791 resultados para legitimacy of law
Modern transaction cost economics (TCE) thinking has developed into a key intellectual foundation of international business (IB) research, but the Williamsonian version has faced substantial criticism for adopting the behavioral assumption of opportunism. In this paper we assess both the opportunism concept and existing alternatives such as trust within the context of IB research, especially work on multinational enterprise (MNE) governance. Case analyses of nine global MNEs illustrate an alternative to the opportunism assumption that captures more fully the mechanisms underlying failed commitments inside the MNE. As a substitute for the often-criticized assumption of opportunism, we propose the envelope concept of bounded reliability (BRel), an assumption that represents more accurately and more completely the reasons for failed commitments, without invalidating the other critical assumption in conventional TCE (and internalization theory) thinking, namely the widely accepted envelope concept of bounded rationality (BRat). Bounded reliability as an envelope concept includes two main components, within the context of global MNE management: opportunism as intentional deceit, and benevolent preference reversal. The implications for IB research of adopting the bounded reliability concept are far reaching, as this concept may increase the legitimacy of comparative institutional analysis in the social sciences.
This paper studies the exclusion of potential competition as a motivating factor for international mergers. We propose a simple game-theoretic framework in order to discuss the conditions under which mergers that prevent reciprocal domestic competition will occur. Our analysis highlights the shortcomings of antitrust policies based on pre-merger/post-merger concentration comparisons. A review of several recent European cases suggests that actual merger policy often fails to consider potential competition.
We discuss public policy towards vertical relations, comparing different types of contracts between a manufacturer and a maximum of two retailers. Together with (potential) price competition between the retailers, we study the role of a (sunk) differentiation cost paid by them in order to relax competition in the retail market and broaden the market potential of the distributed product. This non-price competition element in the downstream market is responsible for our conclusion that, unlike in standard policy guidelines and previous theoretical analysis, restrictions in intra-brand competition may deserve a permissive treatment even in the absence of inter-brand competition, if retailer differentiation is costly.
This is a fully revised edition of the UK’s leading textbook on the law governing construction contracts and the management and administration of those contracts. Although the legal principles involved are an aspect of general contract law, the practical and commercial complexities of the construction industry have increasingly made this a specialist area. This new edition has been brought up to date with recent cases and developments in the law as it stands at March 2007. The basic approach of the book has been retained. Rather than provide a commentary on standard-form contracts, our approach is to introduce the general principles that underlie contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to the most important standard forms currently in use. Some of the common standard-form contracts have been revised since the previous edition, and the text has been revised to take account of these changes. Practitioners (consultants, builders, clients and lawyers) will find this an extremely useful source of reference, providing in-depth explanations for all of the features found in contemporary construction contracts, with reasons. A unique feature of this book is the way that it brings together the relevant principles of law with the practical issues arising in construction cases. It is a key text for construction undergraduates and postgraduates as well as for those taking the RIBA Part III and CIOB Part II examinations.
This paper provides a review of the last five years of policymaking in the area of health and safety law; this includes multiple reviews, legislative reform, and the reframing of rhetoric around the issue. It characterises this as a process of social construction of a new ‘universe of meaning’ around health and safety regulation, which provides a basis for a particular, narrow, neoliberal conception of regulation and responsibility to permeate the mainstream. Deliberative and public-facing policymaking processes have been utilised as a key element of this process.
The debate associated with the qualifications of business school faculty has raged since the 1959 release of the Gordon–Howell and Pierson reports, which encouraged business schools in the USA to enhance their legitimacy by increasing their faculties’ doctoral qualifications and scholarly rigor. Today, the legitimacy of specific faculty qualifications remains one of the most discussed topics in management education, attracting the interest of administrators, faculty, and accreditation agencies. Based on new institutional theory and the institutional logics perspective, this paper examines convergence and innovation in business schools through an analysis of faculty hiring criteria. The qualifications examined are academic degree, scholarly publications, teaching experience, and professional experience. Three groups of schools are examined based on type of university, position within a media ranking system, and accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Data are gathered using a content analysis of 441 faculty postings from business schools based in the USA over two time periods. Contrary to claims of global convergence, we find most qualifications still vary by group, even in the mature US market. Moreover, innovative hiring is more likely to be found in non-elite schools.
This article is concerned with the liability of search engines for algorithmically produced search suggestions, such as through Google’s ‘autocomplete’ function. Liability in this context may arise when automatically generated associations have an offensive or defamatory meaning, or may even induce infringement of intellectual property rights. The increasing number of cases that have been brought before courts all over the world puts forward questions on the conflict of fundamental freedoms of speech and access to information on the one hand, and personality rights of individuals— under a broader right of informational self-determination—on the other. In the light of the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU) in Google Spain v AEPD, this article concludes that many requests for removal of suggestions including private individuals’ information will be successful on the basis of EU data protection law, even absent prejudice to the person concerned.
The September 11th episode not only marked the end of the Cold War, but of the Balance of Powers Diplomacy, through which the nation-states defin e themselves as enemies, and solve their problems with war or war threat. Today the major countries do not have enemies among other nation-states. Slowly Globalization’s Politics replace the previous system, as long as globalization gets regulated, and the rule of law emerges at international level. In the global world we have three types of countries: the rich, the ones of intermediary development, and the poor. Globalization is inherently unjust to the latter. Unable to compete in a world where competition prevails everywhere, such countries are either just outside the system, or, frustrated, recur to terrorism. Interests, however, do not point out only in the direction of inequalities. Through politics, i.e., through debate and argument, it will be possible to create a less unjust international law system. And also though it, the hope in an international government ceases to be a mere utopia.
