888 resultados para matlab push-off tests steel fiber reinforced concrete
Com o objetivo de investigar a influência que o molibdênio exerce nas propriedades das camadas passivas das armaduras de aços austeníticos, barras redondas dos aços UNS S30400 e 31600 foram submetidas à ação de soluções que simulam as que são encontradas nos poros de concreto. Para caracterizar o efeito do molibdênio na resistência daqueles aços à corrosão por pites, foram conduzidos ensaios de circuito aberto, polarização anódica, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, análise de Mott-Schottky, tração em baixa taxa de deformação e análise das superfícies por microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, de uma forma geral, o aço UNS S30400 (sem molibdênio) apresentou maior resistência à corrosão localizada que o UNS S31600 (2% de Mo) nas soluções alcalinas cloretadas naturalmente aeradas, comportamento este inverso ao que se observa nos mesmos materiais quando submetidos a soluções cloretadas neutras ou ácidas.
Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva o estudo do comportamento dinâmico de pisos mistos (aço-concreto), em edificações de andares múltiplos, sob o ponto de vista de conforto humano, quando essas estruturas encontram-se submetidas às atividades rítmicas provenientes dos seres humanos. A definição das ações dinâmicas atuantes sobre os modelos estruturais foi feita com base em resultados experimentais, com os indivíduos praticando atividades rítmicas e não rítmicas associadas à ginástica aeróbica e saltos à vontade. Os modelos estruturais investigados baseiam-se em edificações mistas de andares múltiplos. O sistema estrutural é do tipo misto (aço-concreto), composto por vigas de aço em seção do tipo I e laje de concreto armado. A análise fundamenta-se na modelagem computacional dos sistemas estruturais, através do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). São empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, por meio do emprego do programa ANSYS. Uma análise paramétrica foi desenvolvida sobre três modelos estruturais, com dois, três e quatro pavimentos. Os valores das acelerações máximas encontradas na análise são confrontados e comparados com os limites propostos por recomendações internacionais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os limites recomendados em diversas normas de projeto foram ultrapassados. Esses resultados demonstram que atividades rítmicas oriundas dos seres humanos podem gerar acelerações de pico elevadas, violando critérios de projeto, no que concerne ao conforto humano. Foi observado também que estas ações dinâmicas podem comprometer o conforto humano em pisos adjacentes, próximos do local onde a carga dinâmica está sendo efetivamente aplicada.
Atualmente, o crescimento dos problemas de vibrações excessivas sobre pisos mistos (aço-concreto) tem conduzido à necessidade de desenvolvimento de critérios específicos para projetos estruturais submetidos à ação de atividades humanas rítmicas. Com base no desenvolvimento desta dissertação de mestrado, objetiva-se, principalmente, verificar a influência das ligações estruturais (ligações viga-viga), sobre a resposta dinâmica não-linear de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) de edificações, quando submetidos a cargas dinâmicas humanas rítmicas. Deste modo, o carregamento dinâmico empregado para a simulação das atividades humanas sobre o modelo estrutural investigado foi obtido através de testes experimentais com indivíduos praticando atividades rítmicas e não rítmicas. O modelo analisado nesta dissertação corresponde a um piso misto (aço-concreto) com uma área total de 1600m2 e consiste de um ambiente onde serão desenvolvidas atividades de ginástica aeróbica. O sistema estrutural é constituído por lajes de concreto armado apoiadas sobre vigas de aço, simulando o comportamento de um sistema estrutural misto (aço-concreto) com interação total. A metodologia de análise desenvolvida emprega técnicas usuais de discretização presentes no método dos elementos finitos, com base no emprego do programa ANSYS. A modelagem do sistema contempla ligações estruturais do tipo rígidas, semirrígidas e flexíveis. Os valores das acelerações de pico foram comparados com os limites recomendados por normas de projeto, baseando-se em critérios de conforto humano. As conclusões alcançadas ao longo deste trabalho de pesquisa revelam que as ligações estruturais do tipo viga-viga não apresentam influência significativa, no que diz respeito a resposta dinâmica não-linear da estrutura. Por outro lado, as acelerações de pico obtidas com base na análise dinâmica não-linear apresentam valores elevados indicando que o piso misto (aço-concreto) investigado apresenta problemas de vibração excessiva inerentes ao conforto humano.
