954 resultados para infiltration experiment


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This paper presents an investigation into some practical issues that may be present in a real experiment, when trying to validate the theoretical frequency response curve of a two degree-of-freedom nonlinear system consisting of coupled linear and nonlinear oscillators. Some specific features, such as detached resonance curves, have been theoretically predicted in multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, when subject to harmonic excitation, and the system parameters have been shown to be fundamental in achieving such features. When based on a simplified model, approximate analytical expression for the frequency response curves may be derived, which may be validated by the numerical solutions. In a real experiment, however, the practical achievability of such features was previously shown to be greatly affected by small disturbances induced by gravity and inertia, which led to some solutions becoming unstable which had been predicted to be stable. In this work a practical system configuration is proposed where such effects are reduced so that the previous limitations are overcome. A virtual experiment is carried out where a detailed multi-body model of the oscillator is assembled and the effects on the system response are investigated.


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Purpose: To determine, in dogs anesthetized with nitrous oxide (N2O), whether the endotracheal tube (ETT) cuffed with a Lanz® pressure regulating valve decreases the tracheal consequences of tracheal intubation. Methods: Sixteen mixed-breed dogs were allocated to two groups according to the ETT used: Control group (n = 8) - Rüsch ETT, and Lanz group (n = 8) - ETT with Lanz® pressure regulating valve. The ETT cuffs in both groups were inflated with air to an intracuff pressure of 30 cm H2O. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with pentobarbitone and N2O (1.5 L·min-1) and O2 (1 L·min-1). ETT cuff pressures were measured before (control) and 60, 120, and 180 min during N2O administration. The dogs were sacrificed, and biopsy specimens from four predetermined areas of the tracheal mucosa in contact with the ETT were collected for light and scanning electron microscopy (SM) examination. Results: Cuff pressures in the Control group were higher than in the Lanz group at all time points studied (P < 0.001), with an increase over time only in the Control group (P < 0.001). Median neutrophilic inflammatory infiltration values of the epithelial surface, and in the subepithelial layer in contact with the cuff, were higher in the Control group as compared to the Lanz group (3.0 vs 1.0 and 3.0 vs 1.5 respectively) (P < 0.05). On SM examination, median histological grades were higher in the Control group compared to Lanz group (2.9 vs 1.9 respectively), (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The Lanz® ETT decreases tracheal mucosal injury in dogs.


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The present study was aimed at identifying laminar lesions and leukocyte infiltration in hoof laminar tissue of horses with colic syndrome and its correlation with the total leukocyte count before death. Six healthy horses were used as control group (CG), and eighteen horses with lethal gastrointestinal disease were divided into two groups: leukopenic group (LG) with seven leukopenic horses, and non-leukopenic group (NLG) with 11 horses with total leukocyte count within reference range for the species. Leukocyte infiltration was examined by immunohistochemistry. Laminar lesions were observed in both LG and NLG, with no differences in severity between them. LG showed increase of the leukocyte infiltration in the hoof laminar tissue, when compared to CG and NLG. Horses with severe colic syndrome (LG and NLG) developed intense laminar lesions without clinical signs of laminitis, with increased leukocyte infiltration. However, the LG demonstrated an even higher increase of leukocyte infiltration compared to both CG and NLG.


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This paper studies attained microstructures and reactive mechanisms involved in vacuum infiltration of copper aluminate preforms with liquid aluminium. At high temperatures, under vacuum, the inherent alumina film enveloping the metal is overcome, and aluminium is expected to reduce copper aluminate, rendering alumina and copper. Under this approach, copper aluminate toils as a controlled infiltration path for aluminium, resulting in reactive wetting and infiltration of the preforms. Ceramic preforms containing a mixture of Al2O3 and CuAl2O4 were infiltrated with aluminium under distinct vacuum levels and temperatures, and the resulting reaction and infiltration behaviour is discussed. Copper aluminates stability ranges depend on vacuum level and oxygen partial pressure, which determine both CuAl2O4 and CuAlO2 ability for liquid aluminium infiltration. At 1100 °C and 0.76 atm vacuum level CuAl2O4 is stable, indicating pO2 above 0.11 atm. Reactive infiltration is achieved via reaction between aluminium and CuAl2O4; however, fast formation of an alumina film blocking liquid aluminium wicking results in incipient infiltration. At 1000 °C and 3.8 × 10−7 atm vacuum level, CuAlO2 decomposes to Cu and Al2O3 indicating a pO2 below 6.0 × 10−7 atm; infiltration of the ceramic is hindered by the non-wetting behaviour of the resulting metal alloy. At 1000 °C and 1.9 × 10−6 atm vacuum level CuAlO2 is stable, indicating pO2 above 6.0 × 10−7 atm. Extensive infiltration is achieved via redox reaction between aluminium and CuAlO2, rendering a microstructure characterised by uniform distribution of alumina particles amid an aluminium matrix. This work evidences that liquid aluminium infiltration upon copper aluminate-rich preforms is a feasible route to produce Al–matrix alumina-reinforced composites. The associated reduction reaction renders alumina, as fine particulate composite reinforcements, and copper, which dissolves in liquid aluminium contributing as a matrix strengthener.


