729 resultados para lamb fatness


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L'elaborato affronta la definizione di differenti strategie per il campionamento e la ricostruzione di segnali wavefield per applicazioni di monitoraggio strutturale. In accordo con quanto indicato dalla teoria del Compressive Sensing, obiettivo della tesi è la minimizzazione del numero di punti di acquisizione al fine di ridurre lo sforzo energetico del campionamento. I risultati sono validati in ambiente Matlab utilizzando come riferimento segnali acquisiti su setup sperimentali in alluminio o materiale composito in presenza di diverse tipologie di difetto.


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Il lavoro di tesi ha preso spunto da un fenomeno franoso avvenuto a Porretta Terme (provincia di Bologna), nell’autunno 2008, a causa di abbondanti precipitazioni, in tale occasione si innescò una colata rapida di detriti che invase la strada statale n. 64 e lambì la ferrovia che collega l’Emilia Romagna e la Toscana. I detriti colpirono anche un’abitazione, senza per fortuna causare perdite umane ne danni ingenti, ma l’evento riscosse numerose attenzioni da parte della popolazione locale, preoccupata che fenomeni del genere potessero ripetersi anche in altre zone e senza alcun preavviso. L’evento allertò anche la Protezione Civile regionale che da subito si interessò all’applicazione di metodi in grado di prevedere la suscettività areale da frane di questo tipo. Metodi previsionali per colate rapide sono stati sviluppati negli ultimi anni in diverse università sia in Europa sia negli Stati Uniti d’America. Lo scopo è quello di prevedere le possibili zone di innesco e individuare le soglie di precipitazione critica in modo da realizzare carte di suscettività a scopo di pianificazione territoriale e mitigazione del rischio. Il lavoro, durato diversi mesi, è passato attraverso diverse fasi. In primis si è proceduto a sopralluoghi di campo al fine di inquadrare l’area oggetto di studio dal punto di vista geologico e geomorfologico. Successivamente è stata svolta una fase di campionamento sul terreno; tramite una trivella manuale sono stati effettuati numerosi carotaggi (circa 60) sparsi sull’intero versante oggetto di studio, al fine di ricavare un dato relativo allo spessore del suolo. Inoltre sono stati raccolti dei campioni di terreno, analizzati successivamente in laboratorio al fine di ricavarne le curve granulometriche e alcuni dati caratterizzanti. Terminata la fase sul terreno, si è provveduto ad effettuare le prove di laboratorio (curve granulometriche, limiti di Attemberg, etc). Grazie ai dati raccolti, è stato possibile applicare un modello previsionale di stabilità superficiale, TRIGRS 2.0 basato sull’infiltrazione in un mezzo non saturo di una precipitazione di durata finita. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta ai metodi per la previsione dello spessore del suolo (Z Model, S Model, Sexp Model) e alla loro influenza nella suscettività da frana superficiale.


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The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of teacher experience on student progress and performance quality in an introductory applied lesson. Nine experienced teachers and 15 pre-service teachers taught an adult beginner to play ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ on a wind instrument. The lessons were videotaped for subsequent analysis of teaching behaviors and performance achievement. Following instruction, a random sample of teachers was interviewed about their perceptions of the lesson. A panel of adjudicators rated final pupil performances. No significant difference was found between pupils taught by experienced and pre-service teachers in the quality of their final performance. Systematic observation of the videotaped lessons showed that participant teachers provided relatively frequent and highly positive reinforcement during the lessons. Pupils of experienced teachers talked significantly more during the lessons than did pupils of pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers modeled significantly more on their instruments than did experienced teachers.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 870-lb steers fed 137 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn with dry and wet distillers grains with solubles (DGS) as feed for finishing cattle. Dry DGS was evaluated at 16% of diet dry matter. Wet DGS (WDGS) was evaluated at 14.6%, 26.2%, and 37.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% dry DGS or 14.6% wet DGS increased rate of gain and tended to increase carcass fatness. Increasing the amount of wet DGS in the diet decreased feed intake, reduced gain, and improved feed conversion. The calculated net energy for gain values for dry and wet DGS were .92 and 1.5 times the energy value of corn grain. Economic returns declined slightly as the percentage of wet DGS increased in the diet, but remained above the two diets without DGS. The average benefits from feeding wet DGS averaged $25, $21, and $19 per head for steers fed 14.6%, 26.2%, and 35.7%, respectively, based on a formula price for wet DGS related to price of corn and including a charge for transportation of the wet feed.


