968 resultados para groundwater budget


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Good afternoon Senator Wehrbein and members of the Appropriations Committee. I am John Owens, and I am University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. I am here to speak with you about the impact of further budget cuts to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture - NCTA - at Curtis, Nebraska.


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The wetlands of south-central Nebraska’s Rainwater Basin region are considered of international importance as a habitat for millions of migratory birds, but are being endangered by agricultural practices. The Rainwater Basin extends across 17 counties and covers 4,000 square miles. The purpose of this study was to assemble baseline chemical data for several representative wetlands across the Rainwater Basin region, and determine the use of these chemical data for investigating groundwater recharge. Eight representative wetlands were chosen across the Rainwater Basin to monitor surface and groundwater chemistry. At each site, a shallow well and deep well were installed and sampled once in the summer of 2009 and again in the spring of 2010. Wetland surface water was sampled monthly from April, 2009 to May, 2010. Waters were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, pesticides and oxygen-18 and deuterium isotopes at the University of Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory. Geochemical analysis of surface waters presents a range of temporal and spatial variations. Wetlands had variable water volumes, isotopic compositions, ion chemistries and agricultural contaminant levels throughout the year and, except for a few trends, theses variations cannot be predicted with certainty year-to-year or wetland-to-wetland. Isotopic compositions showed evaporation was a contributor to water loss, and thus, did impact water chemistry. Surface water nitrate concentrations ranged from <0.10 to 4.04 mg/L. The nitrate levels are much higher in the groundwater, ranging from <0.10 to 18.4 mg/L, and are of concern because they are found above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L. Atrazine concentrations in surface waters ranged from <0.05 to 10.3 ppb. Groundwater atrazine concentrations ranged from <0.05 to 0.28 ppb. The high atrazine concentrations in surface waters are of concern as they are above the MCL of 3 ppb, and the highest levels occur during the spring bird migration. Most sampled groundwaters had detectable tritium indicating a mix of modern (<5 to 10 years old) and submodern (older than 1950s) recharge. The groundwater also had differences in chemical and isotope composition, and in some cases, increased nitrate concentrations, between the two sampling periods. Modern groundwater tritium ages and changes in groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions may indicate connections with surface waters in the Rainwater Basin.


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Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of saxagliptine as additional therapy to metformin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the Brazilian private health system Objectives: To compare costs and clinical benefits of three additional therapies to metformin (MF) for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Methods: A discrete event simulation model seas built to estimate the cost-utility ratio (cost per quality-adjusted life years [QALY)) of saxagliptine as an additional therapy to MF when compared to rosiglitazone or pioglitazone. A budget impact model (BIM) was built to simulate the economic impact of saxagliptine use in the context of the Brazilian private health system. Results: The acquiring medication costs for the hypothetical patient group analyzed in a time frame of three years, were R$ 10,850,185, R$ 14,836,265 and R$ 14,679,099 for saxagliptine, pioglitazone and rosiglitazone, respectively. Saxagliptine showed lower costs and greater effectiveness in both comparisons, with projected savings for the first three years of R$ 3,874 and R$ 3,996, respectively. The BIM estimated cumulative savings of R$ 417,958 with the repayment of saxagliptine in three years from the perspective of a health plan with 1,000,000 covered individuals. Conclusion: From the perspective of private paying source, the projection is that adding saxagliptine with MF save costs when compared with the addition of rosiglitazone or pioglitazone in patients with DM2 that have not reached the HbA1c goal with metformin monotherapy. The BIM of including saxagliptine in the reimbursement lists of health plans indicated significant savings on the three-year horizon.


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Groundwater has a strategic role in times of climate change mainly because aquifers can provide water for long periods, even during very long and severe drought. The reduction and/or changes on the precipitation pattern can diminish the recharge mainly in unconfined aquifer, causing available groundwater restriction. The expected impact of long-term climate changes on the Brazilian aquifers for 2050 will lead to a severe reduction in 70% of recharge in the Northeast region aquifers (comparing to 2010 values), varying from 30% to 70% in the North region. Data referring to the South and Southeast regions are more favorable, with an increase in the relative recharge values from 30% to 100%. Another expected impact is the increase in demand and the decrease in the surface water availability that will make the population turn to aquifers as its main source of water for public or private uses in many regions of the country. Thus, an integrated use of surface and groundwater must therefore be considered in the water use planning. The solution of water scarcity is based on three factors: society growth awareness, better knowledge on the characteristics of hydraulic and chemical aquifers and effective management actions.


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In Brazil, the large quantities of solid waste produced are out of step with public policies, technological developments, and government budgets for the division. In small municipalities, the common lack of technological knowledge and financial conditions for suitable waste disposal has resulted in a large number of illegal dumps. Therefore, small sanitary landfill facilities are working with simplified operations focusing on cost reduction and meeting the economic and technological standards of the city without endangering the environment or public health. Currently, this activity is regulated at a federal level although there is some uncertainty regarding the risk of soil and aquifer contamination as theses facilities do not employ liners. Thus, this work evaluates a small landfill to identify changes in soil and groundwater using geotechnical parameters, monitoring wells, and geophysical tests performed by electrical profiling. It is verified that based on current conditions, no contaminants have migrated via underground water aquifers, and overall no significant changes have occurred in the soil. It is concluded that, despite its simplicity, the method investigated is a viable alternative for the final disposal of municipal solid waste from small cities, especially in developing countries.


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[EN] Groundwater chemistry in La Aldea aquifer (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) shows high contents of chloride and nitrate ions. The salinization process has been modelled using the geochemical data, taking into account the results of a previous flow model. The results allow to identify the salinity of the recharge from the rainfall under aridity conditions and the irrigation returns like the main causes of the groundwater salinization.


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[EN]This paper deals with sedimentary balances and how the sediments move in function of the waves in a beach with special boundary conditions. For this purpose, the topography of the beach was done with a total station and two prism. Topography data were analyzed with SIG software. Wave data were taken from deepwater buoys. Two parameters were calculated, the Dean’s parameter and Larson’s (1988) parameter, to know the type of the beach. Balances show an accretion of sand on the beach even though in some periods there were big losses of sand on the beach. The parameters calculated are not good to estimate the type of the beach due to the boundary conditions of this particular beach


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For the safety assessments of nuclear waste repositories, the possible migration of the radiotoxic waste into environment must be considered. Since plutonium is the major contribution at the radiotoxicity of spent nuclear waste, it requires special care with respect to its mobilization into the groundwater. Plutonium has one of the most complicated chemistry of all elements. It can coexist in 4 oxidation states parallel in one solution. In this work is shown that in the presence of humic substances it is reduced to the Pu(III) and Pu(IV). This work has the focus on the interaction of Pu(III) with natural occurring compounds (humic substances and clay minerals bzw. Kaolinite), while Pu(IV) was studied in a parallel doctoral work by Banik (in preparation). As plutonium is expected under extreme low concentrations in the environment, very sensitive methods are needed to monitor its presence and for its speciation. Resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS), was used for determining the concentration of Pu in environmental samples, with a detection limit of 106- 107 atoms. For the speciation of plutonium CE-ICP-MS was routinely used to monitor the behaviour of Pu in the presence of humic substances. In order to reduce the detection limits of the speciation methods, the coupling of CE to RIMS was proposed. The first steps have shown that this can be a powerful tool for studies of pu under environmental conditions. Further, the first steps in the coupling of two parallel working detectors (DAD and ICP_MS ) to CE was performed, for the enabling a precise study of the complexation constants of plutonium with humic substances. The redox stabilization of Pu(III) was studied and it was determined that NH2OHHCl can maintain Pu(III) in the reduced form up to pH 5.5 – 6. The complexation constants of Pu(III) with Aldrich humic acid (AHA) were determined at pH 3 and 4. the logß = 6.2 – 6.8 found for these experiments was comparable with the literature. The sorption of Pu(III) onto kaolinite was studied in batch experiments and it was determine dthat the pH edge was at pH ~ 5.5. The speciation of plutonium on the surface of kaolinite was studied by EXAFS/XANES. It was determined that the sorbed species was Pu(IV). The influence of AHA on the sorption of Pu(III) onto kaolinite was also investigated. It was determined that at pH < 5 the adsorption is enhanced by the presence of AHA (25 mg/L), while at pH > 6 the adsorption is strongly impaired (depending also on the adding sequence of the components), leading to a mobilization of plutonium in solution.


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Il seguente elaborato è frutto del lavoro di ricerca, della durata di cinque mesi, svolto presso il Department of Catchment Hydrology del centro di ricerca UFZ (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung) con sede in Halle an der Saale, Germania. L’obiettivo della Tesi è la stima della ricarica della falda acquifera in un bacino idrografico sprovvisto di serie di osservazioni idrometriche di lunghezza significativa e caratterizzato da clima arido. Il lavoro di Tesi è stato svolto utilizzando un modello afflussi-deflussi concettualmente basato e spazialmente distribuito. La modellistica idrologica in regioni aride è un tema a cui la comunità scientifica sta dedicando numerosi sforzi di ricerca, presentando infatti ancora numerosi problemi aperti dal punto di vista tecnico-scientifico, ed è di primaria importanza per il sostentamento delle popolazioni che vi abitano. Le condizioni climatiche in queste regioni fanno sì che la falda acquifera superficiale sia la principale fonte di approvvigionamento; una stima affidabile della sua ricarica, nel tempo e nello spazio, permette un corretta gestione delle risorse idriche, senza la quale il fabbisogno idrico di queste popolazioni non potrebbe essere soddisfatto. L’area oggetto di studio è il bacino idrografico Darga, una striscia di terra di circa 74 km2, situata in Cisgiordania, la cui sezione di chiusura si trova a circa 4 kilometri dalla costa del Mar Morto, mentre lo spartiacque a monte, ubicato a Nord-ovest, dista circa 3 kilometri dalla città di Gerusalemme.