951 resultados para mammalian reservoirs


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The unfolded protein response (UPR) controls the levels of molecular chaperones and enzymes involved in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We recently isolated ATF6 as a candidate for mammalian UPR-specific transcription factor. We report here that ATF6 constitutively expressed as a 90-kDa protein (p90ATF6) is directly converted to a 50-kDa protein (p50ATF6) in ER-stressed cells. Furthermore, we showed that the most important consequence of this conversion was altered subcellular localization; p90ATF6 is embedded in the ER, whereas p50ATF6 is a nuclear protein. p90ATF6 is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein with a hydrophobic stretch in the middle of the molecule. Thus, the N-terminal half containing a basic leucine zipper motif is oriented facing the cytoplasm. Full-length ATF6 as well as its C-terminal deletion mutant carrying the transmembrane domain is localized in the ER when transfected. In contrast, mutant ATF6 representing the cytoplasmic region translocates into the nucleus and activates transcription of the endogenous GRP78/BiP gene. We propose that ER stress-induced proteolysis of membrane-bound p90ATF6 releases soluble p50ATF6, leading to induced transcription in the nucleus. Unlike yeast UPR, mammalian UPR appears to use a system similar to that reported for cholesterol homeostasis.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a major source of lipid-derived second messenger molecules that function as both intracellular and extracellular signals. PC-specific phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAP) are two pivotal enzymes in this signaling system, and they act in series to generate the biologically active lipids phosphatidic acid (PA) and diglyceride. The identity of the PAP enzyme involved in PLD-mediated signal transduction is unclear. We provide the first evidence for a functional role of a type 2 PAP, PAP2b, in the metabolism of PLD-generated PA. Our data indicate that PAP2b localizes to regions of the cell in which PC hydrolysis by PLD is taking place. Using a newly developed PAP2b-specific antibody, we have characterized the expression, posttranslational modification, and localization of endogenous PAP2b. Glycosylation and localization of PAP2b appear to be cell type and tissue specific. Biochemical fractionation and immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that PAP2b and PLD2 activities are present in caveolin-1–enriched detergent-resistant membrane microdomains. We found that PLD2 and PAP2b act sequentially to generate diglyceride within this specialized membrane compartment. The unique lipid composition of these membranes may provide a selective environment for the regulation and actions of enzymes involved in signaling through PC hydrolysis.


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The dynamin family of large GTPases has been implicated in vesicle formation from both the plasma membrane and various intracellular membrane compartments. The dynamin-like protein DLP1, recently identified in mammalian tissues, has been shown to be more closely related to the yeast dynamin proteins Vps1p and Dnm1p (42%) than to the mammalian dynamins (37%). Furthermore, DLP1 has been shown to associate with punctate vesicles that are in intimate contact with microtubules and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells. To define the function of DLP1, we have transiently expressed both wild-type and two mutant DLP1 proteins, tagged with green fluorescent protein, in cultured mammalian cells. Point mutations in the GTP-binding domain of DLP1 (K38A and D231N) dramatically changed its intracellular distribution from punctate vesicular structures to either an aggregated or a diffuse pattern. Strikingly, cells expressing DLP1 mutants or microinjected with DLP1 antibodies showed a marked reduction in ER fluorescence and a significant aggregation and tubulation of mitochondria by immunofluorescence microscopy. Consistent with these observations, electron microscopy of DLP1 mutant cells revealed a striking and quantitative change in the distribution and morphology of mitochondria and the ER. These data support very recent studies by other authors implicating DLP1 in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology in both yeast and mammalian cells. Furthermore, this study provides the first evidence that a dynamin family member participates in the maintenance and distribution of the ER. How DLP1 might participate in the biogenesis of two presumably distinct organelle systems is discussed.