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Seasonal lamb supply has been established as one of the major hindrances to the American sheep industry. The ability to consistently lamb ewes on an accelerated production system offers additional benefits of reduced maintenance costs, more uniform cash flow along with reduced labor and facility demands. Previous work at McNay with spring breeding indicated that light priming rams regardless of genetic base improved conception rates, however, MGA feeding postweaning gave inconsistent and sometimes depressed reproductive activity in ewes. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of MGA in late lactation and a single PG600 injection at weaning, either individually or in combination.


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The floods of 1993 caused the corn crop to be low in test weight. The following study was conducted to determine the relative feeding value of low test weight corn. The ability to feed this discounted corn to lambs could be a means of adding extra value to the discounted crop and lower the cost of lamb gain. Performance parameters indicated that low test weight corn was of equal value to normal test weight corn.


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Left ventricular mass (LVM) is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. However, normal growth of LVM in healthy children is not well understood, and previous results on independent effects of body size and body fatness on LVM have been inconsistent. The purpose of this study was (1) to establish the normal growth curve of LVM from age 8 to age 18, and evaluate the determinants of change in LVM with age, and (2) to assess the independent effects of body size and body fatness on LVM.^ In Project HeartBeat!, 678 healthy children aged 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline were enrolled and examined at 4-monthly intervals for up to 4 years. A synthetic cohort with continuous observations from age 8 to 18 years was constructed. A total of 4608 LVM measurements was made from M-mode echocardiography. The multilevel linear model was used for analysis.^ Sex-specific trajectories of normal growth of LVM from age 8 to 18 was displayed. On average, LVM was 15 g higher in males than females. Average LVM increased linearly in males from 78 g at age 8 to 145 g at age 18. For females, the trajectory was curvilinear, nearly constant after age 14. No significant racial differences were found. After adjustment for the effects of body size and body fatness, average LVM decreased slightly from age 8 to 18, and sex differences in changes of LVM remained constant.^ The impact of body size on LVM was examined by adding to a basic LVM-sex-age model one of 9 body size indicators. The impact of body fatness was tested by further introducing into each of the 9 LVM models (with one or another of the body size indicators) one of 4 body fatness indicators, yielding 36 models with different body size and body fatness combinations. The results indicated that effects of body size on LVM can be distinguished between fat-free body mass and fat body mass, both being independent, positive predictors. The former is the stronger determinant. When a non-fat-free body size indicator is used as predictor, the estimated residual effect of body fatness on LVM becomes negative. ^


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Objectives. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) including CVD secondary to diabetes type II, a significant health problem among Mexican American populations, originates in early childhood. This study seeks to determine risk factors available to the health practitioner that can identify the child at potential risk of developing CVD, thereby enabling early intervention. ^ Design. This is a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data of matched Mexican American parents and children selected from the HHANES, 1982–1984. ^ Methods. Parents at high risk for CVD were identified based on medical history, and clinical and physical findings. Factor analysis was performed on children's skinfold thicknesses, height, weight, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures, in order to produce a limited number of uncorrelated child CVD risk factors. Multiple regression analyses were then performed to determine other CVD markers associated with these Factors, independently for mothers and fathers. ^ Results. Factor analysis of children's measurements revealed three uncorrelated latent variables summarizing the children's CVD risk: Factor1: ‘Fatness’, Factor2: ‘Size and Maturity’, and Factor3: ‘Blood Pressure’, together accounting for the bulk of variation in children's measurements (86–89%). Univariate analyses showed that children from high CVD risk families did not differ from children of low risk families in occurrence of high blood pressure, overweight, biological maturity, acculturation score, or social and economic indicators. However, multiple regression using the factor scores (from factor analysis) as dependent variables, revealed that higher CVD risk in parents, was significantly associated with increased fatness and increased blood pressure in the children. Father's CVD risk status was associated with higher levels of body fat in his children and higher levels of blood pressure in sons. Mother's CVD risk status was associated with higher blood pressure levels in children, and occurrence of obesity in the mother associated with higher fatness levels in her children. ^ Conclusion. Occurrence of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors in parents of Mexican American children, may be used to identify children at potentially higher risk for developing CV disease in the future. Obesity in mothers appears to be an important marker for the development of higher levels of body fatness in children. ^


