the first-line treatment for female UI with high levels of evidence and grades of recommendation. Bladder training levels of evidence and grades of recommendation are maintained. For POP, new evidence supports the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of POP and there are now improved levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.


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Aims The objective of the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) chapter on Adult Conservative Management was to review and summarize the new evidence on conservative management of urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in order to compile a current reference source for clinicians, health researchers, and service planners. In this paper, we present the review highlights and new evidence on female conservative management. Methods Revision and updates of the 4th ICI Report using systematic review covering years 2008–2012. Results Each section begins with a brief definition and description of the intervention followed by a summary, where possible, of both the state and level of evidence for prevention and treatment, and ends with a “grade of recommendation.” The paper concludes with areas identified as requiring further research. Conclusions For UI, there are no prevention trials on lifestyle interventions. There are, however, few new intervention trials of lifestyle interventions involving weight loss and fluid intake with improved levels of evidence and grade of recommendation. Outside of pre- and post-natal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) trials for the prevention of female UI, there is a dearth of PFMT prevention trials for women with UI. PFMT remains the first-line treatment for female UI with high levels of evidence and grades of recommendation. Bladder training levels of evidence and grades of recommendation are maintained. For POP, new evidence supports the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of POP and there are now improved levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.


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Introduction: Allergic dermatitis (AD) is the most common canine pruritic condition in veterinary dermatology. Allergic dermatitis to flea bites presents the highest prevalence, followed by atopic dermatitis and food AD. This study aimed to identify possible correlation between data from clinical signs, intradermal tests (IDT) and specific IgE levels, which are used in dog AD assessment. Methods: Fifty five dogs from the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Évora (Portugal) and Rof Codina University Hospital (Lugo, Spain) outpatient consultations were studied by means of clinical inquiry, IDT and specific IgE determination. Thirty five of the patients belonged to predisposed breeds, 30 were females and 25 males. Forty one (74%) were indoor. Results: In 82% of cases first clinical signs appeared before the age of 3 years and 24% even before 1 year old. In 70% of the individuals clinical signs included itching, which was generalized in 66%, with 78% of paw licking and chewing. Clinical profile showed seasonal worsening in 64% of cases. From the 69.1% of dogs already presenting with dermatitis, 50% also presented external otitis and 28.9% self-inflicted alopecia. "Intense itching" was found in 10.5%, "medium itching" in 81.6% and “mild itching” in 5.26% of the patients. Prevalence of positive IDT was 37.3 % to Lep d, 29.41% to Der f, 27.5% to Der p, 25.5% to Dac g and 21.6% to Malassezia sp. From the 37 dogs submitted to food IDT, 40.5% revealed positive to beef, 27% to chicken, 27% to porc and 5.4% to lamb. Specific IgE > 150 EAU was found in 84% of dogs to indoor allergen sources and in 68% to pollens. A negative correlation was found between an outdoor life and the intensity (p = 0.033) and precocity (p = 0.026) of clinical signs. Sensitization to pollens was found positively correlated with the seasonality of clinical signs (p = 0.001) and the positivity for Dac g (p = 0.007). The prevalence of chronic otitis correlated positively with alopecia and reactivity to Lep d (p = 0.008), Plantago lanceolata (p = 0.026) and Platanus acerifolia (p = 0.017). There was no correlation between the results of ITD and specific IgE. Conclusion: We can conclude that correlation between different clinical signs and positive testing for some allergenic sources may occur, as well as between sensitization to pollens and the beginning, the intensity and the seasonality of dog patient clinical signs.