Enquanto muito se discute nos meios acadêmicos no próprio Congresso Nacional teor das reformas política, tributária previdenciária, todas elas, aliás, fundamentais ao país, esta monografia aborda outras dimensões de reforma, relacionadas organização funcional do Estado Brasileiro. Assim porque exigência de um Estado eficiente responde não somente questão de sua legitimidade, mas é, hoje, no ambiente globalizado de intensa competição de constante instabilidade, imperativo do próprio desenvolvimento de uma nação, especialmente Brasil, que deve, paralelamente, enfrentar um enorme déficit social acumulado. Procura-se, então, discutir, numa visão prospectiva, uma nova divisão de funções entre os Poderes Executivo Legislativo, especialmente no que concerne produção normativa, cujo modelo atual, ainda fundado no dogma da reserva de lei, apresenta-se incapaz de responder com grau de agilidade e competência que se exige do Estado atual. Remanesce, obviamente, preocupação com preservação dos valores democráticos com contenção do poder do Executivo, que instruíram formação dos Estados constitucionais, mas monopolização, pelo Legislativo, da produção de normas gerais abstratas não fator imprescindível ao alcance de tais objetivos sequer corresponde ao modelo empiricamente em vigor no Brasil. No outro aspecto, da divisão vertical de funções determinada pelo modelo federativo brasileiro, aborda-se "crise de relacionamento" entre os Entes Federativos, que se nota na dificuldade de adoção de políticas públicas conjuntas, problema que mais se agrava ante justa demanda da sociedade em encontrar, para seus organismos, espaço de participação nessa mesma seara. Deixando parte algumas sugestões de reconfiguração federativa, com inclusão ou exclusão de Entes, presente estudo procura defender adoção de soluções institucionais para a concretização da cooperação entre os Entes e para participação da sociedade na busca do interesse público.
The choice of accounting standards capable of defining the recognition, measurement and publicizing of financial and economic information to the general public constitutes one of the accounting community¿s greatest challenges. So, the analysis of the Fundamental Principles of Accounting and of the Conceptual Structure of Accounting becomes relevant because of its direct relation to the normative process and because it represents the essence of doctrines and theories relating to the Science of Accounting. Each country¿s set of rules diverges when it comes to creating and evidencing Accounting Statements, and that¿s why the harmonization of the International Accounting Rules is becoming more important among accountants: as an answer to the world qualitative and quantitative demand for information. When managers, answering a great variety of incentives, manipulate or manage the disclosure of accounting information, they show that the management of accounting information begins to represent a purposeful intervention in the process of elaboration of financial and economic statements with the intention of obtaining some private benefit. In this context, Accounting Regulation performs an important function in the technical procedure of professionals in the area and in the development of practices convergent with international standards, which, in their turn, are already in force. The present study, which is exploratory and non-experimental, aims at presenting and analyzing the process of accounting regulation under the perspective of rules and of the choice of accounting practices as an answer by regulated entities on a tridimensional perspective. The establishment of interaction among diverse fields, through interdisciplinarity, aims at bridging the gap between the fields of law and accounting by articulating concepts and cognitive schemes in a process of mutual enrichment. The research concludes that it is possible to apply concepts from Miguel Reale¿s Tridimensional Theory of Law in the study of accounting regulation.
This article discusses some issues in communicating experience, based on a life history interview with 83-year-old Brazilian jurist Evandro Lins e Silva conducted by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation’s oral history program (Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, or CPDOC) between August 1994 and January 1995.1The text focuses especially on two images used by the interviewee, which consolidate both the experiences that have been communicated to him and the experience that he himself endeavors to communicate regarding his activities as an attorney and the status of truth within the field of law.
O objetivo do trabalho é analisar a legitimidade da Defensoria Pública para o ajuizamento de ações civis públicas, em decorrência da nova redação do art. 5º da Lei nº 7.347/85. Verificando as atribuições institucionais da Defensoria Pública, cujo fim precípuo é a proteção e efetivação dos direitos dos cidadãos, chega-se a conclusão de que, de maneira alinhada ao ordenamento brasileiro, essa entidade possui legitimidade para proteger os direitos difusos.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a operação de incorporação de ações, prevista no artigo 252 da Lei nº 6.404/76 (Lei das Sociedades por Ações) e sua utilização como meio para promover o fechamento de capital. A incorporação de ações é operação societária mediante a qual a totalidade de ações de determinada companhia é incorporada ao patrimônio de outra companhia, obrigatoriamente constituída de acordo com as leis brasileiras. Eventualmente, a operação de incorporação de ações pode levar ao fechamento de capital da companhia “alvo”. Diante desta possível consequência, controladores e minoritários têm discutido acerca da legitimidade do fechamento de capital mediante a incorporação de ações, e da necessidade de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição à operação. São analisadas as diferentes posições doutrinárias e principais precedentes julgados pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários sobre essa questão, a fim de concluir acerca da legitimidade da operação e da necessidade ou não de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição para promover o fechamento de capital.
The goal of this paper is to discuss a key issue in the Democratic Rule of Law State: what are the role and main functions of the Judiciary in Brazil? Is the Judiciary mainly a public service provider, adjudicating disputes and guaranteeing individual rights? Or also as a state power, it should mainly control and guide the moral values of the society, changing the status quo and reducing social conflicts? In this sense, what are the conflicts that must be examined by the Judiciary? We will seek to answer these questions based on a discussion subsidized by courts official statistics and the results of surveys conducted with the Brazilian general population. The surveys measured how do citizens feel about their judicial system and what are the circumstances and the facts that determine the judicialization of conflicts. We work with the perceptions and attitudes of citizens relating to the Judiciary as it is today and discuss the Judiciary they want. Then, we compare how attitudes and perceptions relate to actual behavior and use of courts.