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While clinical studies have shown a negative relationship between obesity and mental health in women, population studies have not shown a consistent association. However, many of these studies can be criticized regarding fatness level criteria, lack of control variables, and validity of the psychological variables.^ The purpose of this research was to elucidate the relationship between fatness level and mental health in United States women using data from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I), which was conducted on a national probability sample from 1971 to 1974. Mental health was measured by the General Well-Being Schedule (GWB), and fatness level was determined by the sum of the triceps and subscapular skinfolds. Women were categorized as lean (15th percentile or less), normal (16th to 84th percentiles), or obese (85th percentile or greater).^ A conceptual framework was developed which identified the variables of age, race, marital status, socioeconomic status (education), employment status, number of births, physical health, weight history, and perception of body image as important to the fatness level-GWB relationship. Multiple regression analyses were performed separately for whites and blacks with GWB as the response variable, and fatness level, age, education, employment status, number of births, marital status, and health perception as predictor variables. In addition, 2- and 3-way interaction terms for leanness, obesity and age were included as predictor variables. Variables related to weight history and perception of body image were not collected in NHANES I, and thus were not included in this study.^ The results indicated that obesity was a statistically significant predictor of lower GWB in white women even when the other predictor variables were controlled. The full regression model identified the young, more educated, obese female as a subgroup with lower GWB, especially in blacks. These findings were not consistent with the previous non-clinical studies which found that obesity was associated with better mental health. The social stigma of being obese and the preoccupation of women with being lean may have contributed to the lower GWB in these women. ^


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Steroid hormones regulate target cell function via quantitative and qualitative changes in RNA and protein synthesis. In the testis, androgens are known to play an important role in the regulation of spermatogenesis. The Sertoli cell (SC), whose function is thought to be supportive to the developing germ cell, has been implicated as an androgen target cell. Although cytoplasmic androgen receptors and chromatin acceptor sites for androgen-receptor complexes have been found in SC, effects on RNA synthesis have not previously been demonstrated. In this study, SC RNA synthetic activity was characterized and the effect of testosterone on SC nuclear transcriptional activity in vitro assessed. SC exhibited two fold increases in RNA and ribonucleotide pool concentrations during sexual maturation. These changes appeared to correlate with a previously observed increase in protein concentration per cell over an age span of 15-60 days. Following incubation with ('3)H-uridine, SC from older animals incorporated more label into RNA than SC from younger animals. Since the relative concentration of cytidine nucleotides was higher in SC from older rats, the age-related increase in tritium incorporation may reflect an associated increase in incorporation of ('3)H-CMP into RNA. Alternatively, the enhanced labeling may be the result of either a change in the base composition of the RNA resulting in a higher proportion of CMP and UMP in the RNA, or compartmentalization of the nucleotide pools. The physiologic consequences of these maturational alterations of nucleotide pools remains to be elucidated. RNA polymerase activities were characterized in intact nuclei obtained from cultured rat SC. (alpha)-Amanitin resistant RNA polymerase I+III activity was identical when measured in low or high ionic strength (0.05 M or 0.25 M ammonium sulfate (AS)) in the presence of MnCl(,2) or MgCl(,2), with a divalent cation optimum of 1.6 mM. RNA polymerase II was most active in 0.25 M AS and 1.6 mM MnCl(,2). The apparent Km of RNA polymerase II for UTP was 0.016 mM in 0.05 M AS and 0.037 mM in 0.25 M AS. The apparent Km values for total polymerase activity was 0.008 mM and 0.036 mM at low and high ionic strenghts, respectively. These data indicate that Sertoli cell RNA polymerase activities have catalytic properties characteristic of eukaryotic polymerase activities in general. In the presence of 21 (mu)M testosterone, RNA polymerase II activity increased two fold at 15 minutes, then declined but was still elevated over control values six hours after androgen addition. Polymerase I+III activity was not greatly affected by testosterone. The stimulation of polymerase II measured at 15 minutes was dose-dependent, with a maximum at 0.53 nM and no further stimulation up to 10('-5) M (ED(,50) = 0.25 nM testosterone), and was androgen specific. The results of preliminary RNA isolation and characterization experiments suggested that the synthesis of several species of RNA was enhanced by testosterone administration. These findings have great potential importance since they represent the first demonstration of a direct effect of androgens on the transcriptional process in the Sertoli cell. Furthermore, the results of these studies constitute further evidence that the Sertoli cell is a target for androgen action in the testis. ^