This paper describes an experimental study of a new form of prestressed concrete beam. Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymers (AFRPs) are used to provide compression confinement in the form of interlocking circular spirals, while external tendons are made from parallel-lay aramid ropes. The response shows that the confinement of the compression flange significantly increases the ductility of the beam, allowing much better utilization of the fiber strength. The failure of the beam is characterized by rupture of spiral confinement reinforcement.
The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) shear strengthening systems for the strength enhancement of existing reinforced concrete structures is discussed. An experimental and analytical research programme is under way to investigate the performance of bonded passive and unbonded prestressed FRP shear systems, and to quantify the effect of the load history on the strengthed behavior. Non-linear finite-element analysis are being developed to model the strengthed behavior. The results will provide insight into the optimum system parameters and contribute to the formulation of design guidance for advanced FRP strengthing strategies.
As a means of characterizing the diffusion parameters of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites within a relatively short time frame, the potential use of short term tests on epoxy films to predict the long-term behavior is investigated. Reference is made to the literature to assess the effectiveness of Fickian and anomalous diffusion models to describe solution uptake in epoxies. The influence of differing exposure conditions on the diffusion in epoxies, in particular the effect of solution type and temperature, are explored. Experimental results, where the solution uptake in desiccated (D) or undesiccated (U) thin films of a commercially available epoxy matrix subjected to water (W), salt water (SW), or alkali concrete pore solution (CPS) at either 20 or 60°C, are also presented. It was found that the type of solution did not significantly influence the diffusion behavior at 20°C and that the mass uptake profile was anomalous. Exposure to 60°C accelerated the initial diffusion behavior and appeared to raise the level of saturation. In spite of the accelerated approach, conclusive values of uptake at saturation remained elusive even at an exposure period of 5 years. This finding questions the viability of using short-term thin film results to predict the long-term mechanical performance of FRP materials. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In the engineering reinforcement of-rock and soil mass, engineers must consider how to obtain better reinforcing effect at the cost of less reinforcing expense, which, in fact, is the aim of reinforcement design. In order to accomplish the purpose, they require not only researching the material used to reinforce and its structure, but also taking into account of several important geological factors, such as the structure and property of rock and soil mass. How to improve the reinforcing effect according to engineering geomechanical principle at the respect of the reinforcement of engineering soil and rock mass is studied and discussed in this paper. The author studies the theory, technology and practice of geotechnical reinforcement based on engineering geomechanics, taking example for the soil treatment of Zhengzhou Airport, the effect analysis of reinforcement to the slope on the left bank of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station and the reinforcing design of the No. 102 Landslide and unique sand-slide slope on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. The paper is comprised of two parts for the convenience of discussion. In the first part, from the first chapter to the fifth chapter, trying to perform the relevant research and application at the viewpoint of soil mass engineering geomechanics, the author mainly discusses the study of reinforcing soft ground soil through dynamical consolidation and its application. Then, in the second part, from the sixth chapter to the eleventh chapter, the study of new technologies in the rock slope reinforcement and their application are discussed. The author finds that not only better reinforcing effect can be gained in the research where the principle and method of rock mass engineering geomechanics is adopted, but also new reinforcing technologies can be put forward. Zhengzhou Airport is an important one in central plains. It lies on Yellow River alluvial deposit and the structure of stratum is complex and heterogeneous. The area of airport is very large, which can result in differential settlement easily, damage of airport and aircraft accident, whereas, there are no similar experiences to dispose the foundation, so the foundation treatment become a principal problem. During the process of treatment, the method of dynamic compaction was adopted after compared with other methods using the theory of synthetic integration. Dynamic compaction is an important method to consolidate foundation, which was successfully used in the foundation of Zhengzhou Airport. For fill foundation, controlling the thickness of fill so as to make the foundation treatment can reach the design demand and optimum thickness of the fill is a difficult problem. Considering this problem, the author proposed a calculation method to evaluate the thickness of fill. The method can consider not only the self-settlement of fill but also the settlement of the ground surface under applied load so as to ensure the settlement