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Detecting speciation in the fossil record is a particularly challenging matter. Palaeontologists are usually confronted with poor preservation and limited knowledge on the palaeoenvironment. Even in the contrary case of adequate preservation and information, the linkage of pattern to process is often obscured by insufficient temporal resolution. Consequently, reliable documentations of speciation in fossils with discussions on underlying mechanisms are rare. Here we present a well-resolved pattern of morphological evolution in a fossil species lineage of the gastropod Melanopsis in the long-lived Lake Pannon. These developments are related to environmental changes, documented by isotope and stratigraphical data. After a long period of stasis, the ancestral species experiences a phenotypic change expressed as shift and expansion of the morphospace. The appearance of several new phenotypes along with changes in the environment is interpreted as adaptive radiation. Lake-level high stands affect distribution and availability of habitats and, as a result of varied functional demands on shell geometry, the distribution of phenotypes. The on-going divergence of the morphospace into two branches argues for increasing reproductive isolation, consistent with the model of ecological speciation. In the latest phase, however, progressively unstable conditions restrict availability of niches, allowing survival of one branch only.
The dataset includes measurements of Microcolpia parreyssii parreyssii (Philippi, 1847) and Microcolpia parreyssii sikorai (Brusina, 1903) from Holocene deposits of Lake Petea near Oradea, Romania. Additionally, the tps-files generated with the program TpsDig2 and containing pairwise x,y-coordinates describing the outlines of the digitized images are supplied. Finally, the matrix of Fourier coefficients resulting from the Fast Fourier Transform is provided.
A morphometric analysis was performed for the late Middle Miocene bivalve species lineage of Polititapes tricuspis (Eichwald, 1829) (Veneridae: Tapetini). Specimens from various localities grouped into two stratigraphically successive biozones, i.e. the upper Ervilia Zone and the Sarmatimactra Zone, were investigated using a multi-method approach. A Generalized Procrustes Analysis was computed for fifteen landmarks, covering characteristics of the hinge, muscle scars, and pallial line. The shell outline was separately quantified by applying the Fast Fourier Transform, which redraws the outline by fitting in a combination of trigonometric curves. Shell size was calculated as centroid size from the landmark configuration. Shell thickness, as not covered by either analysis, was additionally measured at the centroid. The analyses showed significant phenotypic differentiation between specimens from the two biozones. The bivalves become distinctly larger and thicker over geological time and develop circular shells with stronger cardinal teeth and a deeper pallial sinus. Data on the paleoenvironmental changes in the late Middle Miocene Central Paratethys Sea suggest the phenotypic shifts to be functional adaptations. The typical habitats for Polititapes changed to extensive, very shallow shores exposed to high wave action and tidal activity. Caused by the growing need for higher mechanical stability, the bivalves produced larger and thicker shells with stronger cardinal teeth. The latter are additionally shifted towards the hinge center to compensate for the lacking lateral teeth and improve stability. The deepening pallial sinus is related to a deeper burrowing habit, which is considered to impede being washed out in the new high-energy settings.
We report the northernmost and deepest known occurrence of deep-water pycnodontine oysters, based on two surveys along the French Atlantic continental margin to the La Chapelle continental slope (2006) and the Guilvinec Canyon (2008). The combined use of multibeam bathymetry, seismic profiling, CTD casts and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) made it possible to describe the physical habitat and to assess the oceanographic control for the recently described species Neopycnodonte zibrowii. These oysters have been observed in vivo in depths from 540 to 846 m, colonizing overhanging banks or escarpments protruding from steep canyon flanks. Especially in the Bay of Biscay, such physical habitats may only be observed within canyons, where they are created by both long-term turbiditic and contouritic processes. Frequent observations of sand ripples on the seabed indicate the presence of a steady, but enhanced bottom current of about 40 cm/s. The occurrence of oysters also coincides with the interface between the Eastern North Atlantic Water and the Mediterranean Outflow Water. A combination of this water mass mixing, internal tide generation and a strong primary surface productivity may generate an enhanced nutrient flux, which is funnelled through the canyon. When the ideal environmental conditions are met, up to 100 individuals per m² may be observed. These deep-water oysters require a vertical habitat, which is often incompatible with the requirements of other sessile organisms, and are only sparsely distributed along the continental margins. The discovery of these giant oyster banks illustrates the rich biodiversity of deep-sea canyons and their underestimation as true ecosystem hotspots.