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BACKGROUND Clinical prognostic groupings for localised prostate cancers are imprecise, with 30-50% of patients recurring after image-guided radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy. We aimed to test combined genomic and microenvironmental indices in prostate cancer to improve risk stratification and complement clinical prognostic factors. METHODS We used DNA-based indices alone or in combination with intra-prostatic hypoxia measurements to develop four prognostic indices in 126 low-risk to intermediate-risk patients (Toronto cohort) who will receive image-guided radiotherapy. We validated these indices in two independent cohorts of 154 (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center cohort [MSKCC] cohort) and 117 (Cambridge cohort) radical prostatectomy specimens from low-risk to high-risk patients. We applied unsupervised and supervised machine learning techniques to the copy-number profiles of 126 pre-image-guided radiotherapy diagnostic biopsies to develop prognostic signatures. Our primary endpoint was the development of a set of prognostic measures capable of stratifying patients for risk of biochemical relapse 5 years after primary treatment. FINDINGS Biochemical relapse was associated with indices of tumour hypoxia, genomic instability, and genomic subtypes based on multivariate analyses. We identified four genomic subtypes for prostate cancer, which had different 5-year biochemical relapse-free survival. Genomic instability is prognostic for relapse in both image-guided radiotherapy (multivariate analysis hazard ratio [HR] 4·5 [95% CI 2·1-9·8]; p=0·00013; area under the receiver operator curve [AUC] 0·70 [95% CI 0·65-0·76]) and radical prostatectomy (4·0 [1·6-9·7]; p=0·0024; AUC 0·57 [0·52-0·61]) patients with prostate cancer, and its effect is magnified by intratumoral hypoxia (3·8 [1·2-12]; p=0·019; AUC 0·67 [0·61-0·73]). A novel 100-loci DNA signature accurately classified treatment outcome in the MSKCC low-risk to intermediate-risk cohort (multivariate analysis HR 6·1 [95% CI 2·0-19]; p=0·0015; AUC 0·74 [95% CI 0·65-0·83]). In the independent MSKCC and Cambridge cohorts, this signature identified low-risk to high-risk patients who were most likely to fail treatment within 18 months (combined cohorts multivariate analysis HR 2·9 [95% CI 1·4-6·0]; p=0·0039; AUC 0·68 [95% CI 0·63-0·73]), and was better at predicting biochemical relapse than 23 previously published RNA signatures. INTERPRETATION This is the first study of cancer outcome to integrate DNA-based and microenvironment-based failure indices to predict patient outcome. Patients exhibiting these aggressive features after biopsy should be entered into treatment intensification trials. FUNDING Movember Foundation, Prostate Cancer Canada, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canadian Institute for Health Research, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, The University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Cancer Charity, Prostate Cancer UK, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, Terry Fox Research Institute, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Foundation, PMH-Radiation Medicine Program Academic Enrichment Fund, Motorcycle Ride for Dad (Durham), Canadian Cancer Society.


