1000 resultados para electrolyte electroreflectance spectroscopy


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The reactions of As-chlorocyclotriphosphazane [EtNPCl], with phenols or trifluoroethanol yield the respective aryloxy- or trifluoroethoxy-containingX 3-cyclotriphosphazanes [EtNP(OR)]3 (R = C6H4Br-4 (2),C 6H5 (3C,6 H3-Mez-3,5 (4), C6H3Mez-2,6 (5), CH2CF3 (6)) as their cis-transisomericmixtures. The products have beencharacterized by IRand NMRspectroscopy. Thecrystalstructuresofboth thecis (2a) and trans(2b) isomer_softhep-bromophenoxy derivative have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Crystal data for 2a: triclinic, P1, a = 9.872(4) A, b = 13.438(6) A, c = 13.548(8) A, CY = 117.02(5)', 0 = 96.00(6)', y = 105.38(4)O, Z = 2, final R = 0.080. Crystal data for 2b: monoclinic, P21/n, a = 12.721(6) A, b = 13.468(7) A, c = 17.882(5) A, /3 = 101.62(3)O, Z = 4, final R = 0.066. The cis isomer exhibits a chair-triaxial conformation and the trans isomer a boat-triaxial conformation. Conformational preferences of X3-cyclotriphosphazanes have been probed by both MNDO and ab initio calculations on model systems [HNPXIp (X = H, F). In addition to vicinal lone pair repulsions, negative hyperconjugative interactions involving the nitrogen lone pairs and adjacent P-X Q* orbitals are found to be important (especially when X is an electronegative substituent) in determining the conformational preferences of X3-cyclotriphosphazanes. The calculations also show that the axial - equatorial conversion at phosphorus has a large activation barrier in these systems


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A cross-linked polymer-gel soft matter electrolyte with superior electrochemical, thermal and mechanical properties obtained from free radical polymerization of vinyl monomers in a semi-solid organic nonionic plastic crystalline electrolyte for application in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is discussed here.


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Electrochemical reduction of exfoliated graphene oxide, prepared from pre-exfoliated graphite, in acetamide-urea-ammonium nitrate ternary eutectic melt results in few layer-graphene thin films. Negatively charged exfoliated graphene oxide is attached to positively charged cystamine monolyer self-assembled on a gold surface. Electrochemical reduction of the oriented graphene oxide film is carried out in a room temperature, ternary molten electrolyte. The reduced film is characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), conductive AFM, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Ternary eutectic melt is found to be a suitable medium for the regulated reduction of graphene oxide to reduced graphene oxide-based sheets on conducting surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diacetylenic phospholipid, 1,2 bis-(tricosa-10,12-diynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC), forms helices and tubules in addition to liposomes. The diacetylenic moiety responsible for the transformation is probed by 2-D NMR correlated spectroscopy. Chemical shift assignments and the analysis of 2D-COSY measurements were done on the lipid in chloroform-d solution. Based on this analysis, a model for the lipid is proposed. The geometry of the headgroup, glycerol backbone and acyl chains up to three methylenes from glycerol backbone [-(CH2)(3)-] is similar to that of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. The estimated torsional angle for methylene groups adjacent to diacetylenic moieties suggested an overall tilt of the diacetylenic lipid molecule from the bilayer axis of 25-30 degrees. This tilt could be negative or positive depending on the handedness of the resultant microstructures.


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Influence of succinonitrile (SN) dynamics on ion transport in SN-lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) electrolytes is discussed here via dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (similar to 2 x 10(-3) Hz to 3 MHz) of SN and SN-LiClO4 was studied as a function of salt content (up to 7 mol % or 1 M) and temperature (-20 to +60 degrees C). Analyses of real and imaginary parts of permittivity convincingly reveal the influence Of trans gauche isomerism and solvent-salt association (solvation) effects on ion transport. The relaxation processes are highly dependent on the salt concentration and temperature. While pristine SN display only intrinsic dynamics (i.e., trans-gauche isomerism) which enhances with an increase in temperature, SN-LiClO4 electrolytes especially at high salt concentrations (similar to 0.04-1 M) show salt-induced relaxation processes. In the concentrated electrolytes, the intrinsic dynamics was observed to be a function of salt content, becoming faster with an increase in salt concentration. Deconvolution of the imaginary part of the permittivity spectra using Havriliak-Negami (HN) function show a relaxation process corresponding to the above phenomena. The permittivity data analyzed using HN and Kohlrausch-Williams-Watta (KWW) functions show non-Debye relaxation processes and enhancement in the trans phase (enhanced solvent dynamics) as a function of salt concentration and temperature.


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New vibrational Raman features characteristic to the conductive form of polyaniline have been observed with the near-infrared excitation at 1047 nm. Based on an analogy with the resonance Raman spectrum of Michler's ketone in the lowest excited triplet (T-1) state, we consider these features as due to a dynamic structure of a diimino-1,4-phenylene unit in the polyaniline chain exchanging a positive charge very rapidly. This consideration directly leads to a conducting mechanism in which a positive charge migrates from one nitrogen to the other through the conjugated chain of polyaniline.


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Application of ultrafast lasers to chemistry and biology has been an active area of research in the international scene for over a decade for physical and biophysical chemists. Perhaps, ultrafast laser spectroscopy is one of the most versatile tools available today to experimentally study structure and dynamics in the time domain of nanoseconds (10(-9) sec) to femtoseconds (10(-15) sec). In this article we attempt to highlight some of the recent developments in ultrafast laser spectroscopy with particular reference to vibrational spectroscopy, viz. infrared and Raman spectroscopy, in the above time domain.


