826 resultados para leading and coincident employment indexes


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Avaliaram-se o átrio esquerdo (AE) utilizando-se o método bidimensional (2-B) (corte transverso) e a relação átrio esquerdo:aorta (AE:Ao), em um grupo de 40 cães adultos e sadios, entre um, cinco e sete anos de idade e com pesos corpóreos de 3,2kg a 38,3kg, e compararam-se esses valores aos do modo-M convencional. Observou-se diferença entre AE e Ao nos dois métodos e entre os seus respectivos índices. A correlação foi positiva alta entre peso e superfície corpórea e entre AE no modo 2-B (AEB) e AE no modo-M (AEM). Não se observou correlação entre os índices, nos dois métodos, com o peso e a superfície corpórea, isto é, os índices são independentes do peso ou da superfície corpórea. Concluiu-se que o AEB é maior do que o AEM, o índice médio para o AEB:AoB é de 1,379, e o intervalo de confiança de 1,337 a 1,422. O índice no método 2-B é, portanto, superior ao índice no modo-M.


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The distribution of delta ferrite fraction was measured with the magnetic method in specimens of different stainless steel compositions cast by the investment casting (lost wax) process. Ferrite fraction measurements published in the literature for stainless steel cast samples were added to the present work data, enabling an extensive analysis about practical methods to calculate delta ferrite fractions in stainless steel castings. Nineteen different versions of practical methods were formed using Schaeffler, DeLong, and Siewert diagrams and the nickel and chromium equivalent indexes suggested by several authors. These methods were evaluated by a detailed statistical analysis, showing that the Siewert diagram, including its equivalent indexes and iso-ferrite lines, gives the lowest relative errors between calculated and measured delta ferrite fractions. Although originally created for stainless steel welds, this diagram gives relative errors lower than those for the current ASTM standard method (800/A 800M-01), developed to predict ferrite fractions in stainless steel castings. Practical methods originated from a combination of different chromium/nickel equivalent indexes and the iso-ferrite lines from Schaeffler diagram give the lowest relative errors when compared with combinations using other iso-ferrite line diagrams. For the samples cast in the present work, an increase in cooling rate from 0.78 to 2.7 K/s caused a decrease in the delta ferrite fraction, but a statistical hypothesis test revealed that this effect is significant in only 50% of the samples that have ferrite in their microstructures.


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Language alterations in Huntington's disease (HD) are reported, but their nature and correlation with other cognitive impairments are still under investigation. This study aimed to characterize the language disturbances in HD and to correlate them to motor and cognitive aspects of the disease. We studied 23 HD patients and 23 controls, matched for age and schooling, using the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Boston Naming Test, the Token Test, Animal fluency, Action fluency, FAS-COWA, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the Stroop Test and the Hooper Visual Organization Test (HVOT). HD patients performed poorer in verbal fluency (p<0.0001), oral comprehension (p<0.0001), repetition (p<0.0001), oral agility (p<0.0001), reading comprehension (p=0.034) and narrative writing (p<0.0001). There was a moderate correlation between the Expressive Component and Language Competency Indexes and the HVOT (r=0.519, p=0.011 and r=0.450, p=0.031, respectively). Language alterations in HD seem to reflect a derangement in both frontostriatal and frontotemporal regions.


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CONTEXT: Stroke is a frequent cause of dysphagia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate in a tertiary care hospital the prevalence of swallowing dysfunction in stroke patients, to analyze factors associated with the dysfunction and to relate swallowing dysfunction to mortality 3 months after the stroke. METHODS: Clinical evaluation of deglutition was performed in 212 consecutive patients with a medical and radiologic diagnosis of stroke. The occurrence of death was determined 3 months after the stroke. RESULTS: It was observed that 63% of the patients had swallowing dysfunction. The variables gender and specific location of the lesion were not associated with the presence or absence of swallowing dysfunction. The patients with swallowing dysfunction had more frequently a previous stroke, had a stroke in the left hemisphere, motor and/or sensitivity alterations, difficulty in oral comprehension, alteration of oral expression, alteration of the level of consciousness, complications such as fever and pneumonia, high indexes on the Rankin scale, and low indexes on the Barthel scale. These patients had a higher mortality rate. CONCLUSIONS: Swallowing evaluation should be done in all patients with stroke, since swallowing dysfunction is associated with complications and an increased risk of death.


