987 resultados para estudantes de artes


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This study is aimed to understand the nurse student s perception on death approach during the undergraduate course, to reveal feelings and meanings generated from studying this topic. The research was undertaken when the project has been approved by the ethics committee of UFRN in accordance to the Opinion Number nº 234/2012. Through a qualitative approach using a phenomenological design, grounding on the ideas of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. It was interviewed ten students who answered the following questions: When during your undergraduate course the topic death and dying is approached? What kind of feelings that theme awakens? What is the significance of studying this subject in nursing education? The speeches analysis shows that the issue of death and dying is addressed in a very timely manner in different disciplines, there is no dialogue between them. Students reveal the fear and anxiety as feelings present when studying the topic; recognize as an important moment of reflection to understand that death is not a health care failure, but an opportunity to understand it as a natural phenomenon. In this perspective, we can conclude that the student need to be conducted in the undergraduate process, not being separated from itself to your world-with-others, but linking their concepts, understanding their feelings as human being then, respect and care for individuals as a being-toward-death. Therefore, the big challenge facing nursing education is to create an environment where death can be discussed about, between teachers and students, mainly in the disciplines that address the issue


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To study the teaching/learning process about the Nursing procedures carried out in the laboratory, and learn both the sapiens and the demens dimensions of such process, is the main purpose of this study. The objectives are to: identify the major laboratory contributions to the teaching/learning process from the point of view of undergraduate students and the feelings they express; describe the difficulties they have identified; and analyze the relevance of the laboratory to this process. As part of the inquiry procedure, four core group meetings were held with 26 undergraduate students who had completed the course on Semiology and Semiotics in Nursing, which is the course where the Nursing laboratory is most needed as a learning space. The analysis, based on a qualitative approach, had as fundamental theoretical support studies made by Friedlander and Hayashida, who deal with learning/teaching in the Nursing laboratory, and by authors who favor humanization in teaching such as, among others, Freire, Maturana, Morin, Assmann. Results point toward the relevance of the Nursing laboratory as a facilitator for the learning/teaching process. In their speech the students repeatedly state that the development of procedures in simulated situations enable them to become more self-assured and technically prepared for caring. In addition, they emphasize that feelings such as fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, anguish and panic become diminished at the time of their clinic experience when they have had previous learning in the laboratory. They have also acknowledged that some difficulties of structural nature have become obstacles to a high-quality learning development. In summary, in spite of the difficulties that have been pointed out by the students concerning the use of the Nursing laboratory in the learning/teaching process, they also recognize that this is the locus par excellence where they can develop their skills and appease their anxieties


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Posture is one of the most worrying problems dentists face. That is because of the high incidence of low back pathologies regarding the professional activity, despite the development on the field of Dental Ergonomics. This work took place at the dental schoolclinic at a Federal University, and it was grounded on the Ergonomic Principles in the workplace. Its main objective was to analyze the determinants of inadequate posture adopted by students inasmuch as the adoption of non ergonomic methods at the school-clinic may influence them to develop inadequate postures in their working environment. The analysis of the activity showed us that it requires some complex procedures in the patient s mouth. Thus, when the students carry out the activity, they start to adopt, although unconsciously, inadequate postures which will make easier the visual accuracy and the access to the operation focus. In case there is no internal (body awareness) or external warning mechanisms (the professor s or the partner s counseling) regarding posture or possible risks which lead them to self-correction, the students become vulnerable to osteomuscle disorders. The time pressure, because the students are expected to perform their task in a predetermined clinical time. The facts related to each patient s variability as well as the stress caused by the expectations to get their work done in time make the students to advance it believing they will waste time if they help their partners or using an indirect view. We could also notice that there was no assistant to perform the job of minor ones, as well as there was no professor who could actually connect the knowledge on Ergonomics to its working practice. The conclusions of this work stand out the need of widen the discussion at the academic environment regarding health professionals in places such as universities. The ergonomic principles in the workplace aim a multidisciplinary analysis based on the experience of students, professors, staff members and janitors that can contribute to some reflection upon the issue and consequently actions which will bring positive changes at the working environment


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The present work has an objective of investigate the acceptability of consumption of the goat meat and studies the perception of university students on the productive sector of goats in the Northeast. The habit to eat goat meat has strong regional traditions and has been suffering the demographic, cultural, economic and personal influences. Currently, a new habit in the food consumers is observed and has been configuring itself a trend that concern with the health and welfare in general, in countries mainly developed. This fact comes directly contributing for the modernization of the production models, including the ambient conscience. The methodology applied includes bibliographical research, data-collecting through questionnaires applied in the UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte ) and analysis of the data using statistic techniques assisted for software Statistica V6. It is concluded that the rate of consumption of goat meat is low in the population studied. The frequency of consumption is higher in times of leisure or to visit relatives. The descriptive analysis of the responses of interviewees shows ignorance of the production of goat meat and its importance to the state of Rio Grande do Norte.