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The effect of acid/base functional-groups associated with platinized-carbon electrodes on their catalytic activity toward electro-oxidation of methanol in sulfuric acid electrolyte at 60-degrees-C is studied. Platinized-carbon electrodes with sm amounts of functional groups exhibit higher catalytic activity compared to those with large concentrations of acidic/basic surface functionalities. The overpotential for methanol oxidation is minimum on electrodes of platinized carbons with pHzpc values between 6 and 7. An x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of various platinized carbons suggests that the acid/base surface functional-groups produce ample amounts of surface Pt-oxides and a consequent decrease in activity toward methanol oxidation.


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Electro-oxidation of methanol was studied on carbon-supported Pt---Sn/C electrodes in silcotungstic acid (SiWA) at various concentrations. The porous-carbon electrodes employing Pt---Sn/C catalyst have been characterized using chemical analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with electrochemistry. The presence of Pt---Sn and Pt3Sn alloys along with Pt and SnO2 phases in the catalyst were identified by XRD. XPS analysis showed a lower amount of PtO species in the Pt---Sn/C catalyst with respect to the corresponding Pt/C sample. From the steady-state galvanostatic polarization data on Pt---Sn/C electrodes in SiWA, it is inferred that a one-electron process is the rate determining step. The performance of the electrodes in 0.084 M SiWA was better than in 2.5 M H2SO4 under similar conditions up to load currents of about 100 mA cm−2 indicating the promoting behaviour of the electrolyte. At currents larger than 100 mA cm−2, the performance of the electrodes in 0.084 SiWA was poorer than that in 2.5 M H2SO4 mainly due to the dominance of mass polarization in the former owing to the large size of keggin units associated with the structure of SiWA. This aspect was supported by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies on Pt---Sn/C electrodes. Simulation of the electrochemical impedance response for the oxidation of methanol in SiWA was carried out using the equivalent electrical circuit model.


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This article is a review of our work related to Raman studies of single layer and bilayer graphenes as a function Fermi level shift achieved by electrochemically top gating a field effect transistor. Combining the transport and in situ Raman studies of the field effect devices, a quantitative understanding is obtained of the phonon renormalization due to doping of graphene. Results are discussed in the light of time dependent perturbation theory, with electron phonon coupling parameter as an input from the density functional theory. It is seen that phonons near and Gamma and K points of the Brillouin zone are renormalized very differently by doping. Further, Gamma-phonon renormalization is different in bilayer graphene as compared to single layer, originating from their different electronic band structures near the zone boundary K-point. Thus Raman spectroscopy is not only a powerful probe to characterize the number of layers and their quality in a graphene sample, but also to quantitatively evaluate electron phonon coupling required to understand the performance of graphene devices.


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Electro-oxidation of methanol was studied on carbon-supported Pt-Sn/C electrodes in silcotungstic acid (SiWA) at various concentrations. The porous-carbon electrodes employing Pt-Sn/C catalyst have been characterized using chemical analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with electrochemistry. The presence of Pt-Sn and Pt3Sn alloys along with Pt and SnO2 phases in the catalyst were identified by XRD. XPS analysis showed a lower amount of PtO species in the Pt-Sn/C catalyst with respect to the corresponding Pt/C sample. From the steady-state galvanostatic polarization data on Pt-Sn/C electrodes in SiWA, it is inferred that a one-electron process is the rate determining step. The performance of the electrodes in 0.084 M SiWA was better than in 2.5 M H2SO4 under similar conditions up to load currents of about 100 mA cm-2 indicating the promoting behaviour of the electrolyte. At currents larger than 100 mA cm-2, the performance of the electrodes in 0.084 SiWA was poorer than that in 2.5M H2SO4 mainly due to the dominance of mass polarization in the former owing to the large size of Keggin units associated with the structure of SiWA. This aspect was supported by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies on Pt-Sn/C electrodes. Simulation of the electrochemical impedance response for the oxidation of methanol in SiWA was carried out using the equivalent electrical circuit model.


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In this paper we discuss the different models proposed to explain the visible luminescence in porous silicon (PS). We review our recent photoluminescence and Raman studies on PS as a function of different preparation conditions and isochronal thermal annealing. Our results can be explained by a hybrid model which incorporates both nanostructures for quantum confinement and silicon complexes (such as SiHx, and siloxene) and defects at Si/SiO2, interfaces as luminescent centres.


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Design and operational details for a self-supported polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) system with anodic dead-end fuel supply and internally humidified cathodic oxidant flow are described. During the PEFC operation, nitrogen and water back diffuse across the Nafion membrane from the cathode to the anode and accumulate in the anode flow channels affecting stack performance. The accumulated inert species are flushed from the stack by purging the fuel cell stack with a timer-activated purge valve to address the aforesaid problem. To minimize the system complexity, stack is designed in such a way that all the inert species accumulate in only one cell called the purge cell. A pulsed purge sequence comprises opening the valve for purge duration followed by purge-valve closing for the hold period and repeating the sequence in cycles. Since self-humidification is inadequate to keep the membrane wet, the anodic dead-end-operated PEFC stack with composite membrane comprising perflourosulphonic acid (Nafion) and silica is employed for keeping the membrane humidified even while operating the stack with dry hydrogen and internally humidified air.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy of C-70 films deposited on HOPG and gold substrates has been carried but to investigate the 2D packing, defects and disorder. Besides providing direct evidence for orientational disorder, high resolution; images showing the carbon skeleton as well as the molecular arrangement in a solid solution of C-70 and C-60 are presented. Tunneling conductance measurements Indicate a small gap in the C-70 film deposited on HOPG substrate.