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This study focus on pathologies - caused by impoverished uranium and other heavy-metals’ nanoparticles environmental pollution - developed in international military personnel deployed in critical areas; the pathologies are then placed in a general and chronological schema. This study shows an impressive collection of data on impoverished uranium characteristics and its employment in civil and military context and a map of impoverished uranium most polluted areas. The studies on this subject commissioned by two Italian Parliamentary Court of Inquiry and by other nations are then analyzed. Further etiopathogenetic hypothesis are assessed – as multivaccination – comparing vaccination protocols adopted by different NATO nations and their possible effects. Finally the study defines the objectives and the operational protocols of an ongoing epidemiological serial prospective study (time-frame scheduled of 30 years) on military personnel deployed in critical areas for the possible presence of genotoxic agents.


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There are different ways to do cluster analysis of categorical data in the literature and the choice among them is strongly related to the aim of the researcher, if we do not take into account time and economical constraints. Main approaches for clustering are usually distinguished into model-based and distance-based methods: the former assume that objects belonging to the same class are similar in the sense that their observed values come from the same probability distribution, whose parameters are unknown and need to be estimated; the latter evaluate distances among objects by a defined dissimilarity measure and, basing on it, allocate units to the closest group. In clustering, one may be interested in the classification of similar objects into groups, and one may be interested in finding observations that come from the same true homogeneous distribution. But do both of these aims lead to the same clustering? And how good are clustering methods designed to fulfil one of these aims in terms of the other? In order to answer, two approaches, namely a latent class model (mixture of multinomial distributions) and a partition around medoids one, are evaluated and compared by Adjusted Rand Index, Average Silhouette Width and Pearson-Gamma indexes in a fairly wide simulation study. Simulation outcomes are plotted in bi-dimensional graphs via Multidimensional Scaling; size of points is proportional to the number of points that overlap and different colours are used according to the cluster membership.


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L’elaborato, dopo una ricostruzione della disciplina normativa presente in materia di contratto a tempo determinato in Italia e nei principali ordinamenti europei (Spagna, Francia ed Inghilterra), affronta i più rilevanti nodi problematici dell’istituto, in riferimento al settore privato e pubblico, mettendo in luce le principali querelle dottrinali e giurisprudenziali. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle questioni insorte a seguito delle ultime modifiche normative di cui al c.d. Collegato lavoro (legge n. 183/2010), sino al decisivo intervento della Corte Costituzionale, con pronuncia n. 303 del 9 novembre 2011, che ha dichiarato legittima la disposizione introduttiva dell’indennità risarcitoria forfetizzata, aggiuntiva rispetto alla conversione del contratto. Tutte le problematiche trattate hanno evidenziato le difficoltà per le Corti Superiori, così come per i giudici comunitari e nazionali, di trovare una linea univoca e condivisa nella risoluzione delle controversie presenti in materia. L’elaborato si chiude con alcune riflessioni sui temi della flessibilità e precarietà nel mondo del lavoro, attraverso una valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa dell’istituto, nell’intento di fornire una risposta ad alcuni interrogativi: la flessibilità è necessariamente precarietà o può essere letta quale forma speciale di occupazione? Quali sono i possibili antidoti alla precarietà? In conclusione, è emerso come la flessibilità possa rappresentare un problema per le imprese e per i lavoratori soltanto nel lungo periodo. La soluzione è stata individuata nell’opportunità di investire sulla formazione. Si è così ipotizzata una nuova «flessibilità socialmente ed economicamente sostenibile», da realizzarsi tramite l’ausilio delle Regioni e, quindi, dei contributi del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale: al lavoratore, in tal modo, potrà essere garantita la continuità con il lavoro tramite percorsi formativi mirati e, d’altro canto, il datore di lavoro non dovrà farsi carico dei costi per la formazione dei dipendenti a tempo determinato.