occurred during the using period can satisfy the design demand. It is proved that the method is correct after using it to choose reasonable energy of dynamic compaction to treat foundation. At the same time, in order to examine the effect of dynamic compaction, many monitor methods were adopted in the test such as static loading test, modulus of resilience test, deep pore pressure -test, static cone penetration test and the variation of the pore volume measurement. Through the tests, the author summarized the discipline of the accumulation and dissipation of pore pressure in Yellow River alluvial deposit under the action of dynamic compaction, gave a correct division of the property change of silt and clay under dynamic compaction, determined the bearing capacity of foundation after treatment and weighted the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation from the variation of the soil particle in microcosmic and the parameter of soil mass' density. It can be considered that the compactness of soil is in proportion to the energy of dynamic compaction. This conclusion provided a reference to the research of the "Problem of Soil Structure-the Central Problem of Soil Mechanics in 21 Century ". It is also important to strengthen rock mass for water conservancy and electric power engineering. Slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete are usually adopted in engineering experience to strengthen rock mass and very important for engineering. But there also some deficiency such as the weakest section can't be highlighted, the monitor is inconvenient and the diameter of pile and adit is very large etc. The author and his supervisor professor Yangzhifa invented prestressed slip-resistance pile and prestressed anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete, utilizing the advantage that the prestressed structure has better anti-tensile characteristic (this invention is to be published). These inventions overcome the disadvantages of general slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete and have the functions of engineering prospecting, strengthening, drainage and monitor simultaneous, so they have better strengthened effect and be more convenient for monitor and more economical than traditional methods. Drainage is an important factor in treatments of rock mass and slop. In view of the traditional drainage method that drainage pore often be clogged so as to resulted in incident, professor Yangzhifa invented the method and setting of guide penetration by fiber bundle. It would take good effect to use it in prestressed slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete. In this paper, the author took example for anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete used to strengthen Wuqiangxi left bank to simulate the strengthened effect after consolidated by prestressed slip-resistance pile, took example for 102 landslide occurred along Sichuan-Tibet highway to simulate the application of slip-resistance pile and the new technology of drainage. At the same time the author proposed the treatment method of flowing sand in Sichuan-Tibet highway, which will benefit the study on strengthening similar engineering. There are five novelties in the paper with the author's theoretical study and engineering practice: 1. Summarizing the role of pore water pressure accumulation and dissipation of the Yellow River alluvial and diluvial soil under the action of dynamical consolidation, which has instructive significance in the engineering construction under the analogical engineering geological conditions in the future. It has not been researched by the predecessors. 2. Putting forward the concept of density D in microcosmic based on the microcosmical structure study of the soil sample. Adopting D to weight the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation is considered to be appropriate by the means of comparing the D values of Zhengzhou Airport's ground soil before with after dynamically consolidating reinforcement, so a more convenient balancing method can be provided for engineering practice. 3. According to the deep research into the soil mass engineering geology, engineering rock and soil science, soil mechanics, as well as considerable field experiments, improving the consolidating method in airport construction, from the conventional method, which is dynamically compactmg original ground surface firstly, then filling soil and dynamically layer-consolidating or layer-compacting at last to the upgraded method, which is performing dynamical consolidation after filling soil to place totally at the extent of the certain earth-filling depth. The result of the dynamical consolidation not only complies with the specifications, but also reduces the soil treatment investment by 10 million RMB. 4. Proposing the method for calculating the height of the filled soil by the means of estimating the potential displacement produced in the original ground surface and the filled earth soil under the possible load, selecting the appropriate dynamically-compacting power and determining the virtual height of the filled earth soil. The method is proved to be effective and scientific. 5. According to the thought of Engineering Geomechanics Metal-Synthetic Methodology (EGMS), patenting two inventions (to the stage of roclamation, with Professor Yang Zhi-fa, the cooperative tutor, and etc.) in which multi-functions, engineering geological investigation, reinforcement, drainage and strength remedy, are integrated all over in one body at the viewpoint of the breakage mechanism of the rock slope.
