791 resultados para millors pràctiques
Es descriu l’evolució del poblament des de l’època preibèrica fins a l’ibèric, tot seguint J. Sanmartí, que l’interpreta com a resultat d’una dinàmica interna de la societat que va conduir a la formació de protoestats o estats arcaics en el període ibèric ple. A partir de l’arribada dels romans, el 218 aC, l’àrea catalana va sofrir el canvi de poblament més radical que ha experimentat el país des del neolític, a conseqüència de la introducció del sistema de la ciutat romana. Això es deu al pas d’una societat amb una estructura que es podria interpretar com un protoestat o estat arcaic a una societat que correspon a un estat de dret, el de la república romana. Es fa molt difícil fer càlculs sobre les xifres de poblament, tot i que se suposa que la població va augmentar en època romana. El canvi radica en el pas d’una densa xarxa jerarquitzada de poblats encastellats, dalt de turons, i amb alguns establiments rurals dispersos pel territori, a l’establiment de les ciutats romanes, que buscaven les millors planes per fer-hi una producció agrícola que va entrar en el comerç de llargues distàncies del Mediterrani de l’època. Les ciutats romanes es troben en l’origen de les principals ciutats de la Catalunya actual.
L'article reflexiona sobre els canvis en la pràctica lectora que ha provocat el desenvolupament tecnològic i la implantació massiva dels ordinadors i de la xarxa. Revisa succintament les recerques empíriques que aborden les pràctiques lletrades que realitzen avui els joves que han crescut en un entorn digital, amb ordinadors, mòbils i consoles de joc; descriu algunes característiques d'aquestes pràctiques, tant des de l'òptica dels escrits produïts com dels modes i procediments de lectura, a més de criticar alguns dels prejudicis i de les valoracions socials sobre aquestes qüestions. Acaba fent algunes reflexions personals sobre les funcions i els serveis que poden exercir les biblioteques i l'educació en informació en aquest nou context digital, més divers i complex.
L'article analitza com nou estudiants universitaris de primer curs comprenen la ideologia de dos editorials que tracten un mateix tema polític des d'una orientació oposada. La metodologia és qualitativa i utilitza qüestionaris oberts i entrevistes semiestructurades per recollir les respostes i els comentaris dels informants, que es contrasten amb l'anàlisi lingüística usant l'aparell teòric de l'Anàlisi del Discurs. Els resultats mostren una gran diversitat de conductes, des de lectors que poden identificar la ideologia i elaborar una resposta personal coherent, fins a lectors que donen interpretacions erràtiques i incoherents. La discussió de les dades suggereix algunes vies per promoure un aprenentatge de pràctiques lectores més crítiques i contextualitzades.
Aquest projecte és fruit de la meva necessitat de buscar amb el meu instrument, la percussió, i més concretament amb la pandereta, recursos tècnics i interpretatius per abordar la interpretació de la música antiga. Com a punt de partida he analitzat iconografia i algunes fonts literàries per tal d’entendre i poder explicar que s’entén quan parlem de la percussió històrica. Posteriorment s’observen algunes pràctiques encara existents en les tradicions musicals italianes i àrabs i com aquestes poden ser el punt de partida per a configurar una maner pròpia i moderna d’ interpretar i anotar la música històrica.
En el presente proyecto “La Trompeta en la C. Valenciana” se pretende dar la visión global de la Trompeta dentro de la historia de la música y más específicamente dentro de Valencia. El trabajo incluye un apartado explicativo de los mejores maestros y pedagogos del instrumento, la ascendente historia de las Bandas en esta Comunidad, el repertorio e influencia que tienen los compositores de esta tierra para la Trompeta y el análisis de las obras escogidas.
The age at which school children begin instruction in the foreign language has been brought forward on two main grounds: (1) young children are better language learners than older children, and (2) bilingualism brings cognitive advantages to children. Both statements are critically analysed in this paper. First of all, recent research findings show that the advantage that younger learners show in a naturalistic language learning situation (or through school immersion) disappears in a formal language learning situation with very limited exposure to the target language. Secondly, the positive effects on cognitive development that have been revealed through research correspond to situations of balanced bilingualism, that is, situations in which children have a high command of the two languages. In contrast, children¿s command of the foreign language in our context is very limited and hence far from the situation of balanced bilingualism (or trilingualism) that is said to bring positive cognitive effects.