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This work presents a study of the ambient management in urban centers, considering the ambient perception as element necessary to develop in the population the conscience of the necessity to preserve the environment. For this, the attitudes and behaviors of the community, represented for students of an Institution had been evaluated, so that strategies and actions are traced that come to minimize the ambient degradation and to provide an aggregate sustainable development to the economic development. The objective of this research consists of studying the problematic one of the ambient management in urban centers under the point of view of the awareness, of the ambient perception and of the participation of the population, this because the ambient questions are inserted in the aspects that involve the practical life and the daily one, for what becomes excellent to understand that the environment is a right of all, therefore, must be preserved. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type likert contends variables that compose the acts and mannering aspects, beyond a partner-demographic scale. The Chi-square method was used in the analysis statistics de Pearson to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic 0 variable and the acts and mannering variables. The results point that the academic environment is opportune to deal with the subject, in view of that the ambient preservation goes for all the contents, and that the pupils of today will be able, in the future, in its areas of performance to plan action to safeguard the sustainable development. One concludes that the strategies to manage the environment pass for the awareness of the citizen, therefore when it is educated its attitudes will be more responsible, a time that the ambient concern will be present in its day-by-day. Therefore, the Public Power when planning programs of ambient preservation that comes to promote changes of habits of the population, such as: management of the solid residues generated by the population, recycling, programs of selective collections, ambient education, etc. the local community for the success of its actions will have to be involved


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This dissertation presents a discussion on the level of risk awareness of students who have welding practice in the laboratories at CEFET/PI, both in Teresina and Floriano. Its main goal is to investigate risk factors involving students, teachers and employees that work in these laboratories. It s an empirical survey, held among a certain amount of students from the course in Mechanic Technology. For data analysis, the concept of risk was compared to the students direct measure of perception. The main results suggest the students must be better informed, more risk aware and more competent, in order to avoid accidents. They also point to a strong need for a more formal and effective performance to assure full consciousness about the risks involving the welding practice.


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This study deals with environmental issues on agriculture. In this context, the aim of this study is investigate factors able to influence the environmental conscientization of students of a agricultural technicals school about the aspects and environmental impacts related to the agricultural productive process. Besides, the used methodology on this work was to the application of a questionnaire based in Likert-kind scale with closed questions, they are constituted of variables which consisted of groups denominated perception, attitude, communitarian sense, commitment, sel-consciousness, knowledge and student profile. Like data analysis way was used descriptive analysis and chi-square to check the association significance between the perception variable with the variable ones of cited groups. The results obtained show that the environmental knowledge variable was one of the that showed high significance when it associated to the variables of perception group. The students with environmental knowledge showed high consideration that the production activities on agriculture cause large adverse impacts on environment. After the identification of some factors of environmental conscientization are shown recommendations which school must prepare techniques in aware high school of agricultural sciences with the environmental problems which be able to apply sustainable technologies on agriculture instead of traditional ones through the benefit of environment


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Este artigo é uma reflexão sobre o papel que as universidades paulistas e paranaenses desempenham no processo de formação acadêmica dos estudantes dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (Palop), em particular os angolanos. Essa formação na instituição de ensino superior propicia novos diálogos e novas sínteses identitárias possibilitadas por outras práticas culturais apreendidas no contato com alunos, docentes, funcionários, instituições acadêmicas e de pesquisa que ignoram a realidade vivenciada por eles em Angola. Constituiremos, assim, o cenário histórico-cultural; o percurso acadêmico e identitário do estudante angolano; o contexto estudantil angolano; a história recente desse país; o lugar do intelectual e do professor universitário; o papel e o uso da língua portuguesa no Brasil e em Angola no ambiente estudantil, familiar e na rua. Buscamos entender o imaginário do jovem estudante intercambista angolano que convive com os conflitos do estigma do migrante temporário e do estereótipo do refugiado de guerra.