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The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the University of GoiásUEG, UNU Ipameri - GO with the objective of evaluating the effect of different doses of vinasse on the vegetative development of degraded pasture and soil physical properties in two seasons. The pasture used in the experiment was in a state of degradation, and had eight years of formation. The experimental design was randomized blocks consisted of eight treatments and four blocks, totaling 32 experimental units. We evaluated the following soil physical properties: density the soil, particle density, total porosity, infiltration velocity, soil water. We also evaluated the following parameters of vegetative development of grassland: green and dry mass of shoots, effective depth of the root system, the grass height. The results were submitted to analysis of variance at 5% significance level and after we performed regression testing. The vinasse promoted significant effect on all parameters related to vegetative development of both grazing during the rainy season as in the dry. In this case, a model that best fit the dataset vegetative pasture was quadratic. It appeared that the vinasse different doses did not cause changes in the physical properties of the soil.


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This report differs from previous reports in two respects: it covers experimental work up to January 1, 1935, and it includes brief abstracts of publications since the last report. Previously most of the report dealt with work done before the end of the fiscal year; that is, work done between June 30 and January 1 was not reported until over a year later, for the most part. The present report corrects that defect, and in addition the abstracts of publications will make the report useful as a reference guide to published matter. The projects are discussed under subject headings and in addition to the abstracts, brief reports of progress in projects under way are included. Complete data for these projects are not included; rather an attempt has been made to show how far the work has gone and to indicate some of the directions or trends of the work. The drouth of the past summer reduced yields severely. As a result the collection of significant data on yields was almost impossible. A few of the Experiment Station workers have ben loaned to federal projects. Despite these handicaps many projects have been advanced and many have been completed.


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This report covers the investigations, expenditures, and publications of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station for the fiscal year June 30, 1931. During the year 68 projects have been under investigation at the main station. These have covered a wide range of subjects. At the various substations the work is planned to meet the needs of the different regions. The funds for carrying on the work of the stations are derived from federal and state sources. The work is carried on in definite projects according to the supporting fund. Satisfactory progress was made on the research program. During the year eight projects were completed and seven new ones added. The selection of new projects is on the basis of most urgent need, together with the ability of the Experiment Station to carry the project. The financial depression in which agriculture still finds itself has increased rather than decreased the demand upon the Experiment Station and the College for new and definite information. This demand has been taken care of insofar as possible. During the year covered by this report eleven bulletins, nine research bulletins, and one circular have been published by the Experiment Station. In addition 22 technical papers have been prepared by members of the staff and printed in various technical and professional journals.


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Regression testing is an important part of software maintenance, but it can also be very expensive. To reduce this expense, software testers may prioritize their test cases so that those that are more important are run earlier in the regression testing process. Previous work has shown that prioritization can improve a test suite’s rate of fault detection, but the assessment of prioritization techniques has been limited to hand-seeded faults, primarily due to the belief that such faults are more realistic than automatically generated (mutation) faults. A recent empirical study, however, suggests that mutation faults can be representative of real faults. We have therefore designed and performed a controlled experiment to assess the ability of prioritization techniques to improve the rate of fault detection techniques, measured relative to mutation faults. Our results show that prioritization can be effective relative to the faults considered, and they expose ways in which that effectiveness can vary with characteristics of faults and test suites. We also compare our results to those collected earlier with respect to the relationship between hand-seeded faults and mutation faults, and the implications this has for researchers performing empirical studies of prioritization.


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The flow of sediment from cropped land is the main pollutant of water sources in rural areas. Due to this fact, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies that will reduce water and sediment discharges. Accordingly, an experiment was conducted in the Department of Biosystems Engineering - ESALQ / USP, Piracicaba - SP with the objective to evaluate the effect of different soil cover (bean, grass and bare ground) and erosion control practices (wide base terraces and infiltration furrows in slopes (no practices to control erosion)) while measuring water losses in runoff. The statistical design adopted was randomized blocks in a 3x3 factorial scheme resulting in 9 treatments with 3 replicates (blocks). The period of rainfall data collection was December 6, 2007 to April 11, 2008. A 21.1 cm diameter rain gauge was installed in the experimental area. Terraces were the most efficient practices for reducing erosion losses in the treatments with infiltration furrows being better than the control treatment. Bean was more effective than grass in reducing erosion. Bare ground was the least efficient.


