982 resultados para firm strategy
A Workforce Learning Strategy for the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Services 2009-2014
Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes with age, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, we analyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence that firms improve with age, because ageing firms are observed to have steadily increasing levels of productivity, higher profits, larger size, lower debt ratios, and higher equity ratios. Furthermore, older firms are better able to convert sales growth into subsequent growth of profits and productivity. On the other hand, we also found evidence that firm performance deteriorates with age. Older firms have lower expected growth rates of sales, profits and productivity, they have lower profitability levels (when other variables such as size are controlled for), and also that they appear to be less capable to convert employment growth into growth of sales, profits and productivity. Keywords: firm age, firm growth, LAD, financial structure, vector autoregression JEL CODES: L25, L20
Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse - A regional Strategy 2008-2013
NI Suicide Prevention Strategy & Action Plan 2006 - 2011
The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of use internal or external labour market to fill a firm vacancy in SME’s taking into account the differences existing among blue and white collar jobs. Following different theories we can identify three main reasons for use internal candidates rather than external ones‐ firm specific knowledge, adverse selection problems and motivation‐. However, there are others factors that might affect this choice but the last theories don’t take into account. In this paper we try to shed some light on what are these other factors that may affect firm decision to use internal or external labour market. Particularly we analyses the relationship among new technologies, innovation activity and firm location on the staffing strategy. The results shows difference behaviour on the decision to fill a vacancy using internal or external labour markets between manufacturing and service firms, and this decision depends not only on firm internal characteristics, like technological complexity or innovation activity, but also on firm location. The results also support the hypothesis of ports of entry especially in the manufacturing sector.
We investigate the determinants of teamwork and workers cooperation within the firm. Up to now the literature has almost exclusively focused on workers incentives as the main determinants for workers cooperation. We take a broader look at the firm's organizational design and analyze the impact that different aspects of it might have on cooperation. In particular, we consider the way in which the degree of decentralization of decisions and the use of complementary HRM practices (what we call the .rm.s vertical organizational design) can affect workers'collaboration with each other. We test the model's predictions on a unique dataset on Spanish small and medium size firms containing a rich set of variables that allows us to use sensible proxies for workers cooperation. We find that the decentralization of labor decisions (and to a less extent that of task planning) has a positive impact on workers cooperation. Likewise, cooperation is positively correlated to many of the HRM practices that seem to favor workers'interaction the most. We also confirm the previous finding that collaborative efforts respond positively to pay incentives, and particularly, to group or company incentives.
The Strategy has two major, interlocking themes for ICT development: Electronic Care Records and Electronic Care Communications. The emphasis of the Strategy is on these themes, but the importance of ICT as a means to access other information and the need to sustain and modernise ICT in other areas is also recognised. åÊ
The overall aim of the strategy is “To reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in the home.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY The key objectives are: • to reduce home accidents, particularly in those most at risk; • to raise awareness of the causes of home accidents and promote effective preventative measures to reduce such accidents; • to promote and facilitate effective training, skills and knowledge in home accident prevention across all relevant organisations, groups and individuals. These objectives will be met through integrated and effective approaches including: • education and information programmes to promote home safety, and promote a change in public behaviour towards home accident prevention; and • the use of evidence based practice, models of good practice, and by evaluating home accident prevention initiatives. OUTCOMES If successful, implementation of this strategy will lead to a reduction in the number of home accidents and contribute to the outcome “reduction in preventable deaths and diseases and improvement in wellbeing” set out in the Northern Ireland Priorities and Budget 2004-2006.