The purpose of this article is to treat a currently much debated issue, the effects of age on second language learning. To do so, we contrast data collected by our research team from over one thousand seven hundred young and adult learners with four popular beliefs or generalizations, which, while deeply rooted in this society, are not always corroborated by our data.Two of these generalizations about Second Language Acquisition (languages spoken in the social context) seem to be widely accepted: a) older children, adolescents and adults are quicker and more efficient at the first stages of learning than are younger learners; b) in a natural context children with an early start are more liable to attain higher levels of proficiency. However, in the context of Foreign Language Acquisition, the context in which we collect the data, this second generalization is difficult to verify due to the low number of instructional hours (a maximum of some 800 hours) and the lower levels of language exposure time provided. The design of our research project has allowed us to study differences observed with respect to the age of onset (ranging from 2 to 18+), but in this article we focus on students who began English instruction at the age of 8 (LOGSE Educational System) and those who began at the age of 11 (EGB). We have collected data from both groups after a period of 200 (Time 1) and 416 instructional hours (Time 2), and we are currently collecting data after a period of 726 instructional hours (Time 3). We have designed and administered a variety of tests: tests on English production and reception, both oral and written, and within both academic and communicative oriented approaches, on the learners' L1 (Spanish and Catalan), as well as a questionnaire eliciting personal and sociolinguistic information. The questions we address and the relevant empirical evidence are as follows: 1. "For young children, learning languages is a game. They enjoy it more than adults."Our data demonstrate that the situation is not quite so. Firstly, both at the levels of Primary and Secondary education (ranging from 70.5% in 11-year-olds to 89% in 14-year-olds) students have a positive attitude towards learning English. Secondly, there is a difference between the two groups with respect to the factors they cite as responsible for their motivation to learn English: the younger students cite intrinsic factors, such as the games they play, the methodology used and the teacher, whereas the older students cite extrinsic factors, such as the role of their knowledge of English in the achievement of their future professional goals. 2 ."Young children have more resources to learn languages." Here our data suggest just the opposite. The ability to employ learning strategies (actions or steps used) increases with age. Older learners' strategies are more varied and cognitively more complex. In contrast, younger learners depend more on their interlocutor and external resources and therefore have a lower level of autonomy in their learning. 3. "Young children don't talk much but understand a lot"This third generalization does seem to be confirmed, at least to a certain extent, by our data in relation to the analysis of differences due to the age factor and productive use of the target language. As seen above, the comparably slower progress of the younger learners is confirmed. Our analysis of interpersonal receptive abilities demonstrates as well the advantage of the older learners. Nevertheless, with respect to passive receptive activities (for example, simple recognition of words or sentences) no great differences are observed. Statistical analyses suggest that in this test, in contrast to the others analyzed, the dominance of the subjects' L1s (reflecting a cognitive capacity that grows with age) has no significant influence on the learning process. 4. "The sooner they begin, the better their results will be in written language"This is not either completely confirmed in our research. First of all, we perceive that certain compensatory strategies disappear only with age, but not with the number of instructional hours. Secondly, given an identical number of instructional hours, the older subjects obtain better results. With respect to our analysis of data from subjects of the same age (12 years old) but with a different number of instructional hours (200 and 416 respectively, as they began at the ages of 11 and 8), we observe that those who began earlier excel only in the area of lexical fluency. In conclusion, the superior rate of older learners appears to be due to their higher level of cognitive development, a factor which allows them to benefit more from formal or explicit instruction in the school context. Younger learners, however, do not benefit from the quantity and quality of linguistic exposure typical of a natural acquisition context in which they would be allowed to make use of implicit learning abilities. It seems clear, then, that the initiative in this country to begin foreign language instruction earlier will have positive effects only if it occurs in combination with either higher levels of exposure time to the foreign language, or, alternatively, with its use as the language of instruction in other areas of the curriculum.