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An improved mammalian two-hybrid system designed for interaction trap screening is described in this paper. CV-1/EBNA-1 monkey kidney epithelial cells expressing Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) were stably transfected with a reporter plasmid for GAL4-dependent expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A resulting clone, GB133, expressed GFP strongly when transfected transiently with transcriptional activators fused to GAL4 DNA-binding domain with minimal background GFP expression. GB133 cells maintained plasmids containing the OriP Epstein–Barr virus replication origin that directs replication of plasmids in mammalian cells in the presence of the EBNA-1 protein. GB133 cells transfected stably with a model bait expressed GFP when further transfected transiently with an expression plasmid for a known positive prey. When the bait-expressing GB133 cells were transfected transiently with an OriP-containing expression plasmid for the positive prey together with excess amounts of empty vector, cells that received the positive prey were readily identified by green fluorescence in cell culture and eventually formed green fluorescent microcolonies, because the prey plasmid was maintained by the EBNA-1/Ori-P system. The green fluorescent microcolonies were harvested directly from the culture dishes under a fluorescence microscope, and total DNA was then prepared. Prey-encoding cDNA was recovered by PCR using primers annealing to the vector sequences flanking the insert-cloning site. This system should be useful in mammalian cells for efficient screening of cDNA libraries by two-hybrid interaction.


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Cells in the brains of adult mammals continue to proliferate in the subventricular zone (SVZ) throughout the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle. Here we show, using whole mount dissections of this wall from adult mice, that the SVZ is organized as an extensive network of chains of neuronal precursors. These chains are immunopositive to the polysialylated form of NCAM, a molecule present at sites of plasticity, and TuJ1, an early neuronal marker. The majority of the chains are oriented along the rostrocaudal axis and many join the rostral migratory stream that terminates in the olfactory bulb. Using focal microinjections of DiI and transplantation of SVZ cells carrying a neuron-specific reporter gene, we demonstrate that cells originating at different rostrocaudal levels of the SVZ migrate rostrally and reach the olfactory bulb where they differentiate into neurons. Our results reveal an extensive network of pathways for the tangential chain migration of neuronal precursors throughout the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle in the adult mammalian brain.


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The three largest known populations of amacrine cells in the rabbit retina were stained with fluorescent probes in whole mounts and counted at a series of retinal eccentricities. The retinas were counterstained using a fluorescent DNA-binding molecule and the total number of nuclei in the inner nuclear layer were counted in confocal sections. From the total number of inner nuclear layer cells and the known fraction of them occupied by amacrine cells, the fraction of amacrine cells made up by the stained populations could be calculated. Starburst cells made up 3%, indoleamine-accumulating cells made up 4%, and AII cells made up 11% of all amacrine cells. By referring four smaller populations of amacrine cells to the number of indoleamine-accumulating cells, they were estimated to make up 4% of all amacrine cells. Thus, 78% of all amacrine cells in the rabbit’s retina are known only from isolated examples, if at all. This proportion is similar in the retinas of the mouse, cat, and monkey. It is likely that a substantial fraction of the local circuit neurons present in other regions of the central nervous system are also invisible as populations to current techniques.


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We cloned a new inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) homolog, SfIAP, from Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-21 cells, a host of insect baculoviruses. SfIAP contains two baculovirus IAP repeat domains followed by a RING domain. SfIAP has striking amino acid sequence similarity with baculoviral IAPs, CpIAP and OpIAP, suggesting that baculoviral IAPs may be host-derived genes. SfIAP and baculoviral CpIAP inhibit Bax but not Fas-induced apoptosis in human cells. Their apoptosis-suppressing activity in mammalian cells requires both baculovirus IAP repeat and RING domains. Further biochemical data suggest that SfIAP and CpIAP are specific inhibitors of mammalian caspase-9, the pinnacle caspase in the mitochondria/cytochrome c pathway for apoptosis, but are not inhibitors of downstream caspase-3 and caspase-7. Thus the mechanisms by which insect and baculoviral IAPs suppress apoptosis may involve inhibition of an insect caspase-9 homologue. Peptides representing the IAP-binding domain of the Drosophila cell death protein Grim abrogated human caspase suppression by SfIAP and CpIAP, implying evolutionary conservation of the functions of IAPs and their inhibitors.


