995 resultados para influenza humana
Building on an evolutionary approach to outgroup avoidance, this study shows relations between perceived disease salience and beliefs in the efficacy of avoiding foreigners as protective measures, in the context of a real-life pandemic risk; i.e., avian influenza. People for whom avian influenza was salient and who held unfavourable attitudes toward foreigners were more likely to believe that avoiding contact with foreigners protects against infection. This finding suggests that individual differences in social attitudes moderate evolved mechanisms relating threat of disease to outgroup avoidance.
Introdução: Actualmente, estima-se que existam dois milhões de indivíduos infectados por vírus da hepatite B (VHB) e que, cerca de 25% dos indivíduos com infecção crónica morrem devido a sequelas resultantes da infecção por VHB. Paralelamente, calcula-se que existam cerca de 33 milhões de indivíduos infectados por VIH, sendo que 22, 5 milhões residem na região de África a sul do Sara. Na região de África a sul do Sara existem poucos estudos efectuados no âmbito da co-infecção por VIH/VHB. Contudo, dos estudos existentes, esta taxa pode situar-se entre os 2,4% e os 9,9%. Objectivo: Avaliar as taxas de seroprevalência de VHB e VIH, assim como a taxa de co-infecção por VIH/VHB em Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e Moçambique. Métodos: Foram efectuadas duas pesquisas bibliográficas neste estudo. A primeira, realizada nos meses de Setembro/Outubro 2008, tinha como objectivo contextualizar a infecção por VHB, VIH e a co-infecção por VIH/VHB nos países desenvolvidos e nos países em desenvolvimento. A segunda pesquisa foi efectuada durante o mês de Agosto de 2009, e visava apenas cobrir a realidade dos países em análise, relativamente aos objectivos previamente delineados do estudo. Resultados: Em Moçambique, constatou-se que a seroprevalência de VIH-1 tinha quadriplicado entre 1993 (1,17%) e o ano 2000 (4,5%). Na Guiné-Bissau, entre 1997 e 1999, também a seroprevalência de VIH-1 duplicou (2,5% e 5,2%, respectivamente). Em Cabo-Verde, no ano de 2006, a seroprevalência de VIH era 2,4%, enquanto que a seroprevalência da infecção por VHB era 4,4%. Em Angola, no ano de 2005, a seroprevalência de VIH era de 2,5%. Neste estudo também foi avaliada a co-infecção, sendo que nenhum caso foi diagnosticado. Conclusão: É urgente realizarem-se mais estudos nos países PALOP, no âmbito da seroprevalência das monoinfecções VIH e VHB, assim como na co-infecção por VIH/VHB, uma vez que existe pouca informação disponível. De qualquer modo, sendo a infecção por VHB uma doença prevenível por vacina, é fundamental que os planos de vacinação continuem a ser postos em prática nos países onde já estão implementados e, no caso dos países que ainda não os têm, que a sua implementação seja efectuada de forma sustentada e o mais brevemente possível.
INTRODUCTION: A clinical decision rule to improve the accuracy of a diagnosis of influenza could help clinicians avoid unnecessary use of diagnostic tests and treatments. Our objective was to develop and validate a simple clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza. METHODS: We combined data from 2 studies of influenza diagnosis in adult outpatients with suspected influenza: one set in California and one in Switzerland. Patients in both studies underwent a structured history and physical examination and had a reference standard test for influenza (polymerase chain reaction or culture). We randomly divided the dataset into derivation and validation groups and then evaluated simple heuristics and decision rules from previous studies and 3 rules based on our own multivariate analysis. Cutpoints for stratification of risk groups in each model were determined using the derivation group before evaluating them in the validation group. For each decision rule, the positive predictive value and likelihood ratio for influenza in low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups, and the percentage of patients allocated to each risk group, were reported. RESULTS: The simple heuristics (fever and cough; fever, cough, and acute onset) were helpful when positive but not when negative. The most useful and accurate clinical rule assigned 2 points for fever plus cough, 2 points for myalgias, and 1 point each for duration <48 hours and chills or sweats. The risk of influenza was 8% for 0 to 2 points, 30% for 3 points, and 59% for 4 to 6 points; the rule performed similarly in derivation and validation groups. Approximately two-thirds of patients fell into the low- or high-risk group and would not require further diagnostic testing. CONCLUSION: A simple, valid clinical rule can be used to guide point-of-care testing and empiric therapy for patients with suspected influenza.