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DNA-based parentage determination accelerates genetic improvement in sheep by increasing pedigree accuracy. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers can be used for determining parentage and to provide unique molecular identifiers for tracing sheep products to their source. However, the utility of a particular "parentage SNP" varies by breed depending on its minor allele frequency (MAF) and its sequence context. Our aims were to identify parentage SNPs with exceptional qualities for use in globally diverse breeds and to develop a subset for use in North American sheep. Starting with genotypes from 2,915 sheep and 74 breed groups provided by the International Sheep Genomics Consortium (ISGC), we analyzed 47,693 autosomal SNPs by multiple criteria and selected 163 with desirable properties for parentage testing. On average, each of the 163 SNPs was highly informative (MAF≥0.3) in 48±5 breed groups. Nearby polymorphisms that could otherwise confound genetic testing were identified by whole genome and Sanger sequencing of 166 sheep from 54 breed groups. A genetic test with 109 of the 163 parentage SNPs was developed for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The scoring rates and accuracies for these 109 SNPs were greater than 99% in a panel of North American sheep. In a blinded set of 96 families (sire, dam, and non-identical twin lambs), each parent of every lamb was identified without using the other parent's genotype. In 74 ISGC breed groups, the median estimates for probability of a coincidental match between two animals (PI), and the fraction of potential adults excluded from parentage (PE) were 1.1×10(-39) and 0.999987, respectively, for the 109 SNPs combined. The availability of a well-characterized set of 163 parentage SNPs facilitates the development of high-throughput genetic technologies for implementing accurate and economical parentage testing and traceability in many of the world's sheep breeds.


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Listeria (L.) monocytogenes causes orally acquired infections and is of major importance in ruminants. Little is known about L. monocytogenes transmission between farm environment and ruminants. In order to determine potential sources of infection, we investigated the distribution of L. monocytogenes genetic subtypes in a sheep farm during a listeriosis outbreak by applying four subtyping methods (MALDI-TOF-MS, MLST, MLVA and PFGE). L. monocytogenes was isolated from a lamb with septicemia and from the brainstem of three sheep with encephalitis. Samples from the farm environment were screened for the presence of L. monocytogenes during the listeriosis outbreak, four weeks and eight months after. L. monocytogenes was found only in soil and water tank swabs during the outbreak. Four weeks later, following thorough cleaning of the barn, as well as eight months later, L. monocytogenes was absent in environmental samples. All environmental and clinical L. monocytogenes isolates were found to be the same strain. Our results show that the outbreak involving two different clinical syndromes was caused by a single L. monocytogenes strain and that soil and water tanks were potential infection sources during this outbreak. However, silage cannot be completely ruled out as the bales fed prior to the outbreak were not available for analysis. Faeces samples were negative, suggesting that sheep did not act as amplification hosts contributing to environmental contamination. In conclusion, farm management appears to be a crucial factor for the limitation of a listeriosis outbreak.


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OBJECTIVE Cochlear implants (CI) are standard treatment for prelingually deafened children and postlingually deafened adults. Computed tomography (CT) is the standard method for postoperative imaging of the electrode position. CT scans accurately reflect electrode depth and position, which is essential prior to use. However, routine CT examinations expose patients to radiation, which is especially problematic in children. We examined whether new CT protocols could reduce radiation doses while preserving diagnostic accuracy. METHODS To investigate whether electrode position can be assessed by low-dose CT protocols, a cadaveric lamb model was used because the inner ear morphology is similar to humans. The scans were performed at various volumetric CT dose-indexes CTDIvol)/kV combinations. For each constant CTDIvol the tube voltage was varied (i.e., 80, 100, 120 and 140kV). This procedure was repeated at different CTDIvol values (21mGy, 11mGy, 5.5mGy, 2.8mGy and 1.8mGy). To keep the CTDIvol constant at different tube voltages, the tube current values were adjusted. Independent evaluations of the images were performed by two experienced and blinded neuroradiologists. The criteria diagnostic usefulness, image quality and artifacts (scaled 1-4) were assessed in 14 cochlear-implanted cadaveric lamb heads with variable tube voltages. RESULTS Results showed that the standard CT dose could be substantially reduced without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy of electrode position. The assessment of the CI electrode position was feasible in almost all cases up to a CTDIvol of 2-3mGy. The number of artifacts did not increase for images within this dose range as compared to higher dosages. The extent of the artifacts caused by the implanted metal-containing CI electrode does not depend on the radiation dose and is not perceptibly influenced by changes in the tube voltage. Summarizing the evaluation of the CI electrode position is possible even at a very low radiation dose. CONCLUSIONS CT imaging of the temporal bone for postoperative electrode position control of the CI is possible with a very low and significantly radiation dose. The tube current-time product and voltage can be reduced by 50% without increasing artifacts. Low-dose postoperative CT scans are sufficient for localizing the CI electrode.