The age at which school children begin instruction in the foreign language has been brought forward on two main grounds: (1) young children are better language learners than older children, and (2) bilingualism brings cognitive advantages to children. Both statements are critically analysed in this paper. First of all, recent research findings show that the advantage that younger learners show in a naturalistic language learning situation (or through school immersion) disappears in a formal language learning situation with very limited exposure to the target language. Secondly, the positive effects on cognitive development that have been revealed through research correspond to situations of balanced bilingualism, that is, situations in which children have a high command of the two languages. In contrast, children¿s command of the foreign language in our context is very limited and hence far from the situation of balanced bilingualism (or trilingualism) that is said to bring positive cognitive effects.
The purpose of this article is to treat a currently much debated issue, the effects of age on second language learning. To do so, we contrast data collected by our research team from over one thousand seven hundred young and adult learners with four popular beliefs or generalizations, which, while deeply rooted in this society, are not always corroborated by our data.Two of these generalizations about Second Language Acquisition (languages spoken in the social context) seem to be widely accepted: a) older children, adolescents and adults are quicker and more efficient at the first stages of learning than are younger learners; b) in a natural context children with an early start are more liable to attain higher levels of proficiency. However, in the context of Foreign Language Acquisition, the context in which we collect the data, this second generalization is difficult to verify due to the low number of instructional hours (a maximum of some 800 hours) and the lower levels of language exposure time provided. The design of our research project has allowed us to study differences observed with respect to the age of onset (ranging from 2 to 18+), but in this article we focus on students who began English instruction at the age of 8 (LOGSE Educational System) and those who began at the age of 11 (EGB). We have collected data from both groups after a period of 200 (Time 1) and 416 instructional hours (Time 2), and we are currently collecting data after a period of 726 instructional hours (Time 3). We have designed and administered a variety of tests: tests on English production and reception, both oral and written, and within both academic and communicative oriented approaches, on the learners' L1 (Spanish and Catalan), as well as a questionnaire eliciting personal and sociolinguistic information. The questions we address and the relevant empirical evidence are as follows: 1. "For young children, learning languages is a game. They enjoy it more than adults."Our data demonstrate that the situation is not quite so. Firstly, both at the levels of Primary and Secondary education (ranging from 70.5% in 11-year-olds to 89% in 14-year-olds) students have a positive attitude towards learning English. Secondly, there is a difference between the two groups with respect to the factors they cite as responsible for their motivation to learn English: the younger students cite intrinsic factors, such as the games they play, the methodology used and the teacher, whereas the older students cite extrinsic factors, such as the role of their knowledge of English in the achievement of their future professional goals. 2 ."Young children have more resources to learn languages." Here our data suggest just the opposite. The ability to employ learning strategies (actions or steps used) increases with age. Older learners' strategies are more varied and cognitively more complex. In contrast, younger learners depend more on their interlocutor and external resources and therefore have a lower level of autonomy in their learning. 3. "Young children don't talk much but understand a lot"This third generalization does seem to be confirmed, at least to a certain extent, by our data in relation to the analysis of differences due to the age factor and productive use of the target language. As seen above, the comparably slower progress of the younger learners is confirmed. Our analysis of interpersonal receptive abilities demonstrates as well the advantage of the older learners. Nevertheless, with respect to passive receptive activities (for example, simple recognition of words or sentences) no great differences are observed. Statistical analyses suggest that in this test, in contrast to the others analyzed, the dominance of the subjects' L1s (reflecting a cognitive capacity that grows with age) has no significant influence on the learning process. 4. "The sooner they begin, the better their results will be in written language"This is not either completely confirmed in our research. First of all, we perceive that certain compensatory strategies disappear only with age, but not with the number of instructional hours. Secondly, given an identical number of instructional hours, the older subjects obtain better results. With respect to our analysis of data from subjects of the same age (12 years old) but with a different number of instructional hours (200 and 416 respectively, as they began at the ages of 11 and 8), we observe that those who began earlier excel only in the area of lexical fluency. In conclusion, the superior rate of older learners appears to be due to their higher level of cognitive development, a factor which allows them to benefit more from formal or explicit instruction in the school context. Younger learners, however, do not benefit from the quantity and quality of linguistic exposure typical of a natural acquisition context in which they would be allowed to make use of implicit learning abilities. It seems clear, then, that the initiative in this country to begin foreign language instruction earlier will have positive effects only if it occurs in combination with either higher levels of exposure time to the foreign language, or, alternatively, with its use as the language of instruction in other areas of the curriculum.