Background. Few data are available regarding the immunogenicity and safety of the pandemic influenza vaccine in immunocompromised patients. We evaluated the humoral response to the influenza A H1N1/09 vaccine in solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients, in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and in healthy individuals. Methods. Patients scheduled to receive the pandemic influenza vaccine were invited to participate. All participants received the influenza A H1N1/09 AS03-adjuvanted vaccine containing 3.75 μg of hemagglutinin. SOT recipients and HIV-infected patients received 2 doses at 3-week intervals, whereas control subjects received 1 dose. Blood samples were taken at day 0, day 21, and day 49 after vaccination. Antibody responses were measured with the hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA) and a microneutralization assay. Results. Twenty-nine SOT recipients, 30 HIV-infected patients, and 30 healthy individuals were included in the study. Seroconversion measured by HIA was observed in 15 (52%) of 29 SOT recipients both at day 21 and day 49; in 23 (77%) of 30 at day 21 and 26 (87%) of 30 at day 49 in HIV-infected patients, and in 20 (67%) of 30 at day 21 and in 23 (77%) of 30 at day 49 in control subjects (P = .12 at day 21 and P = .009 at day 49, between groups). Geometric means of antibody titers were not significantly different between groups at day 21 or at day 49. Conclusions. Influenza A H1N1/09 vaccine elicited a similar antibody response in HIV-infected individuals and in control subjects, whereas SOT recipients had an overall lower response. A second dose of the vaccine only moderately improved vaccine immunogenicity in HIV-infected patients.
To estimate the number of physician-reported influenza vaccination reminders during the 2010-2011 influenza season, the first influenza season after universal vaccination recommendations for influenza were introduced, we interviewed 493 members of the Physicians Consulting Network. Patient vaccination reminders are a highly effective means of increasing influenza vaccination; nonetheless, only one quarter of the primary care physicians interviewed issued influenza vaccination reminders during the first year of universal vaccination recommendations, highlighting the need to improve office-based promotion of influenza vaccination.
The novel flu virus, that is currently circulating in the U.S. and other parts of the world, is a unique combination of swine and human flu viruses. This virus is transmitted from person to person, not from pigs to humans. None of the current cases had exposure to swine.
During this outbreak of swine influenza, many people have questions regarding the best way to protect themselves from becoming ill with the virus and, if you are ill, how to prevent spread of the disease to others.
What is novel influenza? The novel flu virus, that is currently circulating in the U.S. and other parts of the world, is a unique combination of swine and human flu viruses. This virus is transmitted from person to person, not from pigs to humans. None of the current cases had exposure to swine.
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) is comprised of physicians, schools, child care centers, businesses, and long term care facilities who track the occurrence on influenza-like illness. In addition, the state influenza coordinator tracks the number of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza in Des Moines weekly as part of the 122-Cities Morbidity and Mortality reporting system sponsored by CDC.
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) is comprised of physicians, schools, child care centers, businesses, and long term care facilities who track the occurrence on influenza-like illness. In addition, the state influenza coordinator tracks the number of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza in Des Moines weekly as part of the 122-Cities Morbidity and Mortality reporting system sponsored by CDC.
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) was formally established in 2004, though surveillance has been conducted at the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) for more than ten years. The IISN is comprised of four primary surveillance systems- sentinel health care providers, hospital-based, laboratory-based, and school-based. Sentinel health care providers are part of the U.S. Influenza Sentinel Provider Surveillance System. All systems, except certain sentinel sites, report October-March. Schools and long-term care facilities report data weekly into a Web-based reporting system. Schools report the number of students absent due to illness and the total enrolled. Long-term care facilities report cases of influenza and vaccination status of each case. Both passively report outbreaks of illness, including influenza, to IDPH.
Weekly report of the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Weekly report of the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health.