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Discutem-se os tipos de Violência Sexual (VS) sofridos na infância e/ou adolescência e suas vicissitudes, nas trajetórias sexuais de 236 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, cursando o Ensino Médio no interior do Oeste Paulista que declararam ter sofrido um ou mais tipos de violência sexual. Dentre esses tipos, destacamos a Violência Doméstica Sexual (VDS), aqui definida como intrafamiliar. Nesse caso, observamos que, dentre os 236 adolescentes com histórico de VDS, 94 (39.8%) declararam ter pensado em suicídio e 39 (16.5%) disseram ter tentado, sendo que 35 (89.7%) deles se declararam heterossexuais (27 [77.1%] do sexo feminino) e 4 não-heterossexuais (3 bissexuais e 1 outro, sendo todos do sexo feminino). A maioria das vítimas finda por relatar o ocorrido aos amigos e responsáveis, mas pouco ou nada é feito, em termos de medidas protetivas a elas.


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In this study we investigate the reference to other s discourse done it through the resource of direct cited discourse at background section in monographic texts produced by university students at the last phase of final work in their graduate Letras course. This work is guided in cited/related discourse studies in Bakhtin (2004), Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, 2004), Maingueneau (1996, 2002), Charaudeau and Maingueneau (2004); in genre approaches developed by Bakhtin (2000); Maingueneau (1996, 2002); socio-discursive interaction (BRONCKART, 1999, 2003; SCHNEUWLY, 2004; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and Bazerman (2005); and also in presuppositions of Textual Linguistics presented by Charrolles (1988), Van Dijk (1997), Beaugrande and Dressier (1981), Koch and Travaglia (1993, 1995), Koch (2002, 2004) and Val (2000, 2004). We have established as aims to analyze and interpret meaning relations problems in how to articulate direct cited discourse with citing discourse and at the same time explain semantic implications that comes from that articulation that compromise text meaning, at background section in that monographic genre. The analysis, by qualitative and quantitative basis in eleven monographic works that form our corpus, gave us the opportunity to achieve and see that meaning relationships in the articulation of direct cited discourse with citing discourse show problems that may be categorized into three different groups: problems related to meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes before it, problems of meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes after it, and problems with of meaning relationships with citing discourse that come before it and at the same time with citing discourse that comes after it (i.e. in relation to both). These analysis also allow us assert that, these problems, just because they occur frequently, they affect the micro level text coherence, and they also compromise the text global meaning. The results show that students at Letras Course, even in the ending process of their course do not show the real domain in relation to some ways of direct cited discourse organization and working, and also how the ideas articulation work in the construction of relations between direct cited discourse and the citing discourse that can turn those students able to produce a text that enhance acceptable patterns


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This work researches about the authorship marks in academic reviews of graduating students, besides the author discursive points of view. We detect the voices presented in the text, that is, the expressions of the discourse from the I and from the others, trying to explicitate the forms of the author review insertion. It is oriented by the conception that the author is the subject of his/her discourse, creating a position in relation to the discourse of the other(s) with which he/she maintains a dialogue. Our corpus is constituted of ten (10) academic reviews, produced by students from the Course of Letras, from Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN, do Campus Avançado Prof.ª Maria Elisa de Albuquerque Maia CAMEAM. The data signalize to the perception that the subject constitutes author, when he/she gives voice to the other; showing his/her point of view; pointing to the discourse of the other; and/or getting far from the text. That way, it is observed that the genre academic review can be considered as text that reconfigures the original text, that is, as a text that comments, criticizes, confirms the text that is object of its analyses. The theoretical background that influences the research comes from the dialogical language conception, from discursive genres and from Volochinov/Bakhtin (1997, 2003) authorship. To the discussion and the analyses of the discursive genre academic review , it is mentioned the MOTTA-ROTH and MEURER (2002); POSSENTI (2001, 2002) conceptions.