This master thesis describes the geological mapping of an 8 km**2 area of the 300 m high elevation HEBER in Northern Germany which is part of the Rhüdener Sattel (Harzvorland). The geology consists of mesozoic rocks from Buntsandstein to Keuper; major parts are Muschelkalk, partly covered with a thin layer of Quaternary loess. The map includes measurements of strike and dip in various outcrops, drafting a scetch of the probable tectonic structure of Rühdener Sattel.
A new calibration database of census counts of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages has been developed from the analyses of surface sediment samples collected at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere after standardisation of taxonomy and laboratory procedures. The database comprises 940 reference data points from the North Atlantic, Arctic and North Pacific oceans and their adjacent seas, including the Mediterranean Sea, as well as epicontinental environments such as the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Bering Sea and the Hudson Bay. The relative abundance of taxa was analysed to describe the distribution of assemblages. The best analogue technique was used for the reconstruction of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-surface temperature and salinity during summer and winter, in addition to sea-ice cover extent, at sites from the North Atlantic (n=63), Mediterranean Sea (n=1) and eastern North Pacific (n=1). Three of the North Atlantic cores, from the continental margin of eastern Canada, revealed a barren LGM interval, probably because of quasi-permanent sea ice. Six other cores from the Greenland and Norwegian seas were excluded from the compilation because of too sparse assemblages and poor analogue situation. At the remaining sites (n= 54), relatively close modern analogues were found for most LGM samples, which allowed reconstructions. The new LGM results are consistent with previous reconstructions based on dinocyst data, which show much cooler conditions than at present along the continental margins of Canada and Europe, but sharp gradients of increasing temperature offshore. The results also suggest low salinity and larger than present contrasts in seasonal temperatures with colder winters and more extensive sea-ice cover, whereas relatively warm conditions may have prevailed offshore in summer. From these data, we hypothesise low thermal inertia in a shallow and low-density surface water layer.
Sediment samples and hydrographic conditions were studied at 28 stations around Iceland. At these sites, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts were conducted to collect hydrographic data and multicorer casts were conductd to collect data on sediment characteristics including grain size distribution, carbon and nitrogen concentration, and chloroplastic pigment concentration. A total of 14 environmental predictors were used to model sediment characteristics around Iceland on regional geographic space. For these, two approaches were used: Multivariate Adaptation Regression Splines (MARS) and randomForest regression models. RandomForest outperformed MARS in predicting grain size distribution. MARS models had a greater tendency to over- and underpredict sediment values in areas outside the environmental envelope defined by the training dataset. We provide first GIS layers on sediment characteristics around Iceland, that can be used as predictors in future models. Although models performed well, more samples, especially from the shelf areas, will be needed to improve the models in future.