The corrosion of steel reinforcement bars in reinforced concrete structures exposed to severe marine environments usually is attributed to the aggressive nature of chloride ions. In some cases in practice corrosion has been observed to commence already within a few years of exposure even with considerable concrete cover to the reinforcement and apparently high quality concretes. However, there are a number of other cases in practice for which corrosion initiation took much longer, even in cases with quite modest concrete cover and modest concrete quality. Many of these structures show satisfactory long-term structural performance, despite having high levels of localized chloride concentrations at the reinforcement. This disparity was noted already more than 50 years ago, but appears still not fully explained. This paper presents a systematic overview of cases reported in the engineering and corrosion literature and considers possible reasons for these differences. Consistent with observations by others, the data show that concretes made from blast furnace cements have better corrosion durability properties. The data also strongly suggest that concretes made with limestone or non-reactive dolomite aggregates or sufficiently high levels of other forms of calcium carbonates have favourable reinforcement corrosion properties. Both corrosion initiation and the onset of significant damage are delayed. Some possible reasons for this are explored briefly.
This paper reports a study carried out to assess the impact of the use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) on bond and interfacial properties around steel reinforcement in practical concrete element. The pull-out tests were carried out to determine bond strength between reinforcing steel bar and concrete, and the depth-sensing nano-indentation technique was used to evaluate the elastic modulus and micro-strength of the interracial transition zone (ITZ) around steel reinforcement. The bond and interracial properties around deformed steel bars in different SCC mixes with strength grades of 35 MPa and 60 MPa (C35, C60) were examined together with those in conventional vibrated reference concrete with the same strength grades. The results showed that the maximum bond strength decreased when the diameter of the steel bar increased from 12 to 20 mm. The normalised bond strengths of the SCC mixes were found to be about 10-40% higher than those of the reference mixes for both bar diameters (12 and 20 mm). The study of the interfacial properties revealed that the elastic modulus and the micro-strength of the ITZ were lower on the bottom side of a horizontal steel bar than on the top side, particularly for the vibrated reference concrete. The difference of ITZ properties between top and bottom side of the horizontal steel bar appeared to be less pronounced for the SCC mixes than for the corresponding reference mixes.
Durability of concrete is a great concern to all designers, owners and users of reinforced concrete structures. As a result, more restrictive regulations are being introduced in various Codes of Practice dealing with the design of these structures. Attempts are being made by various researchers to develop performance based specification. For this to be successful standard non destructive tests are required which will be used to assess the durability of concretes. In parallel with this approach, a research team in Queen’s University Belfast, U. K., investigated the effect of different mix parameters on workability, strength and various permeation properties. Furthermore, durability parameters such as freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance and carbonation depth were also investigated. The research was part funded by the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). This paper reports of the findings from this study. The results from this investigation showed that some of the non destructive tests used were reasonably well correlated with carbonation and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance of CEM I concrete. If the mix parameters such as aggregate-cement ratio or water-cement ratio are known, better correlation can be obtained. Further investigation is required varying other mix parameters including various aggregates, admixtures and air entrainments before the result can be used for developing mix design methods for durable concretes. Also long term site tests are required to validate the results obtained from the accelerated laboratory tests used to study the carbonation resistance and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance.
A full-scale seven-storey in-situ advanced reinforced concrete building frame was constructed in the Building Research Establishment's Cardington laboratory encompassing a range of different concrete mixes and construction techniques. This provided an opportunity to use in-situ non-destructive test methods, namely Lok and CAPO tests, on a systematic basis during the construction of the building. They were used in conjunction with both standard and temperature-matched cube specimens to assess their practicality and their individual capabilities under field conditions. Results have been analysed and presented to enable comparisons of the performance of the individual test methods employed.
The durability of reinforced concrete structures depends, in the main, on the performance of the cover-zone concrete as it is this which protects the steel from the external environment. This paper focusses on the use of discretised electrical property measurements to study depth-related features during both the curing and post-curing period thereby allowing an integrated assessment of the protective properties of the cover region. In the current work, use is made of a small, multi-electrode array embedded within the surface 75mm of concrete specimens. Concretes were manufactured with different European cements (CEM) and water/binder ratios representing mixes which satisfied the minimum requirements for a range of environmental exposure classes including exposure to chlorides. Electrical resistance measurements were taken over a period in excess of 300 days which showed on-going hydration, pozzolanic reaction and pore-structure refinement; in addition, in the post-curing period, when exposed to a cyclic chloride ponding regime, measurements could be used to study the convective zone and ionic enrichment of the surface layer.