994 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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The radiation in the form of Airy and Gaussian optical pulses is investigated. It is shown that the pulse envelope moves decelerating in the time-spatial coordinates on the surface of a parabolic cylinder for the Airy pulse and a hyperbolic cylinder for the Gaussian. © 2013 IEEE.


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We report on ring thulium-doped fiber laser hybrid mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes and nonlinear polarization evolution generating 600-fs pulses at 1910-1980nm wavelength band with 72.5MHz repetition rate. Average output power reached 300mW in single-pulse operation regime, corresponding to 4.88kW peak power and 2.93nJ pulse energy.


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We have observed unusual asymmetrical refractive index change as a result of femtosecond laser inscription in a crystal without center of inversion. Profile of the refractive index change exhibits sign turn within the domain of femtosecond pulse exposure. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.


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We propose and numerically demonstrate a novel simple method to produce optical Nyquist pulses based on pulse shaping in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the nonlinear in-cavity dynamics of the laser and offers the possibility to generate high-quality sinc-shaped pulses with widely tunable bandwidth directly from the laser oscillator. We also show that the use of a filter with a corrective convex profile relaxes the need for large nonlinear phase accumulation in the cavity by offsetting the concavity of the nonlinearly broadened pulse spectrum.


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The formation and evolution of bound dissipative pulses in the all-normal dispersion Yb-fiber laser based on a novel 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) are first investigated both numerically and experimentally. Based on the nonlinear polarization rotation technique, the TFG and two polarization controllers (PCs) are exploited for stable self-started passive mode locking. Numerical results show that the formation of bound-state pulses in the all-normal dispersion region is the progress of soliton shaping through the dispersive waves and follows the soliton energy quantization effect. Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the formation mechanism of bound-state pulses can be attributed to the high pump strength and effective filter bandwidth. The obtained bound-state dissipative pulses with quasi-rectangular spectral profile have fixed pulse separation as a function of pump power. © 2013 Astro Ltd.


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We numerically show the feasibility of Nyquist optical pulse generation in a mode-locked fibre laser with an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter. The proposed scheme offers the possibility to generate high-quality sinc-shaped pulses with tunable bandwidth.


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We show that self-similar evolution in a fiber laser can stabilize spectra broader than the gain bandwidth. 21-fs pulses, which are the shortest from a fiber laser to date, and 200-nm spectra are generated. © OSA 2012.


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An erbium doped fiber ring laser achieving soliton mode locking by the use of an intra-cavity all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF) has been demonstrated. To incorporate an AFPIF with relative narrow transmission bandwidth, the laser has produced clean soliton pulses of 1.2 ps duration at a repetition rate of 14.98 MHz with a polarization extinction ratio up to 25.7 dB. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the operating wavelength of the mode locking laser can be tuned over 20 nm range from 1545 to 1565 nm by thermally tuning the AFPIF cavity. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We have proposed and demonstrated passive harmonic mode locking of an erbium doped fiber laser with soliton pulse shaping using carbon nanotubes polyvinyl alcohol film. Two types of samples prepared by using filtration and centrifugation were studied. The demonstrated fiber laser can support 10th harmonic order corresponding to 245 MHz repetition rate with an output power of ~12 mW. More importantly, all stable harmonic orders show timing jitter below 10 ps. The output pulses energies are between 25 to 56 pJ. Both samples result in the same central wavelength of output optical spectrum with similar pulse duration of ~1 ps for all harmonic orders. By using the same laser configuration, centrifugated sample exhibits slightly lower pulse chirp. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate an ultrabroadband mode-locked spectrum beyond the gain bandwidth from a fiber laser based on self-similar amplification. 21-fs pulses (the shortest from a fiber laser) are generated after phase correction. © 2012 OSA.


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We study the radiation build-up in laminar and turbulent generation regimes in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. We found the resulted spectral shape and generation type is defined by the total spectral broadening/narrowing balance over laser cavity round-trip, which is substantially different in different regimes starting from first round-trips of the radiation build-up. In turbulent regime, the steady-state is reached only after a few round-trips, while in the laminar regime the laser approaches the equilibrium spectrum shape asymptotically.


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A thulium-doped all-fiber laser passively mode-locked by the co-action of nonlinear polarization evolution and single-walled carbon nanotubes operating at 1860-1980 nm wavelength band is demonstrated. Pumped with the single-mode laser diode at 1.55 μm laser generates near 500-fs soliton pulses at repetition rate ranging from 6.3 to 72.5 MHz in single-pulse operation regime. Having 3-m long cavity average output power reached 300 mW, giving the peak power of 4.88 kW and the pulse energy of 2.93 nJ with slope efficiency higher than 30%. At a 21.6-m long ring cavity average output power of 117 mW is obtained, corresponding to the pulse energy up to 10.87 nJ and a pulse peak power of 21.7 kW, leading to the higher-order soliton generation.


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The modulation instability (MI) in optical fiber amplifiers and lasers with anomalous dispersion leads to CW beam breakup and the growth of multiple pulses. This can be both a detrimental effect, limiting the performance of amplifiers, and also an underlying physical mechanism in the operation of MI-based devices. Here we revisit the analytical theory of MI in fiber optical amplifiers. The results of the exact theory are compared with the previously used adiabatic approximation model, and the range of applicability of the latter is determined. The same technique is applicable to the study of spatial MI in solid state laser amplifiers and MI in non-uniform media. © 2011 SPIE.


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We experimentally demonstrate pabively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) operation using a saturable absorber (SA) based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles (FONPs). As a type of transition metal oxide, the FONPs have a large nonlinear optical response and fast response time. The FONPbased SA pobebes a modulation depth of 8.2% and nonsaturable absorption of 56.6%. Stable pabively Q-switched EDFL pulses with an output pulse energy of 23.76 nJ, a repetition rate of 33.3 kHz, and a pulse width of 3.2 μs were achieved when the input pump power was 110mW. The laser features a low threshold pump power of > 15mW.


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We show both numerically and experimentally that dispersion management can be realized by manipulating the dispersion of a filter in a passively mode-locked fibre laser. A programmable filter the dispersion of which can be software configured is employed in the laser. Solitons, stretched-pulses, and dissipative solitons can be targeted reliably by controlling the filter transmission function only, while the length of fibres is fixed in the laser. This technique shows remarkable advantages in controlling operation regimes in ultrafast fibre lasers, in contrast to the traditional technique in which dispersion management is achieved by optimizing the relative length of fibres with opposite-sign dispersion. Our versatile ultrafast fibre laser will be attractive for applications requiring different pulse profiles such as in optical signal processing and optical communications.