Iceberg calving has been assumed to be the dominant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet, with previous estimates of the calving flux exceeding 2,000 gigatonnes per year. More recently, the importance of melting by the ocean has been demonstrated close to the grounding line and near the calving front. So far, however, no study has reliably quantified the calving flux and the basal mass balance (the balance between accretion and ablation at the ice-sheet base) for the whole of Antarctica. The distribution of fresh water in the Southern Ocean and its partitioning between the liquid and solid phases is therefore poorly constrained. Here we estimate the mass balance components for all ice shelves in Antarctica, using satellite measurements of calving flux and grounding-line flux, modelled ice-shelf snow accumulation rates and a regional scaling that accounts for unsurveyed areas. We obtain a total calving flux of 1,321 ± 144 gigatonnes per year and a total basal mass balance of -1,454 ± 174 gigatonnes per year. This means that about half of the ice-sheet surface mass gain is lost through oceanic erosion before reaching the ice front, and the calving flux is about 34 per cent less than previous estimates derived from iceberg tracking. In addition, the fraction of mass loss due to basal processes varies from about 10 to 90 per cent between ice shelves. We find a significant positive correlation between basal mass loss and surface elevation change for ice shelves experiencing surface lowering and enhanced discharge. We suggest that basal mass loss is a valuable metric for predicting future ice-shelf vulnerability to oceanic forcing.
Ein interdisziplinäres und interaktives Medienprojekt von und für junge Menschen zum Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen". Der Klimawandel ist eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen und Handlungsfelder unserer Zivilgesellschaft, mit weltweiter Relevanz und regionalen Auswirkungen. Die jungen Menschen heute sind diejenigen, die in Zukunft von den Folgen der Klimaveränderungen besonders stark betroffen sein werden. Sie sind aber auch gleichzeitig gefordert zu erkennen, dass wir andere Lebensstile finden und Vermeidungs- und Anpassungsstrategien jetzt auf den Weg bringen müssen, da diese Maßnahmen nur sehr langfristig wirken. Es liegt noch zu wenig im Erfahrungs- und Erlebenshorizont vieler junger Menschen, Maßnahmen zu Klimaschutz und -anpassung als wichtige Bausteine für die eigene Zukunft zu begreifen und aktiv als Thema anzunehmen. Daher bedarf es einer frühen und intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dieser gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung als Teil der eigenen Lebenswirklichkeit. Zielgruppe des Medienprojektes war hier die heranwachsende Generation im Ausbildungsalter (16-30 Jahre). Die Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM (Regionale Klimaänderungen) und die DEKRA Hochschule Berlin haben sich 2013 gemeinsam auf den Weg gemacht, den Prozess der Auseinandersetzung und der Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung dieses Themas für junge Menschen in einem gemeinsamen interdisziplinären Projekt anzustoßen (www.reklim-medienprojekt.de). Gewählt für die Umsetzung dieses Projektes wurde die internationale REKLIM Konferenz "Our Climate - Our Future, Regional Perspectives on a global Challenge", die vom 6. - 9. Oktober 2014 in Berlin stattfand. Das ins Leben gerufene Medienprojekt zu dieser wissenschaftlichen Konferenz vereinte die Expertisen beider Projektpartner, um das Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen" von jungen Menschen für junge Menschen zu adressieren und sie in ihrer eigenen Sprache und Mediennutzung zu erreichen. Insgesamt konnten mehr als 80 Studierende aus den Studiengängen Fernsehen und Film, Journalismus und Medienmanagement der DEKRA Hochschule Berlin in diesem einzigartigen Projekt in die Wissenschaftskonferenz eingebunden werden. Mit selbst konzipierten und produzierten Medienprodukten (u.a. einem Blog, mehreren Dokumentarfilmen, Viralen Videos sowie täglichen Berichterstattungen) für die Öffentlichkeit sollten die regionalen Aspekte des Klimawandels, die in der Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM wissenschaftlich erarbeitet werden, der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden. Den Studierenden kam dabei die wichtige Rolle zu, die wissenschaftlichen Inhalte in eine filmkünstlerische, journalistische und junge Sprache zu transformieren, mit unvoreingenommener Perspektive auf die Probleme zu schauen und die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dabei gleichsam mit einzubinden. So ist in dem Projekt ein wichtiger Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen entstanden. Darüber hinaus bot die Zusammenarbeit für die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des REKLIM-Verbunds und der beteiligten Zentren eine einmalige Chance, eine mediale Öffentlichkeit herzustellen, die es in dieser Form vermutlich für eine derartige Konferenz noch nicht gegeben hat. Für die Studierenden der DEKRA Hochschule bedeutete das Medienprojekt wichtige Erfahrungen in der projektbezogenen Arbeit mit einem externen Partner zu einem gesellschaftsrelevanten Thema zu sammeln. Das REKLIM-Medienprojekt verfolgt die Ziele: - in einem interdisziplinären und interaktiven Projekt junge Menschen zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel und zur Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung der regionalen Klimaänderungen anzuregen, - durch die von den Studierenden entwickelten Medienprodukte eine Verbindung zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu ermöglichen, - einen Dialogprozess zwischen Wissenschaftler/-innen und Studierenden zu initiieren, - wissenschaftliche Inhalte über künstlerische und mediale Transferprozesse anschaulich und ansprechend einer breiten Öffentlichkeit, insbesondere jungen Menschen, näherzubringen, um sie für das Thema Klimawandel und seine regionalen Auswirkungen zu sensibilisieren, - einen Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen anzuregen.