L'adopció internacional és una de les manifestacions de l'acolliment que més desenvolupament ha tingut darrerament al nostre país. I s'ha demostrat com una de les estratègies d'optimització de la vida de molts infants. En aquesta col·laboració es fa un recorregut pel fet de l'adopció i la seva vessant internacional per acabar analitzant algunes pràctiques i la seva adequació al respecte dels drets dels infants. Això ens col·loca davant de situacions en les que, des de la mirada jurídica i ètica, potser no s'estigui assegurant de manera efectiva l'interès superior de l'infant'
En aquest treball es recull tota una sèrie d'experiències pràctiques i teòriques que permeten que ens endinsem en l'aprenentatge del rol del psicòleg clínic en un centre de salut mental d'adults, com també en una unitat sociosanitària, i veure les diferents eines d'avaluació i intervenció emprades en diferents psicopatologies.
El treball descriu les pràctiques realitzades en una escola, al costat d'un psicòleg educatiu.
El projecte de recerca Les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació i les transformacions de l'empresa catalana va analitzar la relació entre l'estratègia, l'organització i les pràctiques empresarials i els usos de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació a l'empresa catalana. A partir d'una enquesta a una mostra representativa a 2.038 empreses catalanes, segmentada per branques d'activitat i per dimensió, aquesta recerca va obtenir evidència concloent del procés de construcció de l'empresa xarxa a Catalunya, com també de la relació entre la inversió i els usos de la innovació digital i el seu impacte favorable sobre la productivitat, els salaris i la competitivitat internacional de les empreses catalanes.
Posiblemente el equipo docente sea un instrumento de construcción de la identidad profesionaly, especialmente, si tenemos en cuenta que, a lo largo de los últimos años, ha existido unanotable eclosión de estos equipos con la implantación del espacio Europeo de Educación Superior(EEES). Dichas prácticas en equipos docentes venían a alterar la tradición del profesoradouniversitario basada en el trabajo individual y en solitario (Zabalza, 2009). Por el contrario,los equipos docentes representan un nuevo marco de trabajo colaborativo, en el que la fuerzay la creatividad docentes se trasladan del trabajo individual al trabajo colectivo y colaborativo(López, 2007).Esta comunicación se basa en los resultados de la investigación Equips Docents: Identificacióde Bones pràctiques (Equips docentes: Identificación de Buenas Prácticas) que un grupode profesoras y profesores de la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universitat de Barcelona llevamosa cabo durante los años 2010, 2011 y 2012 dentro del Programa REDICE-10 del Institut deCiències de l’Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Posiblemente el equipo docente sea un instrumento de construcción de la identidad profesionaly, especialmente, si tenemos en cuenta que, a lo largo de los últimos años, ha existido unanotable eclosión de estos equipos con la implantación del espacio Europeo de Educación Superior(EEES). Dichas prácticas en equipos docentes venían a alterar la tradición del profesoradouniversitario basada en el trabajo individual y en solitario (Zabalza, 2009). Por el contrario,los equipos docentes representan un nuevo marco de trabajo colaborativo, en el que la fuerzay la creatividad docentes se trasladan del trabajo individual al trabajo colectivo y colaborativo(López, 2007).Esta comunicación se basa en los resultados de la investigación Equips Docents: Identificacióde Bones pràctiques (Equips docentes: Identificación de Buenas Prácticas) que un grupode profesoras y profesores de la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universitat de Barcelona llevamosa cabo durante los años 2010, 2011 y 2012 dentro del Programa REDICE-10 del Institut deCiències de l’Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona.