989 resultados para glucose urine level
Adult patients with hematologic malignancies along with HIV infected patients were prospectively studied to determine the performance of urine D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol (DA/LA) ratio in diagnosing invasive candidiasis. Ten evaluable febrile neutropenic patients had proven invasive candidiasis and elevated DA/LA ratios were found in 5. Invasive candidiasis with normal DA/LA ratios was most frequently due to Candida krusei infection. This Candida species is a non-producer of arabinitol. Only 4 of 81 febrile neutropenic patients given either antifungal prophylaxis or empiric antifungal treatment had elevated DA/LA ratios. Only 1 of 15 HIV positive patients with either oropharyngeal or esophageal candidiasis had elevated DA/LA ratios. Widespread use of fluconazole prophylaxis in bone marrow transplantation patients at the study hospital has led to an increased prevalence of C. krusei infection. This is the likely reason for the low sensitivity of the test in proven and suspected invasive Candida infections reported here. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
High levels of inheritable resistance to phosphine in Rhyzopertha dominica have recently, been detected in Australia and hi art effort to isolate the genes responsible For resistance we have used random amplified DNA fingerprinting (RAF) to produce a genetic linkage map of R. dominica. The map consists of 94 dominant DNA markers with art average distance between markers of 4.6 cM and defines nine linkage groups with a total recombination distance of 390.1 cM. We have identified two loci that are responsible for high-level resistance. One provides similar to50x resistance to phosphine while the other provides 12.5x resistance and in combination, the two genes act synergistically to provide a resistance level 250 x greater than that of fully susceptible beetles. The haploid genome size has been determined to be 4.76 x 10(8) bp, resulting in an average physical distance of 1.2 Mbp per map unit. No recombination has been observed between either of the two resistance loci and their adjacent DNA markers in a population of 44 fully resistant F-5 individuals, which indicates that the genes are likely to reside within 0.91 cM (1.1 Mbp) of the DNA markers.
Thiazolidinediones are a new class of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and act by improving insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, liver and skeletal muscle. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are registered for use in monotherapy, and in combination with sulfonylureas and metformin. Pioglitazone is also licensed for use in combination with insulin. There is level II evidence that in patients with inadequate glycaemic control both drugs reduce the level of HbA(1c) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) when used as monotherapy and in combination with sulfonylurea or metformin or insulin; and both drugs increase levels of HDL and LDL and lower free fatty acid levels, but only pioglitazone significantly lowers triglyceride levels. Both drugs lower fasting insulin and C-peptide levels. In monotherapy, they may be slightly less potent at reducing the level of HbA(1c) than sulfonylureas or metformin. The maximal effect of these agents may not be seen for 6-14 weeks after commencement. Both drugs are well tolerated but liver function must be checked at baseline every second month for the first year, and periodically thereafter. The drugs are currently contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe liver dysfunction and alanine aminotransferase levels more than 2.5 times normal, New York Heart Association III-IV cardiac status, pregnancy, lactation and in children. The main side effects include weight gain, oedema, and mild dilutional anaemia.
We investigate the absorption and dispersion properties of a two-level atom driven by a polychromatic field. The driving field is composed of a strong resonant (carrier) frequency component and a large number of symmetrically detuned sideband fields (modulators). A rapid increase in the absorption at the central frequency and the collapse of the response of the system from multiple frequencies to a single frequency are predicted to occur when the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields is equal to the Rabi frequency of the carrier field. These are manifestations of the undressing or a disentanglement of the atomic and driving field states, that leads to a collapse of the atom to its ground state. Our calculation permits consideration of the question of the undressing of the driven atom by a multiple-modulated field and the predicted spectra offer a method of observing undressing. Moreover, we find that the absorption and dispersion spectra split into multiplets whose structures depend on the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields. The spectral features can jump between different resonance frequencies by changing the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields or their initial phases, which can have potential applications as a quantum frequency filter.
The effect of dietary chromium supplementation on glucose and insulin metabolism in healthy, non-obese cats was evaluated. Thirty-two cats were randomly divided into four groups and fed experimental diets consisting of a standard diet with 0 ppb (control), 150 ppb, 300 ppb, or 600 ppb added chromium as chromium tripicolinate. Intravenous glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests with minimal model analysis were performed before and after 6 weeks of feeding the test diets. During the glucose tolerance test, glucose concentrations, area under the glucose concentration-time curve, and glucose half-life (300 ppb only), were significantly lower after the trial in cats supplemented with 300 ppb and 600 ppb chromium, compared with values before the trial. Fasting glucose concentrations measured on a different day in the biochemistry profile were also significantly lower after supplementation with 600 ppb chromium. There were no significant differences in insulin concentrations or indices in either the glucose or insulin tolerance tests following chromium supplementation, nor were there any differences between groups before or after the dietary trial. Importantly, this study has shown a small but significant, dose-dependent improvement in glucose tolerance in healthy, non-obese cats supplemented with dietary chromium. Further long-term studies are warranted to determine if the addition of chromium to feline diets is advantageous. Cats most likely to benefit are those with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance from lack of exercise, obesity and old age. Healthy cats at risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes from underlying low insulin sensitivity or genetic factors may also benefit from long-term chromium supplementation. (C) 2002 ESFM and AAFP.
A sensitive method using HPLC with fluorescence detection has been established for the measurement of porphyrins in biological materials. The assay recoveries were 88.0 +/- 1.8% for protoporphyrin IX in the blood, and ranged from 98.3 +/- 2.7% to 111.1 +/- 7.4% for various porphyrins in the urine. This method was employed to investigate the altered porphyrin profiles in rats after a single dose of various arsenicals including soluble sodium arsenate and sodium arsenite, and the relatively insoluble calcium arsenite, calcium arsenate and arsenic-contaminated soils at dose rates of 5 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg body weight. Porphyrin concentrations increased within 24-48hr after the arsenic treatment in blood and urine. Protoporphyrin IX is the predominant porphyrin in the blood. In rats administered 5 mg As(III)/kg body weight, protoporphyrin IX concentration elevated to 123% of them control values in rats, 24 hr after the treatment. Higher increases were recorded in the urinary protoporphyrin IX (253% at 24 hr; 397% on day 2), uroporphyrin (121% at 24 hr; 208% on day 2) and coproporphyrin 111 (391% at 24 hr; 304% on day 2), while there was no significant increase (109% on day 3) observed in the urinary coproporphyrin I excretion. In rats administered 5 mg As(V)/kg, urinary excretion of protoporphyrin IX, uroporphyrin, coproporphyrin Ill and coproporphyrin I elevated to the maximum levels by 48 hr with the corresponding percentage values compared to the control being 177%, 158%, 224% and 143%, respectively. In rats dosed with 5 mg As(III)/kg, the increases (expressed as % of the control values) of protoporphyrin IX in the blood were in the order: sodium arsenite (144%) > sodium arsenate (125%) greater than or equal to calcium arsenite (123%) > calcium arsenate. In contrast, there was no significant increase of protoporphyrin K when the six arsenic-contaminated cattlei dip soils and nine copper chrome arsenate (CCA-contaminated) soils were administered to the rats. Probable explanations are discussed.
We studied the effect of arsenic exposure on the haem biosynthetic pathway in the rat and humans. Significant increases in protoporphyrin IX, coproporphyrin III, coproporphyrin I were observed in the blood, liver and kidney, and in the urine of rats after a single dose of arsenic. The level of increase was dependent on the arsenic species present. Most of porphyrin concentrations in the tissues increased within 24 hr and urinary excretion elevated within 48 hr. In the human study, we collected urine samples from 113 people who live in Xing Ren of Guizhou Province, a coal-borne arsenicosis endemic area in southwest of PR China and from 30 people who live in Xing Yi (about 80 km southwest of Xing Ren) where arsenicosis is not prevalent. We analyzed the urinary porphyrins using HPLC. Results indicate that all urinary porphyrins were higher in the arsenic exposed group than those in the control group. Women, children and older age people spend much of their time indoors, they had greater increases of urinary arsenic and porphyrins. They were the higher risk groups among the study subjects. A positive correlation between the urinary arsenic levels and porphyrin concentrations demonstrated the effect of arsenic on haem biosynthesis. Significant alteration in the porphyrin excretion profiles of the younger age (
Placental growth hormone (PGH) progressively replaces pituitary growth hormone in the maternal circulation from mid-gestation onwards in human pregnancy. Our previous investigations have shown that placental growth hormone concentrations correlate well with foetal growth. Despite the apparent correlation between PGH and birthweight, the physiology of its secretion during pregnancy has not been well defined. We investigated the response of maternal serum PCH to oral glucose loading in pregnant women (n = 24) who demonstrated normal glucose tolerance at a mean gestation of 29 weeks. Mean (SEM) fasting PGH concentrations were high (36.9 [6.4] ng/ml). No suppression of PGH was noted at one, two or three hours after a 75 g oral glucose load. Similarly, no changes were noted in growth hormone binding protein or in calculated free PGH over the course of the glucose tolerance test. As expected, insulin concentrations rose sixfold and insulin like growth factor binding protein 1 concentrations fell by 20% with glucose loading. Cot-relation analysis showed maternal weight, BMI, fasting serum glucose serum insulin to be significantly correlated with the babies' birthweight. Our results support the proposition that PGH concentrations in maternal serum are not Suppressed by oral glucose loading in non-diabetic mothers.
Objective To determine whether one should aim for glycaemia that is statistically 'normal' or for levels of glycaemia low enough to prevent macrosomia (if such a threshold exists) when glucose intolerance is detected during pregnancy Design An audit of pregnancy outcomes in women with impaired glucose tolerance in pregnancy as compared to a local age-matched reference group with normal glucose tolerance. Results Our study suggests that for most patients, more intensive therapy would not have been justified. Maternal smoking appeared to convey some 'advantages' in terms of neonatal outcomes, with reduction in large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants and jaundice in babies of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) mothers. Conclusions These observations demonstrate the importance of considering risk factors other than GTT results in analysing pregnancy outcomes, while emphasising that 'normalisation' of fetal size should not be our only therapeutic endpoint. Our detailed outcome review allows us to reassure patients with GDM that with current treatment protocols, they should have every expectation of a positive pregnancy outcome.
The effects of dietary level of protein (151, 181 g/kg), lysine (nil, 10g L-lysine hydrochloride/kg) and methionine (nil, 5g DL-methionine/kg) on the production performance and egg yolk cholesterol of two strains of birds were studied for 12 weeks. Birds fed on the high protein diet had higher body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), rate of lay, egg weight and mass and yolk weight and mass. A high lysine diet decreased feed intake and improved FCR. High dietary level of methionine increased egg yolk cholesterol. There were differences between strains of laying bird in feed intake, rate of lay, egg and yolk weights and egg cholesterol content. It is concluded that strain of bird and dietary level of protein and lysine influenced the production performance of birds. Whilst, egg yolk cholesterol was not reduced by any of the factors studied.
alpha-Conotoxin AuIB and a disulfide bond variant of AuIB have been synthesized to determine the role of disulfide bond connectivity on structure and activity. Both of these peptides contain the 15 amino acid sequence GCCSYPPCFATNPDC, with the globular (native) isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-8 and 3-15) and the ribbon isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-15 and 3-8). The solution structures of the peptides were determined by NAIR spectroscopy, and their ability to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on dissociated neurons of the rat parasympathetic ganglia was examined. The ribbon disulfide isomer, although having a less well defined structure, is surprisingly found to have approximately 10 times greater potency than the native peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a non-native disulfide bond isomer of a conotoxin exhibiting greater biological activity than the native isomer.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the effect of age on glucose metabolism by examining 1) glucose metabolism in young and middle-aged subjects when total or regional adiposity is taken into account and 2) in vitro glucose transport in adipose tissue explants from young and middle-aged women paired for total and abdominal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Study 1: body composition, subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue areas, and fasting and oral glucose-stimulated glucose and insulin were measured in 84 young and 81 middle-aged men and in 110 young and 91 middle-aged women. Study 2: glucose uptake in subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue explants were measured in eight young and eight middle-aged women. RESULTS - Study 1: young and middle-aged men showed similar subcutaneous abdominal tissue area, whereas fat mass and visceral adipose tissue were greater in middle-aged than in young men (P < 0.01). Fat mass and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue areas were greater in middle-aged as compared with young women (P < 0.01). Fasting plasma glucose and the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in middle-aged than in young men and women (P < 0.001). Statistical control for visceral adipose tissue area eliminated the difference seen in glucose response in men and women. Study 2: glucose transport in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue did not differ between young and middle-aged women. CONCLUSIONS - 1) Visceral obesity, more than age per se, correlates with glucose intolerance in middle-aged subjects; 2) aging does not influence in vitro adipose tissue glucose uptake.