After the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), which occurred in the late 1980s, the abyssal water masses of the eastern Mediterranean were dominated by water masses of Aegean origin. Data from cruises carried out in recent years now indicate that the process of deep water formation has again been reversed, with Adriatic deep water being the main source for the deep water formation. The reversal of deep water production in the Ionian Sea is a long-term process and therefore it needs to be monitored over a period of years. The characteristics which are crucial for the deep water today, how it differs from the deep water before the EMT and in which state of the reversal it resides, these are the questions which have to be investigated continuously during the coming years. The cruises which have been accomplished (such as POS298, M71/3, MSM13/2) and the current one shall fulfill this purpose.
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 is a new digital bathymetric model (DBM) portraying the seafloor of the circum-Antarctic waters south of 60° S. IBCSO is a regional mapping project of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has been compiled from all available bathymetric data collectively gathered by more than 30 institutions from 15 countries. These data include multibeam and single beam echo soundings, digitized depths from nautical charts, regional bathymetric gridded compilations, and predicted bathymetry. Specific gridding techniques were applied to compile the DBM from the bathymetric data of different origin, spatial distribution, resolution, and quality. The IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has a resolution of 500 x 500 m, based on a polar stereographic projection, and is publicly available together with a digital chart for printing from the project website (http://www.ibcso.org) and from the two data sets shown at the bottom of this page.
Hydro-acoustic surveys and coring campaigns at Lake Prespa were carried out between 2007 and 2009. This paper presents hydro-acoustic profiles and provide lithological and chronostratigraphical information from three up to 15.75 m long sediment sequences from the Macedonian side of the lake. The sediment sequences comprise glacial and interglacial sediments likely deposited from the end of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 to present day. The information implies a distinct change of sedimentation patterns at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition and the establishment of a relatively strong Holocene current system and deposition of channel-related contourite drift in Lake Prespa. Potential causes for the establishment of this current during the Holocene include significant lake level change, reduced winter ice cover, and/or higher aeolian activity.
The annual onset of snowmelt on sea ice is essential for climate monitoring since it triggers a decrease in surface albedo that feeds back into a stronger absorption of shortwave radiation - a process known as the snowmelt-albedo feedback - and thus strongly modifies the surface energy balance during summer. Algorithms designed for the detection of snowmelt on Arctic sea ice and based on longterm passive-microwave data revealed the melt season in the Arctic from 1979 to 1998 to be significantly elongated and the onset of melt to be shifted toward earlier dates.
226Ra is used to document the growth histories of six manganese nodules from Oneida Lake, New York. Detailed sectioning and analysis reveal that there are discontinuous gradients in 226Ra content in these samples. These gradients result from periods of rapid growth (>1 mm/100 years) separated by periods of no growth of erosion. Although the 226Ra 'age' of the nodules approximates the age of Oneida Lake, the nodules are not sediment-covered because they occur only in areas of the lake where fine-grained sediments are not accumulating.