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A sensitive and rapid in situ method was developed to visualize sites of single-stranded (ss) DNA in cultured cells and in experimental test animals. Anti-bromodeoxyuridine antibody recognizes the halogenated base analog incorporated into chromosomal DNA only when substituted DNA is in the single strand form. After treatment of cells with DNA-damaging agents or γ irradiation, ssDNA molecules form nuclear foci in a dose-dependent manner within 60 min. The mammalian recombination protein Rad51 and the replication protein A then accumulate at sites of ssDNA and form foci, suggesting that these are sites of recombinational DNA repair.


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The nervous system maintains a delicate balance between excitation and inhibition, partly through the complex interplay between voltage-gated sodium and potassium ion channels. Because K+ channel blockade or gene deletion causes hyperexcitability, it is generally assumed that increases in K+ channel gene expression should reduce neuronal network excitability. We have tested this hypothesis by creating a transgenic mouse that expresses a Shaker-type K+ channel gene. Paradoxically, we find that addition of the extra K+ channel gene results in a hyperexcitable rather than a hypoexcitable phenotype. The presence of the transgene leads to a complex deregulation of endogenous Shaker genes in the adult central nervous system as well as an increase in network excitability that includes spontaneous cortical spike and wave discharges and a lower threshold for epileptiform bursting in isolated hippocampal slices. These data suggest that an increase in K+ channel gene dosage leads to dysregulation of normal K+ channel gene expression, and it may underlie a mechanism contributing to the pathogenesis of human aneuploidies such as Down syndrome.


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Violet-blue light is toxic to mammalian cells, and this toxicity has been linked with cellular production of H2O2. In this report, we show that violet-blue light, as well as UVA, stimulated H2O2 production in cultured mouse, monkey, and human cells. We found that H2O2 originated in peroxisomes and mitochondria, and it was enhanced in cells overexpressing flavin-containing oxidases. These results support the hypothesis that photoreduction of flavoproteins underlies light-induced production of H2O2 in cells. Because H2O2 and its metabolite, hydroxyl radicals, can cause cellular damage, these reactive oxygen species may contribute to pathologies associated with exposure to UVA, violet, and blue light. They may also contribute to phototoxicity often encountered during light microscopy. Because multiphoton excitation imaging with 1,047-nm wavelength prevented light-induced H2O2 production in cells, possibly by minimizing photoreduction of flavoproteins, this technique may be useful for decreasing phototoxicity during fluorescence microscopy.


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γ-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), an anesthetic adjuvant analog of γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), depresses cell excitability in hippocampal neurons by inducing hyperpolarization through the activation of a prominent inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir3) conductance. These GABA type B (GABAB)-like effects are clearly shown at high concentrations of GHB corresponding to blood levels usually reached during anesthesia and are mimicked by the GABAB agonist baclofen. Recent studies of native GABAB receptors (GABABRs) have favored the concept that GHB is also a selective agonist. Furthermore, cloning has demonstrated that GABABRs assemble heteromeric complexes from the GABABR1 and GABABR2 subtypes and that these assemblies are activated by GHB. The surprisingly high tissue content, together with anti-ischemic and protective effects of GHB in the heart, raises the question of a possible influence of GABAB agonists on excitable cardiac cells. In the present study, we provide electrophysiological evidence that GHB activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current in rat ventricular myocytes. This effect is mimicked by baclofen, reversibly inhibited by GABAB antagonists, and prevented by pertussis toxin pretreatment. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 are detected in cardiomyocytes by Western blotting and are shown to coimmunoprecipitate. Laser scanning confocal microscopy discloses an even distribution of the two receptors in the sarcolemma and along the transverse tubular system. Hence, we conclude that GABABRs are distributed not only in neuronal tissues but also in the heart, where they can be activated and induce electrophysiological alterations through G-protein-coupled inward rectifier potassium channels.