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In this paper we investigate the quantum phase transition from magnetic Bose Glass to magnetic Bose-Einstein condensation induced by amagnetic field in NiCl2 center dot 4SC(NH2)(2) (dichloro-tetrakis-thiourea-nickel, or DTN), doped with Br (Br-DTN) or site diluted. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the quantum phase transition of the model Hamiltonian for Br-DTN, as well as for site-diluted DTN, are consistent with conventional scaling at the quantum critical point and with a critical exponent z verifying the prediction z = d; moreover the correlation length exponent is found to be nu = 0.75(10), and the order parameter exponent to be beta = 0.95(10). We investigate the low-temperature thermodynamics at the quantum critical field of Br-DTN both numerically and experimentally, and extract the power-law behavior of the magnetization and of the specific heat. Our results for the exponents of the power laws, as well as previous results for the scaling of the critical temperature to magnetic ordering with the applied field, are incompatible with the conventional crossover-scaling Ansatz proposed by Fisher et al. [Phys. Rev. B 40, 546 (1989)]. However they can all be reconciled within a phenomenological Ansatz in the presence of a dangerously irrelevant operator.


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Warrick and Hussen developed in the nineties of the last century a method to scale Richards' equation (RE) for similar soils. In this paper, new scaled solutions are added to the method of Warrick and Hussen considering a wider range of soils regardless of their dissimilarity. Gardner-Kozeny hydraulic functions are adopted instead of Brooks-Corey functions used originally by Warrick and Hussen. These functions allow to reduce the dependence of the scaled RE on the soil properties. To evaluate the proposed method (PM), the scaled RE was solved numerically using a finite difference method with a fully implicit scheme. Three cases were considered: constant-head infiltration, constant-flux infiltration, and drainage of an initially uniform wet soil. The results for five texturally different soils ranging from sand to clay (adopted from the literature) showed that the scaled solutions were invariant to a satisfactory degree. However, slight deviations were observed mainly for the sandy soil. Moreover, the scaled solutions deviated when the soil profile was initially wet in the infiltration case or when deeply wet in the drainage condition. Based on the PM, a Philip-type model was also developed to approximate RE solutions for the constant-head infiltration. The model showed a good agreement with the scaled RE for the same range of soils and conditions, however only for Gardner-Kozeny soils. Such a procedure reduces numerical calculations and provides additional opportunities for solving the highly nonlinear RE for unsaturated water flow in soils. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aims: Development of effective immune-based therapies for patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) depends on an accurate characterization of complex interactions that occur between immune cells and the tumour environment. Methods and results: Innate and adaptive immune responses were evaluated in relation to prognosis in 65 patients with surgically excised NSCLC. Immunohistochemistry and morphometry were used to determine the abundance and distribution of immune cells. We found low numbers of immune cells and levels of cytokines in the tumour environment when compared with surrounding parenchyma. Smoking was associated inversely with the adaptive immune response and directly with innate immunity. We observed a prominent adaptive immune response in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) but greater innate immune responses in adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas. Cox model analysis showed a low risk of death for smoking <41 packs/year, N-0 tambour stage, squamous carcinoma, CD4(+) > 16.81% and macrophages/monocytes >4.5%. Collectively, the data indicate that in NSCLC there is not a substantive local immune cell infiltrate within the tumour. Conclusion: Although immune cell infiltration is limited in NSCLC it appears to have an impact on prognosis and this may be of relevance for new immunotherapeutic approaches.


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Many extractors are used to quantify available P in soils, but few studies have assessed the availability of P in soils of the wet tropics amended with high rates of biosolids. In this study, ion exchange resin, Mehlich-1 solution, and Fe-impregnated strips were used to quantify available P in samples from an Oxisol amended with surface-applied biosolids in a long-term field experiment. The soil's maximum capacity for P adsorption was also estimated. Experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with four treatments and three replicates. Samples of biosolids were collected every year during the experiment, from 1999 to 2002. In 1999, two applications were made before growing maize (Zea mays L.) in austral summer and winter. Treatments were: Control (no biosolids added); B (biosolids added at rates based on their total N content); B2 (biosolids added at twice the rate of B), and B4 (biosolids added at four times the rate of B). Soil samples were collected at 0- to 0.1-, 0.1- to 0.2-, and 0.2- to 0.4-m depths. Biosolids were broadcast applied and incorporated into the soil to a depth of 0.2 m using a rotary hoe. The Oxisol had a high P-adsorption capacity (around 2450 mg kg(-1)) because of its high contents of clay and Fe and Al oxides. All the extractors were effective at assessing P availability and were positively correlated among themselves. Available P soil contents correlated positively with P content in maize leaves and grains, and the resin method yielded the highest correlation with P contents in leaves and grains.