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Computer-assisted translation (or computer-aided translation or CAT) is a form of language translation in which a human translator uses computer software in order to facilitate the translation process. Machine translation (MT) is the automated process by which a computerized system produces a translated text or speech from one natural language to another. Both of them are leading and promising technologies in the translation industry; it therefore seems important that translation students and professional translators become familiar with this relatively new types of technology. Whether used together, not only might these two different types of systems reduce translation time, but also lead to a further improvement in the field of translation technologies. The dissertation consists of four chapters. The first one surveys the chronological development of MT and CAT tools, the emergence of pre-editing, post-editing and controlled language and the very last frontiers in this sector. The second one provide a general overview on the four main CAT tools that are used nowadays and tested hereto. The third chapter is dedicated to the experimentations that have been conducted in order to analyze and evaluate the performance of the four integrated systems that are the core subject of this dissertation. Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the issue of terminological equivalence in interlinguistic translation. The purpose of this dissertation is not to provide an objective and definitive solution to the complex issues that arise at any time in the field of translation technologies, this aim being well away from being achieved, but to supply information about the limits and potentiality that are typical of those instruments which are now essential to any professional translator.


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In the first chapter we develop a theoretical model investigating food consumption and body weight with a novel assumption regarding human caloric expenditure (i.e. metabolism), in order to investigate why individuals can be rationally trapped in an excessive weight equilibrium and why they struggle to lose weight even when offered incentives for weight-loss. This assumption allows the theoretical model to have multiple equilibria and to provide an explanation for why losing weight is so difficult even in the presence of incentives, without relying on rational addiction, time-inconsistency preferences or bounded rationality. In addition to this result we are able to characterize under which circumstances a temporary incentive can create a persistent weight loss. In the second chapter we investigate the possible contributions that social norms and peer effects had on the spread of obesity. In recent literature peer effects and social norms have been characterized as important pathways for the biological and behavioral spread of body weight, along with decreased food prices and physical activity. We add to this literature by proposing a novel concept of social norm related to what we define as social distortion in weight perception. The theoretical model shows that, in equilibrium, the effect of an increase in peers' weight on i's weight is unrelated to health concerns while it is mainly associated with social concerns. Using regional data from England we prove that such social component is significant in influencing individual weight. In the last chapter we investigate the relationship between body weight and employment probability. Using a semi-parametric regression we show that men and women employment probability do not follow a linear relationship with body mass index (BMI) but rather an inverted U-shaped one, peaking at a BMI way over the clinical threshold for overweight.


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The Southwest Indian Ridge segment that extends between 10° and 16° E has the slowest spreading rate of any other oceanic ridge (about 8.4 mm/year). In 2013 during the expedition ANTXXIX/8 seismology, geology, microbiology, heat flow analyses were carried out. Here, no hydrothermal plumes or black smoker systems were found but the results of the survey allowed to identify areas with peculiar characteristics: Area 1 with higher heat flux bsf; Area 2 where in 2002 the presence of hydrothermal emissions was hypothesized (Bach et al., 2002); Area 3 with anomalies of methane, ammonium, sulphide and dissolved inorganic carbon in pore water sediment profiles, and recovery of fauna vents. All these aspects suggest the presence of a hydrothermal circulation. Using Illumina 16S gene tag, statistical tools and phylogenetic trees, I provided a biological proof of the presence of hydrothermal circulation in this ridge segment. At Area 3, alpha and beta diversity indexes showed similarities with those described for venting microbial communities and about 40-70% of the dominant microbial community was found phylogenetically related to clones isolated hydrothermal-driven environments. Although the majority of chemosynthetic environment related taxa were not classified like autotrophic prokaryotes, some of them are key taxa in support of the presence of hydrothermal circulation, since they are partners of consortia or mediate specific reaction typically described for hydrothermal and seep environments, or are specialized organisms in exploiting labile organic substrates. Concluding, these results are remarkable because support the importance of ultra slow spreading ridge systems in contributing to global geochemical cycles and larval dispersion of vent fauna.