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This research is inserted in Textual Analysis of Discourses (from now on, TAD), elaborated by linguist J-M Adam and developed nowadays by scholars from Brazilian textual linguistic. ATD consists of a theoretical and descriptive perspective from Textual Linguistics that is concerned about a theoretical and methodological position which sets Textual Linguistics in the most extensive Discourse Analysis panorama. In this work, on the enunciative level of text we investigate: the enunciative responsibility (ADAM, 2008) in 14 examples of the academic genre paper published in the journal Ao Pé da Letra and written by university students from degree in Language. The research is oriented by the studies about enunciative responsibility by Adam (2008, 2010), Rabatel (2010), Guentchéva (1994), the perspective of discursive heterogeneity by Authier-Revuz (2004). We established as general objective: (1) Analyzing the occurrence of the (not) assumption of enunciative responsibility in the academic genre paper . The analysis followed the qualitative paradigm on an interpretative basis. The conclusions show, therefore, the excerpts of the discursive genre used to present the analysis reveal a particular nature of using the recourse to the discourse of several knowledge sources that many times can (not) be assumed by the enunciator.


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This study discusses the evaluation of the English language‟s learning developed in a public high school from Lajes-RN in 2011 starting from a qualitative evaluation proposal (SAUL 1988; CANAN, 1996; DEMO, 2008) aiming the production of knowledge about the evaluation process developed in the classes of English language involving the contributions from students. To diagnose and characterize the evaluation process of English language of the researched school, identifying the representations that students attributed to the evaluation, we have implemented the evaluation instruments suggested by students to perform the evaluation of language learning and allowed a reflection about the student‟s participation in the construction of the evaluation process of the English language, subject discussed by Sant‟anna (2002) and other theorists (CANAN, 1996; BRAZIL, 2002; PEREIRA, 2009). To conduct the research work, we use the qualitative approach with ethnographic basis, substantiate in authors like Bogdan, Biklen (1994), Mazzotti; Gewandsznajder (1998), Strauss, Corbin (2008) among others. The methodology was the action research (ANDRÉ, 1995; NUNAN, 2007; LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2008) described as research of empirical basis which associates an action with a resolution of a collective problem, because in it, its researchers and employees are engaged in a cooperatively way (THIOLLENT, 1985). When we treat about the evaluation of English language‟s learning (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993; SCARAMUCCI, 2009) practiced before and after the contributions made by the students of the second year of the refereed school, the study considers that high school students have a more critical and reflective conscience with regard to their evaluations, not just opining on the assessment of learning English but also about the assessment of other subjects from their scholar curriculum and so this research presents possibilities for performing the act of evaluation which consider the participation of students in decisions regarding this process, because we cogitate that when the teachers share the decisions with their students, teachers can add quality to the evaluation process


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Nowadays, technology has a direct influence on the relationship student and teacher have with language. The internet is a powerful tool in helping work with the language and, through it, the knowledge comes to the student easily and intensely. Furthermore, this facility has enhanced and made visible what has been called, within the University community, "plagiarism generation." This work assumes that this generation has, in their written texts, symbolic movements similar to those of "copy and paste" applied to research work carried out by high school students. Taking this as starting point, this dissertation aims to analyze how high school students of the 1st year from a school in Natal (RN) construct texts, under the movements known as "Ctrl + c" and "Ctrl + v", with reference to the text of the "other". More specific issues are behind the general objective, namely: 1. how the student appropriates the source-text when he copies and pastes? 2. What are the categories of analysis that allow us to look analytically and theoretically for the "ctrl + c / ctrl + v" practice made by the student? 2. how the studies developed in the fields of "Genetic Criticism" (Grésillon, 1987), the "school manuscripts" (Calil, 2004) and "paraphrase" (Fuchs, 1982) may help in working with writing in the classroom standing as a possible way to minimize the copy and paste effects in the students texts? Thus, we observe the categories of analysis that allow us to look, theoretically and analytically, for the symbolic ritual of the "ctrl + c" (copy) and "ctrl + v" (paste) in high school. Our study shows that the student text is a "hybrid body" whose writing is a drawing entanglement because of the presence of the foreign text, verbatim, and the presence of linguistic elements to paraphrase the original text.This textual embodiment has, behind it, certain operations, namely: replacing, moving, adding and deleting statements. Given the specificity of the data and the research objectives, this study aligns with qualitative research methods (SILVERMAN, 2009) and falls within the knowledge field of Applied Linguistics, which is characterized especially by investigating problems, phenomena in which language in a real situation is taken as central (BRUMFIT, 1995).Theoretically, our work follows the approach of studies on the paraphrase (Fuchs, 1982, 1994a, 1994b; DAUNAY, 1997, 1999, 2002a, 2002b), the studies developed in the field of Genetic Criticism (Grésillon, 1987, 1994, 1992, 2008 ) and those developed by Eduardo Calil (2004) on "school manuscripts"