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The assembly of individual mammalian proteasome subunits into catalytically active 20S proteasome is not well understood. Herein, we report the identification and characterization of human and mouse homologues of the yeast proteasome maturating factor Ump1p. We delineate the region of hUMP1 implicated in the specific interaction with proteasome precursors and show that hUMP1 protein is absent from the mature form of the 20S proteasome. We also show that the transcript level of mammalian UMP1 is increased after IFN-γ treatment and that mammalian UMP1 is functionally related to but not interchangeable with its yeast homologue.


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Nuclear receptors constitute a large family of ligand-modulated transcription factors that mediate cellular responses to small lipophilic molecules, including steroids, retinoids, fatty acids, and exogenous ligands. Orphan nuclear receptors with no known endogenous ligands have been discovered to regulate drug-mediated induction of cytochromes P450 (CYP), the major drug-metabolizing enzymes. Here, we report the cloning of an orphan nuclear receptor from chicken, termed chicken xenobiotic receptor (CXR), that is closely related to two mammalian xenobiotic-activated receptors, the pregnane X receptor (PXR) and the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). Expression of CXR is restricted to tissues where drug induction of CYPs predominantly occurs, namely liver, kidney, small intestine, and colon. Furthermore, CXR binds to a previously identified phenobarbital-responsive enhancer unit (PBRU) in the 5′-flanking region of the chicken CYP2H1 gene. A variety of drugs, steroids, and chemicals activate CXR in CV-1 monkey cell transactivation assays. The same agents induce PBRU-dependent reporter gene expression and CYP2H1 transcription in a chicken hepatoma cell line. These results provide convincing evidence for a major role of CXR in the regulation of CYP2H1 and add a member to the family of xenobiotic-activated orphan nuclear receptors.


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The structures of the genes encoding the α1 and β1 subunits of murine soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) were determined. Full-length cDNAs isolated from mouse lungs encoding the α1 (2.5 kb) and β1 (3.3 kb) subunits are presented in this report. The α1 sGC gene is approximately 26.4 kb and contains nine exons, whereas the β1 sGC gene spans 22 kb and consists of 14 exons. The positions of exon/intron boundaries and the sizes of introns for both genes are described. Comparison of mouse genomic organization with the Human Genome Database predicted the exon/intron boundaries of the human genes and revealed that human and mouse α1 and β1 sGC genes have similar structures. Both mouse genes are localized on the third chromosome, band 3E3-F1, and are separated by a fragment that is 2% of the chromosomal length. The 5′ untranscribed regions of α1 and β1 subunit genes were subcloned into luciferase reporter constructs, and the functional analysis of promoter activity was performed in murine neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells. Our results indicate that the 5′ untranscribed regions for both genes possess independent promoter activities and, together with the data on chromosomal localization, suggest independent regulation of both genes.


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Mutations in the ATRX gene on the human X chromosome cause X-linked α-thalassemia and mental retardation. XY patients with deletions or mutations in this gene display varying degrees of sex reversal, implicating ATRX in the development of the human testis. To explore further the role of ATRX in mammalian sex differentiation, the homologous gene was cloned and characterized in a marsupial. Surprisingly, active homologues of ATRX were detected on the marsupial Y as well as the X chromosome. The Y-borne copy (ATRY) displays testis-specific expression. This, as well as the sex reversal of ATRX patients, suggests that ATRY is involved in testis development in marsupials and may represent an ancestral testis-determining mechanism that predated the evolution of SRY as the primary mammalian male sex-determining gene. There is no evidence for a Y-borne ATRX homologue in mouse or human, implying that this gene has been lost in eutherians and its role supplanted by the evolution of SRY from SOX3 as the dominant determiner of male differentiation.