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Migrating lymphocytes acquire a polarized phenotype with a leading and a trailing edge, or uropod. Although in vitro experiments in cell lines or activated primary cell cultures have established that Rho-p160 coiled-coil kinase (ROCK)-myosin II-mediated uropod contractility is required for integrin de-adhesion on two-dimensional surfaces and nuclear propulsion through narrow pores in three-dimensional matrices, less is known about the role of these two events during the recirculation of primary, nonactivated lymphocytes. Using pharmacological antagonists of ROCK and myosin II, we report that inhibition of uropod contractility blocked integrin-independent mouse T cell migration through narrow, but not large, pores in vitro. T cell crawling on chemokine-coated endothelial cells under shear was severely impaired by ROCK inhibition, whereas transendothelial migration was only reduced through endothelial cells with high, but not low, barrier properties. Using three-dimensional thick-tissue imaging and dynamic two-photon microscopy of T cell motility in lymphoid tissue, we demonstrated a significant role for uropod contractility in intraluminal crawling and transendothelial migration through lymph node, but not bone marrow, endothelial cells. Finally, we demonstrated that ICAM-1, but not anatomical constraints or integrin-independent interactions, reduced parenchymal motility of inhibitor-treated T cells within the dense lymphoid microenvironment, thus assigning context-dependent roles for uropod contraction during lymphocyte recirculation.


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PURPOSE: To investigate whether body sodium content and blood volume contribute to the pathogenesis of orthostatic hypotension in patients with diabetes mellitus. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Exchangeable sodium, plasma and blood volumes, and catecholamine, renin, and aldosterone levels were assessed in 10 patients with Type II diabetes mellitus who had orthostatic hypotension and control groups of 40 diabetic patients without orthostatic hypotension and 40 normal subjects of similar age and sex. In subgroups, clinical tests of autonomic function and cardiovascular reactivity to norepinephrine and angiotensin II infusions were performed. RESULTS: In diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension, mean (+/- SD) supine blood pressure was 165/98 +/- 27/12 mm Hg (P <0.05 compared with other groups) and mean upright blood pressure was 90/60 +/- 38/18 mm Hg. Compared with controls, diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension had a 10% lower blood volume. They also had less exchangeable sodium than patients with diabetes who did not have orthostatic hypotension (P <0.01). Compared with both groups of controls, diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension had decreased 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion and a reduced diastolic blood pressure response to handgrip (P <0.05). Moreover, they displayed reduced products of exchangeable sodium or blood volume and sympathetic function indexes. Cardiovascular pressor reactivity to norepinephrine was enhanced (P <0.01) and beat-to-beat variation decreased (P <0.01) in both groups of diabetic patients. Microvascular complications were more prevalent in the diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension (90% vs 35%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have Type II diabetes mellitus and orthostatic hypotension are hypovolemic and have sympathoadrenal insufficiency; both factors contribute to the pathogenesis of orthostatic hypotension.


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The TViews Table Role-Playing Game (TTRPG) is a digital tabletop role-playing game that runs on the TViews table, bridging the separate worlds of traditional role-playing games with the growing area of massively multiplayer online role-playing games. The TViews table is an interactive tabletop media platform that can track the location of multiple tagged objects in real-time as they are moved around its surface, providing a simultaneous and coincident graphical display. In this paper we present the implementation of the first version of TTRPG, with a content set based on the traditional Dungeons & Dragons rule-set. We also discuss the results of a user study that used TTRPG to explore the possible social context of digital tabletop role-playing games.


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Alcohol and tobacco related disorders are the two leading and most expensive causes of illness in central Europe. In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in diagnosis and therapy of alcohol use disorders.Traditional biomarkers such as gamma glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscualr volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to influence of age, gender and non alcohol related diseases, among others.Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake-EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programs, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and fetal alcohol syndrome.


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This paper describes a measurement of the flavour composition of dijet events produced in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. The measurement uses the full 2010 data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 39 pb(-1). Six possible combinations of light, charm and bottom jets are identified in the dijet events, where the jet flavour is defined by the presence of bottom, charm or solely light flavour hadrons in the jet. Kinematic variables, based on the properties of displaced decay vertices and optimised for jet flavour identification, are used in a multidimensional template fit to measure the fractions of these dijet flavour states as functions of the leading jet transverse momentum in the range 40 GeV to 500 GeV and jet rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.1. The fit results agree with the predictions of leading-and next-to-leading-order calculations, with the exception of the dijet fraction composed of bottom and light flavour jets, which is underestimated by all models at large transverse jet momenta. The ability to identify jets containing two b-hadrons, originating from e. g. gluon splitting, is demonstrated. The difference between bottom jet production rates in leading and subleading jets is consistent with the next-to-leading-order predictions.